id: tbeam
title: LILYGO® TTGO T-Beam devices
sidebar_label: LILYGO® T-Beam
sidebar_position: 5
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
There are several versions of the T-Beam
- Meshtastic preinstalled
- ESP32 - WiFi & Bluetooth
- SX1276 - LoRa Transceiver
- Frequency options:
- 433 MHz
- 868 MHz
- 915 MHz
- 923 MHz
- NEO-6M - GPS receiver
- SMA antenna connector
- Power, Program and Reset switches
- **Comes with 0.96 inch OLED display (some soldering required to assemble)**
- Firmware file: `firmware-tbeam-1.x.x.bin`
- [Purchase link](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001178678568.html)
- ESP32 - WiFi & Bluetooth
- SX1276 - LoRa Transceiver
- Frequency options:
- 433 MHz
- 868 MHz
- 915 MHz
- 923 MHz
- **NEO-M8N - GNSS receiver (supports GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou) - better GPS sensitivity**
- U.FL antenna connector
- Power, Program and Reset switches
- Screen sold separately
- Firmware file: `firmware-tbeam-1.x.x.bin`
- [Purchase link](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33047631119.html)
- ESP32 - WiFi & Bluetooth
- **SX1262 - LoRa Transceiver - improved performance**
- Frequency options:
- 433 MHz
- 868 MHz
- 915 MHz
- 923 MHz
- **NEO-M8N - GNSS receiver (supports GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou) - better GPS sensitivity**
- U.FL antenna connector
- Power, Program and Reset switches
- Screen sold separately
- Firmware file: `firmware-tbeam-1.x.x.bin`
- [Purchase link](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001287221970.html)
This is an earlier version of the T-Beam board, and due to changes in the design in subsequent iterations this board uses a specific firmware file different from the other T-Beam boards.
`firmware-tbeam0.7-1.x.x.bin` is the correct firmware. `firmware-tbeam-1.x.x.bin` is incompatible. For all other T-Beam boards `firmware-tbeam-1.x.x.bin` is the correct selection.
- ESP32 - WiFi & Bluetooth
- SX1276 - LoRa Transceiver
- Frequency options:
- 433 MHz
- 868 MHz
- 915 MHz
- NEO-6M - GPS receiver
- SMA antenna connector
- Power, Program and Reset switches
- No GPS
- Screen sold separately
- Firmware file: `firmware-tbeam0.7-1.x.x.bin`
- [Purchase link](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000469332610.html)
Further information on the LILYGO® T-Beam and LoRa devices can be found on LILYGO®'s [GitHub page](https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/LilyGo-LoRa-Series).
All T-beam models have an 18650 size battery holder on the rear of the device. This is designed to the original specification of the 18650, and only fits unprotected flat top 18650 cells. Button top and protected cells are typically longer than 650mm, often approaching 700mm.
## Screen
- 0.96 inch OLED I2C display
- [Purchase link](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32922106384.html)
To attach the screen, connect VCC to 3v3, GND to GND, SCL to pin 22, and SDA to pin 21 as per the below image.