2024-07-26 10:05:25 -07:00
import {
parse as esprimaParse,
type Node as SyntaxNode,
type ExpressionStatement,
} from 'esprima-next';
2024-09-18 00:19:33 -07:00
import FormData from 'form-data';
import { merge } from 'lodash';
import { ALPHABET } from './Constants';
import { ApplicationError } from './errors/application.error';
import type { BinaryFileType, IDisplayOptions, INodeProperties, JsonObject } from './Interfaces';
2024-07-26 10:05:25 -07:00
2023-04-28 04:05:48 -07:00
const readStreamClasses = new Set(['ReadStream', 'Readable', 'ReadableStream']);
2023-07-31 07:53:30 -07:00
// NOTE: BigInt.prototype.toJSON is not available, which causes JSON.stringify to throw an error
// as well as the flatted stringify method. This is a workaround for that.
BigInt.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return this.toString();
2023-04-28 04:05:48 -07:00
export const isObjectEmpty = (obj: object | null | undefined): boolean => {
if (obj === undefined || obj === null) return true;
if (typeof obj === 'object') {
2023-07-19 03:54:31 -07:00
if (obj instanceof FormData) return obj.getLengthSync() === 0;
2023-04-28 04:05:48 -07:00
if (Array.isArray(obj)) return obj.length === 0;
if (obj instanceof Set || obj instanceof Map) return obj.size === 0;
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(obj) || obj instanceof ArrayBuffer) return obj.byteLength === 0;
if (Symbol.iterator in obj || readStreamClasses.has(obj.constructor.name)) return false;
return Object.keys(obj).length === 0;
return true;
2022-11-04 09:34:47 -07:00
export type Primitives = string | number | boolean | bigint | symbol | null | undefined;
2022-10-18 04:33:31 -07:00
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument */
2022-11-02 09:44:12 -07:00
export const deepCopy = <T extends ((object | Date) & { toJSON?: () => string }) | Primitives>(
source: T,
hash = new WeakMap(),
path = '',
): T => {
2022-10-18 04:33:31 -07:00
const hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.bind(source);
2022-10-28 06:25:44 -07:00
// Primitives & Null & Function
2022-11-02 09:44:12 -07:00
if (typeof source !== 'object' || source === null || typeof source === 'function') {
2022-10-18 04:33:31 -07:00
return source;
2022-11-02 09:44:12 -07:00
// Date and other objects with toJSON method
// TODO: remove this when other code parts not expecting objects with `.toJSON` method called and add back checking for Date and cloning it properly
if (typeof source.toJSON === 'function') {
return source.toJSON() as T;
2022-10-28 06:25:44 -07:00
if (hash.has(source)) {
return hash.get(source);
2022-10-18 04:33:31 -07:00
// Array
if (Array.isArray(source)) {
2022-11-02 09:44:12 -07:00
const clone = [];
2022-10-18 04:33:31 -07:00
const len = source.length;
2022-11-02 09:44:12 -07:00
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
clone[i] = deepCopy(source[i], hash, path + `[${i}]`);
2022-10-18 04:33:31 -07:00
2022-11-02 09:44:12 -07:00
return clone as T;
2022-10-18 04:33:31 -07:00
// Object
2022-11-02 09:44:12 -07:00
const clone = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf({}));
2022-10-28 06:25:44 -07:00
hash.set(source, clone);
2022-11-02 09:44:12 -07:00
for (const i in source) {
2022-10-18 04:33:31 -07:00
if (hasOwnProp(i)) {
2022-11-02 09:44:12 -07:00
clone[i] = deepCopy((source as any)[i], hash, path + `.${i}`);
2022-10-18 04:33:31 -07:00
return clone;
// eslint-enable
2022-10-21 11:52:43 -07:00
2024-07-26 10:05:25 -07:00
function syntaxNodeToValue(expression?: SyntaxNode | null): unknown {
switch (expression?.type) {
case Syntax.ObjectExpression:
return Object.fromEntries(
.filter((prop) => prop.type === Syntax.Property)
.map(({ key, value }) => [syntaxNodeToValue(key), syntaxNodeToValue(value)]),
case Syntax.Identifier:
return expression.name;
case Syntax.Literal:
return expression.value;
case Syntax.ArrayExpression:
return expression.elements.map((exp) => syntaxNodeToValue(exp));
