2024-05-03 00:26:15 -07:00
import type {
} from '@/Interface';
import { useNodeHelpers } from '@/composables/useNodeHelpers';
import { useTitleChange } from '@/composables/useTitleChange';
import { useToast } from '@/composables/useToast';
import type {
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import { TelemetryHelpers } from 'n8n-workflow';
import { WORKFLOW_SETTINGS_MODAL_KEY } from '@/constants';
import { getTriggerNodeServiceName } from '@/utils/nodeTypesUtils';
import { codeNodeEditorEventBus, globalLinkActionsEventBus } from '@/event-bus';
import { useUIStore } from '@/stores/ui.store';
import { useWorkflowsStore } from '@/stores/workflows.store';
import { useNodeTypesStore } from '@/stores/nodeTypes.store';
import { useCredentialsStore } from '@/stores/credentials.store';
import { useSettingsStore } from '@/stores/settings.store';
import { parse } from 'flatted';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { useOrchestrationStore } from '@/stores/orchestration.store';
import { usePushConnectionStore } from '@/stores/pushConnection.store';
import { useExternalHooks } from '@/composables/useExternalHooks';
import type { useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { useWorkflowHelpers } from '@/composables/useWorkflowHelpers';
import { useI18n } from '@/composables/useI18n';
import { useTelemetry } from '@/composables/useTelemetry';
import type { PushMessageQueueItem } from '@/types';
export function usePushConnection({ router }: { router: ReturnType<typeof useRouter> }) {
const workflowHelpers = useWorkflowHelpers({ router });
const nodeHelpers = useNodeHelpers();
const titleChange = useTitleChange();
const toast = useToast();
const i18n = useI18n();
const telemetry = useTelemetry();
const credentialsStore = useCredentialsStore();
const nodeTypesStore = useNodeTypesStore();
const orchestrationManagerStore = useOrchestrationStore();
const pushStore = usePushConnectionStore();
const settingsStore = useSettingsStore();
const uiStore = useUIStore();
const workflowsStore = useWorkflowsStore();
const retryTimeout = ref<NodeJS.Timeout | null>(null);
const pushMessageQueue = ref<PushMessageQueueItem[]>([]);
const removeEventListener = ref<(() => void) | null>(null);
function initialize() {
removeEventListener.value = pushStore.addEventListener((message) => {
void pushMessageReceived(message);
function terminate() {
if (typeof removeEventListener.value === 'function') {
* Sometimes the push message is faster as the result from
* the REST API so we do not know yet what execution ID
* is currently active. So internally resend the message
* a few more times
function queuePushMessage(event: IPushData, retryAttempts: number) {
pushMessageQueue.value.push({ message: event, retriesLeft: retryAttempts });
if (retryTimeout.value === null) {
retryTimeout.value = setTimeout(processWaitingPushMessages, 20);
* Process the push messages which are waiting in the queue
async function processWaitingPushMessages() {
if (retryTimeout.value !== null) {
retryTimeout.value = null;
const queueLength = pushMessageQueue.value.length;
for (let i = 0; i < queueLength; i++) {
const messageData = pushMessageQueue.value.shift() as PushMessageQueueItem;
const result = await pushMessageReceived(messageData.message, true);
if (!result) {
// Was not successful
messageData.retriesLeft -= 1;
if (messageData.retriesLeft > 0) {
// If still retries are left add it back and stop execution
if (pushMessageQueue.value.length !== 0 && retryTimeout.value === null) {
retryTimeout.value = setTimeout(processWaitingPushMessages, 25);
* Process a newly received message
async function pushMessageReceived(receivedData: IPushData, isRetry?: boolean): Promise<boolean> {
const retryAttempts = 5;
if (receivedData.type === 'sendWorkerStatusMessage') {
const pushData = receivedData.data;
return true;
if (receivedData.type === 'sendConsoleMessage') {
const pushData = receivedData.data;
console.log(pushData.source, ...pushData.messages);
return true;
if (
!['testWebhookReceived'].includes(receivedData.type) &&
isRetry !== true &&
) {
// If there are already messages in the queue add the new one that all of them
// get executed in order
queuePushMessage(receivedData, retryAttempts);
return false;
if (receivedData.type === 'nodeExecuteAfter' || receivedData.type === 'nodeExecuteBefore') {
if (!uiStore.isActionActive('workflowRunning')) {
// No workflow is running so ignore the messages
return false;
const pushData = receivedData.data;
if (workflowsStore.activeExecutionId !== pushData.executionId) {
// The data is not for the currently active execution or
// we do not have the execution id yet.
