
177 lines
5.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// ***********************************************
// This example commands.js shows you how to
// create various custom commands and overwrite
// existing commands.
// For more comprehensive examples of custom
// commands please read more here:
// https://on.cypress.io/custom-commands
// ***********************************************
// -- This is a parent command --
// Cypress.Commands.add('login', (email, password) => { ... })
// -- This is a child command --
// Cypress.Commands.add('drag', { prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
// -- This is a dual command --
// Cypress.Commands.add('dismiss', { prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, options) => { ... })
// -- This will overwrite an existing command --
// Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit', (originalFn, url, options) => { ... })
import { WorkflowsPage, SigninPage, SignupPage } from "../pages";
import { N8N_AUTH_COOKIE } from "../constants";
import { WorkflowPage as WorkflowPageClass } from '../pages/workflow';
import { MessageBox } from '../pages/modals/message-box';
Cypress.Commands.add('getByTestId', (selector, ...args) => {
return cy.get(`[data-test-id="${selector}"]`, ...args)
Cypress.Commands.add('createFixtureWorkflow', (fixtureKey, workflowName) => {
const WorkflowPage = new WorkflowPageClass()
// We need to force the click because the input is hidden
WorkflowPage.getters.workflowImportInput().selectFile(`cypress/fixtures/${fixtureKey}`, { force: true});
WorkflowPage.getters.saveButton().should('contain', 'Saved');
Cypress.Commands.add('findChildByTestId', { prevSubject: true }, (subject: Cypress.Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElement>>, childTestId) => {
return subject.find(`[data-test-id="${childTestId}"]`);
Cypress.Commands.add('waitForLoad', () => {
cy.getByTestId('node-view-loader').should('not.exist', { timeout: 10000 });
cy.get('.el-loading-mask').should('not.exist', { timeout: 10000 });
({ email, password }) => {
const signinPage = new SigninPage();
const workflowsPage = new WorkflowsPage();
cy.session([email, password], () => {
signinPage.getters.form().within(() => {
// we should be redirected to /workflows
cy.url().should('include', workflowsPage.url);
validate() {
Cypress.Commands.add('setup', ({ email, firstName, lastName, password }) => {
const signupPage = new SignupPage();
signupPage.getters.form().within(() => {
cy.url().then((url) => {
if (url.endsWith(signupPage.url)) {
} else {
cy.log('User already signed up');
Cypress.Commands.add('skipSetup', () => {
const signupPage = new SignupPage();
const workflowsPage = new WorkflowsPage();
const Confirmation = new MessageBox();
signupPage.getters.form().within(() => {
cy.url().then((url) => {
if (url.endsWith(signupPage.url)) {
Confirmation.getters.header().should('contain.text', 'Skip owner account setup?');
// we should be redirected to /workflows
cy.url().should('include', workflowsPage.url);
} else {
cy.log('User already signed up');
Cypress.Commands.add('resetAll', () => {
Cypress.Commands.add('setupOwner', (payload) => {
cy.task('setup-owner', payload);
Cypress.Commands.add('grantBrowserPermissions', (...permissions: string[]) => {
if(Cypress.isBrowser('chrome')) {
cy.wrap(Cypress.automation('remote:debugger:protocol', {
command: 'Browser.grantPermissions',
params: {
origin: window.location.origin,
Cypress.Commands.add('readClipboard', () => cy.window().its('navigator.clipboard').invoke('readText'));
test(editor): Add e2e tests for undo/redo (#4904) * ✨ Added history store and mixin * ✨ Implemented node position change undo/redo * ✨ Implemented move nodes bulk command * ⚡ Not clearing the redo stack after pushing the bulk command * 🔨 Implemented commands using classes * 🔥 Removed unnecessary interfaces and actions * 🔥 Removing unused constants * 🔨 Refactoring classes file * ⚡ Adding eventBus to command obects * ✨ Added undo/redo support for adding and removing nodes * ✨ Implemented initial add/remove connections undo support * ⚡ Covering some corner cases with reconnecting nodes * ⚡ Adding undo support for reconnecting nodes * ⚡ Fixing going back and forward between undo and redo * ✨ Implemented async command revert * ⚡ Preventing push to undo if bulk redo/undo is in progress * ⚡ Handling re-connecting nodes and stopped pushing empty bulk actions to undo stack * ✨ Handling adding a node between two connected nodes * ⚡ Handling the case of removing multiple connections on the same index. Adding debounce to undo/redo keyboard calls * ⚡ Removing unnecessary timeouts, adding missing awaits, refactoring * ⚡ Resetting history when opening new workflow, fixing incorrect bulk recording when inserting node * ✔️ Fixing lint error * ⚡ Minor refactoring + some temporary debugging logs * ⚡ Preserving node properties when undoing it's removal, removing some unused repaint code * ✨ Added undo/redo support for import workflow and node enable/disable * 🔥 Removing some unused constant * ✨ Added undo/redo support for renaming nodes * ⚡ Fixing rename history recording * ✨ Added undo/redo support for duplicating nodes * 📈 Implemented telemetry events * 🔨 A bit of refactoring * ⚡ Fixing edgecases in removing connection and moving nodes * ⚡ Handling case of adding duplicate nodes when going back and forward in history * ⚡ Recording connections added directly to store * ⚡ Moving main history reset after wf is opened * 🔨 Simplifying rename recording * 📈 Adding NDV telemetry event, updating existing event name case * 📈 Updating telemetry events * ✅ Added initial undo/redo tests * ⚡ Fixing duplicate connections on undo/redo * ⚡ Stopping undo events from firing