mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 05:59:42 -08:00
refactor(editor): RunData components to composition API (no-changelog) (#11545)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
<script lang="ts" setup generic="Value extends string">
import RadioButton from './RadioButton.vue';
interface RadioOption {
label: string;
value: string;
value: Value;
disabled?: boolean;
interface RadioButtonsProps {
modelValue?: string;
modelValue?: Value;
options?: RadioOption[];
/** @default medium */
size?: 'small' | 'medium';
@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ const props = withDefaults(defineProps<RadioButtonsProps>(), {
const emit = defineEmits<{
'update:modelValue': [value: string, e: MouseEvent];
'update:modelValue': [value: Value, e: MouseEvent];
const onClick = (
option: { label: string; value: string; disabled?: boolean },
option: { label: string; value: Value; disabled?: boolean },
event: MouseEvent,
) => {
if (props.disabled || option.disabled) {
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
<script lang="ts" setup generic="Value extends string | number">
import { onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from 'vue';
import type { RouteLocationRaw } from 'vue-router';
import N8nIcon from '../N8nIcon';
interface TabOptions {
value: string;
value: Value;
label?: string;
icon?: string;
href?: string;
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ interface TabOptions {
interface TabsProps {
modelValue?: string;
modelValue?: Value;
options?: TabOptions[];
@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ onUnmounted(() => {
const emit = defineEmits<{
tooltipClick: [tab: string, e: MouseEvent];
'update:modelValue': [tab: string];
tooltipClick: [tab: Value, e: MouseEvent];
'update:modelValue': [tab: Value];
const handleTooltipClick = (tab: string, event: MouseEvent) => emit('tooltipClick', tab, event);
const handleTabClick = (tab: string) => emit('update:modelValue', tab);
const handleTooltipClick = (tab: Value, event: MouseEvent) => emit('tooltipClick', tab, event);
const handleTabClick = (tab: Value) => emit('update:modelValue', tab);
const scroll = (left: number) => {
const container = tabs.value;
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ const scrollRight = () => scroll(50);
<div ref="tabs" :class="$style.tabs">
v-for="option in options"
:class="{ [$style.alignRight]: option.align === 'right' }"
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ export default {
component: N8nTree,
// @ts-expect-error Storybook incorrect slot types
export const Default: StoryFn = (args, { argTypes }) => ({
setup: () => ({ args }),
props: Object.keys(argTypes),
@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
<script lang="ts" setup generic="Value extends unknown = unknown">
import { computed, useCssModule } from 'vue';
interface TreeProps {
value?: Record<string, unknown>;
value?: Record<string, Value>;
path?: Array<string | number>;
depth?: number;
nodeClass?: string;
[key: string]: (props: {
label?: string;
path?: Array<string | number>;
value?: unknown;
}) => never;
label(props: { label: string; path: Array<string | number> }): never;
value(props: { value: Value }): never;
defineOptions({ name: 'N8nTree' });
@ -29,11 +26,11 @@ const classes = computed((): Record<string, boolean> => {
return { [props.nodeClass]: !!props.nodeClass, [$style.indent]: props.depth > 0 };
const isObject = (data: unknown): data is Record<string, unknown> => {
const isObject = (data: unknown): data is Record<string, Value> => {
return typeof data === 'object' && data !== null;
const isSimple = (data: unknown): boolean => {
const isSimple = (data: Value): boolean => {
if (data === null || data === undefined) {
return true;
@ -70,16 +67,21 @@ const getPath = (key: string): Array<string | number> => {
<div v-else>
<slot v-if="$slots.label" name="label" :label="label" :path="getPath(label)" />
<span v-else>{{ label }}</span>
:depth="depth + 1"
:value="value[label] as Record<string, unknown>"
<template v-for="(_, name) in $slots" #[name]="data">
<slot :name="name" v-bind="data"></slot>
<template v-if="$slots.label" #label="data">
<slot name="label" v-bind="data" />
<template v-if="$slots.value" #value="data">
<slot name="value" v-bind="data" />
@ -1129,8 +1129,8 @@ export interface IInviteResponse {
error?: string;
export interface ITab {
value: string | number;
export interface ITab<Value extends string | number = string | number> {
value: Value;
label?: string;
href?: string;
icon?: string;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<script lang="ts">
import type { INodeUi } from '@/Interface';
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useI18n } from '@/composables/useI18n';
import {
@ -10,331 +10,326 @@ import { useNDVStore } from '@/stores/ndv.store';
import { useNodeTypesStore } from '@/stores/nodeTypes.store';
import { useUIStore } from '@/stores/ui.store';
import { useWorkflowsStore } from '@/stores/workflows.store';
import type {
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import { waitingNodeTooltip } from '@/utils/executionUtils';
import { uniqBy } from 'lodash-es';
import type { INodeInputConfiguration, INodeOutputConfiguration, Workflow } from 'n8n-workflow';
import { NodeConnectionType, NodeHelpers } from 'n8n-workflow';
import { mapStores } from 'pinia';
import { defineComponent, type PropType } from 'vue';
import { computed, ref, watch } from 'vue';
import InputNodeSelect from './InputNodeSelect.vue';
import NodeExecuteButton from './NodeExecuteButton.vue';
import RunData from './RunData.vue';
import WireMeUp from './WireMeUp.vue';
import { waitingNodeTooltip } from '@/utils/executionUtils';
import { useTelemetry } from '@/composables/useTelemetry';
import { N8nRadioButtons, N8nTooltip, N8nText } from 'n8n-design-system';
