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synced 2025-02-21 02:56:40 -08:00
add custom flow chart type
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
(function () {
"use strict";
var root = this, _jp = root.jsPlumb, _ju = root.jsPlumbUtil;
var STRAIGHT = "Straight";
var ARC = "Arc";
var Flowchart = function (params) {
this.type = "N8nFlowchart";
params = params || {};
params.stub = params.stub == null ? 30 : params.stub;
var segments,
_super = _jp.Connectors.AbstractConnector.apply(this, arguments),
midpoint = params.midpoint == null ? 0.5 : params.midpoint,
alwaysRespectStubs = params.alwaysRespectStubs === true,
yOffset = params.yOffset || 0,
lastx = null, lasty = null, lastOrientation,
cornerRadius = params.cornerRadius != null ? params.cornerRadius : 0,
// TODO now common between this and AbstractBezierEditor; refactor into superclass?
loopbackRadius = params.loopbackRadius || 25,
isLoopbackCurrently = false,
sgn = function (n) {
return n < 0 ? -1 : n === 0 ? 0 : 1;
segmentDirections = function(segment) {
return [
sgn( segment[2] - segment[0] ),
sgn( segment[3] - segment[1] ),
* helper method to add a segment.
addSegment = function (segments, x, y, paintInfo) {
if (lastx === x && lasty === y) {
var lx = lastx == null ? paintInfo.sx : lastx,
ly = lasty == null ? paintInfo.sy : lasty,
o = lx === x ? "v" : "h";
lastx = x;
lasty = y;
segments.push([ lx, ly, x, y, o ]);
segLength = function (s) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(s[0] - s[2], 2) + Math.pow(s[1] - s[3], 2));
_cloneArray = function (a) {
var _a = [];
_a.push.apply(_a, a);
return _a;
writeSegments = function (conn, segments, paintInfo) {
var current = null, next, currentDirection, nextDirection;
for (var i = 0; i < segments.length - 1; i++) {
current = current || _cloneArray(segments[i]);
next = _cloneArray(segments[i + 1]);
currentDirection = segmentDirections(current);
nextDirection = segmentDirections(next);
if (cornerRadius > 0 && current[4] !== next[4]) {
var minSegLength = Math.min(segLength(current), segLength(next));
var radiusToUse = Math.min(cornerRadius, minSegLength / 2);
current[2] -= currentDirection[0] * radiusToUse;
current[3] -= currentDirection[1] * radiusToUse;
next[0] += nextDirection[0] * radiusToUse;
next[1] += nextDirection[1] * radiusToUse;
var ac = (currentDirection[1] === nextDirection[0] && nextDirection[0] === 1) ||
((currentDirection[1] === nextDirection[0] && nextDirection[0] === 0) && currentDirection[0] !== nextDirection[1]) ||
(currentDirection[1] === nextDirection[0] && nextDirection[0] === -1),
sgny = next[1] > current[3] ? 1 : -1,
sgnx = next[0] > current[2] ? 1 : -1,
sgnEqual = sgny === sgnx,
cx = (sgnEqual && ac || (!sgnEqual && !ac)) ? next[0] : current[2],
cy = (sgnEqual && ac || (!sgnEqual && !ac)) ? current[3] : next[1];
_super.addSegment(conn, STRAIGHT, {
x1: current[0], y1: current[1], x2: current[2], y2: current[3],
_super.addSegment(conn, ARC, {
r: radiusToUse,
x1: current[2],
y1: current[3],
x2: next[0],
y2: next[1],
cx: cx,
cy: cy,
ac: ac,
else {
// dx + dy are used to adjust for line width.