if (isRetry !== true) {
queuePushMessage(event as unknown as IPushData, retryAttempts);
return false;
// recovered execution data is handled like executionFinished data, however for security reasons
// we need to fetch the data from the server again rather than push it to all clients
let recoveredPushData: IPushDataExecutionFinished | undefined = undefined;
if (receivedData.type === 'executionRecovered') {
const recoveredExecutionId = receivedData.data?.executionId;
const isWorkflowRunning = uiStore.isActionActive('workflowRunning');
if (isWorkflowRunning && workflowsStore.activeExecutionId === recoveredExecutionId) {
// pull execution data for the recovered execution from the server
const executionData = await workflowsStore.fetchExecutionDataById(
if (executionData?.data) {
// data comes in as 'flatten' object, so we need to parse it
executionData.data = parse(executionData.data as unknown as string) as IRunExecutionData;
const iRunExecutionData: IRunExecutionData = {
startData: executionData.data?.startData,
resultData: executionData.data?.resultData ?? { runData: {} },
executionData: executionData.data?.executionData,
if (workflowsStore.workflowExecutionData?.workflowId === executionData.workflowId) {
const activeRunData = workflowsStore.workflowExecutionData?.data?.resultData?.runData;
if (activeRunData) {
for (const key of Object.keys(activeRunData)) {
iRunExecutionData.resultData.runData[key] = activeRunData[key];
const iRun: IRun = {
data: iRunExecutionData,
finished: executionData.finished,
mode: executionData.mode,
waitTill: executionData.data?.waitTill,
startedAt: executionData.startedAt,
stoppedAt: executionData.stoppedAt,
status: 'crashed',
if (executionData.data) {
recoveredPushData = {
executionId: executionData.id,
data: iRun,
if (
receivedData.type === 'workflowFailedToActivate' &&
workflowsStore.workflowId === receivedData.data.workflowId
) {
new Error(receivedData.data.errorMessage),
i18n.baseText('workflowActivator.showError.title', {
interpolate: { newStateName: 'activated' },
}) + ':',
return true;
if (receivedData.type === 'workflowActivated') {
return true;
if (receivedData.type === 'workflowDeactivated') {
return true;
if (receivedData.type === 'executionFinished' || receivedData.type === 'executionRecovered') {
// The workflow finished executing
let pushData: IPushDataExecutionFinished;
if (receivedData.type === 'executionRecovered' && recoveredPushData !== undefined) {
pushData = recoveredPushData;
} else {
pushData = receivedData.data as IPushDataExecutionFinished;
const { activeExecutionId } = workflowsStore;
if (activeExecutionId === pushData.executionId) {
const activeRunData = workflowsStore.workflowExecutionData?.data?.resultData?.runData;
if (activeRunData) {
for (const key of Object.keys(activeRunData)) {
if (
?.isArtificialRecoveredEventItem === true &&
activeRunData[key].length > 0
pushData.data.data.resultData.runData[key] = activeRunData[key];
if (!uiStore.isActionActive('workflowRunning')) {
// No workflow is running so ignore the messages
return false;
if (activeExecutionId !== pushData.executionId) {
// The workflow which did finish execution did either not get started
// by this session or we do not have the execution id yet.
