id: devices
title: Devices
sidebar_label: Devices
sidebar_position: 1

## Supported Devices
Meshtastic firmware can be installed on a wide range of development boards. The list below provides a brief comparison of currently supported hardware.

### Which board should I choose?

While all the boards listed on this page will run Meshtastic and mesh with each other, some current community favorites are:
- RAK Meshtastic Start Kit
- Station G1

Please do your research and choose the board that meets your needs (or maybe already have in a bin somewhere).

- The Semtech SX1262 transceiver is newer than the SX1276 and provides increased receive and transmit performance.
- nRF52-based devices use a fraction of the power compared to ESP32-based devices and are therefore generally preferred for solar and handset applications.
- ESP32-based devices require more power to operate but are typically lower-cost alternatives that do perform well when using house power, or for handsets that only require a day or two of runtime, and for applications that require WiFi connectivity.

### [RAK Wisblock](./rak/)
Modular hardware system with Base, Core and Peripheral modules including the low-power and solar ready nRF52840-based Meshtastic Starter Kit (19007 & 4631).

[**WisBlock Core Modules**](./rak/core-module/)<br/>
| Name                                           | MCU      | Radio  |     WiFi     | BT  |  GPS   |
| [RAK4631](./rak/core-module?rakcore=RAK4631)   | nRF52840 | SX1262 |      NO      | 5.0 | add-on |
| [RAK11200](./rak/core-module?rakcore=RAK11200) | ESP32    | add-on | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | add-on |
| [RAK11310](./rak/core-module?rakcore=RAK11310) | RP2040   | SX1262 |      NO      | NO  | add-on |

[**Base Boards**](./rak/base-board/)<br/>

[**WisBlock Displays**](./rak/screens/)<br/>

[**WisBlock Peripherals**](./rak/peripherals/)<br/>
[RAK1910](./rak/peripherals?rakmodules=GPS) GPS<br/>
[RAK12500](./rak/peripherals?rakmodules=GPS) GPS<br/>
[RAK18001](./rak/peripherals?rakmodules=Buzzer) Buzzer<br/>
[RAK13002](./rak/peripherals?rakmodules=IO) IO<br/>
RAK14001 RGB LED<br/>
RAK12002 RTC<br/>
[RAK1910](./rak/peripherals?rakmodules=Sensors&sensors=RAK1901) Temperature and Humidity Sensor<br/>
[RAK1902](./rak/peripherals?rakmodules=Sensors&sensors=RAK1902) Barometric Pressure Sensor<br/>
[RAK1906](./rak/peripherals?rakmodules=Sensors&sensors=RAK1906) Environment Sensor<br/>
RAK12013 Radar Sensor<br/>

### [LILYGO® T-Beam](./tbeam/)
Boards complete with GPS, 18650 battery holder, and optional screen.

| Name                                     | MCU      | Radio             |     WiFi     | BT  | GPS |
| [T-Beam v0.7](./tbeam/?t-beam=0.7)       | ESP32    | SX1276            | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | YES |
| [T-Beam v1.1](./tbeam/?t-beam=1.1)       | ESP32    | SX1276            | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | YES |
| [T-Beam with M8N](./tbeam/?t-beam=m8n)   | ESP32    | SX1276<br/>SX1262 | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | YES |
| [T-Beam S3-Core](./tbeam/?t-beam=s3core) | ESP32-S3 | SX1262            | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 5.0 | YES |
| [T-BeamSUPREME](./tbeam/?t-beam=supreme) | ESP32-S3 | SX1262            | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 5.0 | YES |

### [LILYGO® T-Echo](./techo/)
All-in-one unit with E-Ink screen, GPS and battery in injection-molded case.  Features the low-power nRF52840 for long battery life.

| Name               | MCU      | Radio  | WiFi | BT  | GPS |
| [T-Echo](./techo/) | nRF52840 | SX1262 |  NO  | 5.0 | YES |