var dx = (current[2] === current[0]) ? 0 : (current[2] > current[0]) ? (paintInfo.lw / 2) : -(paintInfo.lw / 2),
dy = (current[3] === current[1]) ? 0 : (current[3] > current[1]) ? (paintInfo.lw / 2) : -(paintInfo.lw / 2);
_super.addSegment(conn, STRAIGHT, {
x1: current[0] - dx, y1: current[1] - dy, x2: current[2] + dx, y2: current[3] + dy,
current = next;
if (next != null) {
// last segment
_super.addSegment(conn, STRAIGHT, {
x1: next[0], y1: next[1], x2: next[2], y2: next[3],
this._compute = function (paintInfo, params) {
segments = [];
lastx = null;
lasty = null;
lastOrientation = null;
var commonStubCalculator = function () {
return [paintInfo.startStubX, paintInfo.startStubY, paintInfo.endStubX, paintInfo.endStubY];
stubCalculators = {
perpendicular: commonStubCalculator,
orthogonal: commonStubCalculator,
opposite: function (axis) {
var pi = paintInfo,
idx = axis === "x" ? 0 : 1,
areInProximity = {
"x": function () {
return ( (pi.so[idx] === 1 && (
( (pi.startStubX > pi.endStubX) && (pi.tx > pi.startStubX) ) ||
( (pi.sx > pi.endStubX) && (pi.tx > pi.sx))))) ||
( (pi.so[idx] === -1 && (
( (pi.startStubX < pi.endStubX) && (pi.tx < pi.startStubX) ) ||
( (pi.sx < pi.endStubX) && (pi.tx < pi.sx)))));
"y": function () {
return ( (pi.so[idx] === 1 && (
( (pi.startStubY > pi.endStubY) && (pi.ty > pi.startStubY) ) ||
( (pi.sy > pi.endStubY) && (pi.ty > pi.sy))))) ||
( (pi.so[idx] === -1 && (
( (pi.startStubY < pi.endStubY) && (pi.ty < pi.startStubY) ) ||
( (pi.sy < pi.endStubY) && (pi.ty < pi.sy)))));
if (!alwaysRespectStubs && areInProximity[axis]()) {
return {
"x": [(paintInfo.sx + paintInfo.tx) / 2, paintInfo.startStubY, (paintInfo.sx + paintInfo.tx) / 2, paintInfo.endStubY],
"y": [paintInfo.startStubX, (paintInfo.sy + paintInfo.ty) / 2, paintInfo.endStubX, (paintInfo.sy + paintInfo.ty) / 2],
else {
return [paintInfo.startStubX, paintInfo.startStubY, paintInfo.endStubX, paintInfo.endStubY];
// calculate Stubs.
var stubs = stubCalculators[paintInfo.anchorOrientation](paintInfo.sourceAxis),
idx = paintInfo.sourceAxis === "x" ? 0 : 1,
oidx = paintInfo.sourceAxis === "x" ? 1 : 0,
ss = stubs[idx],
oss = stubs[oidx],
es = stubs[idx + 2],
oes = stubs[oidx + 2];
// add the start stub segment. use stubs for loopback as it will look better, with the loop spaced
// away from the element.
addSegment(segments, stubs[0], stubs[1], paintInfo);
// if its a loopback and we should treat it differently.
// if (false && params.sourcePos[0] === params.targetPos[0] && params.sourcePos[1] === params.targetPos[1]) {
// // we use loopbackRadius here, as statemachine connectors do.
// // so we go radius to the left from stubs[0], then upwards by 2*radius, to the right by 2*radius,
// // down by 2*radius, left by radius.
// addSegment(segments, stubs[0] - loopbackRadius, stubs[1], paintInfo);
// addSegment(segments, stubs[0] - loopbackRadius, stubs[1] - (2 * loopbackRadius), paintInfo);
// addSegment(segments, stubs[0] + loopbackRadius, stubs[1] - (2 * loopbackRadius), paintInfo);
// addSegment(segments, stubs[0] + loopbackRadius, stubs[1], paintInfo);
// addSegment(segments, stubs[0], stubs[1], paintInfo);
// }
// else {
const diffX = paintInfo.endStubX - paintInfo.startStubX;
const diffY = paintInfo.endStubY - paintInfo.startStubY;
const direction = diffY > 0 ? 1 : -1;
var midx = paintInfo.startStubX + ((paintInfo.endStubX - paintInfo.startStubX) * midpoint),
// midy = paintInfo.startStubY + ((paintInfo.endStubY - paintInfo.startStubY) * midpoint),
midy = paintInfo.startStubY - (diffX < 0 ? direction * yOffset : 0);
if (diffX < 0 && diffX > (-1 * yOffset) && Math.abs(diffY) < yOffset) {
midy = 0;
var orientations = {x: [0, 1], y: [1, 0]},
lineCalculators = {
perpendicular: function (axis) {
var pi = paintInfo,
sis = {
x: [
[[1, 2, 3, 4], null, [2, 1, 4, 3]],
[[4, 3, 2, 1], null, [3, 4, 1, 2]],
y: [
[[3, 2, 1, 4], null, [2, 3, 4, 1]],
[[4, 1, 2, 3], null, [1, 4, 3, 2]],
stubs = {
x: [[pi.startStubX, pi.endStubX], null, [pi.endStubX, pi.startStubX]],
y: [[pi.startStubY, pi.endStubY], null, [pi.endStubY, pi.startStubY]],
midLines = {
x: [[midx, pi.startStubY], [midx, pi.endStubY]],