if (isRetry !== true) {
queuePushMessage(event as unknown as IPushData, retryAttempts);
return false;
const runDataExecuted = pushData.data;
let runDataExecutedErrorMessage = getExecutionError(runDataExecuted.data);
if (runDataExecuted.status === 'crashed') {
runDataExecutedErrorMessage = i18n.baseText('pushConnection.executionFailed.message');
} else if (runDataExecuted.status === 'canceled') {
runDataExecutedErrorMessage = i18n.baseText(
interpolate: { activeExecutionId },
const lineNumber = runDataExecuted?.data?.resultData?.error?.lineNumber;
codeNodeEditorEventBus.emit('error-line-number', lineNumber || 'final');
const workflow = workflowHelpers.getCurrentWorkflow();
if (runDataExecuted.waitTill !== undefined) {
const workflowSettings = workflowsStore.workflowSettings;
const saveManualExecutions = settingsStore.saveManualExecutions;
const isSavingExecutions =
workflowSettings.saveManualExecutions === undefined
? saveManualExecutions
: workflowSettings.saveManualExecutions;
let action;
if (!isSavingExecutions) {
globalLinkActionsEventBus.emit('registerGlobalLinkAction', {
key: 'open-settings',
action: async () => {
if (workflowsStore.isNewWorkflow) await workflowHelpers.saveAsNewWorkflow();
action =
'<a data-action="open-settings">Turn on saving manual executions</a> and run again to see what happened after this node.';
} else {
action = `<a href="/workflow/${workflow.id}/executions/${activeExecutionId}">View the execution</a> to see what happened after this node.`;
// Workflow did start but had been put to wait
titleChange.titleSet(workflow.name as string, 'IDLE');
title: 'Workflow started waiting',
message: `${action} <a href="https://docs.n8n.io/integrations/builtin/core-nodes/n8n-nodes-base.wait/" target="_blank">More info</a>`,
type: 'success',
duration: 0,
} else if (runDataExecuted.finished !== true) {
titleChange.titleSet(workflow.name as string, 'ERROR');
if (
runDataExecuted.data.resultData.error?.name === 'ExpressionError' &&
(runDataExecuted.data.resultData.error as ExpressionError).context.functionality ===
) {
const error = runDataExecuted.data.resultData.error as ExpressionError;
void workflowHelpers.getWorkflowDataToSave().then((workflowData) => {
const eventData: IDataObject = {
caused_by_credential: false,
error_message: error.description,
error_title: error.message,
error_type: error.context.type,
node_graph_string: JSON.stringify(
workflowData as IWorkflowBase,
workflow_id: workflowsStore.workflowId,
if (
error.context.nodeCause &&
['paired_item_no_info', 'paired_item_invalid_info'].includes(
error.context.type as string,
) {
const node = workflow.getNode(error.context.nodeCause as string);
if (node) {
eventData.is_pinned = !!workflow.getPinDataOfNode(node.name);
eventData.mode = node.parameters.mode;
eventData.node_type = node.type;
eventData.operation = node.parameters.operation;
eventData.resource = node.parameters.resource;
telemetry.track('Instance FE emitted paired item error', eventData, {
withPostHog: true,
if (runDataExecuted.data.resultData.error?.name === 'SubworkflowOperationError') {
const error = runDataExecuted.data.resultData.error as SubworkflowOperationError;
workflowsStore.subWorkflowExecutionError = error;
title: error.message,
message: error.description,
type: 'error',
duration: 0,
} else if (
runDataExecuted.data.resultData.error?.name === 'NodeOperationError' &&
(runDataExecuted.data.resultData.error as NodeOperationError).functionality ===
) {
// If the error is a configuration error of the node itself doesn't get executed so we can't use lastNodeExecuted for the title
let title: string;
const nodeError = runDataExecuted.data.resultData.error as NodeOperationError;
if (nodeError.node.name) {
title = `Error in sub-node ‘${nodeError.node.name}‘`;
} else {
title = 'Problem executing workflow';
(nodeError?.description ?? runDataExecutedErrorMessage) +
i18n.baseText('pushConnection.executionError.openNode', {
interpolate: {
node: nodeError.node.name,
type: 'error',
duration: 0,
dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true,
} else {
let title: string;
const isManualExecutionCancelled =
runDataExecuted.mode === 'manual' && runDataExecuted.status === 'canceled';
// Do not show the error message if the workflow got canceled manually
if (isManualExecutionCancelled) {
title: i18n.baseText('nodeView.showMessage.stopExecutionTry.title'),
type: 'success',
} else {
if (runDataExecuted.data.resultData.lastNodeExecuted) {
title = `Problem in node ‘${runDataExecuted.data.resultData.lastNodeExecuted}‘`;
} else {
title = 'Problem executing workflow';
message: runDataExecutedErrorMessage,
type: 'error',
duration: 0,
dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true,
} else {
// Workflow did execute without a problem
titleChange.titleSet(workflow.name as string, 'IDLE');
const execution = workflowsStore.getWorkflowExecution;
if (execution?.executedNode) {
const node = workflowsStore.getNodeByName(execution.executedNode);
const nodeType = node && nodeTypesStore.getNodeType(node.type, node.typeVersion);
const nodeOutput =
execution &&
execution.executedNode &&
if (nodeType?.polling && !nodeOutput) {
title: i18n.baseText('pushConnection.pollingNode.dataNotFound', {
interpolate: {
service: getTriggerNodeServiceName(nodeType),
message: i18n.baseText('pushConnection.pollingNode.dataNotFound.message', {
interpolate: {
service: getTriggerNodeServiceName(nodeType),
type: 'success',
} else {
title: i18n.baseText('pushConnection.nodeExecutedSuccessfully'),
type: 'success',
} else {
title: i18n.baseText('pushConnection.workflowExecutedSuccessfully'),
type: 'success',
// It does not push the runData as it got already pushed with each
// node that did finish. For that reason copy in here the data
// which we already have.
