id: core-module
title: RAK WisBlock Core Modules
sidebar_label: Core Modules
sidebar_position: 2

import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';

## WisBlock Core

{label: 'RAK4631', value: 'RAK4631'},
{label: 'RAK11200', value: 'RAK11200'}

<TabItem value="RAK4631">

### RAK4631

Please be aware of the difference between the RAK4631 (Arduino bootloader) and the RAK4631-R (RUI3 bootloader). Meshtastic requires the Arduino bootloader. If you have a RAK4631-R, please see the [instructions for converting the bootloader](/docs/guides/convert-rak4631r).

- [RAK4631](https://store.rakwireless.com/products/rak4631-lpwan-node?variant=37505443856582)
  - **MCU** 
    - nRF52840 
      - Bluetooth BLE 5.0
      - Very low power consumption
  - **Meshtastic Firmware**
    - [`firmware-rak4631-2.X.X.xxxxxxx.uf2`](/downloads)
  - **LoRa transceiver**
    - SX1262
  - **Frequency Options**
    - 433 MHz
    - 470 MHz
    - 799 MHz
    - 865 MHz
    - 868 MHz
    - 915 MHz
    - 920 MHz
    - 923 MHz
  - **Connectors**
    - U.FL antenna

Further information on the RAK4631 can be found on the [RAK Documentation Center](https://docs.rakwireless.com/Product-Categories/WisBlock/RAK4631/Overview/#product-description).

  alt="RAK4631 Core Module"
  style={{ zoom: '50%' }}

<TabItem value="RAK11200">

### RAK11200 / RAK13300

:::caution Note
Only supported on the RAK5005-O / RAK19007 and the RAK19001 base board.

The RAK11200 does not contain a LoRa transceiver, and thus needs to be added separately in the form of the [RAK13300 LPWAN module](https://store.rakwireless.com/products/rak13300-wisblock-lpwan). This occupies the IO Port of the base board.

- [RAK11200](https://store.rakwireless.com/products/wiscore-esp32-module-rak11200)
  - **MCU** 
    - ESP32-WROVER
      - Bluetooth 4.2
      - WiFi 802.11 b/g/n
      - High power consumption (relative to nRF52)
  - **Meshtastic Firmware**
    - [`firmware-rak11200-2.X.X.xxxxxx.bin`](/downloads)

Further information on the RAK11200 can be found on the [RAK Documentation Center](https://docs.rakwireless.com/Product-Categories/WisBlock/RAK11200/Overview/#product-description).

- [RAK13300](https://store.rakwireless.com/products/rak13300-wisblock-lpwan)
  - **LoRa transceiver**
    - SX1262
  - **Frequency Options**
    - 433 MHz
    - 470 MHz
    - 864 MHz
    - 865 MHz
    - 868 MHz
    - 915 MHz
    - 920 MHz
    - 923 MHz
  - **Connectors**
    - U.FL antenna

Further information on the RAK13300 can be found on the [RAK Documentation Center](https://docs.rakwireless.com/Product-Categories/WisBlock/RAK13300/Overview/#product-description).

  alt="RAK4631 5005 11200"
  style={{ zoom: '50%' }}