y: [[pi.startStubX, midy], [pi.endStubX, midy]],
linesToEnd = {
x: [[pi.endStubX, pi.startStubY]],
y: [[pi.startStubX, pi.endStubY]],
startToEnd = {
x: [[pi.startStubX, pi.endStubY], [pi.endStubX, pi.endStubY]],
y: [[pi.endStubX, pi.startStubY], [pi.endStubX, pi.endStubY]],
startToMidToEnd = {
x: [[pi.startStubX, midy], [pi.endStubX, midy], [pi.endStubX, pi.endStubY]],
y: [[midx, pi.startStubY], [midx, pi.endStubY], [pi.endStubX, pi.endStubY]],
otherStubs = {
x: [pi.startStubY, pi.endStubY],
y: [pi.startStubX, pi.endStubX],
soIdx = orientations[axis][0], toIdx = orientations[axis][1],
_so = pi.so[soIdx] + 1,
_to = pi.to[toIdx] + 1,
otherFlipped = (pi.to[toIdx] === -1 && (otherStubs[axis][1] < otherStubs[axis][0])) || (pi.to[toIdx] === 1 && (otherStubs[axis][1] > otherStubs[axis][0])),
stub1 = stubs[axis][_so][0],
stub2 = stubs[axis][_so][1],
segmentIndexes = sis[axis][_so][_to];
if (pi.segment === segmentIndexes[3] || (pi.segment === segmentIndexes[2] && otherFlipped)) {
return midLines[axis];
else if (pi.segment === segmentIndexes[2] && stub2 < stub1) {
return linesToEnd[axis];
else if ((pi.segment === segmentIndexes[2] && stub2 >= stub1) || (pi.segment === segmentIndexes[1] && !otherFlipped)) {
return startToMidToEnd[axis];
else if (pi.segment === segmentIndexes[0] || (pi.segment === segmentIndexes[1] && otherFlipped)) {
return startToEnd[axis];
orthogonal: function (axis, startStub, otherStartStub, endStub, otherEndStub) {
var pi = paintInfo,
extent = {
"x": pi.so[0] === -1 ? Math.min(startStub, endStub) : Math.max(startStub, endStub),
"y": pi.so[1] === -1 ? Math.min(startStub, endStub) : Math.max(startStub, endStub),
return {
"x": [
[extent, otherStartStub],
[extent, otherEndStub],
[endStub, otherEndStub],
"y": [
[otherStartStub, extent],
[otherEndStub, extent],
[otherEndStub, endStub],
opposite: function (axis, ss, oss, es) {
var pi = paintInfo,
otherAxis = {"x": "y", "y": "x"}[axis],
dim = {"x": "height", "y": "width"}[axis],
comparator = pi["is" + axis.toUpperCase() + "GreaterThanStubTimes2"];
if (params.sourceEndpoint.elementId === params.targetEndpoint.elementId) {
var _val = oss + ((1 - params.sourceEndpoint.anchor[otherAxis]) * params.sourceInfo[dim]) + _super.maxStub;
return {
"x": [
[ss, _val],
[es, _val],
"y": [
[_val, ss],
[_val, es],
else if (!comparator || (pi.so[idx] === 1 && ss > es) || (pi.so[idx] === -1 && ss < es)) {
return {
"x": [
[ss, midy],
[es, midy],
"y": [
[midx, ss],
[midx, es],
else if ((pi.so[idx] === 1 && ss < es) || (pi.so[idx] === -1 && ss > es)) {
return {
"x": [
[midx, pi.sy],
[midx, pi.ty],
"y": [
[pi.sx, midy],
[pi.tx, midy],
// compute the rest of the line
var p = lineCalculators[paintInfo.anchorOrientation](paintInfo.sourceAxis, ss, oss, es, oes);
if (p) {
for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
addSegment(segments, p[i][0], p[i][1], paintInfo);
// line to end stub
addSegment(segments, stubs[2], stubs[3], paintInfo);
// end stub to end (common)
addSegment(segments, paintInfo.tx, paintInfo.ty, paintInfo);
// write out the segments.
writeSegments(this, segments, paintInfo);
_jp.Connectors.N8nFlowchart = Flowchart;
_ju.extend(_jp.Connectors.Flowchart, _jp.Connectors.AbstractConnector);
}).call(typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : this);
@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ import {
} from '../Interface';
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
import { getStyleTokenValue } from '@/components/helpers';
import '../plugins/N8nFlowchartType';
const NODE_SIZE = 100;
@ -238,7 +239,7 @@ const CONNECTOR_PAINT_STYLE_SUCCESS = {
const CONNECTOR_TYPE_BEZIER = ['Bezier', { curviness: _CURVINESS }];
const CONNECTOR_TYPE_FLOWCHART = ['Flowchart', { cornerRadius: 4, stub: JSPLUMB_FLOWCHART_STUB, gap: 5, alwaysRespectStubs: _ALWAYS_RESPECT_STUB}];
const CONNECTOR_TYPE_FLOWCHART = ['N8nFlowchart', { cornerRadius: 4, stub: JSPLUMB_FLOWCHART_STUB, gap: 5, alwaysRespectStubs: _ALWAYS_RESPECT_STUB, yOffset: NODE_SIZE}];
const CONNECTOR_ARROW_OVERLAYS: OverlaySpec[] = [
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