--- id: mosquitto title: Mosquitto sidebar_label: Mosquitto sidebar_position: 1 --- import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs"; import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem"; ### Using mosquitto on a mac 1. install mqtt server ```sh brew install mosquitto ``` 2. start the mqtt server ```sh brew services restart mosquitto ``` 3. Do a quick test of server, start a subscriber on a topic: Note: this will wait until you press control-c (publish a message, see below) ```sh mosquitto_sub -t test/hello ``` 4. In another window, publish a message to that topic: ```sh mosquitto_pub -h localhost -q 0 -t test/hello -m 'yo!' ``` 5. For Meshtastic to be able to access that server, two settings need to be changed in the `/usr/local/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf` file: ```shell listener 1883 allow_anonymous true ``` 6. Restart the service: ```shell brew services restart mosquitto ``` 7. If you are using the mac firewall, you will need to go into: System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Firewall > Firewall Options and add it. ### Using mosquitto on raspberry pi bookworm 1. install mqtt server ```sh sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients ``` 2. start the mqtt server ```sh sudo systemctl start mosquitto ``` 3. Do a quick test of server, start a subscriber on a topic: Note: this will wait until you press control-c (publish a message, see below) ```sh mosquitto_sub -t test/hello ``` 4. In another console, publish a message to that topic: ```sh mosquitto_pub -h localhost -q 0 -t test/hello -m 'yo!' ``` 5. For Meshtastic to be able to access that server, two settings need to be changed in the `/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf` file: ```shell sudo sh -c "echo 'listener 1883\nallow_anonymous true' >> /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf" ``` 6. Restart the service: ```shell sudo systemctl restart mosquitto ```