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia';
type MappingMode = 'debugging' | 'mapping';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'InputPanel',
components: { RunData, NodeExecuteButton, WireMeUp, InputNodeSelect },
props: {
currentNodeName: {
type: String,
runIndex: {
type: Number,
required: true,
linkedRuns: {
type: Boolean,
workflow: {
type: Object as PropType<Workflow>,
required: true,
canLinkRuns: {
type: Boolean,
pushRef: {
type: String,
required: true,
readOnly: {
type: Boolean,
isProductionExecutionPreview: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
isPaneActive: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
emits: [
data() {
return {
showDraggableHintWithDelay: false,
draggableHintShown: false,
inputMode: 'debugging' as MappingMode,
mappedNode: null as string | null,
inputModes: [
{ value: 'mapping', label: this.$locale.baseText('ndv.input.mapping') },
{ value: 'debugging', label: this.$locale.baseText('ndv.input.debugging') },
type Props = {
runIndex: number;
workflow: Workflow;
pushRef: string;
currentNodeName?: string;
canLinkRuns?: boolean;
linkedRuns?: boolean;
readOnly?: boolean;
isProductionExecutionPreview?: boolean;
isPaneActive?: boolean;
computed: {
...mapStores(useNodeTypesStore, useNDVStore, useWorkflowsStore, useUIStore),
focusedMappableInput(): string {
return this.ndvStore.focusedMappableInput;
isUserOnboarded(): boolean {
return this.ndvStore.isMappingOnboarded;
isMappingMode(): boolean {
return this.isActiveNodeConfig && this.inputMode === 'mapping';
showDraggableHint(): boolean {
const toIgnore = [
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
currentNodeName: '',
canLinkRuns: false,
readOnly: false,
isProductionExecutionPreview: false,
isPaneActive: false,
const emit = defineEmits<{
itemHover: [
outputIndex: number;
itemIndex: number;
} | null,
if (!this.currentNode || toIgnore.includes(this.currentNode.type)) {
tableMounted: [
avgRowHeight: number;
linkRun: [];
unlinkRun: [];
runChange: [runIndex: number];
search: [search: string];
changeInputNode: [nodeName: string, index: number];
execute: [];
activatePane: [];
const i18n = useI18n();
const telemetry = useTelemetry();
const showDraggableHintWithDelay = ref(false);
const draggableHintShown = ref(false);
const inputMode = ref<MappingMode>('debugging');
const mappedNode = ref<string | null>(null);
const inputModes = [
{ value: 'mapping', label: i18n.baseText('ndv.input.mapping') },
{ value: 'debugging', label: i18n.baseText('ndv.input.debugging') },
const nodeTypesStore = useNodeTypesStore();
const ndvStore = useNDVStore();
const workflowsStore = useWorkflowsStore();
const uiStore = useUIStore();
const {
isMappingOnboarded: isUserOnboarded,
} = storeToRefs(ndvStore);
const isMappingMode = computed(() => isActiveNodeConfig.value && inputMode.value === 'mapping');
const showDraggableHint = computed(() => {
if (!currentNode.value || toIgnore.includes(currentNode.value.type)) {
return false;
return !!this.focusedMappableInput && !this.isUserOnboarded;
isActiveNodeConfig(): boolean {
let inputs = this.activeNodeType?.inputs ?? [];
let outputs = this.activeNodeType?.outputs ?? [];
if (this.activeNode !== null && this.workflow !== null) {
const node = this.workflow.getNode(this.activeNode.name);
inputs = NodeHelpers.getNodeInputs(this.workflow, node!, this.activeNodeType!);
outputs = NodeHelpers.getNodeOutputs(this.workflow, node!, this.activeNodeType!);
} else {
return !!focusedMappableInput.value && !isUserOnboarded.value;
const isActiveNodeConfig = computed(() => {
let inputs = activeNodeType.value?.inputs ?? [];
let outputs = activeNodeType.value?.outputs ?? [];
if (props.workflow && activeNode.value) {
const node = props.workflow.getNode(activeNode.value.name);
if (node && activeNodeType.value) {
inputs = NodeHelpers.getNodeInputs(props.workflow, node, activeNodeType.value);
outputs = NodeHelpers.getNodeOutputs(props.workflow, node, activeNodeType.value);
// If we can not figure out the node type we set no outputs
if (!Array.isArray(inputs)) {
inputs = [] as NodeConnectionType[];
inputs = [];
if (!Array.isArray(outputs)) {
outputs = [] as NodeConnectionType[];
outputs = [];
if (
return (
inputs.length === 0 ||
(inputs.every((input) => this.filterOutConnectionType(input, NodeConnectionType.Main)) &&
outputs.find((output) => this.filterOutConnectionType(output, NodeConnectionType.Main)))
) {
return true;
(inputs.every((input) => filterOutConnectionType(input, NodeConnectionType.Main)) &&
outputs.find((output) => filterOutConnectionType(output, NodeConnectionType.Main)))
return false;
isMappingEnabled(): boolean {
if (this.readOnly) return false;
const isMappingEnabled = computed(() => {
if (props.readOnly) return false;
// Mapping is only enabled in mapping mode for config nodes and if node to map is selected
if (this.isActiveNodeConfig) return this.isMappingMode && this.mappedNode !== null;
if (isActiveNodeConfig.value) return isMappingMode.value && mappedNode.value !== null;
return true;
isExecutingPrevious(): boolean {
if (!this.workflowRunning) {
const isExecutingPrevious = computed(() => {
if (!workflowRunning.value) {
return false;
const triggeredNode = this.workflowsStore.executedNode;
const executingNode = this.workflowsStore.executingNode;
const triggeredNode = workflowsStore.executedNode;
const executingNode = workflowsStore.executingNode;
if (
this.activeNode &&
triggeredNode === this.activeNode.name &&
activeNode.value &&
triggeredNode === activeNode.value.name &&
) {
return true;
if (executingNode.length || triggeredNode) {
return !!this.parentNodes.find(
(node) => this.workflowsStore.isNodeExecuting(node.name) || node.name === triggeredNode,
return !!parentNodes.value.find(
(node) => workflowsStore.isNodeExecuting(node.name) || node.name === triggeredNode,
