2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
/* eslint-disable no-console */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-shadow */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/unbound-method */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
import * as PCancelable from 'p-cancelable';
import { Command, flags } from '@oclif/command';
2021-12-23 13:29:04 -08:00
import { BinaryDataManager, IBinaryDataConfig, UserSettings, WorkflowExecute } from 'n8n-core';
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
2021-11-05 09:45:51 -07:00
import { IExecuteResponsePromiseData, INodeTypes, IRun, Workflow, LoggerProxy } from 'n8n-workflow';
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
import { FindOneOptions } from 'typeorm';
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
import * as Bull from 'bull';
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
import {
2021-11-05 09:45:51 -07:00
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
2021-10-21 16:25:31 -07:00
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
2021-11-05 09:45:51 -07:00
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
2021-03-25 03:23:54 -07:00
} from '../src';
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
import { getLogger } from '../src/Logger';
2021-05-01 20:43:01 -07:00
2021-06-23 02:20:07 -07:00
import * as config from '../config';
2021-02-09 14:32:40 -08:00
import * as Queue from '../src/Queue';
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
export class Worker extends Command {
static description = '\nStarts a n8n worker';
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
static examples = [`$ n8n worker --concurrency=5`];
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
static flags = {
help: flags.help({ char: 'h' }),
concurrency: flags.integer({
default: 10,
description: 'How many jobs can run in parallel.',
static runningJobs: {
[key: string]: PCancelable<IRun>;
} = {};
static jobQueue: Bull.Queue;
static processExistCode = 0;
// static activeExecutions = ActiveExecutions.getInstance();
* Stoppes the n8n in a graceful way.
* Make for example sure that all the webhooks from third party services
* get removed.
static async stopProcess() {
2021-05-01 20:43:01 -07:00
LoggerProxy.info(`Stopping n8n...`);
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
// Stop accepting new jobs
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
try {
const externalHooks = ExternalHooks();
await externalHooks.run('n8n.stop', []);
const maxStopTime = 30000;
const stopTime = new Date().getTime() + maxStopTime;
setTimeout(() => {
// In case that something goes wrong with shutdown we
// kill after max. 30 seconds no matter what
}, maxStopTime);
// Wait for active workflow executions to finish
let count = 0;
while (Object.keys(Worker.runningJobs).length !== 0) {
if (count++ % 4 === 0) {
const waitLeft = Math.ceil((stopTime - new Date().getTime()) / 1000);
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
`Waiting for ${
} active executions to finish... (wait ${waitLeft} more seconds)`,
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 500);
} catch (error) {
2021-05-01 20:43:01 -07:00
LoggerProxy.error('There was an error shutting down n8n.', error);
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
async runJob(job: Bull.Job, nodeTypes: INodeTypes): Promise<IBullJobResponse> {
const jobData = job.data as IBullJobData;
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
const executionDb = (await Db.collections.Execution!.findOne(
)) as IExecutionFlattedDb;
const currentExecutionDb = ResponseHelper.unflattenExecutionData(executionDb);
`Start job: ${job.id} (Workflow ID: ${currentExecutionDb.workflowData.id} | Execution: ${jobData.executionId})`,
let { staticData } = currentExecutionDb.workflowData;
if (jobData.loadStaticData) {
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
const findOptions = {
select: ['id', 'staticData'],
} as FindOneOptions;
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
const workflowData = await Db.collections.Workflow!.findOne(
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
if (workflowData === undefined) {
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
throw new Error(
`The workflow with the ID "${currentExecutionDb.workflowData.id}" could not be found`,
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
staticData = workflowData.staticData;
2021-04-17 07:44:07 -07:00
let workflowTimeout = config.get('executions.timeout') as number; // initialize with default
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
if (
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain
currentExecutionDb.workflowData.settings &&
) {
workflowTimeout = currentExecutionDb.workflowData.settings.executionTimeout as number; // preference on workflow setting
2021-04-17 07:44:07 -07:00
let executionTimeoutTimestamp: number | undefined;
if (workflowTimeout > 0) {
workflowTimeout = Math.min(workflowTimeout, config.get('executions.maxTimeout') as number);
executionTimeoutTimestamp = Date.now() + workflowTimeout * 1000;
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
const workflow = new Workflow({
id: currentExecutionDb.workflowData.id as string,
name: currentExecutionDb.workflowData.name,
nodes: currentExecutionDb.workflowData.nodes,
connections: currentExecutionDb.workflowData.connections,
active: currentExecutionDb.workflowData.active,
settings: currentExecutionDb.workflowData.settings,
const additionalData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getBase(
additionalData.hooks = WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getWorkflowHooksWorkerExecuter(
{ retryOf: currentExecutionDb.retryOf as string },
2021-11-05 09:45:51 -07:00
additionalData.hooks.hookFunctions.sendResponse = [
async (response: IExecuteResponsePromiseData): Promise<void> => {
