2024-01-09 03:11:39 -08:00
import {
type IDataObject ,
type IWebhookFunctions ,
type IWebhookResponseData ,
type INodeType ,
type INodeTypeDescription ,
NodeConnectionType ,
} from 'n8n-workflow' ;
import { pick } from 'lodash' ;
import type { BaseChatMemory } from 'langchain/memory' ;
import { createPage } from './templates' ;
import { validateAuth } from './GenericFunctions' ;
import type { LoadPreviousSessionChatOption } from './types' ;
export class ChatTrigger implements INodeType {
description : INodeTypeDescription = {
displayName : 'Chat Trigger' ,
name : 'chatTrigger' ,
icon : 'fa:comments' ,
group : [ 'trigger' ] ,
version : 1 ,
description : 'Runs the workflow when an n8n generated webchat is submitted' ,
defaults : {
name : 'Chat Trigger' ,
} ,
codex : {
categories : [ 'Core Nodes' ] ,
resources : {
primaryDocumentation : [
url : 'https://docs.n8n.io/integrations/builtin/core-nodes/n8n-nodes-langchain.chattrigger/' ,
} ,
] ,
} ,
subcategories : {
'Core Nodes' : [ 'Other Trigger Nodes' ] ,
} ,
} ,
supportsCORS : true ,
maxNodes : 1 ,
inputs : ` ={{ (() => {
if ( ! [ 'hostedChat' , 'webhook' ] . includes ( $parameter . mode ) ) {
return [ ] ;
if ( $parameter . options ? . loadPreviousSession !== 'memory' ) {
return [ ] ;
return [
displayName : 'Memory' ,
maxConnections : 1 ,
type : '${NodeConnectionType.AiMemory}' ,
required : true ,
] ;
} ) ( ) } } ` ,
outputs : [ 'main' ] ,
credentials : [
// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-class-description-credentials-name-unsuffixed
name : 'httpBasicAuth' ,
required : true ,
displayOptions : {
show : {
authentication : [ 'basicAuth' ] ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
webhooks : [
name : 'setup' ,
httpMethod : 'GET' ,
responseMode : 'onReceived' ,
ndvHideUrl : true ,
} ,
name : 'default' ,
httpMethod : 'POST' ,
responseMode : '={{$parameter.options?.["responseMode"] || "lastNode" }}' ,
ndvHideMethod : true ,
ndvHideUrl : '={{ !$parameter.public }}' ,
} ,
] ,
eventTriggerDescription : 'Waiting for you to submit the chat' ,
activationMessage : 'You can now make calls to your production chat URL.' ,
triggerPanel : false ,
properties : [
/ * *
* @note If we change this property , also update it in ChatEmbedModal . vue
* /
displayName : 'Make Chat Publicly Available' ,
name : 'public' ,
type : 'boolean' ,
default : false ,
description :
'Whether the chat should be publicly available or only accessible through the manual chat interface' ,
} ,
displayName : 'Mode' ,
name : 'mode' ,
type : 'options' ,
options : [
name : 'Hosted Chat' ,
value : 'hostedChat' ,
description : 'Chat on a page served by n8n' ,
} ,
name : 'Embedded Chat' ,
value : 'webhook' ,
description : 'Chat through a widget embedded in another page, or by calling a webhook' ,
} ,
] ,
default : 'hostedChat' ,
displayOptions : {
show : {
public : [ true ] ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
displayName :
'Chat will be live at the URL above once you activate this workflow. Live executions will show up in the ‘ executions’ tab' ,
name : 'hostedChatNotice' ,
type : 'notice' ,
displayOptions : {
show : {
mode : [ 'hostedChat' ] ,
public : [ true ] ,
} ,
} ,
default : '' ,
} ,
displayName :
'Follow the instructions <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/@n8n/chat" target="_blank">here</a> to embed chat in a webpage (or just call the webhook URL at the top of this section). Chat will be live once you activate this workflow' ,
name : 'embeddedChatNotice' ,
