diff --git a/.github/workflows/docker-images-rpi.yml b/.github/workflows/docker-images-rpi.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6db9ed95b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/docker-images-rpi.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+name: Docker Image CI - Rpi
+ push:
+ tags:
+ - n8n@*
+ armv7_job:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
+ name: Build on ARMv7 (Rpi)
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v1
+ - name: Get the version
+ id: vars
+ run: echo ::set-output name=tag::$(echo ${GITHUB_REF:14})
+ - name: Log in to Docker registry
+ run: docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }} -p ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
+ - name: Set up Docker Buildx
+ uses: crazy-max/ghaction-docker-buildx@v1
+ with:
+ version: latest
+ - name: Run Buildx (push image)
+ if: success()
+ run: |
+ docker buildx build --platform linux/arm/v7 --build-arg N8N_VERSION=${{steps.vars.outputs.tag}} -t n8nio/n8n:${{steps.vars.outputs.tag}}-rpi --output type=image,push=true docker/images/n8n-rpi
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index b3eac39207..0441d445b4 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -12,3 +12,4 @@ _START_PACKAGE
index 568f8fc9a7..fcc046beef 100644
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ The most important directories:
execution, active webhooks and
- [/packages/editor-ui](/packages/editor-ui) - Vue frontend workflow editor
- - [/packages/node-dev](/packages/node-dev) - Simple CLI to create new n8n-nodes
+ - [/packages/node-dev](/packages/node-dev) - CLI to create new n8n-nodes
- [/packages/nodes-base](/packages/nodes-base) - Base n8n nodes
- [/packages/workflow](/packages/workflow) - Workflow code with interfaces which
get used by front- & backend
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ tests of all packages.
## Create Custom Nodes
-It is very easy to create own nodes for n8n. More information about that can
+It is very straightforward to create your own nodes for n8n. More information about that can
be found in the documentation of "n8n-node-dev" which is a small CLI which
helps with n8n-node-development.
@@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ If you want to create a node which should be added to n8n follow these steps:
1. Create a new folder for the new node. For a service named "Example" the folder would be called: `/packages/nodes-base/nodes/Example`
- 1. If there is already a similar node simply copy the existing one in the new folder and rename it. If none exists yet, create a boilerplate node with [n8n-node-dev](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/tree/master/packages/node-dev) and copy that one in the folder.
+ 1. If there is already a similar node, copy the existing one in the new folder and rename it. If none exists yet, create a boilerplate node with [n8n-node-dev](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/tree/master/packages/node-dev) and copy that one in the folder.
- 1. If the node needs credentials because it has to authenticate with an API or similar create new ones. Existing ones can be found in folder `/packages/nodes-base/credentials`. Also there it is the easiest to simply copy existing similar ones.
+ 1. If the node needs credentials because it has to authenticate with an API or similar create new ones. Existing ones can be found in folder `/packages/nodes-base/credentials`. Also there it is the easiest to copy existing similar ones.
1. Add the path to the new node (and optionally credentials) to package.json of `nodes-base`. It already contains a property `n8n` with its own keys `credentials` and `nodes`.
@@ -236,6 +236,6 @@ docsify serve ./docs
That we do not have any potential problems later it is sadly necessary to sign a [Contributor License Agreement](CONTRIBUTOR_LICENSE_AGREEMENT.md). That can be done literally with the push of a button.
-We used the most simple one that exists. It is from [Indie Open Source](https://indieopensource.com/forms/cla) which uses plain English and is literally just a few lines long.
+We used the most simple one that exists. It is from [Indie Open Source](https://indieopensource.com/forms/cla) which uses plain English and is literally only a few lines long.
A bot will automatically comment on the pull request once it got opened asking for the agreement to be signed. Before it did not get signed it is sadly not possible to merge it in.
diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md
index aac54547eb..24a7d38fc9 100644
--- a/LICENSE.md
+++ b/LICENSE.md
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ Licensor: n8n GmbH
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
- Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+ Copyright 2020 n8n GmbH
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a9a161f9a2..eb692157a1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# n8n - Workflow Automation Tool
-![n8n.io - Workflow Automation](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/n8n-io/n8n/master/docs/images/n8n-logo.png)
+![n8n.io - Workflow Automation](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/n8n-io/n8n/master/assets/n8n-logo.png)
n8n is a free and open [fair-code](http://faircode.io) licensed node based Workflow Automation Tool. It can be self-hosted, easily extended, and so also used with internal tools.
diff --git a/docs/images/n8n-logo.png b/assets/n8n-logo.png
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/images/n8n-logo.png
rename to assets/n8n-logo.png
diff --git a/docs/images/n8n-screenshot.png b/assets/n8n-screenshot.png
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/images/n8n-screenshot.png
rename to assets/n8n-screenshot.png
diff --git a/docker/compose/subfolderWithSSL/.env b/docker/compose/subfolderWithSSL/.env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7008bd631a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/compose/subfolderWithSSL/.env
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Folder where data should be saved
+# The top level domain to serve from
+# The subfolder to serve from
+# DOMAIN_NAME and SUBDOMAIN combined decide where n8n will be reachable from
+# above example would result in: https://example.com/n8n/
+# The user name to use for autentication - IMPORTANT ALWAYS CHANGE!
+# The password to use for autentication - IMPORTANT ALWAYS CHANGE!
+# Optional timezone to set which gets used by Cron-Node by default
+# If not set New York time will be used
+# The email address to use for the SSL certificate creation
diff --git a/docker/compose/subfolderWithSSL/README.md b/docker/compose/subfolderWithSSL/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61fcb5b7e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/compose/subfolderWithSSL/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# n8n on Subfolder with SSL
+Starts n8n and deployes it on a subfolder
+## Start
+To start n8n in a subfolder simply start docker-compose by executing the following
+command in the current folder.
+**IMPORTANT:** But before you do that change the default users and passwords in the `.env` file!