return false;
workflowRunning(): boolean {
return this.uiStore.isActionActive['workflowRunning'];
const workflowRunning = computed(() => uiStore.isActionActive.workflowRunning);
activeNode(): INodeUi | null {
return this.ndvStore.activeNode;
const rootNode = computed(() => {
if (!activeNode.value) return null;
rootNode(): string {
const workflow = this.workflow;
const rootNodes = workflow.getChildNodes(this.activeNode?.name ?? '', 'ALL');
return props.workflow.getChildNodes(activeNode.value.name, 'ALL').at(0) ?? null;
return rootNodes[0];
rootNodesParents() {
const workflow = this.workflow;
const parentNodes = [...workflow.getParentNodes(this.rootNode, NodeConnectionType.Main)]
.map((parent): IConnectedNode => ({ name: parent, depth: 1, indicies: [] }));
const rootNodesParents = computed(() => {
if (!rootNode.value) return [];
return props.workflow.getParentNodesByDepth(rootNode.value);
return parentNodes;
currentNode(): INodeUi | null {
if (this.isActiveNodeConfig) {
const currentNode = computed(() => {
if (isActiveNodeConfig.value) {
// if we're mapping node we want to show the output of the mapped node
if (this.mappedNode) {
return this.workflowsStore.getNodeByName(this.mappedNode);
if (mappedNode.value) {
return workflowsStore.getNodeByName(mappedNode.value);
// in debugging mode data does get set manually and is only for debugging
// so we want to force the node to be the active node to make sure we show the correct data
return this.activeNode;
return activeNode.value;
return this.workflowsStore.getNodeByName(this.currentNodeName ?? '');
connectedCurrentNodeOutputs(): number[] | undefined {
const search = this.parentNodes.find(({ name }) => name === this.currentNodeName);
if (search) {
return search.indicies;
return undefined;
parentNodes(): IConnectedNode[] {
if (!this.activeNode) {
return workflowsStore.getNodeByName(props.currentNodeName ?? '');
const connectedCurrentNodeOutputs = computed(() => {
const search = parentNodes.value.find(({ name }) => name === props.currentNodeName);
return search?.indicies;
const parentNodes = computed(() => {
if (!activeNode.value) {
return [];
const nodes = this.workflow.getParentNodesByDepth(this.activeNode.name);
return nodes.filter(
({ name }, i) =>
this.activeNode &&
name !== this.activeNode.name &&
nodes.findIndex((node) => node.name === name) === i,
currentNodeDepth(): number {
const node = this.parentNodes.find(
(parent) => this.currentNode && parent.name === this.currentNode.name,
return node ? node.depth : -1;
activeNodeType(): INodeTypeDescription | null {
if (!this.activeNode) return null;
const parents = props.workflow
.filter((parent) => parent.name !== activeNode.value?.name);
return uniqBy(parents, (parent) => parent.name);
return this.nodeTypesStore.getNodeType(this.activeNode.type, this.activeNode.typeVersion);
isMultiInputNode(): boolean {
return this.activeNodeType !== null && this.activeNodeType.inputs.length > 1;
waitingMessage(): string {
return waitingNodeTooltip();
watch: {
inputMode: {
handler(val) {
if (val === 'mapping') {
this.mappedNode = this.rootNodesParents[0]?.name ?? null;
const currentNodeDepth = computed(() => {
const node = parentNodes.value.find(
(parent) => currentNode.value && parent.name === currentNode.value.name,
return node?.depth ?? -1;
const activeNodeType = computed(() => {
if (!activeNode.value) return null;
return nodeTypesStore.getNodeType(activeNode.value.type, activeNode.value.typeVersion);
const waitingMessage = computed(() => waitingNodeTooltip());
(mode) => {
if (mode === 'mapping') {
mappedNode.value = rootNodesParents.value[0]?.name ?? null;
} else {
this.mappedNode = null;
mappedNode.value = null;
immediate: true,
showDraggableHint(curr: boolean, prev: boolean) {
{ immediate: true },
watch(showDraggableHint, (curr, prev) => {
if (curr && !prev) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.draggableHintShown) {
if (draggableHintShown.value) {
this.showDraggableHintWithDelay = this.showDraggableHint;
if (this.showDraggableHintWithDelay) {
this.draggableHintShown = true;
showDraggableHintWithDelay.value = showDraggableHint.value;
if (showDraggableHintWithDelay.value) {
draggableHintShown.value = true;
this.$telemetry.track('User viewed data mapping tooltip', {
telemetry.track('User viewed data mapping tooltip', {
type: 'unexecuted input pane',
}, 1000);
} else if (!curr) {
this.showDraggableHintWithDelay = false;
showDraggableHintWithDelay.value = false;
methods: {
function filterOutConnectionType(
item: NodeConnectionType | INodeOutputConfiguration | INodeInputConfiguration,
type: NodeConnectionType,
) {
if (!item) return false;
return typeof item === 'string' ? item !== type : item.type !== type;
onInputModeChange(val: MappingMode) {
this.inputMode = val;
onMappedNodeSelected(val: string) {
this.mappedNode = val;
onNodeExecute() {
if (this.activeNode) {
this.$telemetry.track('User clicked ndv button', {
node_type: this.activeNode.type,
workflow_id: this.workflowsStore.workflowId,
push_ref: this.pushRef,
function onInputModeChange(val: string) {
inputMode.value = val as MappingMode;
function onMappedNodeSelected(val: string) {
mappedNode.value = val;
function onNodeExecute() {
if (activeNode.value) {
telemetry.track('User clicked ndv button', {
node_type: activeNode.value.type,
workflow_id: workflowsStore.workflowId,
push_ref: props.pushRef,
pane: 'input',
type: 'executePrevious',
onRunIndexChange(run: number) {
this.$emit('runChange', run);
onLinkRun() {
onUnlinkRun() {
onInputNodeChange(value: string) {
const index = this.parentNodes.findIndex((node) => node.name === value) + 1;
this.$emit('changeInputNode', value, index);
onConnectionHelpClick() {
if (this.activeNode) {
this.$telemetry.track('User clicked ndv link', {
node_type: this.activeNode.type,
