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Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)" }, "theme.blog.tagTitle": { "message": "{nPosts} tagged with \"{tagName}\"", "description": "The title of the page for a blog tag" }, "theme.tags.tagsPageLink": { "message": "View All Tags", "description": "The label of the link targeting the tag list page" }, "theme.colorToggle.ariaLabel": { "message": "Switch between dark and light mode (currently {mode})", "description": "The ARIA label for the navbar color mode toggle" }, "theme.colorToggle.ariaLabel.mode.dark": { "message": "dark mode", "description": "The name for the dark color mode" }, "theme.colorToggle.ariaLabel.mode.light": { "message": "light mode", "description": "The name for the light color mode" }, "theme.docs.DocCard.categoryDescription": { "message": "{count} items", "description": "The default description for a category card in the generated index about how many items this category includes" }, "theme.docs.breadcrumbs.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Breadcrumbs", "description": "The ARIA label for the breadcrumbs" }, "theme.docs.paginator.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Docs pages navigation", "description": "The ARIA label for the docs pagination" }, "theme.docs.paginator.previous": { "message": "Previous", "description": "The label used to navigate to the previous doc" }, "theme.docs.paginator.next": { "message": "Next", "description": "The label used to navigate to the next doc" }, "theme.docs.versions.unreleasedVersionLabel": { "message": "This is unreleased documentation for {siteTitle} {versionLabel} version.", "description": "The label used to tell the user that he's browsing an unreleased doc version" }, "theme.docs.versions.unmaintainedVersionLabel": { "message": "This is documentation for {siteTitle} {versionLabel}, which is no longer actively maintained.", "description": "The label used to tell the user that he's browsing an unmaintained doc version" }, "theme.docs.versions.latestVersionSuggestionLabel": { "message": "For up-to-date documentation, see the {latestVersionLink} ({versionLabel}).", "description": "The label used to tell the user to check the latest version" }, "theme.docs.versions.latestVersionLinkLabel": { "message": "latest version", "description": "The label used for the latest version suggestion link label" }, "theme.docs.tagDocListPageTitle.nDocsTagged": { "message": "One doc tagged|{count} docs tagged", "description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} docs tagged\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)" }, "theme.docs.tagDocListPageTitle": { "message": "{nDocsTagged} with \"{tagName}\"", "description": "The title of the page for a docs tag" }, "theme.docs.versionBadge.label": { "message": "Version: {versionLabel}" }, "theme.common.editThisPage": { "message": "Edit this page", "description": "The link label to edit the current page" }, "theme.common.headingLinkTitle": { "message": "Direct link to {heading}", "description": "Title for link to heading" }, "theme.lastUpdated.atDate": { "message": " on {date}", "description": "The words used to describe on which date a page has been last updated" }, "theme.lastUpdated.byUser": { "message": " by {user}", "description": "The words used to describe by who the page has been last updated" }, "theme.lastUpdated.lastUpdatedAtBy": { "message": "Last updated{atDate}{byUser}", "description": "The sentence used to display when a page has been last updated, and by who" }, "theme.navbar.mobileVersionsDropdown.label": { "message": "Versions", "description": "The label for the navbar versions dropdown on mobile view" }, "theme.tags.tagsListLabel": { "message": "Tags:", "description": "The label alongside a tag list" }, "theme.AnnouncementBar.closeButtonAriaLabel": { "message": "Close", "description": "The ARIA label for close button of announcement bar" }, "theme.blog.sidebar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Blog recent posts navigation", "description": "The ARIA label for recent posts in the blog sidebar" }, "theme.CodeBlock.copied": { "message": "Copied", "description": "The copied button label on code blocks" }, "theme.CodeBlock.copyButtonAriaLabel": { "message": "Copy code to clipboard", "description": "The ARIA label for copy code blocks button" }, "theme.CodeBlock.copy": { "message": "Copy", "description": "The copy button label on code blocks" }, "theme.CodeBlock.wordWrapToggle": { "message": "Toggle word wrap", "description": "The title attribute for toggle word wrapping button of code block lines" }, "theme.DocSidebarItem.toggleCollapsedCategoryAriaLabel": { "message": "Toggle the collapsible sidebar category '{label}'", "description": "The ARIA label to toggle the collapsible sidebar category" }, "theme.NavBar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Main", "description": "The ARIA label for the main navigation" }, "theme.navbar.mobileLanguageDropdown.label": { "message": "Languages", "description": "The label for the mobile language switcher dropdown" }, "theme.TOCCollapsible.toggleButtonLabel": { "message": "On this page", "description": "The label used by the button on the collapsible TOC component" }, "theme.docs.breadcrumbs.home": { "message": "Home page", "description": "The ARIA label for the home page in the breadcrumbs" }, "theme.blog.post.readMore": { "message": "Read More", "description": "The label used in blog post item excerpts to link to full blog posts" }, "theme.blog.post.readMoreLabel": { "message": "Read more about {title}", "description": "The ARIA label for the link to full blog posts from excerpts" }, "theme.blog.post.readingTime.plurals": { "message": "One min read|{readingTime} min read", "description": "Pluralized label for \"{readingTime} min read\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)" }, "theme.docs.sidebar.collapseButtonTitle": { "message": "Collapse sidebar", "description": "The title attribute for collapse button of doc sidebar" }, "theme.docs.sidebar.collapseButtonAriaLabel": { "message": "Collapse sidebar", "description": "The title attribute for collapse button of doc sidebar" }, "theme.docs.sidebar.navAriaLabel": { "message": "Docs sidebar", "description": "The ARIA label for the sidebar