id: pinetab
title: Pinetab
sidebar_label: Pinetab

These are **preliminary** notes on support for Meshtastic in the Pinetab.

A RF95 is connected via a CH341 USB-SPI chip.

Pin assignments:
CS0 from RF95 goes to CS0 on CH341
DIO0 from RF95 goes to INT on CH341
RST from RF95 goes to RST on CH341

This Linux driver claims to provide USB-SPI support: https://github.com/gschorcht/spi-ch341-usb
Notes here on using that driver: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/ch341-usb-to-spi-adaptor-driver-doesn%27t-work-4175622736/

Or if **absolutely** necessary could bit bang: https://www.cnx-software.com/2018/02/16/wch-ch341-usb-to-serial-chip-gets-linux-driver-to-control-gpios-over-usb/

## Portduino tasks

- How to access SPI devices via ioctl (spidev): https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/spi/README.md#:~:text=Troubleshooting-,Overview,bus)%2C%20UARTs%2C%20etc.
- access GPIO via libgpiod?
- Use dkms to distribute driver?
- echo 100 > /sys/module/spi_ch341_usb/parameters/poll_period

## Task list

- Port meshtastic to build (under PlatformIO) for a POSIX target. spec: no screen, no GPIOs, SIM network interface, POSIX threads, POSIX semaphores & queues, IO to the console only
  Use ARM Linux: https://platformio.org/platforms/linux_arm
  And Linux native: https://platformio.org/platforms/native

- Test cs341 driver - just test reading/writing a register and detecting interrupts, confirm can see rf95
- Make a radiolib SPI module that targets the cs341 (and builds on Linux)
- use new radiolib module to hook pinebook LoRa to meshtastic, confirm mesh discovery works
- Make a subclass of StreamAPI that works as a POSIX TCP server
- Use new TCP endpoint from meshtastic-python