From 862482a1225ea6a11879d3436e344ccfb87914f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Iv=C3=A1n=20Ovejero?= Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 17:38:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] :zap: Flatten base text keys --- .../src/plugins/i18n/locales/en.json | 1806 +++++++---------- 1 file changed, 716 insertions(+), 1090 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/editor-ui/src/plugins/i18n/locales/en.json b/packages/editor-ui/src/plugins/i18n/locales/en.json index 4405081688..7b957a53f5 100644 --- a/packages/editor-ui/src/plugins/i18n/locales/en.json +++ b/packages/editor-ui/src/plugins/i18n/locales/en.json @@ -1,1093 +1,719 @@ { - "about": { - "aboutN8n": "About n8n", - "close": "Close", - "license": "License", - "n8nVersion": "n8n Version", - "n8nLicense": "Sustainable Use License", - "sourceCode": "Source Code" - }, - "binaryDataDisplay": { - "backToList": "Back to list", - "backToOverviewPage": "Back to overview page", - "noDataFoundToDisplay": "No data found to display", - "yourBrowserDoesNotSupport": "Your browser does not support the video element. Kindly update it to latest version." - }, - "codeEdit": { - "edit": "Edit" - }, - "collectionParameter": { - "choose": "Choose...", - "noProperties": "No properties" - }, - "credentialEdit": { - "credentialConfig": { - "accountConnected": "Account connected", - "clickToCopy": "Click To Copy", - "connectionTestedSuccessfully": "Connection tested successfully", - "couldntConnectWithTheseSettings": "Couldn’t connect with these settings", - "needHelpFillingOutTheseFields": "Need help filling out these fields?", - "oAuthRedirectUrl": "OAuth Redirect URL", - "openDocs": "Open docs", - "pleaseCheckTheErrorsBelow": "Please check the errors below", - "reconnect": "reconnect", - "reconnectOAuth2Credential": "Reconnect OAuth2 Credential", - "redirectUrlCopiedToClipboard": "Redirect URL copied to clipboard", - "retry": "Retry", - "retryCredentialTest": "Retry credential test", - "retrying": "Retrying", - "subtitle": "In {appName}, use the URL above when prompted to enter an OAuth callback or redirect URL", - "theServiceYouReConnectingTo": "the service you're connecting to" - }, - "credentialEdit": { - "confirmMessage": { - "beforeClose1": { - "cancelButtonText": "Keep Editing", - "confirmButtonText": "Close", - "headline": "Close without saving?", - "message": "Are you sure you want to throw away the changes you made to the {credentialDisplayName} credential?" - }, - "beforeClose2": { - "cancelButtonText": "Keep Editing", - "confirmButtonText": "Close", - "headline": "Close without connecting?", - "message": "You need to connect your credential for it to work" - }, - "deleteCredential": { - "cancelButtonText": "", - "confirmButtonText": "Yes, delete", - "headline": "Delete Credential?", - "message": "Are you sure you want to delete \"{savedCredentialName}\"?" - } - }, - "connection": "Connection", - "couldNotFindCredentialOfType": "Could not find credential of type", - "couldNotFindCredentialWithId": "Could not find credential with ID", - "details": "Details", - "delete": "Delete", - "saving": "Saving", - "showError": { - "createCredential": { - "title": "Problem creating credential" - }, - "deleteCredential": { - "title": "Problem deleting credential" - }, - "generateAuthorizationUrl": { - "message": "There was a problem generating the authorization URL", - "title": "OAuth Authorization Error" - }, - "loadCredential": { - "title": "Problem loading credential" - }, - "updateCredential": { - "title": "Problem updating credential" - } - }, - "showMessage": { - "title": "Credential deleted" - }, - "testing": "Testing" - }, - "credentialInfo": { - "allowUseBy": "Allow use by", - "created": "Created", - "id": "ID", - "lastModified": "Last modified" - }, - "oAuthButton": { - "connectMyAccount": "Connect my account", - "signInWithGoogle": "Sign in with Google" - } - }, - "credentialSelectModal": { - "addNewCredential": "Add new credential", - "continue": "Continue", - "searchForApp": "Search for app...", - "selectAnAppOrServiceToConnectTo": "Select an app or service to connect to" - }, - "credentialsList": { - "addNew": "Add New", - "confirmMessage": { - "cancelButtonText": "", - "confirmButtonText": "Yes, delete", - "headline": "Delete Credential?", - "message": "Are you sure you want to delete {credentialName}?" - }, - "createNewCredential": "Create New Credential", - "created": "Created", - "credentials": "Credentials", - "deleteCredential": "Delete Credential", - "editCredential": "Edit Credential", - "name": "", - "operations": "Operations", - "showError": { - "deleteCredential": { - "title": "Problem deleting credential" - } - }, - "showMessage": { - "title": "Credential deleted" - }, - "type": "Type", - "updated": "Updated", - "yourSavedCredentials": "Your saved credentials", - "errorLoadingCredentials": "Error loading credentials" - }, - "dataDisplay": { - "needHelp": "Need help?", - "nodeDocumentation": "Node Documentation", - "openDocumentationFor": "Open {nodeTypeDisplayName} documentation" - }, - "displayWithChange": { - "cancelEdit": "Cancel Edit", - "clickToChange": "Click to Change", - "setValue": "Set Value" - }, - "duplicateWorkflowDialog": { - "cancel": "@:reusableBaseText.cancel", - "chooseOrCreateATag": "Choose or create a tag", - "duplicateWorkflow": "Duplicate Workflow", - "enterWorkflowName": "Enter workflow name", - "save": "", - "showMessage": { - "message": "Please enter a name.", - "title": "Name missing" - } - }, - "executionDetails": { - "executionFailed": "Execution failed", - "executionId": "Execution ID", - "executionWaiting": "Execution waiting", - "executionWasSuccessful": "Execution was successful", - "openWorkflow": "Open Workflow", - "of": "of", - "workflow": "workflow", - "readOnly": { - "readOnly": "Read only", - "youreViewingTheLogOf": "You're viewing the log of a previous execution. You cannot
\n\t\tmake changes since this execution already occurred. Make changes
\n\t\tto this workflow by clicking on its name on the left." - } - }, - "executionsList": { - "allWorkflows": "All Workflows", - "anyStatus": "Any Status", - "autoRefresh": "Auto refresh", - "confirmMessage": { - "cancelButtonText": "", - "confirmButtonText": "Yes, delete", - "headline": "Delete Executions?", - "message": "Are you sure that you want to delete the {numSelected} selected execution(s)?" - }, - "deleteSelected": "Delete Selected", - "error": "Error", - "filters": "Filters", - "loadMore": "Load More", - "mode": "Mode", - "modes": { - "error": "error", - "integrated": "integrated", - "manual": "manual", - "retry": "retry", - "trigger": "trigger", - "webhook": "webhook" - }, - "name": "", - "openPastExecution": "Open Past Execution", - "retryExecution": "Retry execution", - "retryOf": "Retry of", - "retryWithCurrentlySavedWorkflow": "Retry with currently saved workflow", - "retryWithOriginalworkflow": "Retry with original workflow", - "running": "Running", - "runningTime": "Running Time", - "selectStatus": "Select Status", - "selectWorkflow": "Select Workflow", - "selected": "Selected", - "showError": { - "handleDeleteSelected": { - "title": "Problem deleting executions" - }, - "loadMore": { - "title": "Problem loading workflows" - }, - "loadWorkflows": { - "title": "Problem loading workflows" - }, - "refreshData": { - "title": "Problem loading data" - }, - "retryExecution": { - "title": "Problem with retry" - }, - "stopExecution": { - "title": "Problem stopping execution" - } - }, - "showMessage": { - "handleDeleteSelected": { - "title": "Execution deleted" - }, - "retrySuccessfulFalse": { - "title": "Retry unsuccessful" - }, - "retrySuccessfulTrue": { - "title": "Retry successful" - }, - "stopExecution": { - "message": "Execution ID {activeExecutionId}", - "title": "Execution stopped" - } - }, - "startedAtId": "Started At / ID", - "status": "Status", - "statusTooltipText": { - "theWorkflowExecutionFailed": "The workflow execution failed.", - "theWorkflowExecutionFailedButTheRetryWasSuccessful": "The workflow execution failed but the retry {entryRetrySuccessId} was successful.", - "theWorkflowExecutionIsProbablyStillRunning": "The workflow execution is probably still running but it may have crashed and n8n cannot safely tell. ", - "theWorkflowExecutionWasARetryOfAndFailed": "The workflow execution was a retry of {entryRetryOf} and failed.