return undefined;
* Parse any JavaScript ObjectExpression, including:
* - single quoted keys
* - unquoted keys
function parseJSObject(objectAsString: string): object {
const jsExpression = esprimaParse(`(${objectAsString})`).body.find(
(node): node is ExpressionStatement =>
node.type === Syntax.ExpressionStatement && node.expression.type === Syntax.ObjectExpression,
return syntaxNodeToValue(jsExpression?.expression) as object;
2022-10-24 03:48:16 -07:00
type MutuallyExclusive<T, U> =
| (T & { [k in Exclude<keyof U, keyof T>]?: never })
| (U & { [k in Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>]?: never });
2024-07-26 10:05:25 -07:00
type JSONParseOptions<T> = { acceptJSObject?: boolean } & MutuallyExclusive<
{ errorMessage?: string },
{ fallbackValue?: T }
2022-10-24 03:48:16 -07:00
2024-07-26 10:05:25 -07:00
* Parses a JSON string into an object with optional error handling and recovery mechanisms.
* @param {string} jsonString - The JSON string to parse.
* @param {Object} [options] - Optional settings for parsing the JSON string. Either `fallbackValue` or `errorMessage` can be set, but not both.
* @param {boolean} [options.parseJSObject=false] - If true, attempts to recover from common JSON format errors by parsing the JSON string as a JavaScript Object.
* @param {string} [options.errorMessage] - A custom error message to throw if the JSON string cannot be parsed.
* @param {*} [options.fallbackValue] - A fallback value to return if the JSON string cannot be parsed.
* @returns {Object} - The parsed object, or the fallback value if parsing fails and `fallbackValue` is set.
2022-10-24 03:48:16 -07:00
export const jsonParse = <T>(jsonString: string, options?: JSONParseOptions<T>): T => {
2022-10-21 11:52:43 -07:00
try {
return JSON.parse(jsonString) as T;
} catch (error) {
2024-07-26 10:05:25 -07:00
if (options?.acceptJSObject) {
try {
const jsonStringCleaned = parseJSObject(jsonString);
return jsonStringCleaned as T;
} catch (e) {
// Ignore this error and return the original error or the fallback value
2022-10-24 03:48:16 -07:00
if (options?.fallbackValue !== undefined) {
2024-07-26 10:05:25 -07:00
if (options.fallbackValue instanceof Function) {
return options.fallbackValue();
2022-10-21 11:52:43 -07:00
return options.fallbackValue;
2022-10-24 03:48:16 -07:00
} else if (options?.errorMessage) {
2023-11-30 03:46:45 -08:00
throw new ApplicationError(options.errorMessage);
2022-10-21 11:52:43 -07:00
2022-10-24 03:48:16 -07:00
2022-10-21 11:52:43 -07:00
throw error;
2022-11-08 08:06:00 -08:00
2023-03-21 07:34:30 -07:00
type JSONStringifyOptions = {
replaceCircularRefs?: boolean;
2023-12-15 07:01:41 -08:00
export const replaceCircularReferences = <T>(value: T, knownObjects = new WeakSet()): T => {
2023-03-29 12:10:19 -07:00
if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null || value instanceof RegExp) return value;
if ('toJSON' in value && typeof value.toJSON === 'function') return value.toJSON() as T;
if (knownObjects.has(value)) return '[Circular Reference]' as T;
const copy = (Array.isArray(value) ? [] : {}) as T;
for (const key in value) {
copy[key] = replaceCircularReferences(value[key], knownObjects);
2023-03-27 07:22:59 -07:00
2023-03-29 12:10:19 -07:00
return copy;
2023-03-21 07:34:30 -07:00
export const jsonStringify = (obj: unknown, options: JSONStringifyOptions = {}): string => {
2023-03-27 07:22:59 -07:00
return JSON.stringify(options?.replaceCircularRefs ? replaceCircularReferences(obj) : obj);
2023-03-21 07:34:30 -07:00
2022-11-08 08:06:00 -08:00
export const sleep = async (ms: number): Promise<void> =>
2024-01-17 07:08:50 -08:00
await new Promise((resolve) => {
2022-11-08 08:06:00 -08:00
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
2022-12-11 05:10:54 -08:00
export function fileTypeFromMimeType(mimeType: string): BinaryFileType | undefined {
if (mimeType.startsWith('application/json')) return 'json';
