mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:50:17 -08:00
400 lines
8 KiB
400 lines
8 KiB
export const getChatResponse = {
ok: true,
result: {
id: 123456789,
first_name: 'Nathan',
last_name: 'W',
username: 'n8n',
type: 'private',
active_usernames: ['n8n'],
bio: 'Automation',
has_private_forwards: true,
max_reaction_count: 11,
accent_color_id: 3,
export const sendMessageResponse = {
ok: true,
result: {
message_id: 40,
from: {
id: 9876543210,
is_bot: true,
first_name: '@n8n',
username: 'n8n_test_bot',
chat: {
id: 123456789,
first_name: 'Nathan',
last_name: 'W',
username: 'n8n',
type: 'private',
date: 1732960606,
text: 'a\n\nThis message was sent automatically with n8n',
entities: [
offset: 3,
length: 41,
type: 'italic',
offset: 44,
length: 3,
type: 'text_link',
url: 'https://n8n.io/?utm_source=n8n-internal&utm_medium=powered_by&utm_campaign=n8n-nodes-base.telegram_8c8c5237b8e37b006a7adce87f4369350c58e41f3ca9de16196d3197f69eabcd',
link_preview_options: {
is_disabled: true,
export const sendMediaGroupResponse = {
ok: true,
result: [
message_id: 41,
from: {
id: 9876543210,
is_bot: true,
first_name: '@n8n',
username: 'n8n_test_bot',
chat: {
id: 123456789,
first_name: 'Nathan',
last_name: 'W',
username: 'n8n',
type: 'private',
date: 1732963445,
photo: [
file_unique_id: 'AQAD_bUxG9wzXVJ4',
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width: 90,
height: 24,
file_unique_id: 'AQAD_bUxG9wzXVJy',
file_size: 6571,
width: 320,
height: 87,
file_unique_id: 'AQAD_bUxG9wzXVJ9',
file_size: 9639,
width: 458,
height: 124,
export const sendLocationMessageResponse = {
ok: true,
result: {
message_id: 42,
from: {
id: 9876543210,
is_bot: true,
first_name: '@n8n',
username: 'n8n_test_bot',
chat: {
id: 123456789,
first_name: 'Nathan',
last_name: 'W',
username: 'n8n',
type: 'private',
date: 1732963630,
reply_to_message: {
message_id: 40,
from: {
id: 9876543210,
is_bot: true,
first_name: '@n8n',
username: 'n8n_test_bot',
chat: {
id: 123456789,
first_name: 'Nathan',
last_name: 'W',
username: 'n8n',
type: 'private',
date: 1732960606,
text: 'a\n\nThis message was sent automatically with n8n',
entities: [
offset: 3,
length: 41,
type: 'italic',
offset: 44,
length: 3,
type: 'text_link',
url: 'https://n8n.io/?utm_source=n8n-internal&utm_medium=powered_by&utm_campaign=n8n-nodes-base.telegram_8c8c5237b8e37b006a7adce87f4369350c58e41f3ca9de16196d3197f69eabcd',
link_preview_options: {
is_disabled: true,
location: {
latitude: 0.00001,
longitude: 0.000003,
export const okTrueResponse = {
ok: true,
result: true,
export const sendStickerResponse = {
ok: true,
result: {
message_id: 44,
from: {
id: 9876543210,
is_bot: true,
first_name: '@n8n',
username: 'n8n_test_bot',
chat: {
id: 123456789,
first_name: 'Nathan',
last_name: 'W',
username: 'n8n',
type: 'private',
date: 1732965815,
document: {
file_name: '1_webp_ll.png',
mime_type: 'image/png',
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file_unique_id: 'AQADGwcAAifeXFJy',
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file_unique_id: 'AQADGwcAAifeXFJy',
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file_unique_id: 'AgADGwcAAifeXFI',
file_size: 122750,
export const editMessageTextResponse = {
ok: true,
result: {
message_id: 40,
from: {
id: 9876543210,
is_bot: true,
first_name: '@n8n',
username: 'n8n_test_bot',
chat: {
id: 123456789,
first_name: 'Nathan',
last_name: 'W',
username: 'n8n',
type: 'private',
date: 1732960606,
edit_date: 1732967008,
text: 'test',
reply_markup: {
inline_keyboard: [
text: 'foo',
callback_data: 'callback',
text: 'n8n',
url: 'https://n8n.io/',
export const chatAdministratorsResponse = {
ok: true,
result: [
user: {
id: 9876543210,
is_bot: true,
first_name: '@n8n',
username: 'n8n_test_bot',
status: 'administrator',
can_be_edited: false,
can_manage_chat: true,
can_change_info: true,
can_post_messages: true,
can_edit_messages: true,
can_delete_messages: true,
can_invite_users: true,
can_restrict_members: true,
can_promote_members: false,
can_manage_video_chats: true,
can_post_stories: true,
can_edit_stories: true,
can_delete_stories: true,
is_anonymous: false,
can_manage_voice_chats: true,
user: {
id: 123456789,
is_bot: false,
first_name: 'Nathan',
last_name: 'W',
username: 'n8n',
language_code: 'en',
status: 'creator',
is_anonymous: false,
export const sendAnimationMessageResponse = {
ok: true,
result: {
message_id: 45,
from: {
id: 9876543210,
is_bot: true,
first_name: '@n8n',
username: 'n8n_test_bot',
chat: {
id: 123456789,
first_name: 'Nathan',
last_name: 'W',
username: 'n8n',
type: 'private',
date: 1732968868,
animation: {
file_name: 'Telegram---Opening-Image.gif.mp4',
mime_type: 'video/mp4',
duration: 6,
width: 320,
height: 320,
thumbnail: {
file_unique_id: 'AQADJgQAAvMJXFFy',
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height: 320,
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file_name: 'Telegram---Opening-Image.gif.mp4',
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file_unique_id: 'AQADJgQAAvMJXFFy',
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width: 320,
height: 320,
thumb: {
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file_size: 36480,
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height: 320,
file_id: 'CgACAgQAAxkDAAMtZ0sBpKvfUg2GmktVUdBDAAFKzsNXAAImBAAC8wlcUe4yGEvHdx8nNgQ',
file_unique_id: 'AgADJgQAAvMJXFE',
file_size: 309245,
caption: 'Animation',
export const sendAudioResponse = {
ok: true,
result: {
message_id: 46,
from: {
id: 9876543210,
is_bot: true,
first_name: '@n8n',
username: 'n8n_test_bot',
chat: {
id: 123456789,
first_name: 'Nathan',
last_name: 'W',
username: 'n8n',
type: 'private',
date: 1732969291,
audio: {
duration: 3,
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file_id: 'CQACAgQAAxkDAAMuZ0sDSxCh3hW89NQa-eTpxKioqGAAAjsEAAIBCU1SGtsPA4N9TSo2BA',
file_unique_id: 'AgADOwQAAgEJTVI',
file_size: 52079,
export const getMemberResponse = {
ok: true,
result: {
user: {
id: 123456789,
is_bot: false,
first_name: 'Nathan',
last_name: 'W',
username: 'n8n',
language_code: 'en',
status: 'creator',
is_anonymous: false,