workflow_id: this.workflowsStore.workflowId,
push_ref: this.pushRef,
function onRunIndexChange(run: number) {
emit('runChange', run);
function onLinkRun() {
function onUnlinkRun() {
function onSearch(search: string) {
emit('search', search);
function onItemHover(
item: {
outputIndex: number;
itemIndex: number;
} | null,
) {
emit('itemHover', item);
function onTableMounted(event: { avgRowHeight: number }) {
emit('tableMounted', event);
function onInputNodeChange(value: string) {
const index = parentNodes.value.findIndex((node) => node.name === value) + 1;
emit('changeInputNode', value, index);
function onConnectionHelpClick() {
if (activeNode.value) {
telemetry.track('User clicked ndv link', {
node_type: activeNode.value.type,
workflow_id: workflowsStore.workflowId,
push_ref: props.pushRef,
pane: 'input',
type: 'not-connected-help',
activatePane() {
function activatePane() {
@ -358,18 +353,19 @@ export default defineComponent({
@item-hover="$emit('itemHover', $event)"
@table-mounted="$emit('tableMounted', $event)"
@search="$emit('search', $event)"
<template #header>
<div :class="$style.titleSection">
<span :class="$style.title">{{ $locale.baseText('ndv.input') }}</span>
v-if="isActiveNodeConfig && !readOnly"
@ -405,10 +401,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
v-if="(isActiveNodeConfig && rootNode) || parentNodes.length"
<n8n-text tag="div" :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">{{
<N8nText tag="div" :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">{{
<n8n-tooltip v-if="!readOnly" :visible="showDraggableHint && showDraggableHintWithDelay">
<N8nTooltip v-if="!readOnly" :visible="showDraggableHint && showDraggableHintWithDelay">
<template #content>
@ -422,25 +418,25 @@ export default defineComponent({
:node-name="isActiveNodeConfig ? rootNode : (currentNodeName ?? '')"
:node-name="(isActiveNodeConfig ? rootNode : currentNodeName) ?? ''"
<n8n-text v-if="!readOnly" tag="div" size="small">
<N8nText v-if="!readOnly" tag="div" size="small">
{{ $locale.baseText('ndv.input.noOutputData.hint') }}
<div v-else :class="$style.notConnected">
<WireMeUp />
<n8n-text tag="div" :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">{{
<N8nText tag="div" :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">{{
<n8n-text tag="div">
<N8nText tag="div">
{{ $locale.baseText('ndv.input.notConnected.message') }}
@ -449,29 +445,29 @@ export default defineComponent({
{{ $locale.baseText('ndv.input.notConnected.learnMore') }}
<template #node-waiting>
<n8n-text :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">Waiting for input</n8n-text>
<n8n-text v-n8n-html="waitingMessage"></n8n-text>
<N8nText :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">Waiting for input</N8nText>
<N8nText v-n8n-html="waitingMessage"></N8nText>
<template #no-output-data>
<n8n-text tag="div" :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">{{
<N8nText tag="div" :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">{{
<template #recovered-artificial-output-data>
<div :class="$style.recoveredOutputData">
<n8n-text tag="div" :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">{{
<N8nText tag="div" :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">{{
{{ $locale.baseText('executionDetails.executionFailed.recoveredNodeMessage') }}
@ -16,6 +16,14 @@ import { setupServer } from '@/__tests__/server';
import { defaultNodeDescriptions, mockNodes } from '@/__tests__/mocks';
import { cleanupAppModals, createAppModals } from '@/__tests__/utils';
vi.mock('vue-router', () => {
return {
useRouter: () => ({}),
useRoute: () => ({ meta: {} }),
RouterLink: vi.fn(),
async function createPiniaWithActiveNode() {
const node = mockNodes[0];
const workflow = mock<IWorkflowDb>({
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ const onWorkflowActivate = () => {
}, 1000);
const onOutputItemHover = (e: { itemIndex: number; outputIndex: number }) => {
const onOutputItemHover = (e: { itemIndex: number; outputIndex: number } | null) => {
if (e === null || !activeNode.value || !isPairedItemHoveringEnabled.value) {
@ -15,10 +15,11 @@ import { usePinnedData } from '@/composables/usePinnedData';
import { useTelemetry } from '@/composables/useTelemetry';
import { useI18n } from '@/composables/useI18n';
import { waitingNodeTooltip } from '@/utils/executionUtils';
import { N8nRadioButtons, N8nText } from 'n8n-design-system';
// Types
type RunDataRef = InstanceType<typeof RunData> | null;
type RunDataRef = InstanceType<typeof RunData>;
const OUTPUT_TYPE = {
REGULAR: 'regular',
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ const emit = defineEmits<{
runChange: [number];
activatePane: [];
tableMounted: [{ avgRowHeight: number }];
itemHover: [{ itemIndex: number; outputIndex: number }];
itemHover: [item: { itemIndex: number; outputIndex: number } | null];
search: [string];
openSettings: [];
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ const outputTypes = ref([
{ label: i18n.baseText('ndv.output.outType.regular'), value: OUTPUT_TYPE.REGULAR },
{ label: i18n.baseText('ndv.output.outType.logs'), value: OUTPUT_TYPE.LOGS },
const runDataRef = ref<RunDataRef>(null);
const runDataRef = ref<RunDataRef>();
// Computed
@ -127,9 +128,7 @@ const isNodeRunning = computed(() => {
return workflowRunning.value && !!node.value && workflowsStore.isNodeExecuting(node.value.name);
const workflowRunning = computed(() => {
return uiStore.isActionActive['workflowRunning'];
const workflowRunning = computed(() => uiStore.isActionActive.workflowRunning);
const workflowExecution = computed(() => {
return workflowsStore.getWorkflowExecution;
@ -253,8 +252,8 @@ const onRunIndexChange = (run: number) => {
emit('runChange', run);
const onUpdateOutputMode = (outputMode: OutputType) => {
if (outputMode === OUTPUT_TYPE.LOGS) {