2023-10-11 03:09:19 -07:00
if (mimeType.startsWith('text/html')) return 'html';
2022-12-11 05:10:54 -08:00
if (mimeType.startsWith('image/')) return 'image';
2023-10-09 08:43:57 -07:00
if (mimeType.startsWith('audio/')) return 'audio';
2022-12-11 05:10:54 -08:00
if (mimeType.startsWith('video/')) return 'video';
2023-10-09 08:43:57 -07:00
if (mimeType.startsWith('text/') || mimeType.startsWith('application/javascript')) return 'text';
if (mimeType.startsWith('application/pdf')) return 'pdf';
2022-12-11 05:10:54 -08:00
2022-12-22 01:27:14 -08:00
export function assert<T>(condition: T, msg?: string): asserts condition {
if (!condition) {
const error = new Error(msg ?? 'Invalid assertion');
// hide assert stack frame if supported
if (Error.hasOwnProperty('captureStackTrace')) {
// V8 only - https://nodejs.org/api/errors.html#errors_error_capturestacktrace_targetobject_constructoropt
Error.captureStackTrace(error, assert);
} else if (error.stack) {
// fallback for IE and Firefox
error.stack = error.stack
.slice(1) // skip assert function from stack frames
throw error;
2023-06-08 02:06:09 -07:00
2023-07-12 03:31:32 -07:00
export const isTraversableObject = (value: any): value is JsonObject => {
2023-07-31 02:00:48 -07:00
return value && typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value) && !!Object.keys(value).length;
2023-07-12 03:31:32 -07:00
2023-06-08 02:06:09 -07:00
2023-07-12 03:31:32 -07:00
export const removeCircularRefs = (obj: JsonObject, seen = new Set()) => {
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (isTraversableObject(value)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions
seen.has(value) ? (obj[key] = { circularReference: true }) : removeCircularRefs(value, seen);
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach((val, index) => {
if (seen.has(val)) {
value[index] = { circularReference: true };
if (isTraversableObject(val)) {
removeCircularRefs(val, seen);
2024-02-15 00:15:58 -08:00
export function updateDisplayOptions(
displayOptions: IDisplayOptions,
properties: INodeProperties[],
) {
return properties.map((nodeProperty) => {
return {
displayOptions: merge({}, nodeProperty.displayOptions, displayOptions),
2024-06-19 04:33:57 -07:00
export function randomInt(max: number): number;
export function randomInt(min: number, max: number): number;
* Generates a random integer within a specified range.
* @param {number} min - The lower bound of the range. If `max` is not provided, this value is used as the upper bound and the lower bound is set to 0.
* @param {number} [max] - The upper bound of the range, not inclusive.
* @returns {number} A random integer within the specified range.
export function randomInt(min: number, max?: number): number {
if (max === undefined) {
max = min;
min = 0;
return min + (crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0] % (max - min));
export function randomString(length: number): string;
export function randomString(minLength: number, maxLength: number): string;
* Generates a random alphanumeric string of a specified length, or within a range of lengths.
* @param {number} minLength - If `maxLength` is not provided, this is the length of the string to generate. Otherwise, this is the lower bound of the range of possible lengths.
* @param {number} [maxLength] - The upper bound of the range of possible lengths. If provided, the actual length of the string will be a random number between `minLength` and `maxLength`, inclusive.
* @returns {string} A random alphanumeric string of the specified length or within the specified range of lengths.
export function randomString(minLength: number, maxLength?: number): string {
const length = maxLength === undefined ? minLength : randomInt(minLength, maxLength + 1);
return [...crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(length))]
.map((byte) => ALPHABET[byte % ALPHABET.length])