await job.progress({
executionId: job.data.executionId as string,
response: WebhookHelpers.encodeWebhookResponse(response),
} as IBullWebhookResponse);
2021-08-21 05:11:32 -07:00
additionalData.executionId = jobData.executionId;
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
let workflowExecute: WorkflowExecute;
let workflowRun: PCancelable<IRun>;
if (currentExecutionDb.data !== undefined) {
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
workflowRun = workflowExecute.processRunExecutionData(workflow);
} else {
// Execute all nodes
// Can execute without webhook so go on
workflowExecute = new WorkflowExecute(additionalData, currentExecutionDb.mode);
workflowRun = workflowExecute.run(workflow);
Worker.runningJobs[job.id] = workflowRun;
// Wait till the execution is finished
2021-10-21 16:24:43 -07:00
await workflowRun;
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
delete Worker.runningJobs[job.id];
return {
success: true,
async run() {
2021-05-01 20:43:01 -07:00
const logger = getLogger();
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
2021-05-01 20:43:01 -07:00
console.info('Starting n8n worker...');
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
// Make sure that n8n shuts down gracefully if possible
process.on('SIGTERM', Worker.stopProcess);
process.on('SIGINT', Worker.stopProcess);
// Wrap that the process does not close but we can still use async
await (async () => {
try {
const { flags } = this.parse(Worker);
// Start directly with the init of the database to improve startup time
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
const startDbInitPromise = Db.init().catch((error) => {
2021-05-01 20:43:01 -07:00
logger.error(`There was an error initializing DB: "${error.message}"`);
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
Worker.processExistCode = 1;
// @ts-ignore
2021-05-01 20:43:01 -07:00
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
// Make sure the settings exist
await UserSettings.prepareUserSettings();
// Load all node and credential types
const loadNodesAndCredentials = LoadNodesAndCredentials();
await loadNodesAndCredentials.init();
// Load the credentials overwrites if any exist
const credentialsOverwrites = CredentialsOverwrites();
await credentialsOverwrites.init();
// Load all external hooks
const externalHooks = ExternalHooks();
await externalHooks.init();
// Add the found types to an instance other parts of the application can use
const nodeTypes = NodeTypes();
await nodeTypes.init(loadNodesAndCredentials.nodeTypes);
const credentialTypes = CredentialTypes();
await credentialTypes.init(loadNodesAndCredentials.credentialTypes);
// Wait till the database is ready
await startDbInitPromise;
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
const redisConnectionTimeoutLimit = config.get('queue.bull.redis.timeoutThreshold');
2021-02-09 14:32:40 -08:00
Worker.jobQueue = Queue.getInstance().getBullObjectInstance();
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises
Worker.jobQueue.process(flags.concurrency, async (job) => this.runJob(job, nodeTypes));
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
2021-12-10 06:29:05 -08:00
const versions = await GenericHelpers.getVersions();
2021-10-21 16:25:31 -07:00
const instanceId = await UserSettings.getInstanceId();
2022-01-07 08:14:59 -08:00
InternalHooksManager.init(instanceId, versions.cli, nodeTypes);
2021-12-23 13:29:04 -08:00
const binaryDataConfig = config.get('binaryDataManager') as IBinaryDataConfig;
await BinaryDataManager.init(binaryDataConfig);
2021-05-01 20:43:01 -07:00
console.info('\nn8n worker is now ready');
console.info(` * Version: ${versions.cli}`);
console.info(` * Concurrency: ${flags.concurrency}`);
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
Worker.jobQueue.on('global:progress', (jobId, progress) => {
// Progress of a job got updated which does get used
// to communicate that a job got canceled.
if (progress === -1) {
// Job has to get canceled
if (Worker.runningJobs[jobId] !== undefined) {
// Job is processed by current worker so cancel
delete Worker.runningJobs[jobId];
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
let lastTimer = 0;
let cumulativeTimeout = 0;
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
Worker.jobQueue.on('error', (error: Error) => {
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
if (error.toString().includes('ECONNREFUSED')) {
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
const now = Date.now();
if (now - lastTimer > 30000) {
// Means we had no timeout at all or last timeout was temporary and we recovered
lastTimer = now;
cumulativeTimeout = 0;
} else {
cumulativeTimeout += now - lastTimer;
lastTimer = now;
if (cumulativeTimeout > redisConnectionTimeoutLimit) {
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
`Unable to connect to Redis after ${redisConnectionTimeoutLimit}. Exiting process.`,
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
2021-05-01 20:43:01 -07:00
logger.warn('Redis unavailable - trying to reconnect...');
2021-08-29 11:58:11 -07:00
} else if (error.toString().includes('Error initializing Lua scripts')) {
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
// This is a non-recoverable error
// Happens when worker starts and Redis is unavailable
// Even if Redis comes back online, worker will be zombie
2021-05-01 20:43:01 -07:00
logger.error('Error initializing worker.');
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
} else {
2021-05-01 20:43:01 -07:00
logger.error('Error from queue: ', error);
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
} catch (error) {
2021-05-01 20:43:01 -07:00
logger.error(`Worker process cannot continue. "${error.message}"`);
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00
Worker.processExistCode = 1;
// @ts-ignore
2021-05-01 20:43:01 -07:00
2021-02-08 23:59:32 -08:00