const onUpdateOutputMode = (newOutputMode: OutputType) => {
if (newOutputMode === OUTPUT_TYPE.LOGS) {
ndvEventBus.emit('setPositionByName', 'minLeft');
} else {
ndvEventBus.emit('setPositionByName', 'initial');
@ -288,10 +287,10 @@ const activatePane = () => {
@ -310,15 +309,15 @@ const activatePane = () => {
<template #header>
<div :class="$style.titleSection">
<template v-if="hasAiMetadata">
<span v-else :class="$style.title">
{{ $locale.baseText(outputPanelEditMode.enabled ? 'ndv.output.edit' : 'ndv.output') }}
{{ i18n.baseText(outputPanelEditMode.enabled ? 'ndv.output.edit' : 'ndv.output') }}
v-if="hasNodeRun && !pinnedData.hasData.value && runsCount === 1"
@ -331,42 +330,40 @@ const activatePane = () => {
<template #node-not-run>
<n8n-text v-if="workflowRunning && !isTriggerNode" data-test-id="ndv-output-waiting">{{
<n8n-text v-if="!workflowRunning" data-test-id="ndv-output-run-node-hint">
<N8nText v-if="workflowRunning && !isTriggerNode" data-test-id="ndv-output-waiting">{{
<N8nText v-if="!workflowRunning" data-test-id="ndv-output-run-node-hint">
<template v-if="isSubNodeType">
{{ $locale.baseText('ndv.output.runNodeHintSubNode') }}
{{ i18n.baseText('ndv.output.runNodeHintSubNode') }}
<template v-else>
{{ $locale.baseText('ndv.output.runNodeHint') }}
{{ i18n.baseText('ndv.output.runNodeHint') }}
<span v-if="canPinData" @click="insertTestData">
<br />
{{ $locale.baseText('generic.or') }}
<n8n-text tag="a" size="medium" color="primary">
{{ $locale.baseText('ndv.output.insertTestData') }}
{{ i18n.baseText('generic.or') }}
<N8nText tag="a" size="medium" color="primary">
{{ i18n.baseText('ndv.output.insertTestData') }}
<template #node-waiting>
<n8n-text :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">Waiting for input</n8n-text>
<n8n-text v-n8n-html="waitingNodeTooltip()"></n8n-text>
<N8nText :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">Waiting for input</N8nText>
<N8nText v-n8n-html="waitingNodeTooltip()"></N8nText>
<template #no-output-data>
<n8n-text :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">{{
{{ $locale.baseText('ndv.output.noOutputData.message') }}
<a @click="openSettings">{{
{{ $locale.baseText('ndv.output.noOutputData.message.settingsOption') }}
<N8nText :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">{{
{{ i18n.baseText('ndv.output.noOutputData.message') }}
<a @click="openSettings">{{ i18n.baseText('ndv.output.noOutputData.message.settings') }}</a>
{{ i18n.baseText('ndv.output.noOutputData.message.settingsOption') }}
<template v-if="outputMode === 'logs' && node" #content>
@ -375,12 +372,12 @@ const activatePane = () => {
<template #recovered-artificial-output-data>
<div :class="$style.recoveredOutputData">
<n8n-text tag="div" :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">{{
{{ $locale.baseText('executionDetails.executionFailed.recoveredNodeMessage') }}
<N8nText tag="div" :bold="true" color="text-dark" size="large">{{
{{ i18n.baseText('executionDetails.executionFailed.recoveredNodeMessage') }}
@ -1,16 +1,24 @@
import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/vue';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import { createTestingPinia } from '@pinia/testing';
import { merge } from 'lodash-es';
import RunData from '@/components/RunData.vue';
import { SET_NODE_TYPE, STORES, VIEWS } from '@/constants';
import { SETTINGS_STORE_DEFAULT_STATE } from '@/__tests__/utils';
import { createTestWorkflowObject, defaultNodeDescriptions } from '@/__tests__/mocks';
import { createComponentRenderer } from '@/__tests__/render';
import { SETTINGS_STORE_DEFAULT_STATE } from '@/__tests__/utils';
import RunData from '@/components/RunData.vue';
import { SET_NODE_TYPE, STORES } from '@/constants';
import type { INodeUi, IRunDataDisplayMode, NodePanelType } from '@/Interface';
import { useWorkflowsStore } from '@/stores/workflows.store';
import { setActivePinia } from 'pinia';
import { defaultNodeTypes } from '@/__tests__/mocks';
import { createTestingPinia } from '@pinia/testing';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/vue';
import type { INodeExecutionData } from 'n8n-workflow';
import { setActivePinia } from 'pinia';
import { useNodeTypesStore } from '../stores/nodeTypes.store';
vi.mock('vue-router', () => {
return {
useRouter: () => ({}),
useRoute: () => ({ meta: {} }),
RouterLink: vi.fn(),
const nodes = [
@ -112,10 +120,13 @@ describe('RunData', () => {
await waitFor(() => {
it('should not render a view button for unknown content-type', async () => {
const { getByTestId, queryByTestId } = render(
@ -132,10 +143,13 @@ describe('RunData', () => {
await waitFor(() => {
it('should not render pin data button when there is no output data', async () => {
const { queryByTestId } = render([], 'table');
@ -201,10 +215,9 @@ describe('RunData', () => {
paneType: NodePanelType = 'output',
) => {
const pinia = createTestingPinia({
stubActions: false,
initialState: {
settings: merge({}, SETTINGS_STORE_DEFAULT_STATE.settings),
output: {
@ -248,16 +261,17 @@ describe('RunData', () => {
nodeTypes: defaultNodeTypes,
const workflowsStore = useWorkflowsStore();
const nodeTypesStore = useNodeTypesStore();
if (pinnedData) {
@ -267,31 +281,21 @@ describe('RunData', () => {
node: {
name: 'Test Node',
workflow: {
workflow: createTestWorkflowObject({
data() {
return {
canPinData: true,
showData: true,
global: {
stubs: {
RunDataPinButton: { template: '<button data-test-id="ndv-pin-data"></button>' },
mocks: {
$route: {
props: {
node: {
id: '1',
name: 'Test Node',
position: [0, 0],
nodes: [{ name: 'Test Node', indicies: [], depth: 1 }],
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import { computed } from 'vue';
import { useI18n } from '@/composables/useI18n';
import type { usePinnedData } from '@/composables/usePinnedData';