constantly on keydown * ✅ Added connection test for undo/redo * 📈 Updated telemetry event for hitting undo in NDV * ⚡ Adding undo support for disabling nodes using keyboard shortcuts * ✅ Added more tests for adding and deleting nodes undo/redo * ⚡ Preventing adding duplicate connection commands to history * 📈 Adding connection assertions to delete node tests * ⚡ Clearing redo stack when new change is added * ⚡ Preventing adding connection actions to undo stack while redoing them * 👌 Addressing PR comments part 1 * 👌 Moving undo logic for disabling nodes to `NodeView` * 👌 Implemented command comparing logic * ⚡ Fix for not clearing redo stack on every user action * ⚡ Fixing recording when moving nodes * ⚡ Fixing undo for moving connections * ⚡ Fixing tracking new nodes after latest merge * ⚡ Fixing broken bulk delete * ✅ Added tests for moving nodes * ✅ Added tests for deleting connections * ✅ Added tests for disabling nodes * ✅ Added node rename tests * ✅ Added tests for duplicating and pasting nodes * ✅ Added multi-step undo/redo tests * ✅ Fixing assertion condition * ✅ Fixing timeout issue between keyboard strokes * ⬆️ Updating pnpm lock file * ✅ Waiting for page load to finish before each test * ✅ Adding proper handling of meta key press * 🚨 Temporarily disabling slack notifications * ✅ Adding check before clicking connection actions * ⚡ Removing comments from other undo tests * 🎨 Fixing a typo
2022-12-14 01:33:44 -08:00
Cypress.Commands.add('paste', { prevSubject: true }, (selector, pastePayload) => {
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/paste_event
cy.wrap(selector).then($destination => {
const pasteEvent = Object.assign(new Event('paste', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }), {
clipboardData: {
getData: () => pastePayload
test(editor): Add e2e tests for undo/redo (#4904) * ✨ Added history store and mixin * ✨ Implemented node position change undo/redo * ✨ Implemented move nodes bulk command * ⚡ Not clearing the redo stack after pushing the bulk command * 🔨 Implemented commands using classes * 🔥 Removed unnecessary interfaces and actions * 🔥 Removing unused constants * 🔨 Refactoring classes file * ⚡ Adding eventBus to command obects * ✨ Added undo/redo support for adding and removing nodes * ✨ Implemented initial add/remove connections undo support * ⚡ Covering some corner cases with reconnecting nodes * ⚡ Adding undo support for reconnecting nodes * ⚡ Fixing going back and forward between undo and redo * ✨ Implemented async command revert * ⚡ Preventing push to undo if bulk redo/undo is in progress * ⚡ Handling re-connecting nodes and stopped pushing empty bulk actions to undo stack * ✨ Handling adding a node between two connected nodes * ⚡ Handling the case of removing multiple connections on the same index. Adding debounce to undo/redo keyboard calls * ⚡ Removing unnecessary timeouts, adding missing awaits, refactoring * ⚡ Resetting history when opening new workflow, fixing incorrect bulk recording when inserting node * ✔️ Fixing lint error * ⚡ Minor refactoring + some temporary debugging logs * ⚡ Preserving node properties when undoing it's removal, removing some unused repaint code * ✨ Added undo/redo support for import workflow and node enable/disable * 🔥 Removing some unused constant * ✨ Added undo/redo support for renaming nodes * ⚡ Fixing rename history recording * ✨ Added undo/redo support for duplicating nodes * 📈 Implemented telemetry events * 🔨 A bit of refactoring * ⚡ Fixing edgecases in removing connection and moving nodes * ⚡ Handling case of adding duplicate nodes when going back and forward in history * ⚡ Recording connections added directly to store * ⚡ Moving main history reset after wf is opened * 🔨 Simplifying rename recording * 📈 Adding NDV telemetry event, updating existing event name case * 📈 Updating telemetry events * ✅ Added initial undo/redo tests * ⚡ Fixing duplicate connections on undo/redo * ⚡ Stopping undo events from firing constantly on keydown * ✅ Added connection test for undo/redo * 📈 Updated telemetry event for hitting undo in NDV * ⚡ Adding undo support for disabling nodes using keyboard shortcuts * ✅ Added more tests for adding and deleting nodes undo/redo * ⚡ Preventing adding duplicate connection commands to history * 📈 Adding connection assertions to delete node tests * ⚡ Clearing redo stack when new change is added * ⚡ Preventing adding connection actions to undo stack while redoing them * 👌 Addressing PR comments part 1 * 👌 Moving undo logic for disabling nodes to `NodeView` * 👌 Implemented command comparing logic * ⚡ Fix for not clearing redo stack on every user action * ⚡ Fixing recording when moving nodes * ⚡ Fixing undo for moving connections * ⚡ Fixing tracking new nodes after latest merge * ⚡ Fixing broken bulk delete * ✅ Added tests for moving nodes * ✅ Added tests for deleting connections * ✅ Added tests for disabling nodes * ✅ Added node rename tests * ✅ Added tests for duplicating and pasting nodes * ✅ Added multi-step undo/redo tests * ✅ Fixing assertion condition * ✅ Fixing timeout issue between keyboard strokes * ⬆️ Updating pnpm lock file * ✅ Waiting for page load to finish before each test * ✅ Adding proper handling of meta key press * 🚨 Temporarily disabling slack notifications * ✅ Adding check before clicking connection actions * ⚡ Removing comments from other undo tests * 🎨 Fixing a typo
2022-12-14 01:33:44 -08:00
Cypress.Commands.add('drag', (selector, xDiff, yDiff) => {
const element = cy.get(selector);
const originalLocation = Cypress.$(selector)[0].getBoundingClientRect();
element.trigger('mousemove', {
which: 1,
pageX: originalLocation.right + xDiff,
pageY: originalLocation.top + yDiff,
force: true,