--- id: initial-config title: Initial Configuration sidebar_label: Initial Configuration slug: /getting-started/initial-config sidebar_position: 4 --- import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs"; import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem"; import LoRaRegions from "../blocks/_lora-regions.mdx"; import Link from "@docusaurus/Link"; ## Supported Clients per Connection Type Depending on your connection, some configuration options are not fully supported. Find out which client is best for your type of connection. <Tabs groupId="settings" defaultValue="ble" values={[ {label: 'Serial', value: 'serial'}, {label: 'Bluetooth', value: 'ble'}, {label: 'Network', value: 'network'}, ]}> <TabItem value="serial"> - [Python CLI](/docs/software/python/cli/) - [Web Client](https://client.meshtastic.org) - [Android App](/docs/category/android-app) </TabItem> <TabItem value="ble"> - [Android App](/docs/category/android-app) - [Web Client](https://client.meshtastic.org) - [iOS App](/docs/category/apple-apps) </TabItem> <TabItem value="network"> :::info Connecting over network is only supported on ESP32 devices. ::: - [Web Client](https://client.meshtastic.org) - [Android App](/docs/category/android-app) - [iOS App](/docs/category/apple-apps) - [Python CLI](/docs/software/python/cli/) </TabItem> </Tabs> ## Set Regional Settings In order to start communicating over the mesh, you must set your region. This setting controls which frequency range your device uses and should be set according to your regional location. <Tabs groupId="settings" defaultValue="apple" values={[ {label: 'Android', value: 'android'}, {label: 'Apple', value: 'apple'}, {label: 'CLI', value: 'cli'}, {label: 'Web', value: 'web'}, ]}> <TabItem value="android"> 1. Follow the [installation](/docs/software/android/installation) and [usage](/docs/software/python/cli/usage) instructions for [Meshtastic Android](/docs/category/android-app). 2. Open the app, connect to the device from your phone over USB Serial or Bluetooth. 3. Once paired, Click "UNSET" next to the device name. 4. Select the region from the list according to your regional location. </TabItem> <TabItem value="apple"> :::info Configuration of Region, Modem Preset and Hop Limit is available on iOS, iPadOS and macOS at Settings > Radio Configuration > LoRa. ::: </TabItem> <TabItem value="cli"> 1. Install [Meshtastic PythonCLI](/docs/software/python/cli/installation) ```sh pip3 install --upgrade pytap2 pip3 install --upgrade meshtastic ``` 2. Run the following command, replacing `<REGION-CODE>` with the region code listed above according to your regional location. ```sh meshtastic --set lora.region <REGION-CODE> ``` </TabItem> <TabItem value="web"> 1. Open the Meshtastic Web interface: [client.meshtastic.org](https://client.meshtastic.org) 2. Navigate to the **LoRa** menu. 3. Under **Regional Settings**, set your **Region** according to your regional location. 4. Click **Save**. </TabItem> </Tabs> ### Region Codes <LoRaRegions /> ## Continue Configuration Now that you have set the LoRa region on your device, you can continue with configuring any additional configs to suit your needs. <div className="indexCtasBody"> <Link className={"button button--outline button--lg cta--button"} to={"/docs/settings/"} > Device Configuration </Link> </div>