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163 lines
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* @jest-environment jsdom
import { extendTransform } from '@/Extensions';
import { joinExpression, splitExpression } from '@/Extensions/ExpressionParser';
import { evaluate } from './Helpers';
describe('Expression Extension Transforms', () => {
describe('extend() transform', () => {
test('Basic transform with .isBlank', () => {
expect(extendTransform('"".isBlank()')!.code).toEqual('extend("", "isBlank", [])');
test('Chained transform with .sayHi.getOnlyFirstCharacters', () => {
'extend(extend("", "sayHi", []), "getOnlyFirstCharacters", [2])',
test('Chained transform with native functions .sayHi.trim.getOnlyFirstCharacters', () => {
expect(extendTransform('"aaa ".sayHi().trim().getOnlyFirstCharacters(2)')!.code).toEqual(
'extend(extend("aaa ", "sayHi", []).trim(), "getOnlyFirstCharacters", [2])',
describe('tmpl Expression Parser', () => {
describe('Compatible splitting', () => {
test('Lone expression', () => {
expect(splitExpression('{{ "" }}')).toEqual([
{ type: 'text', text: '' },
{ type: 'code', text: ' "" ', hasClosingBrackets: true },
test('Multiple expression', () => {
expect(splitExpression('{{ "test".sayHi() }} you have ${{ (100).format() }}.')).toEqual([
{ type: 'text', text: '' },
{ type: 'code', text: ' "test".sayHi() ', hasClosingBrackets: true },
{ type: 'text', text: ' you have $' },
{ type: 'code', text: ' (100).format() ', hasClosingBrackets: true },
{ type: 'text', text: '.' },
test('Unclosed expression', () => {
expect(splitExpression('{{ "test".sayHi() }} you have ${{ (100).format()')).toEqual([
{ type: 'text', text: '' },
{ type: 'code', text: ' "test".sayHi() ', hasClosingBrackets: true },
{ type: 'text', text: ' you have $' },
{ type: 'code', text: ' (100).format()', hasClosingBrackets: false },
test('Escaped opening bracket', () => {
expect(splitExpression('test \\{{ no code }}')).toEqual([
{ type: 'text', text: 'test \\{{ no code }}' },
test('Escaped closinging bracket', () => {
expect(splitExpression('test {{ code.test("\\}}") }}')).toEqual([
{ type: 'text', text: 'test ' },
{ type: 'code', text: ' code.test("}}") ', hasClosingBrackets: true },
describe('Compatible joining', () => {
test('Lone expression', () => {
expect(joinExpression(splitExpression('{{ "" }}'))).toEqual('{{ "" }}');
test('Multiple expression', () => {
joinExpression(splitExpression('{{ "test".sayHi() }} you have ${{ (100).format() }}.')),
).toEqual('{{ "test".sayHi() }} you have ${{ (100).format() }}.');
test('Unclosed expression', () => {
joinExpression(splitExpression('{{ "test".sayHi() }} you have ${{ (100).format()')),
).toEqual('{{ "test".sayHi() }} you have ${{ (100).format()');
test('Escaped opening bracket', () => {
expect(joinExpression(splitExpression('test \\{{ no code }}'))).toEqual(
'test \\{{ no code }}',
test('Escaped closinging bracket', () => {
expect(joinExpression(splitExpression('test {{ code.test("\\}}") }}'))).toEqual(
'test {{ code.test("\\}}") }}',
describe('Non dot extensions', () => {
test('min', () => {
expect(evaluate('={{ min(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) }}')).toEqual(1);
expect(evaluate('={{ min(1, NaN, 3, 4, 5, 6) }}')).toBeNaN();
test('max', () => {
expect(evaluate('={{ max(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) }}')).toEqual(6);
expect(evaluate('={{ max(1, NaN, 3, 4, 5, 6) }}')).toBeNaN();
test('average', () => {
expect(evaluate('={{ average(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) }}')).toEqual(3.5);
expect(evaluate('={{ average(1, NaN, 3, 4, 5, 6) }}')).toBeNaN();
test('numberList', () => {
expect(evaluate('={{ numberList(1, 10) }}')).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);
expect(evaluate('={{ numberList(1, -10) }}')).toEqual([
1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10,
test('zip', () => {
expect(evaluate('={{ zip(["test1", "test2", "test3"], [1, 2, 3]) }}')).toEqual({
test1: 1,
test2: 2,
test3: 3,
test('$if', () => {
expect(evaluate('={{ $if("a"==="a", 1, 2) }}')).toEqual(1);
expect(evaluate('={{ $if("a"==="b", 1, 2) }}')).toEqual(2);
expect(evaluate('={{ $if("a"==="a", 1) }}')).toEqual(1);
expect(evaluate('={{ $if("a"==="b", 1) }}')).toEqual(false);
// This will likely break when sandboxing is implemented but it works for now.
// If you're implementing sandboxing maybe provide a way to add functions to
// sandbox we can check instead?
const mockCallback = jest.fn(() => false);
// @ts-ignore
evaluate('={{ $if("a"==="a", true, $data["cb"]()) }}', [{ cb: mockCallback }]);
// @ts-ignore
evaluate('={{ $if("a"==="b", true, $data["cb"]()) }}', [{ cb: mockCallback }]);
test('$not', () => {
expect(evaluate('={{ $not(1) }}')).toEqual(false);
expect(evaluate('={{ $not(0) }}')).toEqual(true);
expect(evaluate('={{ $not(true) }}')).toEqual(false);
expect(evaluate('={{ $not(false) }}')).toEqual(true);
expect(evaluate('={{ $not(undefined) }}')).toEqual(true);
expect(evaluate('={{ $not(null) }}')).toEqual(true);
expect(evaluate('={{ $not("") }}')).toEqual(true);
expect(evaluate('={{ $not("a") }}')).toEqual(false);