+docker-compose up -d
+To stop it execute:
+docker-compose stop
+## Configuration
+The default name of the database, user and password for MongoDB can be changed in the `.env` file in the current directory.
diff --git a/docker/compose/subfolderWithSSL/docker-compose.yml b/docker/compose/subfolderWithSSL/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e540abbb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/compose/subfolderWithSSL/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+version: "3"
+ traefik:
+ image: "traefik"
+ command:
+ - "--api=true"
+ - "--api.insecure=true"
+ - "--api.dashboard=true"
+ - "--providers.docker=true"
+ - "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false"
+ - "--entrypoints.websecure.address=:443"
+ - "--certificatesresolvers.mytlschallenge.acme.tlschallenge=true"
+ - "--certificatesresolvers.mytlschallenge.acme.email=${SSL_EMAIL}"
+ - "--certificatesresolvers.mytlschallenge.acme.storage=/letsencrypt/acme.json"
+ - /home/jan/www/n8n/n8n:/data
+ ports:
+ - "443:443"
+ - "80:80"
+ volumes:
+ - ${DATA_FOLDER}/letsencrypt:/letsencrypt
+ - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
+ n8n:
+ image: n8nio/n8n
+ ports:
+ - ""
+ labels:
+ - traefik.enable=true
+ - traefik.http.routers.n8n.rule=Host(`${DOMAIN_NAME}`)
+ - traefik.http.routers.n8n.tls=true
+ - traefik.http.routers.n8n.entrypoints=websecure
+ - "traefik.http.routers.n8n.rule=PathPrefix(`/${SUBFOLDER}{regex:$$|/.*}`)"
+ - "traefik.http.middlewares.n8n-stripprefix.stripprefix.prefixes=/${SUBFOLDER}"
+ - "traefik.http.routers.n8n.middlewares=n8n-stripprefix"
+ - traefik.http.routers.n8n.tls.certresolver=mytlschallenge
+ - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.SSLRedirect=true
+ - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.STSSeconds=315360000
+ - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.browserXSSFilter=true
+ - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.contentTypeNosniff=true
+ - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.forceSTSHeader=true
+ - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.SSLHost=${DOMAIN_NAME}
+ - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.STSIncludeSubdomains=true
+ - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.STSPreload=true
+ environment:
+ - N8N_PORT=5678
+ - N8N_PROTOCOL=https
+ - NODE_ENV=production
+ - N8N_PATH
+ volumes:
+ - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
+ - ${DATA_FOLDER}/.n8n:/root/.n8n
diff --git a/docker/images/n8n-custom/Dockerfile b/docker/images/n8n-custom/Dockerfile
index f4e4af4ed7..d12f8f6b08 100644
--- a/docker/images/n8n-custom/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/images/n8n-custom/Dockerfile
@@ -42,3 +42,5 @@ COPY --from=builder /data ./
COPY docker/images/n8n-custom/docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "--", "/docker-entrypoint.sh"]
+EXPOSE 5678/tcp
diff --git a/docker/images/n8n-custom/Dockerfile copy b/docker/images/n8n-custom/Dockerfile copy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19f08a16dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/images/n8n-custom/Dockerfile copy
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+FROM node:12.16-alpine as builder
+# FROM node:12.16-alpine
+# Update everything and install needed dependencies
+RUN apk add --update graphicsmagick tzdata git tini su-exec
+USER root
+# Install all needed dependencies
+RUN apk --update add --virtual build-dependencies python build-base ca-certificates && \
+ npm_config_user=root npm install -g full-icu lerna
+ENV NODE_ICU_DATA /usr/local/lib/node_modules/full-icu
+WORKDIR /data
+COPY lerna.json .
+COPY package.json .
+COPY packages/cli/ ./packages/cli/
+COPY packages/core/ ./packages/core/
+COPY packages/editor-ui/ ./packages/editor-ui/
+COPY packages/nodes-base/ ./packages/nodes-base/
+COPY packages/workflow/ ./packages/workflow/
+RUN rm -rf node_modules packages/*/node_modules packages/*/dist
+RUN npm install --loglevel notice
+RUN lerna bootstrap --hoist
+RUN npm run build
+FROM node:12.16-alpine
+WORKDIR /data
+# Install all needed dependencies
+RUN npm_config_user=root npm install -g full-icu
+USER root
+ENV NODE_ICU_DATA /usr/local/lib/node_modules/full-icu
+COPY --from=builder /data ./
+RUN apk add --update graphicsmagick tzdata git tini su-exec
+COPY docker/images/n8n-dev/docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh
+ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "--", "/docker-entrypoint.sh"]
+EXPOSE 5678/tcp
diff --git a/docker/images/n8n-rhel7/Dockerfile b/docker/images/n8n-rhel7/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..949d436602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/images/n8n-rhel7/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+FROM richxsl/rhel7
+RUN if [ -z "$N8N_VERSION" ] ; then echo "The N8N_VERSION argument is missing!" ; exit 1; fi
+RUN \
+ yum install -y gcc-c++ make
+RUN \
+ curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash -
+RUN \
+ sudo yum install nodejs
+# Set a custom user to not have n8n run as root
+USER root
+RUN npm_config_user=root npm install -g n8n@${N8N_VERSION}
+WORKDIR /data
+CMD "n8n"
diff --git a/docker/images/n8n-rhel7/README.md b/docker/images/n8n-rhel7/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..015f7ac07f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/images/n8n-rhel7/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+## Build Docker-Image
+docker build --build-arg N8N_VERSION= -t n8nio/n8n: .
+# For example:
+docker build --build-arg N8N_VERSION=0.36.1 -t n8nio/n8n:0.36.1-rhel7 .
