--- id: lora title: LILYGO® TTGO Lora Devices sidebar_label: LILYGO® Lora sidebar_position: 6 --- import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; Further information on the LILYGO® LoRa devices can be found on LILYGO®'s [GitHub page](https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGo-LoRa-Series). :::warning Not recommended with a battery! These boards contain the wrong component in the LiPo battery charging circuit allowing the battery to be overcharged. ::: :::caution This board is still in production but for various reasons not recommended for new purchases or for unattended installations. Firmware support is phased out. If in doubt, choose the Lora V2.1-1.6 or Lora T3S3 board. ::: - **MCU** - ESP32 (WiFi & Bluetooth) - **LoRa Transceiver** - Semtech SX1276 - **Frequency options** - 915 MHz - 868 MHz - **Connectors** - Micro USB - Antenna: U.FL antenna connector **Features** - Built in 0.96 inch OLED display **Resources** - Firmware file: `firmware-tlora-v1-X.X.X.xxxxxxx.bin` - Purchase link: [AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32840238513.html) ![LILYGO® TTGO Lora V1](/img/hardware/lora-v1.png) :::warning Not recommended with a battery! These boards contain the wrong component in the LiPo battery charging circuit allowing the battery to be overcharged. ::: :::caution This board is still in production but for various reasons not recommended for new purchases or for unattended installations. Firmware support is phased out. If in doubt, choose the Lora V2.1-1.6 or Lora T3S3 board. ::: - **MCU** - ESP32 (WiFi & Bluetooth) - **LoRa Transceiver** - Semtech SX127x - **Frequency options** - 915 MHz - 868 MHz - **Connectors** - Micro USB - Antenna: U.FL antenna connector **Features** - Built in 0.96 inch OLED display **Resources** - Firmware file: `firmware-tlora_v1_3-X.X.X.xxxxxxx.bin` - Purchase link: [AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000628100802.html) ![LILYGO® TTGO Lora V1.3](/img/hardware/lora-v1.3.png) ![LILYGO® TTGO Lora V1.3 pin map](/img/hardware/lora-v1.3_pinmap.webp) :::warning Not recommended with a battery! These boards contain the wrong component in the LiPo battery charging circuit allowing the battery to be overcharged. ::: :::caution This board is still in production but for various reasons not recommended for new purchases or for unattended installations. Firmware support is phased out. If in doubt, choose the Lora V2.1-1.6 or Lora T3S3 board. ::: - **MCU** - ESP32 (WiFi & Bluetooth) - **LoRa Transceiver** - Semtech SX127x - **Frequency options** - 433 MHz - 868 MHz - 915 MHz - **Connectors** - Micro USB - Antenna: U.FL antenna connector **Features** - Built in 0.96 inch OLED display - Power and Reset switches - microSD connector - No GPS **Resources** - Firmware file: `firmware-tlora-v2-X.X.X.xxxxxxx.bin` - Purchase link: [AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32846302183.html) ![LILYGO® TTGO Lora V2](/img/hardware/lora-v2.0.png) :::caution Early versions of some of these boards contained the wrong component in the LiPo battery charging circuit allowing the battery to be overcharged. Boards purchased after 2021 should be ok. ::: - **MCU** - ESP32 (WiFi & Bluetooth) - **LoRa Transceiver** - Semtech SX127x - **Frequency options** - 433 MHz - 868 MHz - 915 MHz - **Connectors** - Micro USB - Antenna: SMA antenna connector **Features** - Built in 0.96 inch OLED display - Power and Reset switches - microSD connector - No GPS **Resources** - Firmware file: `firmware-tlora-v2-1-1.6-X.X.X.xxxxxxx.bin` - Purchase link: [AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32915894264.html) ![TTGO Lora V2.1-1.6](/img/hardware/lora-v2.1-1.6.png) - **MCU** - ESP32 (WiFi & Bluetooth) - **LoRa Transceiver** - Semtech SX1280 (Region LORA_24 worldwide use) - **Frequency options** - 2.4 GHz - **Connectors** - USB-C - Antenna: SMA antenna connector **Features** - Built in 0.96 inch OLED display - Power and Reset switches - microSD connector - No GPS **Resources** - Firmware file: `firmware-tlora-v2-1-1.8-X.X.X.xxxxxxx.bin` - Purchase link: [Banggood](https://www.banggood.com/LILYGO-LORA-H570-V1_8-SX1280-ESP32-2_4G-Smart-WiFi-bluetooth-Wireless-Module-0_96inch-OLED-Display-Development-Board-with-Antenna-Type-C-p-1969395.html) ![TTGO Lora V2.1-1.8](/img/hardware/lora-v2.1-1.8.jpg) - **MCU** - ESP32-S3 (WiFi & Bluetooth) - **LoRa Transceiver** - Semtech SX1262 - Semtech 1276 - Semtech SX1280 with PA (Region LORA_24 worldwide use) - **Frequency options** - 868 MHz - 915 MHz - 2.4 GHz - **Connectors** - USB-C - Antenna: SMA antenna connector **Features** - Built in 0.96 inch OLED display - Power and Reset switches, Boot / User Button - microSD connector - No GPS **Resources** - Firmware file: `firmware-tlora-t3s3-v1.xxxxxxx.bin` - Purchase link: [AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004627139838.html) ![TTGO Lora T3S3 V1](/img/hardware/lora-t3s3.jpg)