New retries have to be started from the original execution.", - "theWorkflowExecutionWasARetryOfAndItWasSuccessful": "The workflow execution was a retry of {entryRetryOf} and it was successful.", - "theWorkflowExecutionWasSuccessful": "The worklow execution was successful.", - "theWorkflowIsCurrentlyExecuting": "The worklow is currently executing.", - "theWorkflowIsWaitingIndefinitely": "The workflow is waiting indefinitely for an incoming webhook call.", - "theWorkflowIsWaitingTill": "The worklow is waiting till {waitDateDate} {waitDateTime}." - }, - "stopExecution": "Stop Execution", - "success": "Success", - "successRetry": "Success retry", - "unknown": "Unknown", - "unsavedWorkflow": "[UNSAVED WORKFLOW]", - "waiting": "Waiting", - "workflowExecutions": "Workflow Executions" - }, - "expressionEdit": { - "editExpression": "Edit Expression", - "expression": "Expression", - "result": "Result", - "variableSelector": "Variable Selector" - }, - "fixedCollectionParameter": { - "choose": "Choose...", - "currentlyNoItemsExist": "Currently no items exist", - "deleteItem": "Delete item", - "moveDown": "Move down", - "moveUp": "Move up" - }, - "genericHelpers": { - "loading": "Loading", - "min": "min", - "sec": "sec", - "showMessage": { - "message": "This is a read-only version of the workflow. To make changes, either open the original workflow or save it under a new name.", - "title": "Workflow cannot be changed" - } - }, - "mainSidebar": { - "aboutN8n": "About n8n", - "confirmMessage": { - "workflowDelete": { - "cancelButtonText": "", - "confirmButtonText": "Yes, delete", - "headline": "Delete Workflow?", - "message": "Are you sure that you want to delete '{workflowName}'?" - }, - "workflowNew": { - "cancelButtonText": "Leave without saving", - "confirmButtonText": "Save", - "headline": "Save changes before leaving?", - "message": "If you don't save, you will lose your changes." - } - }, - "credentials": "Credentials", - "delete": "Delete", - "download": "Download", - "duplicate": "Duplicate", - "executions": "Executions", - "help": "Help", - "helpMenuItems": { - "course": "Course", - "documentation": "Documentation", - "forum": "Forum" - }, - "importFromFile": "Import from File", - "importFromUrl": "Import from URL", - "new": "New", - "newTemplate": "New from template", - "open": "Open", - "prompt": { - "cancel": "@:reusableBaseText.cancel", - "import": "Import", - "importWorkflowFromUrl": "Import Workflow from URL", - "invalidUrl": "Invalid URL", - "workflowUrl": "Workflow URL" - }, - "save": "", - "settings": "Settings", - "showError": { - "stopExecution": { - "title": "Problem stopping execution" - } - }, - "showMessage": { - "handleFileImport": { - "message": "The file does not contain valid JSON data", - "title": "Could not import file" - }, - "handleSelect1": { - "title": "Workflow deleted" - }, - "handleSelect2": { - "title": "Workflow created" - }, - "handleSelect3": { - "title": "Workflow created" - }, - "stopExecution": { - "title": "Execution stopped" - } - }, - "templates": "Templates", - "workflows": "Workflows" - }, - "multipleParameter": { - "addItem": "Add item", - "currentlyNoItemsExist": "Currently no items exist", - "deleteItem": "Delete item", - "moveDown": "Move down", - "moveUp": "Move up" - }, - "noTagsView": { - "readyToOrganizeYourWorkflows": "Ready to organize your workflows?", - "withWorkflowTagsYouReFree": "With workflow tags, you're free to create the perfect tagging system for your flows" - }, - "node": { - "activateDeactivateNode": "Activate/Deactivate Node", - "deleteNode": "Delete Node", - "disabled": "Disabled", - "duplicateNode": "Duplicate Node", - "editNode": "Edit Node", - "executeNode": "Execute Node", - "issues": "Issues", - "nodeIsExecuting": "Node is executing", - "nodeIsWaitingTill": "Node is waiting until {date} {time}", - "theNodeIsWaitingIndefinitelyForAnIncomingWebhookCall": "The node is waiting for an incoming webhook call (indefinitely)", - "waitingForYouToCreateAnEventIn": "Waiting for you to create an event in {nodeType}" - }, - "nodeCreator": { - "categoryNames": { - "analytics": "Analytics", - "communication": "Communication", - "coreNodes": "Core Nodes", - "customNodes": "Custom Nodes", - "dataStorage": "Data & Storage", - "development": "Development", - "financeAccounting": "Finance & Accounting", - "marketingContent": "Marketing & Content", - "miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", - "productivity": "Productivity", - "sales": "Sales", - "suggestedNodes": "Suggested Nodes ✨", - "utility": "Utility" - }, - "mainPanel": { - "all": "All", - "regular": "Regular", - "trigger": "Trigger" - }, - "noResults": { - "dontWorryYouCanProbablyDoItWithThe": "Don’t worry, you can probably do it with the", - "httpRequest": "HTTP Request", - "node": "node", - "or": "or", - "requestTheNode": "Request the node", - "wantUsToMakeItFaster": "Want us to make it faster?", - "weDidntMakeThatYet": "We didn't make that... yet", - "webhook": "Webhook" - }, - "searchBar": { - "searchNodes": "Search nodes..." - }, - "subcategoryDescriptions": { - "dataTransformation": "Manipulate data fields, run code", - "files": "Work with CSV, XML, text, images etc.", - "flow": "Branches, core triggers, merge data", - "helpers": "HTTP Requests (API calls), date and time, scrape HTML" - }, - "subcategoryNames": { - "dataTransformation": "Data Transformation", - "files": "Files", - "flow": "Flow", - "helpers": "Helpers" - } - }, - "nodeCredentials": { - "createNew": "Create New", - "credentialFor": "Credential for {credentialType}", - "issues": "Issues", - "selectCredential": "Select Credential", - "showMessage": { - "message": "Nodes that used credential \"{oldCredentialName}\" have been updated to use \"{newCredentialName}\"", - "title": "Node credential updated" - }, - "updateCredential": "Update Credential" - }, - "nodeErrorView": { - "cause": "Cause", - "copyToClipboard": "Copy to Clipboard", - "dataBelowMayContain": "Data below may contain sensitive information. Proceed with caution when sharing.", - "details": "Details", - "error": "ERROR", - "httpCode": "HTTP Code", - "showMessage": { - "title": "Copied to clipboard" - }, - "stack": "Stack", - "theErrorCauseIsTooLargeToBeDisplayed": "The error cause is too large to be displayed", - "time": "Time" - }, - "nodeBase": { - "clickToAddNodeOrDragToConnect": "Click to add node
or drag to connect" - }, - "nodeSettings": { - "alwaysOutputData": { - "description": "If active, will output a single, empty item when the output would have been empty. Use to prevent the workflow finishing on this node.", - "displayName": "Always Output Data" - }, - "clickOnTheQuestionMarkIcon": "Click the '?' icon to open this node on", - "continueOnFail": { - "description": "If active, the workflow continues even if this node's execution fails. When this occurs, the node passes along input data from previous nodes - so your workflow should account for unexpected output data.", - "displayName": "Continue On Fail" - }, - "executeOnce": { - "description": "If active, the node executes only once, with data from the first item it receives", - "displayName": "Execute Once" - }, - "maxTries": { - "description": "Number of times to attempt to execute the node before failing the execution", - "displayName": "Max. Tries" - }, - "noDescriptionFound": "No description found", - "nodeDescription": "Node Description", - "notes": { - "description": "Optional note to save with the node", - "displayName": "Notes" - }, - "notesInFlow": { - "description": "If active, the note above will display in the flow as a subtitle", - "displayName": "Display note in flow?" - }, - "parameters": "Parameters", - "retryOnFail": { - "description": "If active, the node tries to execute again when it fails", - "displayName": "Retry On Fail" - }, - "settings": "Settings", - "theNodeIsNotValidAsItsTypeIsUnknown": "The node is not valid as its type ({nodeType}) is unknown", - "thisNodeDoesNotHaveAnyParameters": "This node does not have any parameters", - "waitBetweenTries": { - "description": "How long to wait between each attempt (in milliseconds)", - "displayName": "Wait Between Tries (ms)" - } - }, - "nodeView": { - "addNode": "Add node", - "confirmMessage": { - "beforeRouteLeave": { - "cancelButtonText": "Leave without saving", - "confirmButtonText": "Save", - "headline": "Save changes before leaving?", - "message": "If you don't save, you will lose your changes." - }, - "initView": { - "cancelButtonText": "Leave without saving", - "confirmButtonText": "Save", - "headline": "Save changes before leaving?", - "message": "If you don't save, you will lose your changes." - }, - "receivedCopyPasteData": { - "cancelButtonText": "", - "confirmButtonText": "Yes, import", - "headline": "Import Workflow?", - "message": "Workflow will be imported from
{plainTextData}" - } - }, - "couldntImportWorkflow": "Could not import workflow", - "deletesTheCurrentExecutionData": "Deletes the current execution data", - "executesTheWorkflowFromTheStartOrWebhookNode": "Executes the workflow from the 'start' or 'webhook' node", - "itLooksLikeYouHaveBeenEditingSomething": "It looks like you made some edits. If you leave before saving, your changes will be lost.", - "loadingTemplate": "Loading template", - "moreInfo": "More info", - "noNodesGivenToAdd": "No nodes to add specified", - "prompt": { - "cancel": "@:reusableBaseText.cancel", - "invalidName": "Invalid Name", - "newName": "New Name", - "rename": "Rename", - "renameNode": "Rename Node" - }, - "redirecting": "Redirecting", - "refresh": "Refresh", - "resetZoom": "Reset Zoom", - "runButtonText": { - "executeWorkflow": "Execute Workflow", - "executingWorkflow": "Executing Workflow", - "waitingForTriggerEvent": "Waiting for Trigger Event" - }, - "showError": { - "getWorkflowDataFromUrl": { - "title": "Problem loading workflow" - }, - "importWorkflowData": { - "title": "Problem importing workflow" - }, - "mounted1": { - "message": "There was a problem loading init data", - "title": "Init Problem" - }, - "mounted2": { - "message": "There was a problem initializing the workflow", - "title": "Init Problem" - }, - "openExecution": { - "title": "Problem loading execution" - }, - "openWorkflow": { - "title": "Problem opening workflow" - }, - "stopExecution": { - "title": "Problem stopping execution" - }, - "stopWaitingForWebhook": { - "title": "Problem deleting test webhook" - } - }, - "showMessage": { - "addNodeButton": { - "message": "'{nodeTypeName}' is an unknown node type", - "title": "Could not create node" - }, - "keyDown": { - "title": "Workflow created" - }, - "showMaxNodeTypeError": { - "message": { - "plural": "Only {maxNodes} '{nodeTypeDataDisplayName}' nodes are allowed in a workflow", - "singular": "Only {maxNodes} '{nodeTypeDataDisplayName}' node is allowed in a workflow" - }, - "title": "Could not create node" - }, - "stopExecutionCatch": { - "message": "It completed before it could be stopped", - "title": "Workflow finished executing" - }, - "stopExecutionTry": { - "title": "Execution stopped" - }, - "stopWaitingForWebhook": { - "title": "Webhook deleted" - } - }, - "stopCurrentExecution": "Stop current execution", - "stopWaitingForWebhookCall": "Stop waiting for webhook call", - "stoppingCurrentExecution": "Stopping current execution", - "thereWasAProblemLoadingTheNodeParametersOfNode": "There was a problem loading the parameters of the node", - "thisExecutionHasntFinishedYet": "This execution hasn't finished yet", - "toSeeTheLatestStatus": "to see the latest