import { N8nIconButton, N8nLink, N8nText, N8nTooltip } from 'n8n-design-system';
const locale = useI18n();
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ const visible = computed(() =>
<n8n-tooltip placement="bottom-end" :visible="visible">
<N8nTooltip placement="bottom-end" :visible="visible">
<template #content>
<div v-if="props.tooltipContentsVisibility.binaryDataTooltipContent">
{{ locale.baseText('ndv.pinData.pin.binary') }}
@ -37,16 +38,16 @@ const visible = computed(() =>
<div v-else>
<strong>{{ locale.baseText('ndv.pinData.pin.title') }}</strong>
<n8n-text size="small" tag="p">
<N8nText size="small" tag="p">
{{ locale.baseText('ndv.pinData.pin.description') }}
<n8n-link :to="props.dataPinningDocsUrl" size="small">
<N8nLink :to="props.dataPinningDocsUrl" size="small">
{{ locale.baseText('ndv.pinData.pin.link') }}
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ const visible = computed(() =>
<style lang="scss" module>
@ -1,194 +1,179 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';
import type { PropType } from 'vue';
import { mapStores } from 'pinia';
import type { INodeUi, ITableData, NDVState } from '@/Interface';
import { shorten } from '@/utils/typesUtils';
import { getPairedItemId } from '@/utils/pairedItemUtils';
import type { GenericValue, IDataObject, INodeExecutionData } from 'n8n-workflow';
import Draggable from './Draggable.vue';
import { useWorkflowsStore } from '@/stores/workflows.store';
import { useNDVStore } from '@/stores/ndv.store';
import MappingPill from './MappingPill.vue';
import { getMappedExpression } from '@/utils/mappingUtils';
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useExternalHooks } from '@/composables/useExternalHooks';
import type { INodeUi, IRunDataDisplayMode, ITableData } from '@/Interface';
import { useNDVStore } from '@/stores/ndv.store';
import { useWorkflowsStore } from '@/stores/workflows.store';
import { getMappedExpression } from '@/utils/mappingUtils';
import { getPairedItemId } from '@/utils/pairedItemUtils';
import { shorten } from '@/utils/typesUtils';
import type { GenericValue, IDataObject, INodeExecutionData } from 'n8n-workflow';
import { computed, onMounted, ref, watch } from 'vue';
import Draggable from './Draggable.vue';
import MappingPill from './MappingPill.vue';
import TextWithHighlights from './TextWithHighlights.vue';
import { useI18n } from '@/composables/useI18n';
import { useTelemetry } from '@/composables/useTelemetry';
import { N8nInfoTip, N8nTooltip, N8nTree } from 'n8n-design-system';
import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia';
type DraggableRef = InstanceType<typeof Draggable>;
export default defineComponent({
name: 'RunDataTable',
components: { Draggable, MappingPill, TextWithHighlights },
props: {
node: {
type: Object as PropType<INodeUi>,
required: true,
inputData: {
type: Array as PropType<INodeExecutionData[]>,
required: true,
mappingEnabled: {
type: Boolean,
distanceFromActive: {
type: Number,
required: true,
runIndex: {
type: Number,
outputIndex: {
type: Number,
totalRuns: {
type: Number,
pageOffset: {
type: Number,
required: true,
hasDefaultHoverState: {
type: Boolean,
search: {
type: String,
setup() {
type Props = {
node: INodeUi;
inputData: INodeExecutionData[];
distanceFromActive: number;
pageOffset: number;
runIndex?: number;
outputIndex?: number;
totalRuns?: number;
mappingEnabled?: boolean;
hasDefaultHoverState?: boolean;
search?: string;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
runIndex: 0,
outputIndex: 0,
totalRuns: 0,
mappingEnabled: false,
hasDefaultHoverState: false,
search: '',
const emit = defineEmits<{
activeRowChanged: [row: number | null];
displayModeChange: [mode: IRunDataDisplayMode];
mounted: [data: { avgRowHeight: number }];
const externalHooks = useExternalHooks();
return {
data() {
return {
activeColumn: -1,
forceShowGrip: false,
draggedColumn: false,
draggingPath: null as null | string,
hoveringPath: null as null | string,
mappingHintVisible: false,
activeRow: null as number | null,
columnLimitExceeded: false,
mounted() {
if (this.tableData && this.tableData.columns && this.$refs.draggable) {
const tbody = (this.$refs.draggable as DraggableRef).$refs.wrapper as HTMLElement;
const activeColumn = ref(-1);
const forceShowGrip = ref(false);
const draggedColumn = ref(false);
const draggingPath = ref<string | null>(null);
const hoveringPath = ref<string | null>(null);
const activeRow = ref<number | null>(null);
const columnLimit = ref(MAX_COLUMNS_LIMIT);
const columnLimitExceeded = ref(false);
const draggableRef = ref<DraggableRef>();
const ndvStore = useNDVStore();
const workflowsStore = useWorkflowsStore();
const i18n = useI18n();
const telemetry = useTelemetry();
const {
highlightDraggables: highlight,
} = storeToRefs(ndvStore);
const pairedItemMappings = computed(() => workflowsStore.workflowExecutionPairedItemMappings);
const tableData = computed(() => convertToTable(props.inputData));
onMounted(() => {
if (tableData.value?.columns && draggableRef.value) {
const tbody = draggableRef.value.$refs.wrapper as HTMLElement;
if (tbody) {
this.$emit('mounted', {
avgRowHeight: tbody.offsetHeight / this.tableData.data.length,
emit('mounted', {
avgRowHeight: tbody.offsetHeight / tableData.value.data.length,
computed: {
...mapStores(useNDVStore, useWorkflowsStore),
hoveringItem(): NDVState['hoveringItem'] {
return this.ndvStore.hoveringItem;
pairedItemMappings(): { [itemId: string]: Set<string> } {
return this.workflowsStore.workflowExecutionPairedItemMappings;
tableData(): ITableData {
return this.convertToTable(this.inputData);
focusedMappableInput(): string {
return this.ndvStore.focusedMappableInput;
highlight(): boolean {
return this.ndvStore.highlightDraggables;
methods: {
isHoveringRow(row: number): boolean {
if (row === this.activeRow) {
