--- id: user title: User Configuration sidebar_label: User --- import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; The user config options are: Short Name, Long Name, Licensed Operator, Transmit Power at Antenna Connector, Antenna Gain and Antenna Azimuth. User config uses an admin message sending a `User` protobuf. ## User Config Values ### Short Name ### Long Name ### Licensed Operator ### Transmit Power at Antenna Connector ### Antenna Gain ### Antenna Azimuth ## Device Config Client Availability :::info Long Name can be edited on Android. ::: :::info Short Name and Long Name user config options are available on iOS, iPadOS and macOS at Settings > Radio Configuration > User. ::: All display config options are available in the python CLI. Example commands are below: :::info No user config options are available in the Flasher. ::: :::info All user config options are available in the Web UI. :::