+docker run -it --rm \
+ --name n8n \
+ -p 5678:5678 \
+ n8nio/n8n:0.25.0-ubuntu
diff --git a/docker/images/n8n-rpi/Dockerfile b/docker/images/n8n-rpi/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b60d50bdeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/images/n8n-rpi/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+FROM arm32v7/node:12.16
+RUN if [ -z "$N8N_VERSION" ] ; then echo "The N8N_VERSION argument is missing!" ; exit 1; fi
+RUN \
+ apt-get update && \
+ apt-get -y install graphicsmagick gosu
+RUN npm_config_user=root npm install -g full-icu n8n@${N8N_VERSION}
+ENV NODE_ICU_DATA /usr/local/lib/node_modules/full-icu
+ENV NODE_ENV production
+WORKDIR /data
+USER node
+CMD n8n
diff --git a/docker/images/n8n-rpi/README.md b/docker/images/n8n-rpi/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9eca14e3f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/images/n8n-rpi/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+## n8n - Raspberry PI Docker Image
+Dockerfile to build n8n for Raspberry PI.
+For information about how to run n8n with Docker check the generic
+docker build --build-arg N8N_VERSION= -t n8nio/n8n: .
+# For example:
+docker build --build-arg N8N_VERSION=0.43.0 -t n8nio/n8n:0.43.0-rpi .
+docker run -it --rm \
+ --name n8n \
+ -p 5678:5678 \
+ n8nio/n8n:0.70.0-rpi
diff --git a/docker/images/n8n-ubuntu/Dockerfile b/docker/images/n8n-ubuntu/Dockerfile
index 200506f058..94935f0602 100644
--- a/docker/images/n8n-ubuntu/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/images/n8n-ubuntu/Dockerfile
@@ -19,3 +19,5 @@ WORKDIR /data
COPY docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["/docker-entrypoint.sh"]
+EXPOSE 5678/tcp
diff --git a/docker/images/n8n/Dockerfile b/docker/images/n8n/Dockerfile
index c0997dcabd..af8f29cc5c 100644
--- a/docker/images/n8n/Dockerfile
+++ b/docker/images/n8n/Dockerfile
@@ -22,3 +22,5 @@ WORKDIR /data
COPY docker-entrypoint.sh /docker-entrypoint.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "--", "/docker-entrypoint.sh"]
+EXPOSE 5678/tcp
diff --git a/docker/images/n8n/README.md b/docker/images/n8n/README.md
index e1b39d82d6..977c53fef4 100644
--- a/docker/images/n8n/README.md
+++ b/docker/images/n8n/README.md
@@ -1,30 +1,28 @@
# n8n - Workflow Automation
-![n8n.io - Workflow Automation](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/n8n-io/n8n/master/docs/images/n8n-logo.png)
+![n8n.io - Workflow Automation](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/n8n-io/n8n/master/assets/n8n-logo.png)
n8n is a free and open [fair-code](http://faircode.io) licensed node based Workflow Automation Tool. It can be self-hosted, easily extended, and so also used with internal tools.
## Contents
-- [Demo](#demo)
-- [Available integrations](#available-integrations)
-- [Documentation](#documentation)
-- [Start n8n in Docker](#start-n8n-in-docker)
-- [Start with tunnel](#start-with-tunnel)
-- [Securing n8n](#securing-n8n)
-- [Persist data](#persist-data)
-- [Passing Sensitive Data via File](#passing-sensitive-data-via-file)
-- [Updating a Running docker-compose Instance](#updating-a-running-docker-compose-instance)
-- [Example Setup with Lets Encrypt](#example-setup-with-lets-encrypt)
-- [What does n8n mean and how do you pronounce it](#what-does-n8n-mean-and-how-do-you-pronounce-it)
-- [Support](#support)
-- [Jobs](#jobs)
-- [Upgrading](#upgrading)
-- [License](#license)
+ - [Demo](#demo)
+ - [Available integrations](#available-integrations)
+ - [Documentation](#documentation)
+ - [Start n8n in Docker](#start-n8n-in-docker)
+ - [Start with tunnel](#start-with-tunnel)
+ - [Securing n8n](#securing-n8n)
+ - [Persist data](#persist-data)
+ - [Passing Sensitive Data via File](#passing-sensitive-data-via-file)
+ - [Updating a Running docker-compose Instance](#updating-a-running-docker-compose-instance)
+ - [Example Setup with Lets Encrypt](#example-setup-with-lets-encrypt)
+ - [What does n8n mean and how do you pronounce it](#what-does-n8n-mean-and-how-do-you-pronounce-it)
+ - [Support](#support)
+ - [Jobs](#jobs)
+ - [Upgrading](#upgrading)
+ - [License](#license)
## Demo
@@ -49,9 +47,9 @@ Additional information and example workflows on the n8n.io website: [https://n8n
docker run -it --rm \
- --name n8n \
- -p 5678:5678 \
- n8nio/n8n
+ --name n8n \
+ -p 5678:5678 \
+ n8nio/n8n
You can then access n8n by opening:
@@ -71,14 +69,13 @@ To use it simply start n8n with `--tunnel`
docker run -it --rm \
- --name n8n \
- -p 5678:5678 \
- -v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
- n8nio/n8n \
- n8n start --tunnel
+ --name n8n \
+ -p 5678:5678 \
+ -v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
+ n8nio/n8n \
+ n8n start --tunnel
## Securing n8n
By default n8n can be accessed by everybody. This is OK if you have it only running
@@ -93,7 +90,6 @@ N8N_BASIC_AUTH_USER=
## Persist data
The workflow data gets by default saved in an SQLite database in the user
@@ -102,10 +98,10 @@ settings like webhook URL and encryption key.
docker run -it --rm \
- --name n8n \
- -p 5678:5678 \
- -v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
- n8nio/n8n
+ --name n8n \
+ -p 5678:5678 \
+ -v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
+ n8nio/n8n
### Start with other Database
@@ -121,7 +117,6 @@ for the credentials. If none gets found n8n creates automatically one on
startup. In case credentials are already saved with a different encryption key
it can not be used anymore as encrypting it is not possible anymore.