status", - "workflowTemplateWithIdCouldNotBeFound": "Workflow template with ID \"{templateId}\" could not be found", - "workflowWithIdCouldNotBeFound": "Workflow with ID \"{workflowId}\" could not be found", - "zoomIn": "Zoom In", - "zoomOut": "Zoom Out", - "zoomToFit": "Zoom to Fit" - }, - "nodeWebhooks": { - "clickToCopyWebhookUrls": "Click to copy webhook URLs", - "clickToDisplayWebhookUrls": "Click to display webhook URLs", - "clickToHideWebhookUrls": "Click to hide webhook URLs", - "invalidExpression": "[INVALID EXPRESSION]", - "productionUrl": "Production URL", - "showMessage": { - "title": "URL copied" - }, - "testUrl": "Test URL", - "webhookUrls": "Webhook URLs" - }, - "parameterInput": { - "addExpression": "Add Expression", - "error": "ERROR", - "issues": "Issues", - "loadingOptions": "Loading options...", - "openEditWindow": "Open Edit Window", - "parameter": "Parameter: \"{shortPath}\"", - "parameterHasExpression": "Parameter: \"{shortPath}\" has an expression", - "parameterHasIssues": "Parameter: \"{shortPath}\" has issues", - "parameterHasIssuesAndExpression": "Parameter: \"{shortPath}\" has issues and an expression", - "parameterOptions": "Parameter Options", - "refreshList": "Refresh List", - "removeExpression": "Remove Expression", - "resetValue": "Reset Value", - "selectDateAndTime": "Select date and time", - "select": "Select" - }, - "parameterInputExpanded": { - "openDocs": "Open docs", - "thisFieldIsRequired": "This field is required" - }, - "parameterInputList": { - "delete": "Delete", - "deleteParameter": "Delete Parameter", - "parameterOptions": "Parameter Options" - }, - "personalizationModal": { - "automationConsulting": "Automation consulting", - "continue": "Continue", - "customizeN8n": "Customize n8n to you", - "eCommerce": "eCommerce", - "errorWhileSubmittingResults": "Error while submitting results", - "executiveTeam": "Executive team", - "financeOrInsurance": "Finance / Insurance", - "getStarted": "Get started", - "government": "Government", - "healthcare": "Healthcare", - "howAreYourCodingSkills": "How are your coding skills?", - "howBigIsYourCompany": "How big is your company?", - "hr": "HR", - "it": "IT", - "iCanCodeSomeUsefulThingsBut": "2. I can code some useful things, but I spend a lot of time stuck", - "iCanDoAlmostAnythingIWant": "5. I can do almost anything I want, easily (pro coder)", - "iCanFigureMostThingsOut": "4. I can figure most things out", - "iGetStuckTooQuicklyToAchieveMuch": "1. I get stuck too quickly to achieve much", - "iKnowEnoughToBeDangerousBut": "3. I know enough to be dangerous, but I'm no expert", - "imNotUsingN8nForWork": "I'm not using n8n for work", - "individualConsumers": "Customers are individual consumers", - "smallBusinesses": "Customers are small businesses (under 20 employees)", - "mediumBusinesses": "Customers are medium businesses (20-499 employees)", - "largeBusinesses": "Customers are large businesses (500+ employees)", - "whatKindOfCustomersDoYouServe": "What kind of customers do you serve?", - "cloudInfrastructure": "Cloud infrastructure", - "itSupport": "IT support", - "networkingOrCommunication": "Networking / Communication", - "itEngineering": "IT / Engineering", - "legal": "Legal", - "lessThan20People": "Less than 20 people", - "lookOutForThingsMarked": "Look out for things marked with a ✨. They are personalized to make n8n more relevant to you.", - "marketing": "Marketing", - "media": "Media", - "manufacturing": "Manufacturing", - "managedServiceProvider": "Managed service provider", - "digitalAgencyOrConsultant": "Digital agency/consultant", - "automationAgencyOrConsultant": "Automation agency/consultant", - "neverCoded": "0. Never coded", - "operations": "Operations", - "otherPleaseSpecify": "Other (please specify)", - "other": "Other", - "people": "people", - "proCoder": "Pro coder", - "physicalRetailOrServices": "Physical retail or services", - "realEstateOrConstruction": "Real estate / Construction", - "saas": "SaaS", - "education": "Education", - "salesBizDev": "Sales / Bizdev", - "salesBusinessDevelopment": "Sales / Business Development", - "security": "Security", - "select": "Select...", - "specifyYourCompanysIndustry": "Specify your company's industry", - "specifyYourWorkArea": "Specify your work area", - "support": "Support", - "systemsIntegration": "Systems Integration", - "systemsIntegrator": "Systems Integrator", - "thanks": "Thanks!", - "telecoms": "Telecoms", - "theseQuestionsHelpUs": "These questions help us tailor n8n to you", - "whichIndustriesIsYourCompanyIn": "Which industries is your company in?", - "whatBestDescribesYourCompany": "What best describes your company?", - "whatDoesYourCompanyFocusOn": "Which services does your company focus on?", - "pleaseSpecifyYourCompanyFocus": "Please specify your company focus", - "whatAreYouLookingToAutomate": "What are you looking to automate?", - "customerIntegrations": "Customer integrations", - "customerSupport": "Customer support", - "financeOrAccounting": "Finance / Accounting", - "product": "Product (e.g. fast prototyping)", - "salesAndMarketing": "Sales and Marketing", - "notSureYet": "Not sure yet", - "specifyYourAutomationGoal": "Please specify your automation goal" - }, - "pushConnection": { - "showMessage": { - "title": "Workflow executed successfully" - } - }, - "pushConnectionTracker": { - "cannotConnectToServer": "You have a connection issue or the server is down.
n8n should reconnect automatically once the issue is resolved.", - "connectionLost": "Connection lost" - }, - "reusableBaseText": { - "cancel": "Cancel", - "name": "Name", - "save": "Save" - }, - "reusableDynamicText": { - "oauth2": { - "clientId": "Client ID", - "clientSecret": "Client Secret" - } - }, - "runData": { - "binary": "Binary", - "copyItemPath": "Copy Item Path", - "copyParameterPath": "Copy Parameter Path", - "copyToClipboard": "Copy to Clipboard", - "copyValue": "Copy Value", - "dataOfExecution": "Data of Execution", - "dataReturnedByThisNodeWillDisplayHere": "Data returned by this node will display here", - "displayDataAnyway": "Display Data Anyway", - "entriesExistButThey": "Entries exist but they do not contain any JSON data", - "executeNode": "Execute Node", - "executesThisNodeAfterExecuting": "Executes this {nodeName} node after executing any previous nodes that have not yet returned data", - "executionTime": "Execution Time", - "fileExtension": "File Extension", - "fileName": "File Name", - "items": "Items", - "json": "JSON", - "mimeType": "Mime Type", - "ms": "ms", - "noBinaryDataFound": "No binary data found", - "noData": "No data", - "noTextDataFound": "No text data found", - "nodeReturnedALargeAmountOfData": "Node returned a large amount of data", - "output": "Output", - "downloadBinaryData": "Download", - "showBinaryData": "View", - "startTime": "Start Time", - "table": "Table", - "theNodeContains": "The node contains {numberOfKb} KB of data.
Displaying it could cause problems.

If you do decide to display it, consider avoiding the JSON view." - }, - "saveButton": { - "save": "", - "saved": "Saved", - "saving": "Saving" - }, - "showMessage": { - "cancel": "@:reusableBaseText.cancel", - "ok": "OK", - "showDetails": "Show Details" - }, - "tagsDropdown": { - "createTag": "Create tag \"{filter}\"", - "manageTags": "Manage tags", - "noMatchingTagsExist": "No matching tags exist", - "noTagsExist": "No tags exist", - "showError": { - "message": "A problem occurred when trying to create the '{name}' tag", - "title": "Could not create tag" - }, - "typeToCreateATag": "Type to create a tag" - }, - "tagsManager": { - "couldNotDeleteTag": "Could not delete tag", - "done": "Done", - "manageTags": "Manage tags", - "showError": { - "onCreate": { - "message": "A problem occurred when trying to create the tag '{escapedName}'", - "title": "Could not create tag" - }, - "onDelete": { - "message": "A problem occurred when trying to delete the tag '{escapedName}'", - "title": "Could not delete tag" - }, - "onUpdate": { - "message": "A problem occurred when trying to update the tag '{escapedName}'", - "title": "Could not update tag" - } - }, - "showMessage": { - "onDelete": { - "title": "Tag deleted" - }, - "onUpdate": { - "title": "Tag updated" - } - }, - "tagNameCannotBeEmpty": "Tag name cannot be empty" - }, - "tagsTable": { - "areYouSureYouWantToDeleteThisTag": "Are you sure you want to delete this tag?", - "cancel": "@:reusableBaseText.cancel", - "createTag": "Create tag", - "deleteTag": "Delete tag", - "editTag": "Edit Tag", - "name": "", - "noMatchingTagsExist": "No matching tags exist", - "saveChanges": "Save changes?", - "usage": "Usage" - }, - "tagsTableHeader": { - "addNew": "Add new", - "searchTags": "Search Tags" - }, - "tagsView": { - "inUse": { - "plural": "{count} workflows", - "singular": "{count} workflow" - }, - "notBeingUsed": "Not being used" - }, - "template": { - "buttons": { - "goBackButton": "Go back", - "useThisWorkflowButton": "Use this workflow" - }, - "details": { - "appsInTheWorkflow": "Apps in this workflow", - "appsInTheCollection": "This collection features", - "by": "by", - "categories": "Categories", - "created": "Created", - "details": "Details", - "times": "times", - "viewed": "Viewed" - } - }, - "templates": { - "allCategories": "All Categories", - "categoriesHeading": "Categories", - "collection": "Collection", - "collections": "Collections", - "collectionsNotFound": "Collection could not be found", - "endResult": "Share your own useful workflows through your account", - "heading": "Workflow templates", - "newButton": "New blank workflow", - "noSearchResults": "Nothing found. Try adjusting your search to see more.", - "searchPlaceholder": "Search workflows", - "workflow": "Workflow", - "workflows": "Workflows", - "workflowsNotFound": "Workflow could not be found", - "connectionWarning": "⚠️ There was a problem fetching workflow templates. Check your internet connection." - }, - "textEdit": { - "edit": "Edit" - }, - "timeAgo": { - "daysAgo": "%s days ago", - "hoursAgo": "%s hours ago", - "inDays": "in %s days", - "inHours": "in %s hours", - "inMinutes": "in %s minutes", - "inMonths": "in %s months", - "inOneDay": "in 1 day", - "inOneHour": "in 1 hour", - "inOneMinute": "in 1 minute", - "inOneMonth": "in 1 month", - "inOneWeek": "in 1 week", - "inOneYear": "in 1 year", - "inWeeks": "in %s weeks", - "inYears": "in %s years", - "justNow": "Just now", - "minutesAgo": "%s minutes ago", - "monthsAgo": "%s months ago", - "oneDayAgo": "1 day ago", - "oneHourAgo": "1 hour ago", - "oneMinuteAgo": "1 minute ago", - "oneMonthAgo": "1 month ago", - "oneWeekAgo": "1 week ago", - "oneYearAgo": "1 year ago", - "rightNow": "Right now", - "weeksAgo": "%s weeks ago", - "yearsAgo": "%s years ago" - }, - "updatesPanel": { - "andIs": "and is", - "behindTheLatest": "behind the latest and greatest n8n", - "howToUpdateYourN8nVersion": "How to update your n8n version", - "version": "{numberOfVersions} version{howManySuffix}", - "weVeBeenBusy": "We’ve been busy ✨", - "youReOnVersion": "You’re on {currentVersionName}, which was released" - }, - "variableSelector": { - "context": "Context", - "currentNode": "Current Node", - "nodes": "Nodes", - "outputData": "Output Data", - "parameters": "Parameters", - "variableFilter": "Variable filter..." - }, - "variableSelectorItem": { - "empty": "--- EMPTY ---", - "selectItem": "Select Item" - }, - "versionCard": { - "breakingChanges": "Breaking changes", - "released": "Released", - "securityUpdate": "Security update", - "thisVersionHasASecurityIssue": "This version has a security issue.
