--- id: quick-start title: Quick Start Guide sidebar_label: Quick Start Guide sidebar_position: 1 description: The official Meshtastic guide to get you started fast. --- import Link from "@docusaurus/Link"; ## 1. Select hardware If you haven't already purchased hardware, [find supported hardware](/docs/hardware/devices/index.mdx) ## 2. Connect Device :::danger STOP! Put The Power Cable Down! Never power on the radio without attaching an antenna as doing so may damage the radio chip! ::: ### Verify Data Cable Some cables only support _charging_. Verify that your cable is also capable of _transferring data_ before proceeding. To verify, try connecting it to another device (like a phone) to see if you can copy a file to or from it. ## 3. Flash Firmware Now that your device is connected, use the [Web Flasher](https://flasher.meshtastic.org/) to flash the latest firmware to your device. ## 4. Configure your region Finally, to start communicating over the mesh, you must [configure your region](/docs/configuration/). ## 5. Start meshing! Check out our [tips and best practices](/docs/getting-started/tips/) for the best experience. With the antenna attached, the latest firmware, and your region configured, you can now start sending messages over the mesh! For advanced configuration, check out the full [configuration documentation](/docs/configuration/).