#### Use with MongoDB
> **WARNING**: Use Postgres if possible! Mongo has problems with saving large
@@ -129,40 +124,39 @@ it can not be used anymore as encrypting it is not possible anymore.
> may be dropped in the future.
Replace the following placeholders with the actual data:
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
docker run -it --rm \
- --name n8n \
- -p 5678:5678 \
+ --name n8n \
+ -p 5678:5678 \
-e DB_TYPE=mongodb \
-e DB_MONGODB_CONNECTION_URL="mongodb://:@:/" \
- -v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
- n8nio/n8n \
- n8n start
+ -v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
+ n8nio/n8n \
+ n8n start
A full working setup with docker-compose can be found [here](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/blob/master/docker/compose/withMongo/README.md)
#### Use with PostgresDB
Replace the following placeholders with the actual data:
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
docker run -it --rm \
- --name n8n \
- -p 5678:5678 \
+ --name n8n \
+ -p 5678:5678 \
-e DB_TYPE=postgresdb \
@@ -170,39 +164,37 @@ docker run -it --rm \
- -v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
- n8nio/n8n \
- n8n start
+ -v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
+ n8nio/n8n \
+ n8n start
A full working setup with docker-compose can be found [here](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/blob/master/docker/compose/withPostgres/README.md)
#### Use with MySQL
Replace the following placeholders with the actual data:
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
docker run -it --rm \
- --name n8n \
- -p 5678:5678 \
+ --name n8n \
+ -p 5678:5678 \
-e DB_TYPE=mysqldb \
- -v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
- n8nio/n8n \
- n8n start
+ -v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
+ n8nio/n8n \
+ n8n start
## Passing Sensitive Data via File
To avoid passing sensitive information via environment variables "_FILE" may be
@@ -211,16 +203,15 @@ with the given name. That makes it possible to load data easily from
Docker- and Kubernetes-Secrets.
The following environment variables support file input:
## Example Setup with Lets Encrypt
@@ -235,7 +226,7 @@ docker pull n8nio/n8n
# Stop current setup
sudo docker-compose stop
# Delete it (will only delete the docker-containers, data is stored separately)
-sudo docker-compose rm
+sudo docker-compose rm
# Then start it again
sudo docker-compose up -d
@@ -251,11 +242,11 @@ the environment variable `TZ`.
Example to use the same timezone for both:
docker run -it --rm \
- --name n8n \
- -p 5678:5678 \
+ --name n8n \
+ -p 5678:5678 \
-e GENERIC_TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin" \
-e TZ="Europe/Berlin" \
- n8nio/n8n
+ n8nio/n8n
diff --git a/docs/.nojekyll b/docs/.nojekyll
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
diff --git a/docs/CNAME b/docs/CNAME
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ea71f7d8f..0000000000
--- a/docs/CNAME
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3454cc15e2..0000000000
--- a/docs/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# n8n Documentation
-This is the documentation of n8n, a free and open [fair-code](http://faircode.io) licensed node-based Workflow Automation Tool.
-It covers everything from setup to usage and development. It is still a work in progress and all contributions are welcome.
-## What is n8n?
-n8n (pronounced nodemation) helps you to interconnect every app with an API in the world with each other to share and manipulate its data without a single line of code. It is an easy to use, user-friendly and highly customizable service, which uses an intuitive user interface for you to design your unique workflows very fast. Hosted on your server and not based in the cloud, it keeps your sensible data very secure in your own trusted database.
diff --git a/docs/_sidebar.md b/docs/_sidebar.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cbe725286..0000000000
--- a/docs/_sidebar.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-- Home
- - [Welcome](/)
-- Getting started
- - [Key Components](key-components.md)
- - [Quick Start](quick-start.md)
- - [Setup](setup.md)
- - [Tutorials](tutorials.md)
- - [Docker](docker.md)
-- Advanced
- - [Configuration](configuration.md)
- - [Data Structure](data-structure.md)
- - [Database](database.md)
- - [Keyboard Shortcuts](keyboard-shortcuts.md)
- - [Node Basics](node-basics.md)
- - [Nodes](nodes.md)
- - [Security](security.md)
- - [Sensitive Data](sensitive-data.md)
- - [Server Setup](server-setup.md)
- - [Start Workflows via CLI](start-workflows-via-cli.md)
- - [Workflow](workflow.md)
-- Development
- - [Create Node](create-node.md)
- - [Development](development.md)
-- Other
- - [FAQ](faq.md)
- - [License](license.md)
- - [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting.md)
-- Links
- - [![Jobs](https://n8n.io/favicon.ico ':size=16')Jobs](https://jobs.n8n.io)
- - [![Website](https://n8n.io/favicon.ico ':size=16')n8n.io](https://n8n.io)
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-# Configuration
-It is possible to change some of the n8n defaults via special environment variables.
-The ones that currently exist are:
-## Publish
-Sets how n8n should be made available.
-# The port n8n should be made available on
-# The IP address n8n should listen on
-# This ones are currently only important for the webhook URL creation.
-# So if "WEBHOOK_TUNNEL_URL" got set they do get ignored. It is however
-# encouraged to set them correctly anyway in case they will become
-# important in the future.
-## Base URL
-Tells the frontend how to reach the REST API of the backend.
-export VUE_APP_URL_BASE_API="https://n8n.example.com/"
-## Execution Data Manual Runs
-n8n creates a random encryption key automatically on the first launch and saves
-it in the `~/.n8n` folder. That key is used to encrypt the credentials before
-they get saved to the database. It is also possible to overwrite that key and
-set it via an environment variable.
-## Execution Data Manual Runs
-Normally executions which got started via the Editor UI will not be saved as
-they are normally only for testing and debugging. That default can be changed
-with this environment variable.
-This setting can also be overwritten on a per workflow basis in the workflow
-settings in the Editor UI.