It is listed here for completeness.", - "unknown": "unknown", - "version": "Version" - }, - "workflowActivator": { - "activateWorkflow": "Activate workflow", - "deactivateWorkflow": "Deactivate workflow", - "showError": { - "title": "Workflow could not be {newStateName}" - }, - "showMessage": { - "activeChangedNodesIssuesExistTrue": { - "message": "Please resolve outstanding issues before you activate it", - "title": "Problem activating workflow" - }, - "activeChangedWorkflowIdUndefined": { - "message": "Please save it before activating", - "title": "Problem activating workflow" - }, - "displayActivationError": { - "message": { - "catchBlock": "Sorry there was a problem requesting the error", - "errorDataNotUndefined": "The following error occurred on workflow activation:
{message}", - "errorDataUndefined": "Unknown error" - }, - "title": "Problem activating workflow" - } - }, - "theWorkflowIsSetToBeActiveBut": "The workflow is activated but could not be started.
Click to display error message.", - "thisWorkflowHasNoTriggerNodes": "This workflow has no trigger nodes that require activation" - }, - "workflowDetails": { - "active": "Active", - "addTag": "Add tag", - "showMessage": { - "message": "Please enter a name, or press 'esc' to go back to the old one", - "title": "Name missing" - }, - "chooseOrCreateATag": "Choose or create a tag" - }, - "workflowHelpers": { - "showMessage": { - "title": "Problem saving workflow" - } - }, - "workflowOpen": { - "active": "Active", - "confirmMessage": { - "cancelButtonText": "Leave without saving", - "confirmButtonText": "Save", - "headline": "Save changes before leaving?", - "message": "If you don't save, you will lose your changes." - }, - "created": "Created", - "name": "", - "openWorkflow": "Open Workflow", - "filterWorkflows": "Filter by tags", - "searchWorkflows": "Search workflows...", - "showError": { - "title": "Problem loading workflows" - }, - "showMessage": { - "message": "This is the current workflow", - "title": "Workflow already open" - }, - "updated": "Updated", - "couldNotLoadActiveWorkflows": "Could not load active workflows" - }, - "workflowRun": { - "noActiveConnectionToTheServer": "Lost connection to the server", - "showError": { - "title": "Problem running workflow" - }, - "showMessage": { - "message": "Please fix them before executing", - "title": "Workflow has issues" - } - }, - "workflowSettings": { - "defaultTimezone": "Default - {defaultTimezoneValue}", - "defaultTimezoneNotValid": "Default Timezone not valid", - "errorWorkflow": "Error Workflow", - "helpTexts": { - "errorWorkflow": "A second workflow to run if the current one fails.
The second workflow should an 'Error Trigger' node.", - "executionTimeout": "How long the workflow should wait before timing out", - "executionTimeoutToggle": "Whether to cancel workflow execution after a defined time", - "saveDataErrorExecution": "Whether to save data of executions that fail", - "saveDataSuccessExecution": "Whether to save data of executions that finish successfully", - "saveExecutionProgress": "Whether to save data after each node execution. This allows you to resume from where execution stopped if there is an error, but may increase latency.", - "saveManualExecutions": "Whether to save data of executions that are started manually from the editor", - "timezone": "The timezone in which the workflow should run. Used by 'cron' node, for example." - }, - "hours": "hours", - "minutes": "minutes", - "noWorkflow": "- No Workflow -", - "save": "", - "saveDataErrorExecution": "Save failed executions", - "saveDataErrorExecutionOptions": { - "defaultSave": "Default - {defaultValue}", - "doNotSave": "Do not save", - "save": "" - }, - "saveDataSuccessExecution": "Save successful executions", - "saveDataSuccessExecutionOptions": { - "defaultSave": "Default - {defaultValue}", - "doNotSave": "Do not save", - "save": "" - }, - "saveExecutionProgress": "Save execution progress", - "saveExecutionProgressOptions": { - "defaultSave": "Default - {defaultValue}", - "no": "No", - "yes": "Yes" - }, - "saveManualExecutions": "Save manual executions", - "saveManualOptions": { - "defaultSave": "Default - {defaultValue}", - "no": "No", - "yes": "Yes" - }, - "seconds": "seconds", - "selectOption": "Select Option", - "settingsFor": "Settings for {workflowName} (#{workflowId})", - "showError": { - "saveSettings1": { - "errorMessage": "Timeout is activated but set to 0", - "message": "There was a problem saving the settings", - "title": "Problem saving settings" - }, - "saveSettings2": { - "errorMessage": "Maximum Timeout is: {hours} hours, {minutes} minutes, {seconds} seconds", - "message": "The timeout is longer than allowed", - "title": "Problem saving settings" - }, - "saveSettings3": { - "title": "Problem saving settings" - } - }, - "showMessage": { - "saveSettings": { - "title": "Workflow settings saved" - } - }, - "timeoutAfter": "Timeout After", - "timeoutWorkflow": "Timeout Workflow", - "timezone": "Timezone" - }, - "activationModal": { - "workflowActivated": "Workflow activated", - "theseExecutionsWillNotShowUp": "These executions will not show up immediately in the editor,", - "butYouCanSeeThem": "but you can see them in the", - "executionList": "execution list", - "ifYouChooseTo": "if you choose to", - "saveExecutions": "save executions.", - "dontShowAgain": "Don't show again", - "yourTriggersWillNowFire": "Your triggers will now fire production executions automatically.", - "yourTriggerWillNowFire": "Your trigger will now fire production executions automatically.", - "yourWorkflowWillNowRegularlyCheck": "Your workflow will now regularly check {serviceName} for events and trigger executions for them.", - "yourWorkflowWillNowListenForEvents": "Your workflow will now listen for events from {serviceName} and trigger executions.", - "gotIt": "Got it" - }, - "workflowPreview": { - "showError": { - "previewError": { - "message": "Unable to preview workflow", - "title": "Preview error" - }, - "missingWorkflow": "Missing workflow", - "arrayEmpty": "Must have an array of nodes" - } - }, + "reusableBaseText.cancel": "Cancel", + "": "Name", + "": "Save", + "reusableDynamicText.oauth2.clientId": "Client ID", + "reusableDynamicText.oauth2.clientSecret": "Client Secret", + "about.aboutN8n": "About n8n", + "about.close": "Close", + "about.license": "License", + "about.n8nVersion": "n8n Version", + "about.n8nLicense": "Sustainable Use License", + "about.sourceCode": "Source Code", + "binaryDataDisplay.backToList": "Back to list", + "binaryDataDisplay.backToOverviewPage": "Back to overview page", + "binaryDataDisplay.noDataFoundToDisplay": "No data found to display", + "binaryDataDisplay.yourBrowserDoesNotSupport": "Your browser does not support the video element. Kindly update it to latest version.", + "codeEdit.edit": "Edit", + "collectionParameter.choose": "Choose...", + "collectionParameter.noProperties": "No properties", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.accountConnected": "Account connected", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.clickToCopy": "Click To Copy", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.connectionTestedSuccessfully": "Connection tested successfully", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.couldntConnectWithTheseSettings": "Couldn’t connect with these settings", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.needHelpFillingOutTheseFields": "Need help filling out these fields?", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.oAuthRedirectUrl": "OAuth Redirect URL", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.openDocs": "Open docs", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.pleaseCheckTheErrorsBelow": "Please check the errors below", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.reconnect": "reconnect", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.reconnectOAuth2Credential": "Reconnect OAuth2 Credential", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.redirectUrlCopiedToClipboard": "Redirect URL copied to clipboard", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.retry": "Retry", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.retryCredentialTest": "Retry credential test", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.retrying": "Retrying", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.subtitle": "In {appName}, use the URL above when prompted to enter an OAuth callback or redirect URL", + "credentialEdit.credentialConfig.theServiceYouReConnectingTo": "the service you're connecting to", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose1.cancelButtonText": "Keep Editing", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose1.confirmButtonText": "Close", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose1.headline": "Close without saving?", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose1.message": "Are you sure you want to throw away the changes you made to the {credentialDisplayName} credential?", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose2.cancelButtonText": "Keep Editing", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose2.confirmButtonText": "Close", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose2.headline": "Close without connecting?", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.beforeClose2.message": "You need to connect your credential for it to work", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.deleteCredential.cancelButtonText": "", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.deleteCredential.confirmButtonText": "Yes, delete", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.deleteCredential.headline": "Delete Credential?", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.confirmMessage.deleteCredential.message": "Are you sure you want to delete \"{savedCredentialName}\"?", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.connection": "Connection", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.couldNotFindCredentialOfType": "Could not find credential of type", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.couldNotFindCredentialWithId": "Could not find credential with ID", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.details": "Details", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.delete": "Delete", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.saving": "Saving", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showError.createCredential.title": "Problem creating credential", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showError.deleteCredential.title": "Problem deleting credential", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showError.generateAuthorizationUrl.message": "There was a problem generating the authorization URL", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showError.generateAuthorizationUrl.title": "OAuth Authorization Error", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showError.loadCredential.title": "Problem loading credential", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showError.updateCredential.title": "Problem updating credential", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.showMessage.title": "Credential deleted", + "credentialEdit.credentialEdit.testing": "Testing", + "credentialEdit.credentialInfo.allowUseBy": "Allow use by", + "credentialEdit.credentialInfo.created": "Created", + "": "ID", + "credentialEdit.credentialInfo.lastModified": "Last