navigation" }, "theme.docs.sidebar.closeSidebarButtonAriaLabel": { "message": "Close navigation bar", "description": "The ARIA label for close button of mobile sidebar" }, "theme.navbar.mobileSidebarSecondaryMenu.backButtonLabel": { "message": "← Back to main menu", "description": "The label of the back button to return to main menu, inside the mobile navbar sidebar secondary menu (notably used to display the docs sidebar)" }, "theme.docs.sidebar.toggleSidebarButtonAriaLabel": { "message": "Toggle navigation bar", "description": "The ARIA label for hamburger menu button of mobile navigation" }, "theme.docs.sidebar.expandButtonTitle": { "message": "Expand sidebar", "description": "The ARIA label and title attribute for expand button of doc sidebar" }, "theme.docs.sidebar.expandButtonAriaLabel": { "message": "Expand sidebar", "description": "The ARIA label and title attribute for expand button of doc sidebar" }, "theme.SearchBar.seeAll": { "message": "See all {count} results" }, "theme.SearchBar.label": { "message": "Search", "description": "The ARIA label and placeholder for search button" }, "theme.SearchModal.searchBox.resetButtonTitle": { "message": "Clear the query", "description": "The label and ARIA label for search box reset button" }, "theme.SearchModal.searchBox.cancelButtonText": { "message": "Cancel", "description": "The label and ARIA label for search box cancel button" }, "theme.SearchModal.startScreen.recentSearchesTitle": { "message": "Recent", "description": "The title for recent searches" }, "theme.SearchModal.startScreen.noRecentSearchesText": { "message": "No recent searches", "description": "The text when no recent searches" }, "theme.SearchModal.startScreen.saveRecentSearchButtonTitle": { "message": "Save this search", "description": "The label for save recent search button" }, "theme.SearchModal.startScreen.removeRecentSearchButtonTitle": { "message": "Remove this search from history", "description": "The label for remove recent search button" }, "theme.SearchModal.startScreen.favoriteSearchesTitle": { "message": "Favorite", "description": "The title for favorite searches" }, "theme.SearchModal.startScreen.removeFavoriteSearchButtonTitle": { "message": "Remove this search from favorites", "description": "The label for remove favorite search button" }, "theme.SearchModal.errorScreen.titleText": { "message": "Unable to fetch results", "description": "The title for error screen of search modal" }, "theme.SearchModal.errorScreen.helpText": { "message": "You might want to check your network connection.", "description": "The help text for error screen of search modal" }, "theme.SearchModal.footer.selectText": { "message": "to select", "description": "The explanatory text of the action for the enter key" }, "theme.SearchModal.footer.selectKeyAriaLabel": { "message": "Enter key", "description": "The ARIA label for the Enter key button that makes the selection" }, "theme.SearchModal.footer.navigateText": { "message": "to navigate", "description": "The explanatory text of the action for the Arrow up and Arrow down key" }, "theme.SearchModal.footer.navigateUpKeyAriaLabel": { "message": "Arrow up", "description": "The ARIA label for the Arrow up key button that makes the navigation" }, "theme.SearchModal.footer.navigateDownKeyAriaLabel": { "message": "Arrow down", "description": "The ARIA label for the Arrow down key button that makes the navigation" }, "theme.SearchModal.footer.closeText": { "message": "to close", "description": "The explanatory text of the action for Escape key" }, "theme.SearchModal.footer.closeKeyAriaLabel": { "message": "Escape key", "description": "The ARIA label for the Escape key button that close the modal" }, "theme.SearchModal.footer.searchByText": { "message": "Search by", "description": "The text explain that the search is making by Algolia" }, "theme.SearchModal.noResultsScreen.noResultsText": { "message": "No results for", "description": "The text explains that there are no results for the following search" }, "theme.SearchModal.noResultsScreen.suggestedQueryText": { "message": "Try searching for", "description": "The text for the suggested query when no results are found for the following search" }, "theme.SearchModal.noResultsScreen.reportMissingResultsText": { "message": "Believe this query should return results?", "description": "The text for the question where the user thinks there are missing results" }, "theme.SearchModal.noResultsScreen.reportMissingResultsLinkText": { "message": "Let us know.", "description": "The text for the link to report missing results" }, "theme.SearchModal.placeholder": { "message": "Search docs", "description": "The placeholder of the input of the DocSearch pop-up modal" }, "theme.SearchPage.documentsFound.plurals": { "message": "One document found|{count} documents found", "description": "Pluralized label for \"{count} documents found\". Use as much plural forms (separated by \"|\") as your language support (see https://www.unicode.org/cldr/cldr-aux/charts/34/supplemental/language_plural_rules.html)" }, "theme.SearchPage.existingResultsTitle": { "message": "Search results for \"{query}\"", "description": "The search page title for non-empty query" }, "theme.SearchPage.emptyResultsTitle": { "message": "Search the documentation", "description": "The search page title for empty query" }, "theme.SearchPage.inputPlaceholder": { "message": "Type your search here", "description": "The placeholder for search page input" }, "theme.SearchPage.inputLabel": { "message": "Search", "description": "The ARIA label for search page input" }, "theme.SearchPage.algoliaLabel": { "message": "Search by Algolia", "description": "The ARIA label for Algolia mention" }, "theme.SearchPage.noResultsText": { "message": "No results were found", "description": "The paragraph for empty search result" }, "theme.SearchPage.fetchingNewResults": { "message": "Fetching new results...", "description": "The paragraph for fetching new search results" }, "theme.common.skipToMainContent": { "message": "Skip to main content", "description": "The skip to content label used for accessibility, allowing to rapidly navigate to main content with keyboard tab/enter navigation" }, "theme.tags.tagsPageTitle": { "message": "Tags", "description": "The title of the tag list page" } }