-## Execution Data Error/Success
-When a workflow gets executed, it will save the result in the database. That's
-the case for executions that succeeded and for the ones that failed. The
-default behavior can be changed like this:
-Possible values are:
- - **all**: Saves all data
- - **none**: Does not save anything (recommended if a workflow runs very often and/or processes a lot of data, set up "Error Workflow" instead)
-These settings can also be overwritten on a per workflow basis in the workflow
-settings in the Editor UI.
-## Execute In Same Process
-All workflows get executed in their own separate process. This ensures that all CPU cores
-get used and that they do not block each other on CPU intensive tasks. Additionally, this makes sure that
-the crash of one execution does not take down the whole application. The disadvantage is, however,
-that it slows down the start-time considerably and uses much more memory. So in case the
-workflows are not CPU intensive and they have to start very fast, it is possible to run them
-all directly in the main-process with this setting.
-## Exclude Nodes
-It is possible to not allow users to use nodes of a specific node type. For example, if you
-do not want that people can write data to the disk with the "n8n-nodes-base.writeBinaryFile"
-node and that they cannot execute commands with the "n8n-nodes-base.executeCommand" node, you can
-set the following:
-export NODES_EXCLUDE="[\"n8n-nodes-base.executeCommand\",\"n8n-nodes-base.writeBinaryFile\"]"
-## Custom Nodes Location
-Every user can add custom nodes that get loaded by n8n on startup. The default
-location is in the subfolder `.n8n/custom` of the user who started n8n.
-Additional folders can be defined with an environment variable.
-export N8N_CUSTOM_EXTENSIONS="/home/jim/n8n/custom-nodes;/data/n8n/nodes"
-## Use built-in and external modules in Function-Nodes
-For security reasons, importing modules is restricted by default in the Function-Nodes.
-It is, however, possible to lift that restriction for built-in and external modules by
-setting the following environment variables:
-- `NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_BUILTIN`: For builtin modules
-- `NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_EXTERNAL`: For external modules sourced from n8n/node_modules directory. External module support is disabled when env variable is not set.
-# Allows usage of all builtin modules
-# Allows usage of only crypto
-# Allows usage of only crypto and fs
-# Allow usage of external npm modules. Wildcard matching is not supported.
-export NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_EXTERNAL=moment,lodash
-## SSL
-It is possible to start n8n with SSL enabled by supplying a certificate to use:
-export N8N_PROTOCOL=https
-export N8N_SSL_KEY=/data/certs/server.key
-export N8N_SSL_CERT=/data/certs/server.pem
-## Timezone
-The timezone is set by default to "America/New_York". For instance, it is used by the
-Cron node to know at what time the workflow should be started. To set a different
-default timezone simply set `GENERIC_TIMEZONE` to the appropriate value. For example,
-if you want to set the timezone to Berlin (Germany):
-export GENERIC_TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin"
-You can find the name of your timezone here:
-## User Folder
-User-specific data like the encryption key, SQLite database file, and
-the ID of the tunnel (if used) gets saved by default in the subfolder
-`.n8n` of the user who started n8n. It is possible to overwrite the
-user-folder via an environment variable.
-export N8N_USER_FOLDER="/home/jim/n8n"
-## Webhook URL
-The webhook URL will normally be created automatically by combining
-`N8N_PROTOCOL`, `N8N_HOST` and `N8N_PORT`. However, if n8n runs behind a
-reverse proxy that would not work. That's because n8n runs internally
-on port 5678 but is exposed to the web via the reverse proxy on port 443. In
-that case, it is important to set the webhook URL manually so that it can be
-displayed correctly in the Editor UI and even more important is that the correct
-webhook URLs get registred with the external services.
-export WEBHOOK_TUNNEL_URL="https://n8n.example.com/"
-## Configuration via file
-It is also possible to configure n8n using a configuration file.
-It is not necessary to define all values but only the ones that should be
-different from the defaults.
-If needed multiple files can also be supplied to. For example, have generic
-base settings and some specific ones depending on the environment.
-The path to the JSON configuration file to use can be set using the environment
-variable `N8N_CONFIG_FILES`.
-# Single file
-export N8N_CONFIG_FILES=/folder/my-config.json
-# Multiple files can be comma-separated
-export N8N_CONFIG_FILES=/folder/my-config.json,/folder/production.json
-A possible configuration file could look like this:
- "executions": {
- "process": "main",
- "saveDataOnSuccess": "none"
- },
- "generic": {
- "timezone": "Europe/Berlin"
- },
- "security": {
- "basicAuth": {
- "active": true,
- "user": "frank",
- "password": "some-secure-password"
- }
- },
- "nodes": {
- "exclude": "[\"n8n-nodes-base.executeCommand\",\"n8n-nodes-base.writeBinaryFile\"]"
- }
-All possible values which can be set and their defaults can be found here:
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-# Create Node
-It is quite easy to create your own nodes in n8n. Mainly three things have to be defined:
- 1. Generic information like name, description, image/icon
- 1. The parameters to display via which the user can interact with it
- 1. The code to run once the node gets executed
-To simplify the development process, we created a very basic CLI which creates boilerplate code to get started, builds the node (as they are written in TypeScript), and copies it to the correct location.
-## Create the first basic node
- 1. Install the n8n-node-dev CLI: `npm install -g n8n-node-dev`
- 1. Create and go into the newly created folder in which you want to keep the code of the node
- 1. Use CLI to create boilerplate node code: `n8n-node-dev new`
- 1. Answer the questions (the “Execute” node type is the regular node type that you probably want to create).
- It will then create the node in the current folder.
- 1. Program… Add the functionality to the node
- 1. Build the node and copy to correct location: `n8n-node-dev build`
- That command will build the JavaScript version of the node from the TypeScript code and copy it to the user folder where custom nodes get read from `~/.n8n/custom/`
- 1. Restart n8n and refresh the window so that the new node gets displayed
-## Create own custom n8n-nodes-module
-If you want to create multiple custom nodes which are either:
- - Only for yourself/your company
- - Are only useful for a small number of people
- - Require many or large dependencies
-It is best to create your own `n8n-nodes-module` which can be installed separately.