function isHoveringRow(row: number): boolean {
if (row === activeRow.value) {
return true;
const itemIndex = this.pageOffset + row;
const itemIndex = props.pageOffset + row;
if (
itemIndex === 0 &&
!this.hoveringItem &&
this.hasDefaultHoverState &&
this.distanceFromActive === 1
!hoveringItem.value &&
props.hasDefaultHoverState &&
props.distanceFromActive === 1
) {
return true;
const itemNodeId = getPairedItemId(
this.node?.name ?? '',
this.runIndex || 0,
this.outputIndex || 0,
props.node?.name ?? '',
props.runIndex || 0,
props.outputIndex || 0,
if (!this.hoveringItem || !this.pairedItemMappings[itemNodeId]) {
if (!hoveringItem.value || !pairedItemMappings.value[itemNodeId]) {
return false;
const hoveringItemId = getPairedItemId(
return this.pairedItemMappings[itemNodeId].has(hoveringItemId);
onMouseEnterCell(e: MouseEvent) {
return pairedItemMappings.value[itemNodeId].has(hoveringItemId);
function onMouseEnterCell(e: MouseEvent) {
const target = e.target;
if (target && this.mappingEnabled) {
if (target && props.mappingEnabled) {
const col = (target as HTMLElement).dataset.col;
if (col && !isNaN(parseInt(col, 10))) {
this.activeColumn = parseInt(col, 10);
activeColumn.value = parseInt(col, 10);
if (target) {
const row = (target as HTMLElement).dataset.row;
if (row && !isNaN(parseInt(row, 10))) {
this.activeRow = parseInt(row, 10);
this.$emit('activeRowChanged', this.pageOffset + this.activeRow);
activeRow.value = parseInt(row, 10);
emit('activeRowChanged', props.pageOffset + activeRow.value);
onMouseLeaveCell() {
this.activeColumn = -1;
this.activeRow = null;
this.$emit('activeRowChanged', null);
onMouseEnterKey(path: string[], colIndex: number) {
this.hoveringPath = this.getCellExpression(path, colIndex);
onMouseLeaveKey() {
this.hoveringPath = null;
isHovering(path: string[], colIndex: number) {
const expr = this.getCellExpression(path, colIndex);
return this.hoveringPath === expr;
getExpression(column: string) {
if (!this.node) {
function onMouseLeaveCell() {
activeColumn.value = -1;
activeRow.value = null;
emit('activeRowChanged', null);
function onMouseEnterKey(path: Array<string | number>, colIndex: number) {
hoveringPath.value = getCellExpression(path, colIndex);
function onMouseLeaveKey() {
hoveringPath.value = null;
function isHovering(path: Array<string | number>, colIndex: number) {
const expr = getCellExpression(path, colIndex);
return hoveringPath.value === expr;
function getExpression(column: string) {
if (!props.node) {
return '';
return getMappedExpression({
nodeName: this.node.name,
distanceFromActive: this.distanceFromActive,
nodeName: props.node.name,
distanceFromActive: props.distanceFromActive,
path: [column],
getPathNameFromTarget(el?: HTMLElement) {
function getPathNameFromTarget(el?: HTMLElement) {
if (!el) {
return '';
return el.dataset.name;
getCellPathName(path: Array<string | number>, colIndex: number) {
function getCellPathName(path: Array<string | number>, colIndex: number) {
const lastKey = path[path.length - 1];
if (typeof lastKey === 'string') {
return lastKey;
@ -197,21 +182,23 @@ export default defineComponent({
const prevKey = path[path.length - 2];
return `${prevKey}[${lastKey}]`;
const column = this.tableData.columns[colIndex];
const column = tableData.value.columns[colIndex];
return `${column}[${lastKey}]`;
getCellExpression(path: Array<string | number>, colIndex: number) {
if (!this.node) {
function getCellExpression(path: Array<string | number>, colIndex: number) {
if (!props.node) {
return '';
const column = this.tableData.columns[colIndex];
const column = tableData.value.columns[colIndex];
return getMappedExpression({
nodeName: this.node.name,
distanceFromActive: this.distanceFromActive,
nodeName: props.node.name,
distanceFromActive: props.distanceFromActive,
path: [column, ...path],
isEmpty(value: unknown): boolean {
function isEmpty(value: unknown): boolean {
return (
value === '' ||
(Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 0) ||
@ -219,19 +206,20 @@ export default defineComponent({
value === null ||
value === undefined
getValueToRender(value: unknown): string {
function getValueToRender(value: unknown): string {
if (value === '') {
return this.$locale.baseText('runData.emptyString');
return i18n.baseText('runData.emptyString');
if (typeof value === 'string') {
return value;
if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 0) {
return this.$locale.baseText('runData.emptyArray');
return i18n.baseText('runData.emptyArray');
if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null && Object.keys(value).length === 0) {
return this.$locale.baseText('runData.emptyObject');
return i18n.baseText('runData.emptyObject');
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
return `[${value}]`;
@ -240,39 +228,44 @@ export default defineComponent({
return value.toString();
return JSON.stringify(value);
onDragStart() {
this.draggedColumn = true;
onCellDragStart(el: HTMLElement) {
if (el?.dataset.value) {
this.draggingPath = el.dataset.value;
onCellDragEnd(el: HTMLElement) {
this.draggingPath = null;
function onDragStart() {
draggedColumn.value = true;
this.onDragEnd(el.dataset.name || '', 'tree', el.dataset.depth || '0');
isDraggingKey(path: Array<string | number>, colIndex: number) {
if (!this.draggingPath) {
function onCellDragStart(el: HTMLElement) {
if (el?.dataset.value) {
draggingPath.value = el.dataset.value;
function onCellDragEnd(el: HTMLElement) {
draggingPath.value = null;
onDragEnd(el.dataset.name ?? '', 'tree', el.dataset.depth ?? '0');
function isDraggingKey(path: Array<string | number>, colIndex: number) {
if (!draggingPath.value) {
return this.draggingPath === this.getCellExpression(path, colIndex);
onDragEnd(column: string, src: string, depth = '0') {
return draggingPath.value === getCellExpression(path, colIndex);