if (workflowsStore.getWorkflowRunData) {
runDataExecuted.data.resultData.runData = workflowsStore.getWorkflowRunData;
workflowsStore.executingNode.length = 0;
workflowsStore.setWorkflowExecutionData(runDataExecuted as IExecutionResponse);
// Set the node execution issues on all the nodes which produced an error so that
// it can be displayed in the node-view
const lastNodeExecuted: string | undefined = runDataExecuted.data.resultData.lastNodeExecuted;
let itemsCount = 0;
if (
lastNodeExecuted &&
runDataExecuted.data.resultData.runData[lastNodeExecuted] &&
) {
itemsCount =
void useExternalHooks().run('pushConnection.executionFinished', {
nodeName: runDataExecuted.data.resultData.lastNodeExecuted,
errorMessage: runDataExecutedErrorMessage,
runDataExecutedStartData: runDataExecuted.data.startData,
resultDataError: runDataExecuted.data.resultData.error,
} else if (receivedData.type === 'executionStarted') {
const pushData = receivedData.data;
const executionData: IExecutionsCurrentSummaryExtended = {
id: pushData.executionId,
finished: false,
2024-06-10 06:23:06 -07:00
status: 'running',
2024-05-03 00:26:15 -07:00
mode: pushData.mode,
startedAt: pushData.startedAt,
retryOf: pushData.retryOf,
workflowId: pushData.workflowId,
workflowName: pushData.workflowName,
} else if (receivedData.type === 'nodeExecuteAfter') {
// A node finished to execute. Add its data
const pushData = receivedData.data;
} else if (receivedData.type === 'nodeExecuteBefore') {
// A node started to be executed. Set it as executing.
const pushData = receivedData.data;
} else if (receivedData.type === 'testWebhookDeleted') {
// A test-webhook was deleted
const pushData = receivedData.data;
if (pushData.workflowId === workflowsStore.workflowId) {
workflowsStore.executionWaitingForWebhook = false;
} else if (receivedData.type === 'testWebhookReceived') {
// A test-webhook did get called
const pushData = receivedData.data;
if (pushData.workflowId === workflowsStore.workflowId) {
workflowsStore.executionWaitingForWebhook = false;
workflowsStore.activeExecutionId = pushData.executionId;
void processWaitingPushMessages();
} else if (receivedData.type === 'reloadNodeType') {
await nodeTypesStore.getNodeTypes();
await nodeTypesStore.getFullNodesProperties([receivedData.data]);
} else if (receivedData.type === 'removeNodeType') {
const pushData = receivedData.data;
const nodesToBeRemoved: INodeTypeNameVersion[] = [pushData];
// Force reload of all credential types
await credentialsStore.fetchCredentialTypes(false).then(() => {
nodeTypesStore.removeNodeTypes(nodesToBeRemoved as INodeTypeDescription[]);
} else if (receivedData.type === 'nodeDescriptionUpdated') {
await nodeTypesStore.getNodeTypes();
await credentialsStore.fetchCredentialTypes(true);
return true;
function getExecutionError(data: IRunExecutionData | IExecuteContextData) {
const error = data.resultData.error;
let errorMessage: string;
if (data.resultData.lastNodeExecuted && error) {
errorMessage = error.message || error.description;
} else {
errorMessage = i18n.baseText('pushConnection.executionError', {
interpolate: { error: '!' },
if (error?.message) {
let nodeName: string | undefined;
if ('node' in error) {
nodeName = typeof error.node === 'string' ? error.node : error.node!.name;
const receivedError = nodeName ? `${nodeName}: ${error.message}` : error.message;
errorMessage = i18n.baseText('pushConnection.executionError', {
interpolate: {
error: `.${i18n.baseText('pushConnection.executionError.details', {
interpolate: {
details: receivedError,
return errorMessage;
return {