
249 lines
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2019-06-23 03:35:23 -07:00
import {
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import { ObjectID, Repository } from "typeorm";
import { Url } from 'url';
import { Request } from 'express';
export interface IActivationError {
time: number;
error: {
message: string;
export interface ICustomRequest extends Request {
parsedUrl: Url | undefined;
export interface IDatabaseCollections {
Credentials: Repository<ICredentialsDb> | null;
Execution: Repository<IExecutionFlattedDb> | null;
Workflow: Repository<IWorkflowDb> | null;
export interface IWorkflowBase {
id?: number | string | ObjectID;
name: string;
active: boolean;
createdAt: number | string;
updatedAt: number | string;
nodes: INode[];
connections: IConnections;
settings?: IWorkflowSettings;
staticData?: IDataObject;
// Almost identical to editor-ui.Interfaces.ts
export interface IWorkflowDb extends IWorkflowBase {
id: number | string | ObjectID;
export interface IWorkflowResponse extends IWorkflowBase {
id: string;
export interface IWorkflowShortResponse {
id: string;
name: string;
active: boolean;
createdAt: number | string;
updatedAt: number | string;
export interface ICredentialsBase {
createdAt: number | string;
updatedAt: number | string;
export interface ICredentialsDb extends ICredentialsBase, ICredentialsEncrypted{
id: number | string | ObjectID;
export interface ICredentialsResponse extends ICredentialsDb {
id: string;
export interface ICredentialsDecryptedDb extends ICredentialsBase, ICredentialsDecrypted {
id: number | string | ObjectID;
export interface ICredentialsDecryptedResponse extends ICredentialsDecryptedDb {
id: string;
export type DatabaseType = 'mongodb' | 'sqlite';
export interface IExecutionBase {
id?: number | string | ObjectID;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
startedAt: number;
stoppedAt: number;
workflowId?: string; // To be able to filter executions easily //
finished: boolean;
retryOf?: number | string | ObjectID; // If it is a retry, the id of the execution it is a retry of.
retrySuccessId?: number | string | ObjectID; // If it failed and a retry did succeed. The id of the successful retry.
// Data in regular format with references
export interface IExecutionDb extends IExecutionBase {
data: IRunExecutionData;
workflowData?: IWorkflowBase;
export interface IExecutionPushResponse {
executionId?: string;
waitingForWebhook?: boolean;
export interface IExecutionResponse extends IExecutionBase {
id: string;
data: IRunExecutionData;
retryOf?: string;
retrySuccessId?: string;
workflowData: IWorkflowBase;
// Flatted data to save memory when saving in database or transfering
// via REST API
export interface IExecutionFlatted extends IExecutionBase {
data: string;
workflowData: IWorkflowBase;
export interface IExecutionFlattedDb extends IExecutionBase {
id: number | string | ObjectID;
data: string;
workflowData: IWorkflowBase;
export interface IExecutionFlattedResponse extends IExecutionFlatted {
id: string;
retryOf?: string;
export interface IExecutionsListResponse {
count: number;
// results: IExecutionShortResponse[];
results: IExecutionsSummary[];
export interface IExecutionsStopData {
finished?: boolean;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
startedAt: number | string;
stoppedAt: number | string;
export interface IExecutionsSummary {
id: string;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
finished?: boolean;
retryOf?: string;
retrySuccessId?: string;
startedAt: number | string;
stoppedAt?: number | string;
workflowId: string;
workflowName?: string;
export interface IExecutionDeleteFilter {
deleteBefore?: number;
filters?: IDataObject;
ids?: string[];
export interface IN8nConfig {
database: IN8nConfigDatabase;
nodes?: IN8nConfigNodes;
export interface IN8nConfigDatabase {
type: DatabaseType;
mongodbConfig?: {
url: string;
export interface IN8nConfigNodes {
exclude?: string[];
export interface IN8nUISettings {
endpointWebhook: string;
endpointWebhookTest: string;
saveManualRuns: boolean;
timezone: string;
urlBaseWebhook: string;
export interface IPushData {
data: IPushDataExecutionFinished | IPushDataNodeExecuteAfter | IPushDataNodeExecuteBefore | IPushDataTestWebhook;
type: IPushDataType;
export type IPushDataType = 'executionFinished' | 'nodeExecuteAfter' | 'nodeExecuteBefore' | 'testWebhookDeleted' | 'testWebhookReceived';
export interface IPushDataExecutionFinished {
data: IRun;
executionId: string;
export interface IPushDataNodeExecuteAfter {
data: ITaskData;
executionId: string;
nodeName: string;
export interface IPushDataNodeExecuteBefore {
executionId: string;
nodeName: string;
export interface IPushDataTestWebhook {
workflowId: string;
export interface IResponseCallbackData {
data?: IDataObject | IDataObject[];
noWebhookResponse?: boolean;
export interface IWorkflowErrorData {
[key: string]: IDataObject | string | number | IExecutionError;
execution: {
id?: string;
error: IExecutionError;
lastNodeExecuted: string;
mode: WorkflowExecuteMode;
workflow: {
id?: string;
name: string;