function onDragEnd(column: string, src: string, depth = '0') {
setTimeout(() => {
const mappingTelemetry = this.ndvStore.mappingTelemetry;
const mappingTelemetry = ndvStore.mappingTelemetry;
const telemetryPayload = {
src_node_type: this.node.type,
src_node_type: props.node.type,
src_field_name: column,
src_nodes_back: this.distanceFromActive,
src_run_index: this.runIndex,
src_runs_total: this.totalRuns,
src_nodes_back: props.distanceFromActive,
src_run_index: props.runIndex,
src_runs_total: props.totalRuns,
src_field_nest_level: parseInt(depth, 10),
src_view: 'table',
src_element: src,
@ -280,26 +273,33 @@ export default defineComponent({
void this.externalHooks.run('runDataTable.onDragEnd', telemetryPayload);
void externalHooks.run('runDataTable.onDragEnd', telemetryPayload);
this.$telemetry.track('User dragged data for mapping', telemetryPayload, {
telemetry.track('User dragged data for mapping', telemetryPayload, {
withPostHog: true,
}, 1000); // ensure dest data gets set if drop
isSimple(data: unknown): boolean {
function isSimple(data: GenericValue): data is string | number | boolean | null | undefined {
return (
typeof data !== 'object' ||
data === null ||
(Array.isArray(data) && data.length === 0) ||
(typeof data === 'object' && Object.keys(data).length === 0)
hasJsonInColumn(colIndex: number): boolean {
return this.tableData.hasJson[this.tableData.columns[colIndex]];
convertToTable(inputData: INodeExecutionData[]): ITableData {
const tableData: GenericValue[][] = [];
function isObject(data: GenericValue): data is Record<string, unknown> {
return !isSimple(data);
function hasJsonInColumn(colIndex: number): boolean {
return tableData.value.hasJson[tableData.value.columns[colIndex]];
function convertToTable(inputData: INodeExecutionData[]): ITableData {
const resultTableData: GenericValue[][] = [];
const tableColumns: string[] = [];
let leftEntryColumns: string[], entryRows: GenericValue[];
// Go over all entries
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
const entryColumns = Object.keys(entry || {});
if (entryColumns.length > MAX_COLUMNS_LIMIT) {
this.columnLimitExceeded = true;
columnLimitExceeded.value = true;
leftEntryColumns = entryColumns.slice(0, MAX_COLUMNS_LIMIT);
} else {
leftEntryColumns = entryColumns;
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
hasJson[key] =
hasJson[key] ||
(typeof entry[key] === 'object' && Object.keys(entry[key] || {}).length > 0) ||
(typeof entry[key] === 'object' && Object.keys(entry[key] ?? {}).length > 0) ||
} else {
// Entry does not have key so add undefined
@ -348,42 +348,40 @@ export default defineComponent({
hasJson[key] =
hasJson[key] ||
(typeof entry[key] === 'object' && Object.keys(entry[key] || {}).length > 0) ||
(typeof entry[key] === 'object' && Object.keys(entry[key] ?? {}).length > 0) ||
// Add the data of the entry
// Make sure that all entry-rows have the same length
tableData.forEach((entryRows) => {
if (tableColumns.length > entryRows.length) {
resultTableData.forEach((rows) => {
if (tableColumns.length > rows.length) {
// Has fewer entries so add the missing ones
entryRows.push(...new Array(tableColumns.length - entryRows.length));
rows.push(...new Array(tableColumns.length - rows.length));
return {
columns: tableColumns,
data: tableData,
data: resultTableData,
switchToJsonView() {
this.$emit('displayModeChange', 'json');
watch: {
focusedMappableInput(curr: boolean) {
function switchToJsonView() {
emit('displayModeChange', 'json');
watch(focusedMappableInput, (curr) => {
() => {
this.forceShowGrip = !!this.focusedMappableInput;
forceShowGrip.value = !!focusedMappableInput.value;
curr ? 300 : 150,
@ -408,7 +406,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
<n8n-info-tip>{{ $locale.baseText('runData.emptyItemHint') }}</n8n-info-tip>
<N8nInfoTip>{{ i18n.baseText('runData.emptyItemHint') }}</N8nInfoTip>
<td :class="$style.tableRightMargin"></td>
@ -418,11 +416,11 @@ export default defineComponent({
<th v-for="(column, i) in tableData.columns || []" :key="column">
<n8n-tooltip placement="bottom-start" :disabled="!mappingEnabled" :show-after="1000">
<N8nTooltip placement="bottom-start" :disabled="!mappingEnabled" :show-after="1000">
<template #content>
<img src="/static/data-mapping-gif.gif" />
{{ $locale.baseText('dataMapping.dragColumnToFieldHint') }}
{{ i18n.baseText('dataMapping.dragColumnToFieldHint') }}
@ -455,17 +453,17 @@ export default defineComponent({
<th v-if="columnLimitExceeded" :class="$style.header">
<n8n-tooltip placement="bottom-end">
<N8nTooltip placement="bottom-end">
<template #content>
<i18n-t tag="span" keypath="dataMapping.tableView.tableColumnsExceeded.tooltip">
<template #columnLimit>{{ columnLimit }}</template>
<template #link>
<a @click="switchToJsonView">{{
@ -476,15 +474,15 @@ export default defineComponent({
{{ $locale.baseText('dataMapping.tableView.tableColumnsExceeded') }}
{{ i18n.baseText('dataMapping.tableView.tableColumnsExceeded') }}
<th :class="$style.tableRightMargin"></th>
@ -519,7 +517,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
:class="{ [$style.value]: true, [$style.empty]: isEmpty(data) }"
<n8n-tree v-else :node-class="$style.nodeClass" :value="data">
<N8nTree v-else-if="isObject(data)" :node-class="$style.nodeClass" :value="data">
<template #label="{ label, path }">
@ -534,9 +532,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
@mouseenter="() => onMouseEnterKey(path, index2)"
>{{ label || $locale.baseText('runData.unnamedField') }}</span
>{{ label || i18n.baseText('runData.unnamedField') }}</span
<template #value="{ value }">
@ -544,7 +543,7 @@ export default defineComponent({
:class="{ [$style.nestedValue]: true, [$style.empty]: isEmpty(value) }"
<td v-if="columnLimitExceeded"></td>
<td :class="$style.tableRightMargin"></td>
Reference in a new issue