type : 'notice' ,
displayOptions : {
show : {
mode : [ 'webhook' ] ,
public : [ true ] ,
} ,
} ,
default : '' ,
} ,
displayName : 'Authentication' ,
name : 'authentication' ,
type : 'options' ,
displayOptions : {
show : {
public : [ true ] ,
} ,
} ,
options : [
name : 'Basic Auth' ,
value : 'basicAuth' ,
description : 'Simple username and password (the same one for all users)' ,
} ,
// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-display-name-miscased
name : 'n8n User Auth' ,
value : 'n8nUserAuth' ,
description : 'Require user to be logged in with their n8n account' ,
} ,
name : 'None' ,
value : 'none' ,
} ,
] ,
default : 'none' ,
description : 'The way to authenticate' ,
} ,
displayName : 'Initial Message(s)' ,
name : 'initialMessages' ,
type : 'string' ,
displayOptions : {
show : {
mode : [ 'hostedChat' ] ,
public : [ true ] ,
} ,
} ,
typeOptions : {
rows : 3 ,
} ,
default : 'Hi there! 👋\nMy name is Nathan. How can I assist you today?' ,
description : 'Default messages shown at the start of the chat, one per line' ,
} ,
displayName : 'Options' ,
name : 'options' ,
type : 'collection' ,
displayOptions : {
show : {
mode : [ 'hostedChat' , 'webhook' ] ,
public : [ true ] ,
} ,
} ,
placeholder : 'Add Field' ,
default : { } ,
options : [
displayName : 'Input Placeholder' ,
name : 'inputPlaceholder' ,
type : 'string' ,
displayOptions : {
show : {
'/mode' : [ 'hostedChat' ] ,
} ,
} ,
default : 'Type your question..' ,
placeholder : 'e.g. Type your message here' ,
description : 'Shown as placeholder text in the chat input field' ,
} ,
displayName : 'Load Previous Session' ,
name : 'loadPreviousSession' ,
type : 'options' ,
options : [
name : 'Off' ,
value : 'notSupported' ,
description : 'Loading messages of previous session is turned off' ,
} ,
name : 'From Memory' ,
value : 'memory' ,
description : 'Load session messages from memory' ,
} ,
name : 'Manually' ,
value : 'manually' ,
description : 'Manually return messages of session' ,
} ,
] ,
default : 'notSupported' ,
description : 'If loading messages of a previous session should be enabled' ,
} ,
displayName : 'Response Mode' ,
name : 'responseMode' ,
type : 'options' ,
options : [
name : 'When Last Node Finishes' ,
value : 'lastNode' ,
description : 'Returns data of the last-executed node' ,
} ,
name : "Using 'Respond to Webhook' Node" ,
value : 'responseNode' ,
description : 'Response defined in that node' ,
} ,
] ,
default : 'lastNode' ,
description : 'When and how to respond to the webhook' ,
} ,
displayName : 'Require Button Click to Start Chat' ,
name : 'showWelcomeScreen' ,
type : 'boolean' ,
displayOptions : {
show : {
'/mode' : [ 'hostedChat' ] ,
} ,
} ,
default : false ,
description : 'Whether to show the welcome screen at the start of the chat' ,
} ,
displayName : 'Start Conversation Button Text' ,
name : 'getStarted' ,
type : 'string' ,
displayOptions : {
show : {
showWelcomeScreen : [ true ] ,
'/mode' : [ 'hostedChat' ] ,
} ,
} ,
default : 'New Conversation' ,
placeholder : 'e.g. New Conversation' ,
description : 'Shown as part of the welcome screen, in the middle of the chat window' ,
} ,
displayName : 'Subtitle' ,
name : 'subtitle' ,
type : 'string' ,
displayOptions : {
show : {
'/mode' : [ 'hostedChat' ] ,
} ,
} ,
default : "Start a chat. We're here to help you 24/7." ,
placeholder : "e.g. We're here for you" ,
description : 'Shown at the top of the chat, under the title' ,
} ,
displayName : 'Title' ,
name : 'title' ,
type : 'string' ,
