
198 lines
5.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { DeleteResult, EntityManager, In, Not } from 'typeorm';
import * as Db from '@/Db';
import * as ResponseHelper from '@/ResponseHelper';
import * as WorkflowHelpers from '@/WorkflowHelpers';
import { ICredentialsDb } from '@/Interfaces';
import { SharedWorkflow } from '@db/entities/SharedWorkflow';
import { User } from '@db/entities/User';
import { WorkflowEntity } from '@db/entities/WorkflowEntity';
import { RoleService } from '@/role/role.service';
import { UserService } from '@/user/user.service';
import { WorkflowsService } from './workflows.services';
import type {
} from './workflows.types';
import { EECredentialsService as EECredentials } from '@/credentials/credentials.service.ee';
import { getSharedWorkflowIds } from '@/WorkflowHelpers';
export class EEWorkflowsService extends WorkflowsService {
static async getWorkflowIdsForUser(user: User) {
// Get all workflows regardless of role
return getSharedWorkflowIds(user);
static async isOwned(
user: User,
workflowId: string,
): Promise<{ ownsWorkflow: boolean; workflow?: WorkflowEntity }> {
const sharing = await this.getSharing(user, workflowId, ['workflow', 'role'], {
allowGlobalOwner: false,
if (!sharing || sharing.role.name !== 'owner') return { ownsWorkflow: false };
const { workflow } = sharing;
return { ownsWorkflow: true, workflow };
static async getSharings(
transaction: EntityManager,
workflowId: string,
): Promise<SharedWorkflow[]> {
const workflow = await transaction.findOne(WorkflowEntity, workflowId, {
relations: ['shared'],
return workflow?.shared ?? [];
static async pruneSharings(
transaction: EntityManager,
workflowId: string,
userIds: string[],
): Promise<DeleteResult> {
return transaction.delete(SharedWorkflow, {
workflow: { id: workflowId },
user: { id: Not(In(userIds)) },
static async share(
transaction: EntityManager,
workflow: WorkflowEntity,
shareWithIds: string[],
): Promise<SharedWorkflow[]> {
const [users, role] = await Promise.all([
UserService.getByIds(transaction, shareWithIds),
RoleService.trxGet(transaction, { scope: 'workflow', name: 'editor' }),
const newSharedWorkflows = users.reduce<SharedWorkflow[]>((acc, user) => {
if (user.isPending) {
return acc;
return acc;
}, []);
return transaction.save(newSharedWorkflows);
static addOwnerAndSharings(workflow: WorkflowWithSharingsAndCredentials): void {
workflow.ownedBy = null;
workflow.sharedWith = [];
workflow.usedCredentials = [];
workflow.shared?.forEach(({ user, role }) => {
const { id, email, firstName, lastName } = user;
if (role.name === 'owner') {
workflow.ownedBy = { id, email, firstName, lastName };
workflow.sharedWith?.push({ id, email, firstName, lastName });
delete workflow.shared;
static async addCredentialsToWorkflow(
workflow: WorkflowWithSharingsAndCredentials,
currentUser: User,
): Promise<void> {
workflow.usedCredentials = [];
const userCredentials = await EECredentials.getAll(currentUser, { disableGlobalRole: true });
const credentialIdsUsedByWorkflow = new Set<number>();
workflow.nodes.forEach((node) => {
if (!node.credentials) {
Object.keys(node.credentials).forEach((credentialType) => {
const credential = node.credentials?.[credentialType];
if (!credential?.id) {
const credentialId = parseInt(credential.id, 10);
const workflowCredentials = await EECredentials.getMany({
where: {
id: In(Array.from(credentialIdsUsedByWorkflow)),
relations: ['shared', 'shared.user', 'shared.role'],
const userCredentialIds = userCredentials.map((credential) => credential.id.toString());
workflowCredentials.forEach((credential) => {
const credentialId = credential.id.toString();
const workflowCredential: CredentialUsedByWorkflow = {
id: credential.id.toString(),
name: credential.name,
type: credential.type,
currentUserHasAccess: userCredentialIds.includes(credentialId),
sharedWith: [],
ownedBy: null,
credential.shared?.forEach(({ user, role }) => {
const { id, email, firstName, lastName } = user;
if (role.name === 'owner') {
workflowCredential.ownedBy = { id, email, firstName, lastName };
} else {
workflowCredential.sharedWith?.push({ id, email, firstName, lastName });
static validateCredentialPermissionsToUser(
workflow: WorkflowEntity,
allowedCredentials: ICredentialsDb[],
) {
workflow.nodes.forEach((node) => {
if (!node.credentials) {
Object.keys(node.credentials).forEach((credentialType) => {
const credentialId = parseInt(node.credentials?.[credentialType].id ?? '', 10);
const matchedCredential = allowedCredentials.find(
(credential) => credential.id === credentialId,
if (!matchedCredential) {
throw new Error('The workflow contains credentials that you do not have access to');
static async preventTampering(workflow: WorkflowEntity, workflowId: string, user: User) {
const previousVersion = await EEWorkflowsService.get({ id: parseInt(workflowId, 10) });
if (!previousVersion) {
throw new ResponseHelper.NotFoundError('Workflow not found');
const allCredentials = await EECredentials.getAll(user);
try {
return WorkflowHelpers.validateWorkflowCredentialUsage(
} catch (error) {
throw new ResponseHelper.BadRequestError(
'Invalid workflow credentials - make sure you have access to all credentials and try again.',