2024-10-17 06:59:53 -07:00
import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended';
import type {
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import { formWebhook, prepareFormData, prepareFormReturnItem, resolveRawData } from '../utils';
describe('FormTrigger, formWebhook', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('should call response render', async () => {
const executeFunctions = mock<IWebhookFunctions>();
const mockRender = jest.fn();
const formFields: FormFieldsParameter = [
{ fieldLabel: 'Name', fieldType: 'text', requiredField: true },
{ fieldLabel: 'Age', fieldType: 'number', requiredField: false },
fieldLabel: 'Gender',
fieldType: 'select',
requiredField: true,
fieldOptions: { values: [{ option: 'Male' }, { option: 'Female' }] },
fieldLabel: 'Resume',
fieldType: 'file',
requiredField: true,
acceptFileTypes: '.pdf,.doc',
multipleFiles: false,
executeFunctions.getNode.mockReturnValue({ typeVersion: 2.1 } as any);
executeFunctions.getNodeParameter.calledWith('formTitle').mockReturnValue('Test Form');
.mockReturnValue('Test Description');
executeFunctions.getResponseObject.mockReturnValue({ render: mockRender } as any);
executeFunctions.getRequestObject.mockReturnValue({ method: 'GET', query: {} } as any);
executeFunctions.getBodyData.mockReturnValue({ data: {}, files: {} });
await formWebhook(executeFunctions);
expect(mockRender).toHaveBeenCalledWith('form-trigger', {
appendAttribution: true,
buttonLabel: 'Submit',
formDescription: 'Test Description',
formFields: [
defaultValue: '',
errorId: 'error-field-0',
id: 'field-0',
inputRequired: 'form-required',
isInput: true,
label: 'Name',
placeholder: undefined,
type: 'text',
defaultValue: '',
errorId: 'error-field-1',
id: 'field-1',
inputRequired: '',
isInput: true,
label: 'Age',
placeholder: undefined,
type: 'number',
defaultValue: '',
errorId: 'error-field-2',
id: 'field-2',
inputRequired: 'form-required',
isInput: true,
label: 'Gender',
placeholder: undefined,
type: 'select',
acceptFileTypes: '.pdf,.doc',
defaultValue: '',
errorId: 'error-field-3',
id: 'field-3',
inputRequired: 'form-required',
isFileInput: true,
label: 'Resume',
multipleFiles: '',
placeholder: undefined,
formSubmittedText: 'Your response has been recorded',
formTitle: 'Test Form',
testRun: true,
useResponseData: false,
validForm: true,
it('should return workflowData on POST request', async () => {
const executeFunctions = mock<IWebhookFunctions>();
const mockStatus = jest.fn();
const mockEnd = jest.fn();
const formFields: FormFieldsParameter = [
{ fieldLabel: 'Name', fieldType: 'text', requiredField: true },
{ fieldLabel: 'Age', fieldType: 'number', requiredField: false },
const bodyData = {
'field-0': 'John Doe',
'field-1': '30',
executeFunctions.getNode.mockReturnValue({ typeVersion: 2.1 } as any);
executeFunctions.getResponseObject.mockReturnValue({ status: mockStatus, end: mockEnd } as any);
executeFunctions.getRequestObject.mockReturnValue({ method: 'POST' } as any);
executeFunctions.getBodyData.mockReturnValue({ data: bodyData, files: {} });
const result = await formWebhook(executeFunctions);
webhookResponse: { status: 200 },
workflowData: [
json: {
Name: 'John Doe',
Age: 30,
submittedAt: expect.any(String),
formMode: 'test',
2024-07-29 05:58:03 -07:00
describe('FormTrigger, prepareFormData', () => {
it('should return valid form data with given parameters', () => {
2024-10-17 06:59:53 -07:00
const formFields: FormFieldsParameter = [
2024-07-29 05:58:03 -07:00
fieldLabel: 'Name',
fieldType: 'text',
requiredField: true,
placeholder: 'Enter your name',
fieldLabel: 'Email',
fieldType: 'email',
requiredField: true,
placeholder: 'Enter your email',
fieldLabel: 'Gender',
fieldType: 'dropdown',
requiredField: false,
fieldOptions: { values: [{ option: 'Male' }, { option: 'Female' }] },
fieldLabel: 'Files',
fieldType: 'file',
requiredField: false,
acceptFileTypes: '.jpg,.png',
multipleFiles: true,
const query = { Name: 'John Doe', Email: 'john@example.com' };
const result = prepareFormData({
formTitle: 'Test Form',
formDescription: 'This is a test form',
formSubmittedText: 'Thank you for your submission',
redirectUrl: 'https://example.com/thank-you',
testRun: false,
instanceId: 'test-instance',
useResponseData: true,
2024-10-17 06:59:53 -07:00
buttonLabel: 'Submit',
2024-07-29 05:58:03 -07:00
testRun: false,
validForm: true,
