2022-01-08 01:53:10 -08:00
import {
IExecuteFunctions ,
} from 'n8n-core' ;
import {
IDataObject ,
NodeApiError ,
NodeOperationError ,
} from 'n8n-workflow' ;
import {
OptionsWithUri ,
} from 'request' ;
export async function msGraphSecurityApiRequest (
this : IExecuteFunctions ,
method : string ,
endpoint : string ,
body : IDataObject = { } ,
qs : IDataObject = { } ,
headers : IDataObject = { } ,
) {
const {
oauthTokenData : {
access_token , // tslint:disable-line variable-name
} ,
} = await this . getCredentials ( 'microsoftGraphSecurityOAuth2Api' ) as {
oauthTokenData : {
access_token : string ;
} ;
const options : OptionsWithUri = {
headers : {
Authorization : ` Bearer ${ access_token } ` ,
} ,
method ,
body ,
qs ,
uri : ` https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/security ${ endpoint } ` ,
json : true ,
} ;
if ( ! Object . keys ( body ) . length ) {
delete options . body ;
if ( ! Object . keys ( qs ) . length ) {
delete options . qs ;
if ( Object . keys ( headers ) . length ) {
options . headers = { . . . options . headers , . . . headers } ;
try {
return await this . helpers . request ( options ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
const nestedMessage = error ? . error ? . error ? . message ;
if ( nestedMessage . startsWith ( '{"' ) ) {
error = JSON . parse ( nestedMessage ) ;
if ( nestedMessage . startsWith ( 'Http request failed with statusCode=BadRequest' ) ) {
error . error . error . message = 'Request failed with bad request' ;
} else if ( nestedMessage . startsWith ( 'Http request failed with' ) ) {
const stringified = nestedMessage . split ( ': ' ) . pop ( ) ;
if ( stringified ) {
error = JSON . parse ( stringified ) ;
if ( [ 'Invalid filter clause' , 'Invalid ODATA query filter' ] . includes ( nestedMessage ) ) {
error . error . error . message += ' - Please check that your query parameter syntax is correct: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/query-parameters#filter-parameter' ;
throw new NodeApiError ( this . getNode ( ) , error ) ;
export function tolerateDoubleQuotes ( filterQueryParameter : string ) {
return filterQueryParameter . replace ( /"/g , ` ' ` ) ;
export function throwOnEmptyUpdate ( this : IExecuteFunctions ) {
throw new NodeOperationError ( this . getNode ( ) , 'Please enter at least one field to update' ) ;
2022-07-12 08:51:01 -07:00