id: nano-g1
title: Nano G1 device
sidebar_label: Nano G1
sidebar_position: 4

The Nano G1 is the first dedicated hardware to be designed from scratch purely for Meshtastic by Neil Hao. It has been designed to be small and compact with the inclusion of a high quality internal PCB antenna.

Only the US 915 Mhz version is available currently. There should be an EU 868 Mhz version available in the future.

### Features

- Meshtastic pre-installed
- ESP32 WROOM microprocessor - WiFi & Bluetooth
- Semtech SX1276 - LoRa Transceiver
- Frequency options:
  - 915 Mhz
- Additional ultra-low noise amplifier to improve LoRa receiver sensitivity
- ATGM336H-5N-71 Whole Constellation Positioning and Navigation Module (Supports GPS, BDS and GLONASS)
- Built in 915Mhz Lora PCB Antenna (VSWR <=1.5 @ 915 Mhz)
- User button
- 1.3 inch OLED screen
- Buzzer

### Resources

- Firmware file: `firmware-nano-g1-1.x.x.bin`
- [Purchase link](https://www.tindie.com/products/neilhao/meshtastic-mesh-device-nano-edition/)

[<img alt="Nano G1" src="/img/hardware/nano-g1-front.jpg" style={{zoom:'25%'}} />](/img/hardware/nano-g1-front.jpg)

Further information on the Nano G1 can be found on [Unit Engineering's Wiki](https://uniteng.com/wiki/doku.php?id=meshtastic:nano).