formTitle: 'Test Form',
formDescription: 'This is a test form',
formSubmittedText: 'Thank you for your submission',
formFields: [
id: 'field-0',
errorId: 'error-field-0',
label: 'Name',
inputRequired: 'form-required',
defaultValue: 'John Doe',
placeholder: 'Enter your name',
isInput: true,
type: 'text',
id: 'field-1',
errorId: 'error-field-1',
label: 'Email',
inputRequired: 'form-required',
defaultValue: 'john@example.com',
placeholder: 'Enter your email',
isInput: true,
type: 'email',
id: 'field-2',
errorId: 'error-field-2',
label: 'Gender',
inputRequired: '',
defaultValue: '',
placeholder: undefined,
isSelect: true,
selectOptions: ['Male', 'Female'],
id: 'field-3',
errorId: 'error-field-3',
label: 'Files',
inputRequired: '',
defaultValue: '',
placeholder: undefined,
isFileInput: true,
acceptFileTypes: '.jpg,.png',
multipleFiles: 'multiple',
useResponseData: true,
appendAttribution: true,
2024-10-17 06:59:53 -07:00
buttonLabel: 'Submit',
2024-07-29 05:58:03 -07:00
redirectUrl: 'https://example.com/thank-you',
it('should handle missing optional fields gracefully', () => {
2024-10-17 06:59:53 -07:00
const formFields: FormFieldsParameter = [
2024-07-29 05:58:03 -07:00
fieldLabel: 'Name',
fieldType: 'text',
requiredField: true,
placeholder: 'Enter your name',
const result = prepareFormData({
formTitle: 'Test Form',
formDescription: 'This is a test form',
formSubmittedText: undefined,
redirectUrl: undefined,
testRun: true,
query: {},
2024-10-17 06:59:53 -07:00
buttonLabel: 'Submit',
2024-07-29 05:58:03 -07:00
testRun: true,
validForm: true,
formTitle: 'Test Form',
formDescription: 'This is a test form',
formSubmittedText: 'Your response has been recorded',
n8nWebsiteLink: 'https://n8n.io/?utm_source=n8n-internal&utm_medium=form-trigger',
formFields: [
id: 'field-0',
errorId: 'error-field-0',
label: 'Name',
inputRequired: 'form-required',
defaultValue: '',
placeholder: 'Enter your name',
isInput: true,
type: 'text',
useResponseData: undefined,
appendAttribution: true,
2024-10-17 06:59:53 -07:00
buttonLabel: 'Submit',
2024-07-29 05:58:03 -07:00
it('should set redirectUrl with http if protocol is missing', () => {
2024-10-17 06:59:53 -07:00
const formFields: FormFieldsParameter = [
2024-07-29 05:58:03 -07:00
fieldLabel: 'Name',
fieldType: 'text',
requiredField: true,
placeholder: 'Enter your name',
const query = { Name: 'John Doe' };
const result = prepareFormData({
formTitle: 'Test Form',
formDescription: 'This is a test form',
formSubmittedText: undefined,
redirectUrl: 'example.com/thank-you',
testRun: true,
it('should return invalid form data when formFields are empty', () => {
const result = prepareFormData({
formTitle: 'Test Form',
formDescription: 'This is a test form',
formSubmittedText: undefined,
redirectUrl: undefined,
formFields: [],
testRun: true,
query: {},
it('should correctly handle multiselect fields', () => {
2024-10-17 06:59:53 -07:00
const formFields: FormFieldsParameter = [
2024-07-29 05:58:03 -07:00
fieldLabel: 'Favorite Colors',
fieldType: 'text',
requiredField: true,
multiselect: true,
fieldOptions: { values: [{ option: 'Red' }, { option: 'Blue' }, { option: 'Green' }] },
const query = { 'Favorite Colors': 'Red,Blue' };
const result = prepareFormData({
formTitle: 'Test Form',
formDescription: 'This is a test form',
formSubmittedText: 'Thank you',
redirectUrl: 'example.com',
testRun: false,
2024-10-02 07:58:47 -07:00
{ id: 'option0_field-0', label: 'Red' },
{ id: 'option1_field-0', label: 'Blue' },
{ id: 'option2_field-0', label: 'Green' },
it('should correctly handle multiselect fields with unique ids', () => {
2024-10-17 06:59:53 -07:00
const formFields = [
2024-10-02 07:58:47 -07:00
fieldLabel: 'Favorite Colors',
fieldType: 'text',
requiredField: true,
multiselect: true,
fieldOptions: { values: [{ option: 'Red' }, { option: 'Blue' }, { option: 'Green' }] },
fieldLabel: 'Favorite Colors',
fieldType: 'text',
requiredField: true,
multiselect: true,
fieldOptions: { values: [{ option: 'Red' }, { option: 'Blue' }, { option: 'Green' }] },
const query = { 'Favorite Colors': 'Red,Blue' };
const result = prepareFormData({
formTitle: 'Test Form',
formDescription: 'This is a test form',
formSubmittedText: 'Thank you',
redirectUrl: 'example.com',
testRun: false,
{ id: 'option0_field-0', label: 'Red' },
{ id: 'option1_field-0', label: 'Blue' },
{ id: 'option2_field-0', label: 'Green' },
