
448 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import express from 'express';
import * as utils from './shared/utils';
import * as testDb from './shared/testDb';
import { createWorkflow } from './shared/testDb';
import * as UserManagementHelpers from '../../src/UserManagement/UserManagementHelper';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
import type { Role } from '../../src/databases/entities/Role';
import config from '../../config';
import type { AuthAgent, SaveCredentialFunction } from './shared/types';
import { makeWorkflow } from './shared/utils';
import { randomCredentialPayload } from './shared/random';
// mock whether sharing is enabled or not
jest.spyOn(UserManagementHelpers, 'isSharingEnabled').mockReturnValue(true);
let app: express.Application;
let testDbName = '';
let globalOwnerRole: Role;
let globalMemberRole: Role;
let credentialOwnerRole: Role;
let authAgent: AuthAgent;
let saveCredential: SaveCredentialFunction;
beforeAll(async () => {
app = await utils.initTestServer({
endpointGroups: ['workflows'],
applyAuth: true,
const initResult = await testDb.init();
testDbName = initResult.testDbName;
globalOwnerRole = await testDb.getGlobalOwnerRole();
globalMemberRole = await testDb.getGlobalMemberRole();
credentialOwnerRole = await testDb.getCredentialOwnerRole();
saveCredential = testDb.affixRoleToSaveCredential(credentialOwnerRole);
authAgent = utils.createAuthAgent(app);
config.set('enterprise.workflowSharingEnabled', true);
beforeEach(async () => {
await testDb.truncate(['User', 'Workflow', 'SharedWorkflow'], testDbName);
afterAll(async () => {
await testDb.terminate(testDbName);
describe('PUT /workflows/:id', () => {
test('PUT /workflows/:id/share should save sharing with new users', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner);
const response = await authAgent(owner)
.send({ shareWithIds: [member.id] });
const sharedWorkflows = await testDb.getWorkflowSharing(workflow);
test('PUT /workflows/:id/share should not fail when sharing with invalid user-id', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner);
const response = await authAgent(owner)
.send({ shareWithIds: [uuid()] });
const sharedWorkflows = await testDb.getWorkflowSharing(workflow);
test('PUT /workflows/:id/share should allow sharing with multiple users', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
const anotherMember = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner);
const response = await authAgent(owner)
.send({ shareWithIds: [member.id, anotherMember.id] });
const sharedWorkflows = await testDb.getWorkflowSharing(workflow);
test('PUT /workflows/:id/share should override sharing', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
const anotherMember = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner);
const authOwnerAgent = authAgent(owner);
const response = await authOwnerAgent
.send({ shareWithIds: [member.id, anotherMember.id] });
const sharedWorkflows = await testDb.getWorkflowSharing(workflow);
const secondResponse = await authOwnerAgent
.send({ shareWithIds: [member.id] });
const secondSharedWorkflows = await testDb.getWorkflowSharing(workflow);
describe('GET /workflows/:id', () => {
test('GET should fail with invalid id due to route rule', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const response = await authAgent(owner).get('/workflows/potatoes');
test('GET should return 404 for non existing workflow', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const response = await authAgent(owner).get('/workflows/9001');
test('GET should return a workflow with owner', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner);
const response = await authAgent(owner).get(`/workflows/${workflow.id}`);
id: owner.id,
email: owner.email,
firstName: owner.firstName,
lastName: owner.lastName,
test('GET should return shared workflow with user data', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner);
await testDb.shareWorkflowWithUsers(workflow, [member]);
const response = await authAgent(owner).get(`/workflows/${workflow.id}`);
id: owner.id,
email: owner.email,
firstName: owner.firstName,
lastName: owner.lastName,
id: member.id,
email: member.email,
firstName: member.firstName,
lastName: member.lastName,
test('GET should return all sharees', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const member1 = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
const member2 = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner);
await testDb.shareWorkflowWithUsers(workflow, [member1, member2]);
const response = await authAgent(owner).get(`/workflows/${workflow.id}`);
id: owner.id,
email: owner.email,
firstName: owner.firstName,
lastName: owner.lastName,
describe('POST /workflows', () => {
it('Should create a workflow that uses no credential', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const workflow = makeWorkflow({ withPinData: false });
const response = await authAgent(owner).post('/workflows').send(workflow);
const usedCredentials = await testDb.getCredentialUsageInWorkflow(response.body.data.id);
it('Should save credential usage when saving a new workflow', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner });
const workflow = makeWorkflow({
withPinData: false,
withCredential: { id: savedCredential.id.toString(), name: savedCredential.name },
const response = await authAgent(owner).post('/workflows').send(workflow);
const usedCredentials = await testDb.getCredentialUsageInWorkflow(response.body.data.id);
it('Should not allow saving a workflow using credential you have no access', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
// Credential belongs to owner, member cannot use it.