### [LILYGO® LoRa](./lora/)
Inexpensive basic ESP32-based boards.

| Name                                       | MCU      | Radio                        |     WiFi     | BT  | GPS |
| [LoRa32 V1](./lora/?t-lora=v1)             | ESP32    | SX127x                       | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | NO  |
| [LoRa32 V1.3](./lora/?t-lora=v1.3)         | ESP32    | SX127x                       | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | NO  |
| [LoRa32 V2.0](./lora/?t-lora=v2.0)         | ESP32    | SX127x                       | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | NO  |
| [LoRa32 V2.1-1.6](./lora/?t-lora=v2.1)     | ESP32    | SX127x                       | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | NO  |
| [LoRa32 V2.1-1.8](./lora/?t-lora=v2.1-1.8) | ESP32    | SX1280                       | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | NO  |
| [LoRa32 T3-S3 V1.0](./lora/?t-lora=S3-v1)  | ESP32-S3 | SX1262<br/>SX1276<br/>SX1280 | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 5.0 | NO  |

### [LILYGO® T-Deck](./tdeck/)
Standalone device with screen and keyboard

| Name               | MCU         | Radio  | WiFi | BT  | GPS |
| [T-Deck](./tdeck/) | ESP32-S3FN8 | SX1262 | YES  | 5.0 | NO  |

### [LILYGO® T-Watch S3](./twatch/)

| Name                    | MCU      | Radio  | WiFi | BT  | GPS |
| [T-Watch S3](./twatch/) | ESP32-S3 | SX1262 | YES  | 5.0 | NO  |

### [HELTEC® LoRa 32](./heltec/)
Inexpensive basic ESP32-based boards.

| Name                                                              | MCU         | Radio  |     WiFi     | BT  | GPS |
| [LoRa32 V2.1](./heltec/?heltec=v2.1)                              | ESP32       | SX127x | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | NO  |
| [LoRa32 V3](./heltec/?heltec=v23)                                 | ESP32       | SX1262 | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | NO  |
| [Wireless Stick Lite V3](./heltec/?heltec=Wireless+Stick+Lite+V3) | ESP32-S3FN8 | SX1262 | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 5.0 | NO  |
| [Wireless Tracker](./heltec/?heltec=tracker)                      | ESP32-S3FN8 | SX1262 | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 5.0 | YES |
| [Wireless Paper](./heltec/?heltec=paper)                          | ESP32-S3FN8 | SX1262 | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 5.0 | NO  |

### [Nano Series](./nano/)
Portable and durable devices designed for Meshtastic.

| Name                                         | MCU         | Radio  |     WiFi     | BT  | GPS |
| [Nano G2 Ultra](./nano/?nano-series=g2)      | NRF52840    | SX1262 | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 5.0 | YES |
| [Nano G1 Explorer](./nano/?nano-series=g1-e) | ESP32 WROOM | SX1262 | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | YES |
| [Nano G1](./nano/?nano-series=g1)            | ESP32 WROOM | SX1276 | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | YES |

### [Station G1](./station-g1/)
High power LoRa transceiver designed for Meshtastic Licensed HAM operation.

| Name                        | MCU         | Radio  |     WiFi     | BT  | GPS |
| [Station G1](./station-g1/) | ESP32 WROOM | SX1262 | 2.4GHz b/g/n | 4.2 | YES |

### [Raspberry Pi Pico](./raspberry-pi/)
Fast versatile boards using the RP2040.

| Name                                 | MCU    | Radio  |     WiFi     |      BT       | GPS |
| [Raspberry Pi Pico](./raspberry-pi/) | RP2040 | SX1262 | 2.4GHz b/g/n | not supported | NO  |

[**Pico Peripherals**](./raspberry-pi/peripherals/)<br/>
SSD1306 OLED Display<br/>
SH1106 OLED Display<br/>
CardKB Keyboard<br/>