modified", + "credentialEdit.oAuthButton.connectMyAccount": "Connect my account", + "credentialEdit.oAuthButton.signInWithGoogle": "Sign in with Google", + "credentialSelectModal.addNewCredential": "Add new credential", + "credentialSelectModal.continue": "Continue", + "credentialSelectModal.searchForApp": "Search for app...", + "credentialSelectModal.selectAnAppOrServiceToConnectTo": "Select an app or service to connect to", + "credentialsList.addNew": "Add New", + "credentialsList.confirmMessage.cancelButtonText": "", + "credentialsList.confirmMessage.confirmButtonText": "Yes, delete", + "credentialsList.confirmMessage.headline": "Delete Credential?", + "credentialsList.confirmMessage.message": "Are you sure you want to delete {credentialName}?", + "credentialsList.createNewCredential": "Create New Credential", + "credentialsList.created": "Created", + "credentialsList.credentials": "Credentials", + "credentialsList.deleteCredential": "Delete Credential", + "credentialsList.editCredential": "Edit Credential", + "": "", + "credentialsList.operations": "Operations", + "credentialsList.showError.deleteCredential.title": "Problem deleting credential", + "credentialsList.showMessage.title": "Credential deleted", + "credentialsList.type": "Type", + "credentialsList.updated": "Updated", + "credentialsList.yourSavedCredentials": "Your saved credentials", + "credentialsList.errorLoadingCredentials": "Error loading credentials", + "dataDisplay.needHelp": "Need help?", + "dataDisplay.nodeDocumentation": "Node Documentation", + "dataDisplay.openDocumentationFor": "Open {nodeTypeDisplayName} documentation", + "displayWithChange.cancelEdit": "Cancel Edit", + "displayWithChange.clickToChange": "Click to Change", + "displayWithChange.setValue": "Set Value", + "duplicateWorkflowDialog.cancel": "@:reusableBaseText.cancel", + "duplicateWorkflowDialog.chooseOrCreateATag": "Choose or create a tag", + "duplicateWorkflowDialog.duplicateWorkflow": "Duplicate Workflow", + "duplicateWorkflowDialog.enterWorkflowName": "Enter workflow name", + "": "", + "duplicateWorkflowDialog.showMessage.message": "Please enter a name.", + "duplicateWorkflowDialog.showMessage.title": "Name missing", + "executionDetails.executionFailed": "Execution failed", + "executionDetails.executionId": "Execution ID", + "executionDetails.executionWaiting": "Execution waiting", + "executionDetails.executionWasSuccessful": "Execution was successful", + "executionDetails.openWorkflow": "Open Workflow", + "executionDetails.of": "of", + "executionDetails.workflow": "workflow", + "executionDetails.readOnly.readOnly": "Read only", + "executionDetails.readOnly.youreViewingTheLogOf": "You're viewing the log of a previous execution. You cannot
\n\t\tmake changes since this execution already occurred. Make changes
\n\t\tto this workflow by clicking on its name on the left.", + "executionsList.allWorkflows": "All Workflows", + "executionsList.anyStatus": "Any Status", + "executionsList.autoRefresh": "Auto refresh", + "executionsList.confirmMessage.cancelButtonText": "", + "executionsList.confirmMessage.confirmButtonText": "Yes, delete", + "executionsList.confirmMessage.headline": "Delete Executions?", + "executionsList.confirmMessage.message": "Are you sure that you want to delete the {numSelected} selected execution(s)?", + "executionsList.deleteSelected": "Delete Selected", + "executionsList.error": "Error", + "executionsList.filters": "Filters", + "executionsList.loadMore": "Load More", + "executionsList.mode": "Mode", + "executionsList.modes.error": "error", + "executionsList.modes.integrated": "integrated", + "executionsList.modes.manual": "manual", + "executionsList.modes.retry": "retry", + "executionsList.modes.trigger": "trigger", + "executionsList.modes.webhook": "webhook", + "": "", + "executionsList.openPastExecution": "Open Past Execution", + "executionsList.retryExecution": "Retry execution", + "executionsList.retryOf": "Retry of", + "executionsList.retryWithCurrentlySavedWorkflow": "Retry with currently saved workflow", + "executionsList.retryWithOriginalworkflow": "Retry with original workflow", + "executionsList.running": "Running", + "executionsList.runningTime": "Running Time", + "executionsList.selectStatus": "Select Status", + "executionsList.selectWorkflow": "Select Workflow", + "executionsList.selected": "Selected", + "executionsList.showError.handleDeleteSelected.title": "Problem deleting executions", + "executionsList.showError.loadMore.title": "Problem loading executions", + "executionsList.showError.loadWorkflows.title": "Problem loading workflows", + "executionsList.showError.refreshData.title": "Problem loading data", + "executionsList.showError.retryExecution.title": "Problem with retry", + "executionsList.showError.stopExecution.title": "Problem stopping execution", + "executionsList.showMessage.handleDeleteSelected.title": "Execution deleted", + "executionsList.showMessage.retrySuccessfulFalse.title": "Retry unsuccessful", + "executionsList.showMessage.retrySuccessfulTrue.title": "Retry successful", + "executionsList.showMessage.stopExecution.message": "Execution ID {activeExecutionId}", + "executionsList.showMessage.stopExecution.title": "Execution stopped", + "executionsList.startedAtId": "Started At / ID", + "executionsList.status": "Status", + "executionsList.statusTooltipText.theWorkflowExecutionFailed": "The workflow execution failed.", + "executionsList.statusTooltipText.theWorkflowExecutionFailedButTheRetryWasSuccessful": "The workflow execution failed but the retry {entryRetrySuccessId} was successful.", + "executionsList.statusTooltipText.theWorkflowExecutionIsProbablyStillRunning": "The workflow execution is probably still running but it may have crashed and n8n cannot safely tell. ", + "executionsList.statusTooltipText.theWorkflowExecutionWasARetryOfAndFailed": "The workflow execution was a retry of {entryRetryOf} and failed.
New retries have to be started from the original execution.", + "executionsList.statusTooltipText.theWorkflowExecutionWasARetryOfAndItWasSuccessful": "The workflow execution was a retry of {entryRetryOf} and it was successful.", + "executionsList.statusTooltipText.theWorkflowExecutionWasSuccessful": "The worklow execution was successful.", + "executionsList.statusTooltipText.theWorkflowIsCurrentlyExecuting": "The worklow is currently executing.", + "executionsList.statusTooltipText.theWorkflowIsWaitingIndefinitely": "The workflow is waiting indefinitely for an incoming webhook call.", + "executionsList.statusTooltipText.theWorkflowIsWaitingTill": "The worklow is waiting till {waitDateDate} {waitDateTime}.", + "executionsList.stopExecution": "Stop Execution", + "executionsList.success": "Success", + "executionsList.successRetry": "Success retry", + "executionsList.unknown": "Unknown", + "executionsList.unsavedWorkflow": "[UNSAVED WORKFLOW]", + "executionsList.waiting": "Waiting", + "executionsList.workflowExecutions": "Workflow Executions", + "expressionEdit.editExpression": "Edit Expression", + "expressionEdit.expression": "Expression", + "expressionEdit.result": "Result", + "expressionEdit.variableSelector": "Variable Selector", + "fixedCollectionParameter.choose": "Choose...", + "fixedCollectionParameter.currentlyNoItemsExist": "Currently no items exist", + "fixedCollectionParameter.deleteItem": "Delete item", + "fixedCollectionParameter.moveDown": "Move down", + "fixedCollectionParameter.moveUp": "Move up", + "genericHelpers.loading": "Loading", + "genericHelpers.min": "min", + "genericHelpers.sec": "sec", + "genericHelpers.showMessage.message": "This is a read-only version of the workflow. To make changes, either open the original workflow or save it under a new name.", + "genericHelpers.showMessage.title": "Workflow cannot be changed", + "mainSidebar.aboutN8n": "About n8n", + "mainSidebar.confirmMessage.workflowDelete.cancelButtonText": "", + "mainSidebar.confirmMessage.workflowDelete.confirmButtonText": "Yes, delete", + "mainSidebar.confirmMessage.workflowDelete.headline": "Delete Workflow?", + "mainSidebar.confirmMessage.workflowDelete.message": "Are you sure that you want to delete '{workflowName}'?", + "mainSidebar.confirmMessage.workflowNew.cancelButtonText": "Leave without saving", + "mainSidebar.confirmMessage.workflowNew.confirmButtonText": "Save", + "mainSidebar.confirmMessage.workflowNew.headline": "Save changes before leaving?", + "mainSidebar.confirmMessage.workflowNew.message": "If you don't save, you will lose your changes.", + "mainSidebar.credentials": "Credentials", + "mainSidebar.delete": "Delete", + "": "Download", + "mainSidebar.duplicate": "Duplicate", + "mainSidebar.executions": "Executions", + "": "Help", + "mainSidebar.helpMenuItems.course": "Course", + "mainSidebar.helpMenuItems.documentation": "Documentation", + "": "Forum", + "mainSidebar.importFromFile": "Import from File", + "mainSidebar.importFromUrl": "Import from URL", + "": "New", + "mainSidebar.newTemplate": "New from template", + "": "Open", + "mainSidebar.prompt.cancel": "@:reusableBaseText.cancel", + "mainSidebar.prompt.import": "Import", + "mainSidebar.prompt.importWorkflowFromUrl": "Import Workflow from URL", + "mainSidebar.prompt.invalidUrl": "Invalid URL", + "mainSidebar.prompt.workflowUrl": "Workflow URL", + "": "", + "mainSidebar.settings": "Settings", + "mainSidebar.showError.stopExecution.title": "Problem stopping execution", + "mainSidebar.showMessage.handleFileImport.message": "The file does not contain valid JSON data", + "mainSidebar.showMessage.handleFileImport.title": "Could not import file", + "mainSidebar.showMessage.handleSelect1.title": "Workflow deleted", + "mainSidebar.showMessage.handleSelect2.title": "Workflow created", + "mainSidebar.showMessage.handleSelect3.title": "Workflow created", + "mainSidebar.showMessage.stopExecution.title": "Execution stopped", + "mainSidebar.templates": "Templates", + "mainSidebar.workflows": "Workflows", + "multipleParameter.addItem": "Add item", + "multipleParameter.currentlyNoItemsExist": "Currently no items exist", + "multipleParameter.deleteItem": "Delete item", + "multipleParameter.moveDown": "Move down", + "multipleParameter.moveUp": "Move up", + "noTagsView.readyToOrganizeYourWorkflows": "Ready to organize your workflows?", + "noTagsView.withWorkflowTagsYouReFree": "With workflow tags, you're free to create the perfect tagging system for your flows", + "node.activateDeactivateNode": "Activate/Deactivate Node", + "node.deleteNode": "Delete Node", + "node.disabled": "Disabled", + "node.duplicateNode": "Duplicate Node", + "node.editNode": "Edit Node", + "node.executeNode": "Execute Node", + "node.issues": "Issues", + "node.nodeIsExecuting": "Node is executing", + "node.nodeIsWaitingTill": "Node is waiting until {date} {time}", + "node.theNodeIsWaitingIndefinitelyForAnIncomingWebhookCall": "The node is waiting for an incoming webhook call (indefinitely)", + "node.waitingForYouToCreateAnEventIn": "Waiting for you to create an event in {nodeType}", + "": "Analytics", + "nodeCreator.categoryNames.communication": "Communication", + "nodeCreator.categoryNames.coreNodes": "Core Nodes", + "nodeCreator.categoryNames.customNodes": "Custom Nodes", + "nodeCreator.categoryNames.dataStorage": "Data & Storage", + "nodeCreator.categoryNames.development": "Development", + "nodeCreator.categoryNames.financeAccounting": "Finance & Accounting", + "nodeCreator.categoryNames.marketingContent": "Marketing & Content", + "nodeCreator.categoryNames.miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", + "nodeCreator.categoryNames.productivity": "Productivity", + "nodeCreator.categoryNames.sales": "Sales", + "nodeCreator.categoryNames.suggestedNodes": "Suggested Nodes ✨", + "nodeCreator.categoryNames.utility": "Utility", + "nodeCreator.mainPanel.all": "All", + "nodeCreator.mainPanel.regular": "Regular", + "nodeCreator.mainPanel.trigger": "Trigger", + "nodeCreator.noResults.dontWorryYouCanProbablyDoItWithThe": "Don’t worry, you can probably do it with the", + "nodeCreator.noResults.httpRequest": "HTTP Request", + "nodeCreator.noResults.node": "node", + "nodeCreator.noResults.or": "or", + "nodeCreator.noResults.requestTheNode": "Request the node", + "nodeCreator.noResults.wantUsToMakeItFaster": "Want us to make it faster?", + "nodeCreator.noResults.weDidntMakeThatYet": "We didn't make that... yet", + "nodeCreator.noResults.webhook": "Webhook", + "nodeCreator.searchBar.searchNodes": "Search nodes...", + "nodeCreator.subcategoryDescriptions.dataTransformation": "Manipulate data fields, run code", + "nodeCreator.subcategoryDescriptions.files": "Work with CSV, XML, text, images etc.", + "nodeCreator.subcategoryDescriptions.flow": "Branches, core triggers, merge data", + "nodeCreator.subcategoryDescriptions.helpers": "HTTP Requests (API calls), date and time, scrape HTML", + "nodeCreator.subcategoryNames.dataTransformation": "Data Transformation", + "nodeCreator.subcategoryNames.files": "Files", + "nodeCreator.subcategoryNames.flow": "Flow", + "nodeCreator.subcategoryNames.helpers": "Helpers", + "nodeCredentials.createNew": "Create New", + "nodeCredentials.credentialFor": "Credential for {credentialType}", + "nodeCredentials.issues": "Issues", + "nodeCredentials.selectCredential": "Select Credential", + "nodeCredentials.showMessage.message": "Nodes that used credential \"{oldCredentialName}\" have been updated to use \"{newCredentialName}\"", + "nodeCredentials.showMessage.title": "Node credential updated", + "nodeCredentials.updateCredential": "Update Credential", + "nodeErrorView.cause": "Cause", + "nodeErrorView.copyToClipboard": "Copy to Clipboard", + "nodeErrorView.dataBelowMayContain": "Data below may contain sensitive information. Proceed with caution when sharing.", + "nodeErrorView.details": "Details", + "nodeErrorView.error": "ERROR", + "nodeErrorView.httpCode": "HTTP Code", + "nodeErrorView.showMessage.title": "Copied to clipboard", + "nodeErrorView.stack": "Stack", + "nodeErrorView.theErrorCauseIsTooLargeToBeDisplayed": "The error cause is too large to be displayed", + "nodeErrorView.time": "Time", + "nodeBase.clickToAddNodeOrDragToConnect": "Click to add node
or drag to connect", + "nodeSettings.alwaysOutputData.description": "If active, will output a single, empty item when the output would have been empty. Use to prevent the workflow finishing on this node.", + "nodeSettings.alwaysOutputData.displayName": "Always Output Data", + "nodeSettings.clickOnTheQuestionMarkIcon": "Click the '?' icon to open this node on", + "nodeSettings.continueOnFail.description": "If active, the workflow continues even if this node's execution fails. When this occurs, the node passes along input data from previous nodes - so your workflow should account for unexpected output data.", + "nodeSettings.continueOnFail.displayName": "Continue On Fail", + "nodeSettings.executeOnce.description": "If active, the node executes only once, with data from the first item it receives", + "nodeSettings.executeOnce.displayName": "Execute Once", + "nodeSettings.maxTries.description": "Number of times to attempt to execute the node before failing the execution", + "nodeSettings.maxTries.displayName": "Max. Tries", + "nodeSettings.noDescriptionFound": "No description found", + "nodeSettings.nodeDescription": "Node Description", + "nodeSettings.notes.description": "Optional note to save with the node", + "nodeSettings.notes.displayName": "Notes", + "nodeSettings.notesInFlow.description": "If active, the note above will display in the flow as a subtitle", + "nodeSettings.notesInFlow.displayName": "Display note in flow?", + "nodeSettings.parameters": "Parameters", + "nodeSettings.retryOnFail.description": "If active, the node tries to execute again when it fails", + "nodeSettings.retryOnFail.displayName": "Retry On Fail", + "nodeSettings.settings": "Settings", + "nodeSettings.theNodeIsNotValidAsItsTypeIsUnknown": "The node is not valid as its type ({nodeType}) is unknown", + "nodeSettings.thisNodeDoesNotHaveAnyParameters": "This node does not have any parameters", + "nodeSettings.waitBetweenTries.description": "How long to wait between each attempt (in milliseconds)", + "nodeSettings.waitBetweenTries.displayName": "Wait Between Tries (ms)", + "nodeView.addNode": "Add node", + "nodeView.confirmMessage.beforeRouteLeave.cancelButtonText": "Leave without saving", + "nodeView.confirmMessage.beforeRouteLeave.confirmButtonText": "Save", + "nodeView.confirmMessage.beforeRouteLeave.headline": "Save changes before leaving?", + "nodeView.confirmMessage.beforeRouteLeave.message": "If you don't save, you will lose your changes.", + "nodeView.confirmMessage.initView.cancelButtonText": "Leave without saving", + "nodeView.confirmMessage.initView.confirmButtonText": "Save", + "nodeView.confirmMessage.initView.headline": "Save changes before leaving?", + "nodeView.confirmMessage.initView.message": "If you don't save, you will lose your changes.", + "nodeView.confirmMessage.receivedCopyPasteData.cancelButtonText": "", + "nodeView.confirmMessage.receivedCopyPasteData.confirmButtonText": "Yes, import", + "nodeView.confirmMessage.receivedCopyPasteData.headline": "Import Workflow?", + "nodeView.confirmMessage.receivedCopyPasteData.message": "Workflow will be imported from
{plainTextData}", + "nodeView.couldntImportWorkflow": "Could not import workflow", + "nodeView.deletesTheCurrentExecutionData": "Deletes the current execution data", + "nodeView.executesTheWorkflowFromTheStartOrWebhookNode": "Executes the workflow from the 'start' or 'webhook' node", + "nodeView.itLooksLikeYouHaveBeenEditingSomething": "It looks like you made some edits. If you leave before saving, your changes will be lost.", + "nodeView.loadingTemplate": "Loading template", + "nodeView.moreInfo": "More info", + "nodeView.noNodesGivenToAdd": "No nodes to add specified", + "nodeView.prompt.cancel": "@:reusableBaseText.cancel", + "nodeView.prompt.invalidName": "Invalid Name", + "nodeView.prompt.newName": "New Name", + "nodeView.prompt.rename": "Rename", + "nodeView.prompt.renameNode": "Rename Node", + "nodeView.redirecting": "Redirecting", + "nodeView.refresh": "Refresh", + "nodeView.resetZoom": "Reset Zoom", + "nodeView.runButtonText.executeWorkflow": "Execute Workflow", + "nodeView.runButtonText.executingWorkflow": "Executing Workflow", + "nodeView.runButtonText.waitingForTriggerEvent": "Waiting for Trigger Event", + "nodeView.showError.getWorkflowDataFromUrl.title": "Problem loading workflow", + "nodeView.showError.importWorkflowData.title": "Problem importing workflow", + "nodeView.showError.mounted1.message": "There was a problem loading init data", + "nodeView.showError.mounted1.title": "Init Problem", + "nodeView.showError.mounted2.message": "There was a problem initializing the workflow", + "nodeView.showError.mounted2.title": "Init Problem", + "nodeView.showError.openExecution.title": "Problem loading execution", + "nodeView.showError.openWorkflow.title": "Problem opening workflow", + "nodeView.showError.stopExecution.title": "Problem stopping execution", + "nodeView.showError.stopWaitingForWebhook.title": "Problem deleting test webhook", + "nodeView.showMessage.addNodeButton.message": "'{nodeTypeName}' is an unknown node type", + "nodeView.showMessage.addNodeButton.title": "Could not create node", + "nodeView.showMessage.keyDown.title": "Workflow created", + "nodeView.showMessage.showMaxNodeTypeError.message.plural": "Only {maxNodes} '{nodeTypeDataDisplayName}' nodes are allowed in a workflow", + "nodeView.showMessage.showMaxNodeTypeError.message.singular": "Only {maxNodes} '{nodeTypeDataDisplayName}' node is allowed in a workflow", + "nodeView.showMessage.showMaxNodeTypeError.title": "Could not create node", + "nodeView.showMessage.stopExecutionCatch.message": "It completed before it could be stopped", + "nodeView.showMessage.stopExecutionCatch.title": "Workflow finished executing", + "nodeView.showMessage.stopExecutionTry.title": "Execution stopped", + "nodeView.showMessage.stopWaitingForWebhook.title": "Webhook deleted", + "nodeView.stopCurrentExecution": "Stop current execution", + "nodeView.stopWaitingForWebhookCall": "Stop waiting for webhook call", + "nodeView.stoppingCurrentExecution": "Stopping current execution", + "nodeView.thereWasAProblemLoadingTheNodeParametersOfNode": "There was a problem loading the parameters of the node", + "nodeView.thisExecutionHasntFinishedYet": "This execution hasn't finished yet", + "nodeView.toSeeTheLatestStatus": "to see the latest status", + "nodeView.workflowTemplateWithIdCouldNotBeFound": "Workflow template with ID \"{templateId}\" could not be found", + "nodeView.workflowWithIdCouldNotBeFound": "Workflow with ID \"{workflowId}\" could not be found", + "nodeView.zoomIn": "Zoom In", + "nodeView.zoomOut": "Zoom Out", + "nodeView.zoomToFit": "Zoom to Fit", + "nodeWebhooks.clickToCopyWebhookUrls": "Click to copy webhook URLs", + "nodeWebhooks.clickToDisplayWebhookUrls": "Click to display webhook URLs", + "nodeWebhooks.clickToHideWebhookUrls": "Click to hide webhook URLs", + "nodeWebhooks.invalidExpression": "[INVALID EXPRESSION]", + "nodeWebhooks.productionUrl": "Production URL", + "nodeWebhooks.showMessage.title": "URL copied", + "nodeWebhooks.testUrl": "Test URL", + "nodeWebhooks.webhookUrls": "Webhook URLs", + "parameterInput.addExpression": "Add Expression", + "parameterInput.error": "ERROR", + "parameterInput.issues": "Issues", + "parameterInput.loadingOptions": "Loading options...", + "parameterInput.openEditWindow": "Open Edit Window", + "parameterInput.parameter": "Parameter: \"{shortPath}\"", + "parameterInput.parameterHasExpression": "Parameter: \"{shortPath}\" has an expression", + "parameterInput.parameterHasIssues": "Parameter: \"{shortPath}\" has issues", + "parameterInput.parameterHasIssuesAndExpression": "Parameter: \"{shortPath}\" has issues and an expression", + "parameterInput.parameterOptions": "Parameter Options", + "parameterInput.refreshList": "Refresh List", + "parameterInput.removeExpression": "Remove Expression", + "parameterInput.resetValue": "Reset Value", + "parameterInput.selectDateAndTime": "Select date and time", + "": "Select", + "parameterInputExpanded.openDocs": "Open docs", + "parameterInputExpanded.thisFieldIsRequired": "This field is required", + "parameterInputList.delete": "Delete", + "parameterInputList.deleteParameter": "Delete Parameter", + "parameterInputList.parameterOptions": "Parameter Options", + "personalizationModal.automationConsulting": "Automation consulting", + "personalizationModal.continue": "Continue", + "personalizationModal.customizeN8n": "Customize n8n to you", + "personalizationModal.eCommerce": "eCommerce", + "personalizationModal.errorWhileSubmittingResults": "Error while submitting results", + "personalizationModal.executiveTeam": "Executive team", + "personalizationModal.financeOrInsurance": "Finance / Insurance", + "personalizationModal.getStarted": "Get