{ id: 'option0_field-1', label: 'Red' },
{ id: 'option1_field-1', label: 'Blue' },
{ id: 'option2_field-1', label: 'Green' },
2024-07-29 05:58:03 -07:00
2024-10-17 06:59:53 -07:00
jest.mock('luxon', () => ({
DateTime: {
fromFormat: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
toFormat: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('formatted-date'),
now: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
setZone: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
toISO: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('2023-04-01T12:00:00.000Z'),
describe('prepareFormReturnItem', () => {
const mockContext = mock<IWebhookFunctions>({
nodeHelpers: mock({
copyBinaryFile: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}),
const formNode = mock<INode>({ type: 'n8n-nodes-base.formTrigger' });
beforeEach(() => {
mockContext.getBodyData.mockReturnValue({ data: {}, files: {} });
it('should handle empty form submission', async () => {
const result = await prepareFormReturnItem(mockContext, [], 'test');
json: {
submittedAt: '2023-04-01T12:00:00.000Z',
formMode: 'test',
it('should process text fields correctly', async () => {
data: { 'field-0': ' test value ' },
files: {},
const formFields = [{ fieldLabel: 'Text Field', fieldType: 'text' }];
const result = await prepareFormReturnItem(mockContext, formFields, 'production');
expect(result.json['Text Field']).toBe('test value');
it('should process number fields correctly', async () => {
data: { 'field-0': '42' },
files: {},
const formFields = [{ fieldLabel: 'Number Field', fieldType: 'number' }];
const result = await prepareFormReturnItem(mockContext, formFields, 'test');
expect(result.json['Number Field']).toBe(42);
it('should handle file uploads', async () => {
const mockFile: Partial<MultiPartFormData.File> = {
filepath: '/tmp/uploaded-file',
originalFilename: 'test.txt',
mimetype: 'text/plain',
size: 1024,
data: {},
files: { 'field-0': mockFile },
const formFields = [{ fieldLabel: 'File Upload', fieldType: 'file' }];
const result = await prepareFormReturnItem(mockContext, formFields, 'test');
expect(result.json['File Upload']).toEqual({
filename: 'test.txt',
mimetype: 'text/plain',
size: 1024,
it('should handle multiple file uploads', async () => {
const mockFiles: Array<Partial<MultiPartFormData.File>> = [
{ filepath: '/tmp/file1', originalFilename: 'file1.txt', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 1024 },
{ filepath: '/tmp/file2', originalFilename: 'file2.txt', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 2048 },
data: {},
files: { 'field-0': mockFiles },
const formFields = [{ fieldLabel: 'Multiple Files', fieldType: 'file', multipleFiles: true }];
const result = await prepareFormReturnItem(mockContext, formFields, 'test');
expect(result.json['Multiple Files']).toEqual([
{ filename: 'file1.txt', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 1024 },
{ filename: 'file2.txt', mimetype: 'text/plain', size: 2048 },
it('should format date fields', async () => {
data: { 'field-0': '2023-04-01' },
files: {},
const formFields = [{ fieldLabel: 'Date Field', fieldType: 'date', formatDate: 'dd/MM/yyyy' }];
const result = await prepareFormReturnItem(mockContext, formFields, 'test');
expect(result.json['Date Field']).toBe('formatted-date');
expect(DateTime.fromFormat).toHaveBeenCalledWith('2023-04-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd');
it('should handle multiselect fields', async () => {
data: { 'field-0': '["option1", "option2"]' },
files: {},
const formFields = [{ fieldLabel: 'Multiselect', fieldType: 'multiSelect', multiselect: true }];
const result = await prepareFormReturnItem(mockContext, formFields, 'test');
expect(result.json.Multiselect).toEqual(['option1', 'option2']);
it('should use workflow timezone when specified', async () => {
await prepareFormReturnItem(mockContext, [], 'test', true);
it('should include workflow static data for form trigger node', async () => {
const staticData = { queryParam: 'value' };
const result = await prepareFormReturnItem(mockContext, [], 'test');
describe('resolveRawData', () => {
const mockContext = mock<IWebhookFunctions>();
const dummyData = {
name: 'Hanna',
age: 30,
city: 'New York',
isStudent: false,
hasJob: true,
grades: {
math: 95,
science: 88,
history: 92,
hobbies: ['reading', 'painting', 'coding'],
address: {
street: '123 Main St',
