id: user
title: User Configuration
sidebar_label: User

import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";

The user config options are: Long Name, Short Name, and Is Licensed. User config uses an admin message sending a `User` protobuf.

## User Config Values

### Long Name

A personalized name for your device.

Auto-generated by default.

If you are a licensed HAM operator and have enabled `IsLicensed`, this should be set to your HAM operator call sign.

### Short Name

A personalized short identifier for your device.

Auto-generated by default.

### Is Licensed (HAM)

If you are a licensed HAM operator and have considered the [privileges and restrictions](/docs/faq/#what-is-the-benefit-of-using-my-ham-license-with-meshtastic) of using Meshtastic with a HAM license, enable this flag.

Disabled by default.

By enabling `IsLicensed`, you should also review the following related configurations:

- **User:** `LongName` (Should be your Call Sign)
- **Channel:** `PSK` (Should be Empty, removing encryption)

{label: 'Android', value: 'android'},
{label: 'Apple', value: 'apple'},
{label: 'CLI', value: 'cli'},
{label: 'Web', value: 'web'},

<TabItem value="android">


All User config options are available for Android.

1. Open the Meshtastic App
2. Navigate to: **Vertical Ellipsis (3 dots top right) > Radio Configuration > User**



<TabItem value="apple">

All User config options are available on iOS, iPadOS and macOS at `Settings > Radio Configuration > User`.


<TabItem value="cli">


All User config options are available in the python CLI. Example commands are below:


Please see instructions for [Enabling HAM License](/docs/software/python/cli/usage#ham-radio-support)


Because the device will reboot after each command is sent via CLI, it is recommended when setting multiple values in a config section that commands be chained together as one.

```shell title="Example:"
meshtastic --set-owner 'your node name' --set-owner-short  'NODE'


```shell title="Set the LongName Value"
meshtastic --set-owner 'your node name'

```shell title="Set the ShortName Value"
meshtastic --set-owner-short  'NODE'

```shell title="Enable Ham Mode, set name to license, disable encryption"
meshtastic  --set-ham 'CALLSIGN'


<TabItem value="web">

All User config options are available in the Web UI.
