--- id: bluetooth title: Bluetooth Settings sidebar_label: Bluetooth --- import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; The bluetooth config options are: Enabled, Pairing Mode and Fixed PIN Value. Bluetooth config uses an admin message sending a `Config.Bluetooth` protobuf. ## Bluetooth Config Values ### Enabled Enables bluetooth ### Pairing Mode ### Fixed PIN If your pairing mode is set to fixed PIN this is the value of that fixed 6 digit pin. Default value is 123456 ## Bluetooth Module Config Client Availability :::info Bluetooth module config is not available for Android. ::: :::info All bluetooth config values are available on iOS, iPadOS and macOS at Settings > Radio Configuration > Position. ::: All bluetooth module config options are available in the python CLI. Example commands are below: | Setting | Acceptable Values | Default | | :-----------------------: | :-----------------: | :-----: | | bluetooth.enabled | `true`, `false` | `true` | | bluetooth.mode | `RANDOM_PIN`, `FIXED_PIN`, `NO_PIN` | `RANDOM_PIN` | | bluetooth.fixedPin | `integer` 6 Digits | `123456` | ```shell title="Enable/Disable Bluetooth Module" meshtastic --set bluetooth.enabled true meshtastic --set bluetooth.enabled false ``` ```shell title="Set a fixed pin" meshtastic --set bluetooth.mode FIXED_PIN meshtastic --set bluetooth.fixed_pin 111111 ``` :::info All bluettoth module config options are available for the Web UI. :::