zipCode: '10001',
country: 'USA',
languages: ['English', 'Spanish'],
projects: [
{ name: 'Project A', status: 'completed' },
{ name: 'Project B', status: 'in-progress' },
emptyArray: [],
beforeEach(() => {
mockContext.evaluateExpression.mockImplementation((expression: string) => {
const key = expression.replace(/[{}]/g, '').trim();
return key.split('.').reduce((obj, prop) => obj?.[prop], dummyData as any);
it('should return the input string if it does not start with "="', () => {
const input = 'Hello, world!';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe(input);
it('should remove leading "=" characters', () => {
const input = '=Hello, world!';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe('Hello, world!');
it('should resolve a single expression', () => {
const input = '=Hello, {{name}}!';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe('Hello, Hanna!');
it('should resolve multiple expressions', () => {
const input = '={{name}} is {{age}} years old and lives in {{city}}.';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe('Hanna is 30 years old and lives in New York.');
it('should handle object resolutions', () => {
const input = '=Grades: {{grades}}';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe(
'Grades: {"math":95,"science":88,"history":92}',
it('should handle nested object properties', () => {
const input = "={{name}}'s math grade is {{grades.math}}.";
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe("Hanna's math grade is 95.");
it('should handle boolean values', () => {
const input = '=Is {{name}} a student? {{isStudent}}';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe('Is Hanna a student? false');
it('should handle expressions with whitespace', () => {
const input = '={{ name }} is {{ age }} years old.';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe('Hanna is 30 years old.');
it('should return the original string if no resolvables are found', () => {
const input = '=Hello, world!';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe('Hello, world!');
it('should handle non-existent properties gracefully', () => {
const input = "={{name}}'s favorite color is {{favoriteColor}}.";
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe("Hanna's favorite color is undefined.");
it('should handle mixed resolvable and non-resolvable content', () => {
const input = '={{name}} lives in {{city}} and enjoys programming.';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe(
'Hanna lives in New York and enjoys programming.',
it('should handle boolean values correctly', () => {
const input = '={{name}} is a student: {{isStudent}}. {{name}} has a job: {{hasJob}}.';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe(
'Hanna is a student: false. Hanna has a job: true.',
it('should handle arrays correctly', () => {
const input = "={{name}}'s hobbies are {{hobbies}}.";
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe(
'Hanna\'s hobbies are ["reading","painting","coding"].',
it('should handle nested objects correctly', () => {
const input = '={{name}} lives at {{address.street}}, {{address.zipCode}}.';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe('Hanna lives at 123 Main St, 10001.');
it('should handle arrays of objects correctly', () => {
const input = '=Project statuses: {{projects.0.status}}, {{projects.1.status}}.';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe('Project statuses: completed, in-progress.');
it('should handle empty arrays correctly', () => {
const input = '=Empty array: {{emptyArray}}.';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe('Empty array: [].');
it('should handle a mix of different data types', () => {
const input =
'={{name}} ({{age}}) knows {{languages.length}} languages. First project: {{projects.0.name}}.';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe(
'Hanna (30) knows 2 languages. First project: Project A.',
it('should handle nested array access', () => {
const input = '=First hobby: {{hobbies.0}}, Last hobby: {{hobbies.2}}.';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe('First hobby: reading, Last hobby: coding.');
it('should handle object-to-string conversion', () => {
const input = '=Address object: {{address}}.';
expect(resolveRawData(mockContext, input)).toBe(
'Address object: {"street":"123 Main St","zipCode":"10001","country":"USA"}.',