started", + "personalizationModal.government": "Government", + "": "Healthcare", + "personalizationModal.howAreYourCodingSkills": "How are your coding skills?", + "personalizationModal.howBigIsYourCompany": "How big is your company?", + "": "HR", + "": "IT", + "personalizationModal.iCanCodeSomeUsefulThingsBut": "2. I can code some useful things, but I spend a lot of time stuck", + "personalizationModal.iCanDoAlmostAnythingIWant": "5. I can do almost anything I want, easily (pro coder)", + "personalizationModal.iCanFigureMostThingsOut": "4. I can figure most things out", + "personalizationModal.iGetStuckTooQuicklyToAchieveMuch": "1. I get stuck too quickly to achieve much", + "personalizationModal.iKnowEnoughToBeDangerousBut": "3. I know enough to be dangerous, but I'm no expert", + "personalizationModal.imNotUsingN8nForWork": "I'm not using n8n for work", + "personalizationModal.individualConsumers": "Customers are individual consumers", + "personalizationModal.smallBusinesses": "Customers are small businesses (under 20 employees)", + "personalizationModal.mediumBusinesses": "Customers are medium businesses (20-499 employees)", + "personalizationModal.largeBusinesses": "Customers are large businesses (500+ employees)", + "personalizationModal.whatKindOfCustomersDoYouServe": "What kind of customers do you serve?", + "personalizationModal.cloudInfrastructure": "Cloud infrastructure", + "personalizationModal.itSupport": "IT support", + "personalizationModal.networkingOrCommunication": "Networking / Communication", + "personalizationModal.itEngineering": "IT / Engineering", + "": "Legal", + "personalizationModal.lessThan20People": "Less than 20 people", + "personalizationModal.lookOutForThingsMarked": "Look out for things marked with a ✨. They are personalized to make n8n more relevant to you.", + "": "Marketing", + "": "Media", + "personalizationModal.manufacturing": "Manufacturing", + "personalizationModal.managedServiceProvider": "Managed service provider", + "personalizationModal.digitalAgencyOrConsultant": "Digital agency/consultant", + "personalizationModal.automationAgencyOrConsultant": "Automation agency/consultant", + "personalizationModal.neverCoded": "0. Never coded", + "personalizationModal.operations": "Operations", + "personalizationModal.otherPleaseSpecify": "Other (please specify)", + "personalizationModal.other": "Other", + "personalizationModal.people": "people", + "personalizationModal.proCoder": "Pro coder", + "personalizationModal.physicalRetailOrServices": "Physical retail or services", + "personalizationModal.realEstateOrConstruction": "Real estate / Construction", + "personalizationModal.saas": "SaaS", + "": "Education", + "personalizationModal.salesBizDev": "Sales / Bizdev", + "personalizationModal.salesBusinessDevelopment": "Sales / Business Development", + "": "Security", + "": "Select...", + "personalizationModal.specifyYourCompanysIndustry": "Specify your company's industry", + "personalizationModal.specifyYourWorkArea": "Specify your work area", + "": "Support", + "personalizationModal.systemsIntegration": "Systems Integration", + "personalizationModal.systemsIntegrator": "Systems Integrator", + "personalizationModal.thanks": "Thanks!", + "personalizationModal.telecoms": "Telecoms", + "personalizationModal.theseQuestionsHelpUs": "These questions help us tailor n8n to you", + "personalizationModal.whichIndustriesIsYourCompanyIn": "Which industries is your company in?", + "personalizationModal.whatBestDescribesYourCompany": "What best describes your company?", + "personalizationModal.whatDoesYourCompanyFocusOn": "Which services does your company focus on?", + "personalizationModal.pleaseSpecifyYourCompanyFocus": "Please specify your company focus", + "personalizationModal.whatAreYouLookingToAutomate": "What are you looking to automate?", + "personalizationModal.customerIntegrations": "Customer integrations", + "personalizationModal.customerSupport": "Customer support", + "personalizationModal.financeOrAccounting": "Finance / Accounting", + "personalizationModal.product": "Product (e.g. fast prototyping)", + "personalizationModal.salesAndMarketing": "Sales and Marketing", + "personalizationModal.notSureYet": "Not sure yet", + "personalizationModal.specifyYourAutomationGoal": "Please specify your automation goal", + "pushConnection.showMessage.title": "Workflow executed successfully", + "pushConnectionTracker.cannotConnectToServer": "You have a connection issue or the server is down.
n8n should reconnect automatically once the issue is resolved.", + "pushConnectionTracker.connectionLost": "Connection lost", + "runData.binary": "Binary", + "runData.copyItemPath": "Copy Item Path", + "runData.copyParameterPath": "Copy Parameter Path", + "runData.copyToClipboard": "Copy to Clipboard", + "runData.copyValue": "Copy Value", + "runData.dataOfExecution": "Data of Execution", + "runData.dataReturnedByThisNodeWillDisplayHere": "Data returned by this node will display here", + "runData.displayDataAnyway": "Display Data Anyway", + "runData.entriesExistButThey": "Entries exist but they do not contain any JSON data", + "runData.executeNode": "Execute Node", + "runData.executesThisNodeAfterExecuting": "Executes this {nodeName} node after executing any previous nodes that have not yet returned data", + "runData.executionTime": "Execution Time", + "runData.fileExtension": "File Extension", + "runData.fileName": "File Name", + "runData.items": "Items", + "runData.json": "JSON", + "runData.mimeType": "Mime Type", + "": "ms", + "runData.noBinaryDataFound": "No binary data found", + "runData.noData": "No data", + "runData.noTextDataFound": "No text data found", + "runData.nodeReturnedALargeAmountOfData": "Node returned a large amount of data", + "runData.output": "Output", + "runData.downloadBinaryData": "Download", + "runData.showBinaryData": "View", + "runData.startTime": "Start Time", + "runData.table": "Table", + "runData.theNodeContains": "The node contains {numberOfKb} KB of data.
Displaying it could cause problems.

If you do decide to display it, consider avoiding the JSON view.", + "": "", + "saveButton.saved": "Saved", + "saveButton.saving": "Saving", + "showMessage.cancel": "@:reusableBaseText.cancel", + "showMessage.ok": "OK", + "showMessage.showDetails": "Show Details", + "tagsDropdown.createTag": "Create tag \"{filter}\"", + "tagsDropdown.manageTags": "Manage tags", + "tagsDropdown.noMatchingTagsExist": "No matching tags exist", + "tagsDropdown.noTagsExist": "No tags exist", + "tagsDropdown.showError.message": "A problem occurred when trying to create the '{name}' tag", + "tagsDropdown.showError.title": "Could not create tag", + "tagsDropdown.typeToCreateATag": "Type to create a tag", + "tagsManager.couldNotDeleteTag": "Could not delete tag", + "tagsManager.done": "Done", + "tagsManager.manageTags": "Manage tags", + "tagsManager.showError.onCreate.message": "A problem occurred when trying to create the tag '{escapedName}'", + "tagsManager.showError.onCreate.title": "Could not create tag", + "tagsManager.showError.onDelete.message": "A problem occurred when trying to delete the tag '{escapedName}'", + "tagsManager.showError.onDelete.title": "Could not delete tag", + "tagsManager.showError.onUpdate.message": "A problem occurred when trying to update the tag '{escapedName}'", + "tagsManager.showError.onUpdate.title": "Could not update tag", + "tagsManager.showMessage.onDelete.title": "Tag deleted", + "tagsManager.showMessage.onUpdate.title": "Tag updated", + "tagsManager.tagNameCannotBeEmpty": "Tag name cannot be empty", + "tagsTable.areYouSureYouWantToDeleteThisTag": "Are you sure you want to delete this tag?", + "tagsTable.cancel": "@:reusableBaseText.cancel", + "tagsTable.createTag": "Create tag", + "tagsTable.deleteTag": "Delete tag", + "tagsTable.editTag": "Edit Tag", + "": "", + "tagsTable.noMatchingTagsExist": "No matching tags exist", + "tagsTable.saveChanges": "Save changes?", + "tagsTable.usage": "Usage", + "tagsTableHeader.addNew": "Add new", + "tagsTableHeader.searchTags": "Search Tags", + "tagsView.inUse.plural": "{count} workflows", + "tagsView.inUse.singular": "{count} workflow", + "tagsView.notBeingUsed": "Not being used", + "template.buttons.goBackButton": "Go back", + "template.buttons.useThisWorkflowButton": "Use this workflow", + "template.details.appsInTheWorkflow": "Apps in this workflow", + "template.details.appsInTheCollection": "This collection features", + "": "by", + "template.details.categories": "Categories", + "template.details.created": "Created", + "template.details.details": "Details", + "template.details.times": "times", + "template.details.viewed": "Viewed", + "templates.allCategories": "All Categories", + "templates.categoriesHeading": "Categories", + "templates.collection": "Collection", + "templates.collections": "Collections", + "templates.collectionsNotFound": "Collection could not be found", + "templates.endResult": "Share your own useful workflows through your account", + "templates.heading": "Workflow templates", + "templates.newButton": "New blank workflow", + "templates.noSearchResults": "Nothing found. Try adjusting your search to see more.", + "templates.searchPlaceholder": "Search workflows", + "templates.workflow": "Workflow", + "templates.workflows": "Workflows", + "templates.workflowsNotFound": "Workflow could not be found", + "templates.connectionWarning": "⚠️ There was a problem fetching workflow templates. Check your internet connection.", + "textEdit.edit": "Edit", + "timeAgo.daysAgo": "%s days ago", + "timeAgo.hoursAgo": "%s hours ago", + "timeAgo.inDays": "in %s days", + "timeAgo.inHours": "in %s hours", + "timeAgo.inMinutes": "in %s minutes", + "timeAgo.inMonths": "in %s months", + "timeAgo.inOneDay": "in 1 day", + "timeAgo.inOneHour": "in 1 hour", + "timeAgo.inOneMinute": "in 1 minute", + "timeAgo.inOneMonth": "in 1 month", + "timeAgo.inOneWeek": "in 1 week", + "timeAgo.inOneYear": "in 1 year", + "timeAgo.inWeeks": "in %s weeks", + "timeAgo.inYears": "in %s years", + "timeAgo.justNow": "Just now", + "timeAgo.minutesAgo": "%s minutes ago", + "timeAgo.monthsAgo": "%s months ago", + "timeAgo.oneDayAgo": "1 day ago", + "timeAgo.oneHourAgo": "1 hour ago", + "timeAgo.oneMinuteAgo": "1 minute ago", + "timeAgo.oneMonthAgo": "1 month ago", + "timeAgo.oneWeekAgo": "1 week ago", + "timeAgo.oneYearAgo": "1 year ago", + "timeAgo.rightNow": "Right now", + "timeAgo.weeksAgo": "%s weeks ago", + "timeAgo.yearsAgo": "%s years ago", + "updatesPanel.andIs": "and is", + "updatesPanel.behindTheLatest": "behind the latest and greatest n8n", + "updatesPanel.howToUpdateYourN8nVersion": "How to update your n8n version", + "updatesPanel.version": "{numberOfVersions} version{howManySuffix}", + "updatesPanel.weVeBeenBusy": "We’ve been busy ✨", + "updatesPanel.youReOnVersion": "You’re on {currentVersionName}, which was released", + "variableSelector.context": "Context", + "variableSelector.currentNode": "Current Node", + "variableSelector.nodes": "Nodes", + "variableSelector.outputData": "Output Data", + "variableSelector.parameters": "Parameters", + "variableSelector.variableFilter": "Variable filter...", + "variableSelectorItem.empty": "--- EMPTY ---", + "variableSelectorItem.selectItem": "Select Item", + "versionCard.breakingChanges": "Breaking changes", + "versionCard.released": "Released", + "versionCard.securityUpdate": "Security update", + "versionCard.thisVersionHasASecurityIssue": "This version has a security issue.
