// Itterates over all input items and add the key "myString" with the
// value the parameter "myString" resolves to.
// (This could be a different value for each item in case it contains an expression)
for (let itemIndex = 0; itemIndex <items.length;itemIndex++){
myString = this.getNodeParameter('myString', itemIndex, '') as string;
item = items[itemIndex];
item.json['myString'] = myString;
return this.prepareOutputData(items);
The "description" property has to be set on all nodes because it contains all
the base information. Additionally do all nodes have to have exactly one of the
following methods defined which contains the the actual logic:
**Regular node**
Method get called when the workflow gets executed
-`execute`: Executed once no matter how many items
-`executeSingle`: Executed once for every item
**Trigger node**
Method gets called once when the workflow gets activated. It can then trigger
workflow runs which data it provides by itself.
**Webhook node**
Method gets called when webhook gets called.
### Node Type
Property overview
- **description** [required]: Describes the node like its name, properties, hooks, ... see `Node Type Description` bellow.
- **execute** [optional]: Method get called when the workflow gets executed (once).
- **executeSingle** [optional]: Method get called when the workflow gets executed (once for every item).
- **hooks** [optional]: The hook methods.
- **methods** [optional]: Additional methods. Currently only "loadOptions" exists which allows loading options for parameters from external services
- **trigger** [optional]: Method gets called once when the workflow gets activated.
- **webhook** [optional]: Method gets called when webhook gets called.
- **webhookMethods** [optional]: Methods to setup webhooks on external services.
### Node Type Description
The following properties can be set in the node description:
- **credentials** [optional]: Credentials the node requests access to
- **defaults** [required]: Default "name" and "color" to set on node when it gets created
- **displayName** [required]: Name to display users in Editor UI
- **description** [required]: Description to display users in Editor UI
- **group** [required]: Node group for example "transform" or "trigger"
- **hooks** [optional]: Methods to execute at different points in time like when the workflow gets activated or deactivated
- **icon** [optional]: Icon to display (can be an icon or a font awsome icon)
- **inputs** [required]: Types of inputs the node has (currently only "main" exists) and the amount
- **outputs** [required]: Types of outputs the node has (currently only "main" exists) and the amount
- **outputNames** [optional]: In case a node has multiple outputs names can be set that users know what data to expect
- **maxNodes** [optional]: If not an unlimited amount of nodes of that type can exist in a workflow the max-amount can be specified
- **name** [required]: Nme of the node (for n8n to use internally in camelCase)
- **properties** [required]: Properties which get displayed in the Editor UI and can be set by the user
- **version** [required]: Version of the node. Currently always "1" (integer). For future usage does not get used yet.
- **webhooks** [optional]: Webhooks the node should listen to
### Node Properties
The following properties can be set in the node properties:
- **default** [required]: Default value of the property
- **description** [required]: Description to display users in Editor UI
- **displayName** [required]: Name to display users in Editor UI
- **displayOptions** [optional]: Defines logic to decide if a property should be displayed or not
- **name** [required]: Name of the property (for n8n to use internally in camelCase)
- **options** [optional]: The options the user can select when type of property is "collection", "fixedCollection" or "options"
- **placeholder** [optional]: Placeholder text to display users in Editor UI
- **type** [required]: Type of the property. If it is for example a "string", "number", ...
- **typeOptions** [optional]: Additional options for type. Like for example the min or max value of a number
- **required** [optional]: Defines if the value has to be set or if it can stay empty
### Node Property Options
The following properties can be set in the node property options.
All properties are optional. The most, however, work only work when the node-property is of a specfic type.
- **alwaysOpenEditWindow** [type: string]: If set then the "Editor Window" will always open when the user tries to edit the field. Is helpful when long texts normally get used in the property
- **loadOptionsMethod** [type: options]: Method to use to load options from an external service
- **maxValue** [type: number]: Maximal value of the number
- **minValue** [type: number]: Minimum value of the number
- **multipleValues** [type: all]: If set the property gets turned into an Array and the user can add multiple values
- **multipleValueButtonText** [type: all]: Custom text for add button in case "multipleValues" got set
- **numberPrecision** [type: number]: The precision of the number. By default it is "0" and will so only allow integers.
- **numberStepSize** [type: number]: If step size in the UI if "numberPrecision" got set
- **password** [type: string]: If a password field should be displayed (normally only used by credentials because all node data is not encrypted and get saved in clear-text)
- **rows** [type: string]: Number of rows the input field should have. By default it is "1"