If you already have VS Code and Docker installed, you can click [here](https://vscode.dev/redirect?url=vscode://ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers/cloneInVolume?url=https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n) to get started. Clicking these links will cause VS Code to automatically install the Dev Containers extension if needed, clone the source code into a container volume, and spin up a dev container for use.
With Node.js v16.17 or newer, you can install the latest version of pnpm: `corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate`. If you use an older version install at least version 9.15 of pnpm via: `corepack prepare pnpm@9.15.5 --activate`.
**IMPORTANT**: If you have installed Node.js via homebrew, you'll need to run `brew install corepack`, since homebrew explicitly removes `npm` and `corepack` from [the `node` formula](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/node.rb#L66).
**IMPORTANT**: If you are on windows, you'd need to run `corepack enable` and `corepack prepare pnpm --activate` in a terminal as an administrator.
1. Commit code and [create a pull request](https://docs.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-pull-requests/proposing-changes-to-your-work-with-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-request-from-a-fork)
Please address the requested changes or provide feedback within 14 days. If there is no response or updates to the pull request during this time, it will be automatically closed. The PR can be reopened once the requested changes are applied.
#### **2. General Requirements**
- **Follow the Style Guide:**
- Ensure your code adheres to n8n's coding standards and conventions (e.g., formatting, naming, indentation). Use linting tools where applicable.
- **TypeScript Compliance:**
- Do not use `ts-ignore` .
- Ensure code adheres to TypeScript rules.
- **Avoid Repetitive Code:**
- Reuse existing components, parameters, and logic wherever possible instead of redefining or duplicating them.
- For nodes: Use the same parameter across multiple operations rather than defining a new parameter for each operation (if applicable).
- **Testing Requirements:**
- PRs **must include tests**:
- Unit tests
- Workflow tests for nodes (example [here](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/tree/master/packages/nodes-base/nodes/Switch/V3/test))
- UI tests (if applicable)
- **Typos:**
- Use a spell-checking tool, such as [**Code Spell Checker**](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker), to avoid typos.
#### **3. PR Specific Requirements**
- **Small PRs Only:**
- Focus on a single feature or fix per PR.
- **Naming Convention:**
- Follow [n8n's PR Title Conventions](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/blob/master/.github/pull_request_title_conventions.md#L36).
- **New Nodes:**
- PRs that introduce new nodes will be **auto-closed** unless they are explicitly requested by the n8n team and aligned with an agreed project scope. However, you can still explore [building your own nodes](https://docs.n8n.io/integrations/creating-nodes/) , as n8n offers the flexibility to create your own custom nodes.
- **Typo-Only PRs:**
- Typos are not sufficient justification for a PR and will be rejected.
#### **4. Workflow Summary for Non-Compliant PRs**
- **No Tests:** If tests are not provided, the PR will be auto-closed after **14 days**.
- **Non-Small PRs:** Large or multifaceted PRs will be returned for segmentation.
- **New Nodes/Typo PRs:** Automatically rejected if not aligned with project scope or guidelines.
E2E tests can be started via one of the following commands:
-`pnpm test:e2e:ui`: Start n8n and run e2e tests interactively using built UI code. Does not react to code changes (i.e. runs `pnpm start` and `cypress open`)
-`pnpm test:e2e:dev`: Start n8n in development mode and run e2e tests interactively. Reacts to code changes (i.e. runs `pnpm dev` and `cypress open`)
-`pnpm test:e2e:all`: Start n8n and run e2e tests headless (i.e. runs `pnpm start` and `cypress run --headless`)
⚠️ Remember to stop your dev server before. Otherwise port binding will fail.
To start a release, trigger [this workflow](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/actions/workflows/release-create-pr.yml) with the SemVer release type, and select a branch to cut this release from. This workflow will then:
Learn about [building nodes](https://docs.n8n.io/integrations/creating-nodes/) to create custom nodes for n8n. You can create community nodes and make them available using [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/).
You can submit your workflows to n8n's template library.
n8n is working on a creator program, and developing a marketplace of templates. This is an ongoing project, and details are likely to change.
Refer to [n8n Creator hub](https://www.notion.so/n8n/n8n-Creator-hub-7bd2cbe0fce0449198ecb23ff4a2f76f) for information on how to submit templates and become a creator.
That we do not have any potential problems later it is sadly necessary to sign a [Contributor License Agreement](CONTRIBUTOR_LICENSE_AGREEMENT.md). That can be done literally with the push of a button.
We used the most simple one that exists. It is from [Indie Open Source](https://indieopensource.com/forms/cla) which uses plain English and is literally only a few lines long.
Once a pull request is opened, an automated bot will promptly leave a comment requesting the agreement to be signed. The pull request can only be merged once the signature is obtained.