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196 lines
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// @ts-check
/** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').Config} */
const config = {
title: 'Meshtastic',
tagline: 'Open Source hiking, pilot, skiing and secure GPS mesh communicator',
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label: 'Getting Started',
to: 'docs/getting-started',
// FIXME create configuration & settings landing page and adjust path below
label: 'Configuration & Settings',
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to: 'docs/hardware',
label: "Mesh Radio Details",
to: "docs/mesh"
label: 'Meshtastic Software',
to: 'docs/software',
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copyright: `<a href="https://vercel.com/?utm_source=meshtastic&utm_campaign=oss" style="color: var(--ifm-footer-color)">Powered by ▲ Vercel</a> | Meshtastic® is a registered trademark of Geeksville Industries LLC`,
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