-That is a simple npm package that contains the nodes and is set up in a way
-that n8n can automatically find and load them on startup.
-When creating such a module the following rules have to be followed that n8n
-can automatically find the nodes in the module:
- - The name of the module has to start with `n8n-nodes-`
- - The `package.json` file has to contain a key `n8n` with the paths to nodes and credentials
- - The module has to be installed alongside n8n
-An example starter module which contains one node and credentials and implements
-the above can be found here:
-### Setup to use n8n-nodes-module
-To use a custom `n8n-nodes-module`, it simply has to be installed alongside n8n.
-For example like this:
-# Create folder for n8n installation
-mkdir my-n8n
-cd my-n8n
-# Install n8n
-npm install n8n
-# Install custom nodes module
-npm install n8n-nodes-my-custom-nodes
-# Start n8n
-### Development/Testing of custom n8n-nodes-module
-This works in the same way as for any other npm module.
-Execute in the folder which contains the code of the custom `n8n-nodes-module`
-which should be loaded with n8n:
-# Build the code
-npm run build
-# "Publish" the package locally
-npm link
-Then in the folder in which n8n is installed:
-# "Install" the above locally published module
-npm link n8n-nodes-my-custom-nodes
-# Start n8n
-## Node Development Guidelines
-Please make sure that everything works correctly and that no unnecessary code gets added. It is important to follow the following guidelines:
-### Do not change incoming data
-Never change the incoming data a node receives (which can be queried with `this.getInputData()`) as it gets shared by all nodes. If data has to get added, changed or deleted it has to be cloned and the new data returned. If that is not done, sibling nodes which execute after the current one will operate on the altered data and would process different data than they were supposed to.
-It is however not needed to always clone all the data. If a node for, example only, changes only the binary data but not the JSON data, a new item can be created which reuses the reference to the JSON item.
-An example can be seen in the code of the [ReadBinaryFile-Node](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/blob/master/packages/nodes-base/nodes/ReadBinaryFile.node.ts#L69-L83).
-### Write nodes in TypeScript
-All code of n8n is written in TypeScript and hence, the nodes should also be written in TypeScript. That makes development easier, faster, and avoids at least some bugs.
-### Use the built in request library
-Some third-party services have their own libraries on npm which make it easier to create an integration. It can be quite tempting to use them. The problem with those is that you add another dependency and not just one you add but also all the dependencies of the dependencies. This means more and more code gets added, has to get loaded, can introduce security vulnerabilities, bugs and so on. So please use the built-in module which can be used like this:
-const response = await this.helpers.request(options);
-That is simply using the npm package [`request-promise-native`](https://github.com/request/request-promise-native) which is the basic npm `request` module but with promises. For a full set of `options` consider looking at [the underlying `request` options documentation](https://github.com/request/request#requestoptions-callback).
-### Reuse parameter names
-When a node can perform multiple operations like edit and delete some kind of entity, for both operations, it would need an entity-id. Do not call them "editId" and "deleteId" simply call them "id". n8n can handle multiple parameters with the same name without a problem as long as only one is visible. To make sure that is the case, the "displayOptions" can be used. By keeping the same name, the value can be kept if a user switches the operation from "edit" to "delete".
-### Create an "Options" parameter
-Some nodes may need a lot of options. Add only the very important ones to the top level and for all others, create an "Options" parameter where they can be added if needed. This ensures that the interface stays clean and does not unnecessarily confuse people. A good example of that would be the XML node.
-### Follow exiting parameter naming guideline
-There is not much of a guideline yet but if your node can do multiple things, call the parameter which sets the behavior either "mode" (like "Merge" and "XML" node) or "operation" like the most other ones. If these operations can be done on different resources (like "User" or "Order) create a "resource" parameter (like "Pipedrive" and "Trello" node)
-### Node Icons
-Check existing node icons as a reference when you create own ones. The resolution of an icon should be 60x60px and saved as PNG.
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-# Data Structure
-For "basic usage" it is not necessarily needed to understand how the data that
-gets passed from one node to another is structured. However, it becomes important if you want to:
- - create your own node
- - write custom expressions
- - use the Function or Function Item node
- - you want to get the most out of n8n
-In n8n, all the data that is passed between nodes is an array of objects. It has the following structure:
- {
- // Each item has to contain a "json" property. But it can be an empty object like {}.
- // Any kind of JSON data is allowed. So arrays and the data being deeply nested is fine.
- json: { // The actual data n8n operates on (required)
- // This data is only an example it could be any kind of JSON data
- jsonKeyName: 'keyValue',
- anotherJsonKey: {
- lowerLevelJsonKey: 1
- }
- },
- // Binary data of item. The most items in n8n do not contain any (optional)
- binary: {
- // The key-name "binaryKeyName" is only an example. Any kind of key-name is possible.
- binaryKeyName: {
- data: '....', // Base64 encoded binary data (required)
- mimeType: 'image/png', // Optional but should be set if possible (optional)
- fileExtension: 'png', // Optional but should be set if possible (optional)
- fileName: 'example.png', // Optional but should be set if possible (optional)
- }
- }
- },
- ...
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-# Database
-By default, n8n uses SQLite to save credentials, past executions, and workflows. However,
-n8n also supports MongoDB and PostgresDB.
-## Shared Settings
-The following environment variables get used by all databases:
- - `DB_TABLE_PREFIX` (default: '') - Prefix for table names
-## MongoDB
-!> **WARNING**: Use PostgresDB, if possible! MongoDB has problems saving large
- amounts of data in a document, among other issues. So, support
- may be dropped in the future.
