diff --git a/docs/about/faq.mdx b/docs/about/faq.mdx
index dffcad3b..19e8ec6b 100644
--- a/docs/about/faq.mdx
+++ b/docs/about/faq.mdx
@@ -190,38 +190,38 @@ If you use your ham radio license with Meshtastic, consider both the privileges
## Overview
## Android Client
## Apple Clients
## Channels
## Python CLI
## Devices
## Amateur Radio (ham)
Meshtastic can be used by both unlicensed people and licensed HAM operators.
## Mesh
## Modules
diff --git a/src/components/FaqAccordion.tsx b/src/components/FaqAccordion.tsx
index 08455534..4a9a3993 100644
--- a/src/components/FaqAccordion.tsx
+++ b/src/components/FaqAccordion.tsx
@@ -16,83 +16,69 @@ export interface Faq {
- * Gets the query parameter `openFaqItems` which is an array of
- * faq items that should be pre-opened
- * @type {Function}
+ * Finds the nearest heading to an element
+ * @param {Element} null The element to find the nearest heading to
+ * @return {Element|null} The heading or null
-const getOpenFaqItemsFromUrl = (slug: string): string[] => {
- if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
- // Use URLSearchParams to parse the query parameters from the current URL
- const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
+const findNearestHeading = (element: Element): Element | null => {
+ const isHeading = (element: Element): boolean => /^H[1-6]$/.test(element.tagName);
+ let currentElement: Element | null = element;
- // Get the 'openFaqItems' parameter as a comma-separated string
- const openFaqItemsString = searchParams.get(`openFaqItems-${slug}`);
+ while (currentElement !== null) {
+ // Check previous siblings
+ let prevSibling: Element | null = currentElement.previousElementSibling;
+ while (prevSibling) {
+ if (isHeading(prevSibling)) {
+ return prevSibling;
+ }
+ prevSibling = prevSibling.previousElementSibling;
+ }
- // If the parameter exists, split it by commas into an array; otherwise, return an empty array
- return openFaqItemsString ? openFaqItemsString.split(",") : [];
+ // If no heading is found among siblings, move to the parent node
+ currentElement = currentElement.parentElement;
+ return null;
- * Updates query parameters in the url when items are opened
- * so that a link can be shared with the faq item already opened
+ * Takes in uuids from react-accessible-accordion onchange event
+ * and updates the browser url with the nearest heading's id
+ * @param {[type]} void [description]
+ * @return {[type]} [description]
-const handleChange = (
- openFaqItems: (string | number)[],
- slug: string,
-): void => {
- const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
+const updateURLWithNearestHeadingId = (targetElementUuid: string): void => {
+ const targetElement: HTMLElement | null = document.getElementById(`accordion__heading-${targetElementUuid}`);
- if (openFaqItems.length > 0) {
- // Create comma-separated string and update/add the parameter
- searchParams.set(
- `openFaqItems-${slug}`,
- openFaqItems.map(String).join(","),
- );
- } else {
- // If openFaqItems is empty, remove the parameter from the URL
- searchParams.delete(`openFaqItems-${slug}`);
+ const nearestHeading: Element | null = targetElement ? findNearestHeading(targetElement) : null;
+ if (nearestHeading && nearestHeading.id) {
+ window.history.pushState({}, '', `#${nearestHeading.id}`);
- // Construct the new URL, preserve existing parameters
- const newUrl = `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.host}${
- window.location.pathname
- }?${searchParams.toString()}`;
- // Change the URL without reloading the page
- window.history.pushState({ path: newUrl }, "", newUrl);
export const FaqAccordion = ({
- slug,
-}: { rows: Faq[]; slug: string }): JSX.Element => {
+}: { rows: Faq[] }): JSX.Element => {
return (
- Loading FAQ's...}>
- {() => {
- return (
- {
- handleChange(itemUuids, slug);
- }}
- preExpanded={getOpenFaqItemsFromUrl(slug)}
- >
- {rows.map((row, index) => (
- // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noArrayIndexKey: React complains if there is no key
- {row.title}
- {row.content}
- ))}
- );
+ {
+ updateURLWithNearestHeadingId(itemUuids);
+ >
+ {rows.map((row, index) => (
+ // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noArrayIndexKey: React complains if there is no key
+ {row.title}
+ {row.content}
+ ))}