const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner });
const workflow = makeWorkflow({
withPinData: false,
withCredential: { id: savedCredential.id.toString(), name: savedCredential.name },
const response = await authAgent(member).post('/workflows').send(workflow);
'The workflow contains credentials that you do not have access to',
it('Should allow owner to save a workflow using credential owned by others', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
// Credential belongs to owner, member cannot use it.
const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member });
const workflow = makeWorkflow({
withPinData: false,
withCredential: { id: savedCredential.id.toString(), name: savedCredential.name },
const response = await authAgent(owner).post('/workflows').send(workflow);
const usedCredentials = await testDb.getCredentialUsageInWorkflow(response.body.data.id);
it('Should allow saving a workflow using a credential owned by others and shared with you', async () => {
const member1 = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
const member2 = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member1 });
await testDb.shareCredentialWithUsers(savedCredential, [member2]);
const workflow = makeWorkflow({
withPinData: false,
withCredential: { id: savedCredential.id.toString(), name: savedCredential.name },
const response = await authAgent(member2).post('/workflows').send(workflow);
const usedCredentials = await testDb.getCredentialUsageInWorkflow(response.body.data.id);
describe('PATCH /workflows/:id', () => {
it('should block owner update on interim update by member', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
// owner creates and shares workflow
const createResponse = await authAgent(owner).post('/workflows').send(makeWorkflow());
const { id, updatedAt: ownerLastKnownDate } = createResponse.body.data;
await authAgent(owner)
.send({ shareWithIds: [member.id] });
// member accesses and updates workflow
const memberGetResponse = await authAgent(member).get(`/workflows/${id}`);
const { updatedAt: memberLastKnownDate } = memberGetResponse.body.data;
await authAgent(member)
.send({ name: 'Update by member', updatedAt: memberLastKnownDate });
// owner blocked from updating workflow
const updateAttemptResponse = await authAgent(owner)
.send({ name: 'Update attempt by owner', updatedAt: ownerLastKnownDate });
'cannot be saved because it was changed by another user',
it('should block member update on interim update by owner', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
// owner creates, updates and shares workflow
const createResponse = await authAgent(owner).post('/workflows').send(makeWorkflow());
const { id, updatedAt: ownerFirstUpdateDate } = createResponse.body.data;
const updateResponse = await authAgent(owner)
.send({ name: 'Update by owner', updatedAt: ownerFirstUpdateDate });
const { updatedAt: ownerSecondUpdateDate } = updateResponse.body.data;
await authAgent(owner)
.send({ shareWithIds: [member.id] });
// member accesses workflow
const memberGetResponse = await authAgent(member).get(`/workflows/${id}`);
const { updatedAt: memberLastKnownDate } = memberGetResponse.body.data;
// owner re-updates workflow
await authAgent(owner)
.send({ name: 'Owner update again', updatedAt: ownerSecondUpdateDate });
// member blocked from updating workflow
const updateAttemptResponse = await authAgent(member)
.send({ name: 'Update attempt by member', updatedAt: memberLastKnownDate });
'cannot be saved because it was changed by another user',
it('should block owner activation on interim activation by member', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
// owner creates and shares workflow
const createResponse = await authAgent(owner).post('/workflows').send(makeWorkflow());
const { id, updatedAt: ownerLastKnownDate } = createResponse.body.data;
await authAgent(owner)
.send({ shareWithIds: [member.id] });
// member accesses and activates workflow
const memberGetResponse = await authAgent(member).get(`/workflows/${id}`);
const { updatedAt: memberLastKnownDate } = memberGetResponse.body.data;
await authAgent(member)
.send({ active: true, updatedAt: memberLastKnownDate });
// owner blocked from activating workflow
const activationAttemptResponse = await authAgent(owner)
.send({ active: true, updatedAt: ownerLastKnownDate });
'cannot be saved because it was changed by another user',
it('should block member activation on interim activation by owner', async () => {
const owner = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalOwnerRole });
const member = await testDb.createUser({ globalRole: globalMemberRole });
// owner creates, updates and shares workflow
const createResponse = await authAgent(owner).post('/workflows').send(makeWorkflow());
const { id, updatedAt: ownerFirstUpdateDate } = createResponse.body.data;
const updateResponse = await authAgent(owner)
.send({ name: 'Update by owner', updatedAt: ownerFirstUpdateDate });
const { updatedAt: ownerSecondUpdateDate } = updateResponse.body.data;
await authAgent(owner)
.send({ shareWithIds: [member.id] });
// member accesses workflow
const memberGetResponse = await authAgent(member).get(`/workflows/${id}`);
const { updatedAt: memberLastKnownDate } = memberGetResponse.body.data;
// owner activates workflow
await authAgent(owner)
.send({ active: true, updatedAt: ownerSecondUpdateDate });
// member blocked from activating workflow
const updateAttemptResponse = await authAgent(member)
.send({ active: true, updatedAt: memberLastKnownDate });
'cannot be saved because it was changed by another user',