-To use MongoDB as the database, you can provide the following environment variables like
-in the example below:
- - `DB_TYPE=mongodb`
-Replace the following placeholders with the actual data:
-export DB_TYPE=mongodb
-n8n start
-## PostgresDB
-To use PostgresDB as the database, you can provide the following environment variables
- - `DB_TYPE=postgresdb`
- - `DB_POSTGRESDB_DATABASE` (default: 'n8n')
- - `DB_POSTGRESDB_HOST` (default: 'localhost')
- - `DB_POSTGRESDB_PORT` (default: 5432)
- - `DB_POSTGRESDB_USER` (default: 'root')
- - `DB_POSTGRESDB_PASSWORD` (default: empty)
- - `DB_POSTGRESDB_SCHEMA` (default: 'public')
-export DB_TYPE=postgresdb
-export DB_POSTGRESDB_HOST=postgresdb
-n8n start
-## MySQL / MariaDB
-The compatibility with MySQL/MariaDB has been tested. Even then, it is advisable to observe the operation of the application with this database as this option has been recently added. If you spot any problems, feel free to submit a burg report or a pull request.
-To use MySQL as database you can provide the following environment variables:
- - `DB_TYPE=mysqldb` or `DB_TYPE=mariadb`
- - `DB_MYSQLDB_DATABASE` (default: 'n8n')
- - `DB_MYSQLDB_HOST` (default: 'localhost')
- - `DB_MYSQLDB_PORT` (default: 3306)
- - `DB_MYSQLDB_USER` (default: 'root')
- - `DB_MYSQLDB_PASSWORD` (default: empty)
-export DB_TYPE=mysqldb
-export DB_MYSQLDB_HOST=mysqldb
-export DB_MYSQLDB_PORT=3306
-export DB_MYSQLDB_USER=n8n
-n8n start
-## SQLite
-This is the default database that gets used if nothing is defined.
-The database file is located at:
-## Other Databases
-Currently, only the databases mentioned above are supported. n8n internally uses
-[TypeORM](https://typeorm.io), so adding support for the following databases
-should not be too much work:
- - CockroachDB
- - Microsoft SQL
- - Oracle
-If you cannot use any of the currently supported databases for some reason and
-you can code, we'd appreciate your support in the form of a pull request. If not, you can request
-for support here:
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-# Development
-Have you found a bug :bug:? Or maybe you have a nice feature :sparkles: to contribute? The [CONTRIBUTING guide](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) will help you get your development environment ready in minutes.
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-# Docker
-Detailed information about how to run n8n in Docker can be found in the README
-of the [Docker Image](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/blob/master/docker/images/n8n/README.md).
-A basic step by step example setup of n8n with docker-compose and Let's Encrypt is available on the
-[Server Setup](server-setup.md) page.
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-# FAQ
-## Integrations
-### Can you create an integration for service X?
-You can request new integrations to be added to our forum. There is a special section for that where
-other users can also upvote it so that we know which integrations are important and should be
-created next. Request a new feature [here](https://community.n8n.io/c/feature-requests/nodes).
-### An integration exists already but a feature is missing. Can you add it?
-Adding new functionality to an existing integration is normally not that complicated. So the chance is
-high that we can do that quite fast. Post your feature request in the forum and we'll see
-what we can do. Request a new feature [here](https://community.n8n.io/c/feature-requests/nodes).
-### How can I create an integration myself?
-Information about that can be found in the [CONTRIBUTING guide](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
-## License
-### Which license does n8n use?
-n8n is [fair-code](http://faircode.io) licensed under [Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/blob/master/packages/cli/LICENSE.md)
-### Is n8n open-source?
-No. The [Commons Clause](https://commonsclause.com) that is attached to the Apache 2.0 license takes away some rights. Hence, according to the definition of the [Open Source Initiative (OSI)](https://opensource.org/osd), n8n is not open-source. Nonetheless, the source code is open and everyone (individuals and companies) can use it for free. However, it is not allowed to make money directly with n8n.
-For instance, one cannot charge others to host or support n8n. However, to make things simpler, we grant everyone (individuals and companies) the right to offer consulting or support without prior permission as long as it is less than 30,000 USD ($30k) per annum.
-If your revenue from services based on n8n is greater than $30k per annum, we'd invite you to become a partner and apply for a license. If you have any questions about this, feel free to reach out to us at [license@n8n.io](mailto:license@n8n.io).
-### Why is n8n not open-source but [fair-code](http://faircode.io) licensed instead?
-We love open-source and the idea that everybody can freely use and extend what we wrote. Our community is at the heart of everything that we do and we understand that people who contribute to a project are the main drivers that push a project forward. So to make sure that the project continues to evolve and stay alive in the longer run, we decided to attach the Commons Clause. This ensures that no other person or company can make money directly with n8n. Especially if it competes with how we plan to finance our further development. For the greater majority of the people, it will not make any difference at all. At the same time, it protects the project.
-As n8n itself depends on and uses a lot of other open-source projects, it is only fair that we support them back. That is why we have planned to contribute a certain percentage of revenue/profit every month to these projects.
-We have already started with the first monthly contributions via [Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/n8n). It is not much yet, but we hope to be able to ramp that up substantially over time.
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- n8n Documentation
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-# Key Components
-## Connection
-A connection establishes a link between nodes to route data through the workflow. Each node can have one or multiple connections.
-## Node
-A node is an entry point for retrieving data, a function to process data or an exit for sending data. The data process includes filtering, recomposing and changing data. There can be one or several nodes for your API, service or app. You can easily connect multiple nodes, which allows you to create simple and complex workflows with them intuitively.
-For example, consider a Google Sheets node. It can be used to retrieve or write data to a Google Sheet.
-## Trigger Node
-A trigger node is a node that starts a workflow and supplies the initial data. What triggers it, depends on the node. It could be the time, a webhook call or an event from an external service.
-For example, consider a Trello trigger node. When a Trello Board gets updated, it will trigger a workflow to start using the data from the updated board.