displayOptions : {
show : {
'/mode' : [ 'hostedChat' ] ,
} ,
} ,
default : 'Hi there! 👋' ,
placeholder : 'e.g. Welcome' ,
description : 'Shown at the top of the chat' ,
} ,
] ,
} ,
] ,
} ;
async webhook ( this : IWebhookFunctions ) : Promise < IWebhookResponseData > {
const res = this . getResponseObject ( ) ;
const isPublic = this . getNodeParameter ( 'public' , false ) as boolean ;
const nodeMode = this . getNodeParameter ( 'mode' , 'hostedChat' ) as string ;
if ( ! isPublic ) {
res . status ( 404 ) . end ( ) ;
return {
noWebhookResponse : true ,
} ;
const webhookName = this . getWebhookName ( ) ;
const mode = this . getMode ( ) === 'manual' ? 'test' : 'production' ;
const bodyData = this . getBodyData ( ) ? ? { } ;
const options = this . getNodeParameter ( 'options' , { } ) as {
getStarted? : string ;
inputPlaceholder? : string ;
loadPreviousSession? : LoadPreviousSessionChatOption ;
showWelcomeScreen? : boolean ;
subtitle? : string ;
title? : string ;
} ;
if ( nodeMode === 'hostedChat' ) {
try {
await validateAuth ( this ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
if ( error ) {
2024-02-12 08:32:27 -08:00
res . writeHead ( ( error as IDataObject ) . responseCode as number , {
2024-01-09 03:11:39 -08:00
'www-authenticate' : 'Basic realm="Webhook"' ,
} ) ;
2024-02-12 08:32:27 -08:00
res . end ( ( error as IDataObject ) . message as string ) ;
2024-01-09 03:11:39 -08:00
return { noWebhookResponse : true } ;
throw error ;
// Show the chat on GET request
if ( webhookName === 'setup' ) {
const webhookUrlRaw = this . getNodeWebhookUrl ( 'default' ) as string ;
const webhookUrl =
mode === 'test' ? webhookUrlRaw . replace ( '/webhook' , '/webhook-test' ) : webhookUrlRaw ;
const authentication = this . getNodeParameter ( 'authentication' ) as
| 'none'
| 'basicAuth'
| 'n8nUserAuth' ;
const initialMessagesRaw = this . getNodeParameter ( 'initialMessages' , '' ) as string ;
const initialMessages = initialMessagesRaw
. split ( '\n' )
. filter ( ( line ) = > line )
. map ( ( line ) = > line . trim ( ) ) ;
const instanceId = this . getInstanceId ( ) ;
const i18nConfig = pick ( options , [ 'getStarted' , 'inputPlaceholder' , 'subtitle' , 'title' ] ) ;
const page = createPage ( {
i18n : {
en : i18nConfig ,
} ,
showWelcomeScreen : options.showWelcomeScreen ,
loadPreviousSession : options.loadPreviousSession ,
initialMessages ,
webhookUrl ,
mode ,
instanceId ,
authentication ,
} ) ;
res . status ( 200 ) . send ( page ) . end ( ) ;
return {
noWebhookResponse : true ,
} ;
if ( bodyData . action === 'loadPreviousSession' ) {
if ( options ? . loadPreviousSession === 'memory' ) {
const memory = ( await this . getInputConnectionData ( NodeConnectionType . AiMemory , 0 ) ) as
| BaseChatMemory
| undefined ;
2024-01-15 00:13:54 -08:00
const messages = ( ( await memory ? . chatHistory . getMessages ( ) ) ? ? [ ] )
. filter ( ( message ) = > ! message ? . additional_kwargs ? . hideFromUI )
. map ( ( message ) = > message ? . toJSON ( ) ) ;
2024-01-09 03:11:39 -08:00
return {
webhookResponse : { data : messages } ,
} ;
} else if ( options ? . loadPreviousSession === 'notSupported' ) {
// If messages of a previous session should not be loaded, simply return an empty array
return {
webhookResponse : { data : [ ] } ,
} ;
const returnData : IDataObject = { . . . bodyData } ;
const webhookResponse : IDataObject = { status : 200 } ;
return {
webhookResponse ,
workflowData : [ this . helpers . returnJsonArray ( returnData ) ] ,
} ;