It is listed here for completeness.", + "versionCard.unknown": "unknown", + "versionCard.version": "Version", + "workflowActivator.activateWorkflow": "Activate workflow", + "workflowActivator.deactivateWorkflow": "Deactivate workflow", + "workflowActivator.showError.title": "Workflow could not be {newStateName}", + "workflowActivator.showMessage.activeChangedNodesIssuesExistTrue.message": "Please resolve outstanding issues before you activate it", + "workflowActivator.showMessage.activeChangedNodesIssuesExistTrue.title": "Problem activating workflow", + "workflowActivator.showMessage.activeChangedWorkflowIdUndefined.message": "Please save it before activating", + "workflowActivator.showMessage.activeChangedWorkflowIdUndefined.title": "Problem activating workflow", + "workflowActivator.showMessage.displayActivationError.message.catchBlock": "Sorry there was a problem requesting the error", + "workflowActivator.showMessage.displayActivationError.message.errorDataNotUndefined": "The following error occurred on workflow activation:
{message}", + "workflowActivator.showMessage.displayActivationError.message.errorDataUndefined": "Unknown error", + "workflowActivator.showMessage.displayActivationError.title": "Problem activating workflow", + "workflowActivator.theWorkflowIsSetToBeActiveBut": "The workflow is activated but could not be started.
Click to display error message.", + "workflowActivator.thisWorkflowHasNoTriggerNodes": "This workflow has no trigger nodes that require activation", + "": "Active", + "workflowDetails.addTag": "Add tag", + "workflowDetails.showMessage.message": "Please enter a name, or press 'esc' to go back to the old one", + "workflowDetails.showMessage.title": "Name missing", + "workflowDetails.chooseOrCreateATag": "Choose or create a tag", + "workflowHelpers.showMessage.title": "Problem saving workflow", + "": "Active", + "workflowOpen.confirmMessage.cancelButtonText": "Leave without saving", + "workflowOpen.confirmMessage.confirmButtonText": "Save", + "workflowOpen.confirmMessage.headline": "Save changes before leaving?", + "workflowOpen.confirmMessage.message": "If you don't save, you will lose your changes.", + "workflowOpen.created": "Created", + "": "", + "workflowOpen.openWorkflow": "Open Workflow", + "workflowOpen.filterWorkflows": "Filter by tags", + "workflowOpen.searchWorkflows": "Search workflows...", + "workflowOpen.showError.title": "Problem loading workflows", + "workflowOpen.showMessage.message": "This is the current workflow", + "workflowOpen.showMessage.title": "Workflow already open", + "workflowOpen.updated": "Updated", + "workflowOpen.couldNotLoadActiveWorkflows": "Could not load active workflows", + "workflowRun.noActiveConnectionToTheServer": "Lost connection to the server", + "workflowRun.showError.title": "Problem running workflow", + "workflowRun.showMessage.message": "Please fix them before executing", + "workflowRun.showMessage.title": "Workflow has issues", + "workflowSettings.defaultTimezone": "Default - {defaultTimezoneValue}", + "workflowSettings.defaultTimezoneNotValid": "Default Timezone not valid", + "workflowSettings.errorWorkflow": "Error Workflow", + "workflowSettings.helpTexts.errorWorkflow": "A second workflow to run if the current one fails.
The second workflow should an 'Error Trigger' node.", + "workflowSettings.helpTexts.executionTimeout": "How long the workflow should wait before timing out", + "workflowSettings.helpTexts.executionTimeoutToggle": "Whether to cancel workflow execution after a defined time", + "workflowSettings.helpTexts.saveDataErrorExecution": "Whether to save data of executions that fail", + "workflowSettings.helpTexts.saveDataSuccessExecution": "Whether to save data of executions that finish successfully", + "workflowSettings.helpTexts.saveExecutionProgress": "Whether to save data after each node execution. This allows you to resume from where execution stopped if there is an error, but may increase latency.", + "workflowSettings.helpTexts.saveManualExecutions": "Whether to save data of executions that are started manually from the editor", + "workflowSettings.helpTexts.timezone": "The timezone in which the workflow should run. Used by 'cron' node, for example.", + "workflowSettings.hours": "hours", + "workflowSettings.minutes": "minutes", + "workflowSettings.noWorkflow": "- No Workflow -", + "": "", + "workflowSettings.saveDataErrorExecution": "Save failed executions", + "workflowSettings.saveDataErrorExecutionOptions.defaultSave": "Default - {defaultValue}", + "workflowSettings.saveDataErrorExecutionOptions.doNotSave": "Do not save", + "": "", + "workflowSettings.saveDataSuccessExecution": "Save successful executions", + "workflowSettings.saveDataSuccessExecutionOptions.defaultSave": "Default - {defaultValue}", + "workflowSettings.saveDataSuccessExecutionOptions.doNotSave": "Do not save", + "": "", + "workflowSettings.saveExecutionProgress": "Save execution progress", + "workflowSettings.saveExecutionProgressOptions.defaultSave": "Default - {defaultValue}", + "": "No", + "workflowSettings.saveExecutionProgressOptions.yes": "Yes", + "workflowSettings.saveManualExecutions": "Save manual executions", + "workflowSettings.saveManualOptions.defaultSave": "Default - {defaultValue}", + "": "No", + "workflowSettings.saveManualOptions.yes": "Yes", + "workflowSettings.seconds": "seconds", + "workflowSettings.selectOption": "Select Option", + "workflowSettings.settingsFor": "Settings for {workflowName} (#{workflowId})", + "workflowSettings.showError.saveSettings1.errorMessage": "Timeout is activated but set to 0", + "workflowSettings.showError.saveSettings1.message": "There was a problem saving the settings", + "workflowSettings.showError.saveSettings1.title": "Problem saving settings", + "workflowSettings.showError.saveSettings2.errorMessage": "Maximum Timeout is: {hours} hours, {minutes} minutes, {seconds} seconds", + "workflowSettings.showError.saveSettings2.message": "The timeout is longer than allowed", + "workflowSettings.showError.saveSettings2.title": "Problem saving settings", + "workflowSettings.showError.saveSettings3.title": "Problem saving settings", + "workflowSettings.showMessage.saveSettings.title": "Workflow settings saved", + "workflowSettings.timeoutAfter": "Timeout After", + "workflowSettings.timeoutWorkflow": "Timeout Workflow", + "workflowSettings.timezone": "Timezone", + "activationModal.workflowActivated": "Workflow activated", + "activationModal.theseExecutionsWillNotShowUp": "These executions will not show up immediately in the editor,", + "activationModal.butYouCanSeeThem": "but you can see them in the", + "activationModal.executionList": "execution list", + "activationModal.ifYouChooseTo": "if you choose to", + "activationModal.saveExecutions": "save executions.", + "activationModal.dontShowAgain": "Don't show again", + "activationModal.yourTriggersWillNowFire": "Your triggers will now fire production executions automatically.", + "activationModal.yourTriggerWillNowFire": "Your trigger will now fire production executions automatically.", + "activationModal.yourWorkflowWillNowRegularlyCheck": "Your workflow will now regularly check {serviceName} for events and trigger executions for them.", + "activationModal.yourWorkflowWillNowListenForEvents": "Your workflow will now listen for events from {serviceName} and trigger executions.", + "activationModal.gotIt": "Got it", + "workflowPreview.showError.previewError.message": "Unable to preview workflow", + "workflowPreview.showError.previewError.title": "Preview error", + "workflowPreview.showError.missingWorkflow": "Missing workflow", + "workflowPreview.showError.arrayEmpty": "Must have an array of nodes", "auth.changePassword": "Change Password", "auth.changePassword.currentPassword": "Current Password", "auth.changePassword.error": "Problem changing the password", @@ -1132,7 +758,7 @@ "auth.signup.setupYourAccount": "Set up your account", "auth.signup.setupYourAccountError": "Problem setting up your account", "auth.signup.tokenValidationError": "Issue validating invite token", - "error": "Error", + "error.error": "Error", "error.goBack": "Go back", "error.pageNotFound": "Oops, couldn’t find that", "forgotPassword": "Forgot my password",