-## Workflow
-A workflow is a canvas on which you can place and connect nodes. A workflow can be started manually or by trigger nodes. A workflow run ends when all active and connected nodes have processed their data.
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-# Keyboard Shortcuts
-The following keyboard shortcuts can currently be used:
-## General
- - **Ctrl + Left Mouse Button**: Move/Pan Node View
- - **Ctrl + a**: Select all nodes
- - **Ctrl + Alt + n**: Create new workflow
- - **Ctrl + o**: Open workflow
- - **Ctrl + s**: Save the current workflow
- - **Ctrl + v**: Paste nodes
- - **Tab**: Open "Node Creator". Type to filter and navigate with arrow keys. To create press "enter"
-## With node(s) selected
- - **ArrowDown**: Select sibling node bellow the current one
- - **ArrowLeft**: Select node left of the current one
- - **ArrowRight**: Select node right of the current one
- - **ArrowUp**: Select sibling node above the current one
- - **Ctrl + c**: Copy nodes
- - **Ctrl + x**: Cut nodes
- - **d**: Deactivate nodes
- - **Delete**: Delete nodes
- - **F2**: Rename node
- - **Shift + ArrowLeft**: Select all nodes left of the current one
- - **Shift + ArrowRight**: Select all nodes right of the current one
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-# License
-n8n is [fair-code](http://faircode.io) licensed under [Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/blob/master/packages/cli/LICENSE.md)
-Additional information about the license can be found in the [FAQ](faq.md?id=license) and [fair-code](http://faircode.io).
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-# Node Basics
-## Types
-There are two main node types in n8n: Trigger nodes and Regular nodes.
-### Trigger Nodes
-The Trigger nodes start a workflow and supply the initial data. A workflow can contain multiple trigger nodes but with each execution, only one of them will execute. This is because the other trigger nodes would not have any input as they are the nodes from which the execution of the workflow starts.
-### Regular Nodes
-These nodes do the actual work. They can add, remove, and edit the data in the flow as well as request and send data to external APIs. They can do everything possible with Node.js in general.
-## Credentials
-External services need a way to identify and authenticate users. This data can range from an API key over an email/password combination to a very long multi-line private key and can be saved in n8n as credentials.
-Nodes in n8n can then request that credential information. As an additional layer of security credentials can only be accessed by node types which specifically have the right to do so.
-To make sure that the data is secure, it gets saved to the database encrypted. A random personal encryption key is used which gets automatically generated on the first run of n8n and then saved under `~/.n8n/config`.
-## Expressions
-With the help of expressions, it is possible to set node parameters dynamically by referencing other data. That can be data from the flow, nodes, the environment or self-generated data. Expressions are normal text with placeholders (everything between {{...}}) that can execute JavaScript code, which offers access to special variables to access data.
-An expression could look like this:
-My name is: `{{$node["Webhook"].json["query"]["name"]}}`
-This one would return "My name is: " and then attach the value that the node with the name "Webhook" outputs and there select the property "query" and its key "name". So if the node would output this data:
- "query": {
- "name": "Jim"
- }
-the value would be: "My name is: Jim"
-The following special variables are available:
- - **$binary**: Incoming binary data of a node
- - **$evaluateExpression**: Evaluates a string as expression
- - **$env**: Environment variables
- - **$items**: Environment variables
- - **$json**: Incoming JSON data of a node
- - **$node**: Data of other nodes (binary, context, json, parameter, runIndex)
- - **$parameters**: Parameters of the current node
- - **$runIndex**: The current run index (first time node gets executed it is 0, second time 1, ...)
- - **$workflow**: Returns workflow metadata like: active, id, name
-Normally it is not needed to write the JavaScript variables manually as they can be selected with the help of the Expression Editor.
-## Parameters
-Parameters can be set for most nodes in n8n. The values that get set define what exactly a node does.
-Parameter values are static by default and are always the same no matter what kind of data the node processes. However, it is possible to set the values dynamically with the help of an Expression. Using Expressions, it is possible to make the parameter value dependent on other factors like the data of flow or parameters of other nodes.
-More information about it can be found under [Expressions](#expressions).
-## Pausing Node
-Sometimes when creating and debugging a workflow, it is helpful to not execute specific nodes. To do that without disconnecting each node, you can pause them. When a node gets paused, the data passes through the node without being changed.
-There are two ways to pause a node. You can either press the pause button which gets displayed above the node when hovering over it or select the node and press “d”.
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-# Nodes
-## Function and Function Item Nodes
-These are the most powerful nodes in n8n. With these, almost everything can be done if you know how to
-write JavaScript code. Both nodes work very similarly. They give you access to the incoming data
-and you can manipulate it.
-### Difference between both nodes
-The difference is that the code of the Function node gets executed only once. It receives the
-full items (JSON and binary data) as an array and expects an array of items as a return value. The items
-returned can be totally different from the incoming ones. So it is not only possible to remove and edit
-existing items, but also to add or return totally new ones.
-The code of the Function Item node on the other hand gets executed once for every item. It receives
-one item at a time as input and also just the JSON data. As a return value, it expects the JSON data
-of one single item. That makes it possible to add, remove and edit JSON properties of items
-but it is not possible to add new or remove existing items. Accessing and changing binary data is only
-possible via the methods `getBinaryData` and `setBinaryData`.
-Both nodes support promises. So instead of returning the item or items directly, it is also possible to
-return a promise which resolves accordingly.
-### Function-Node
-#### Variable: items
-It contains all the items that the node received as input.
-Information about how the data is structured can be found on the page [Data Structure](data-structure.md).
-The data can be accessed and manipulated like this:
-// Sets the JSON data property "myFileName" of the first item to the name of the
-// file which is set in the binary property "image" of the same item.
-items[0].json.myFileName = items[0].binary.image.fileName;
-return items;
-This example creates 10 dummy items with the ids 0 to 9:
-const newItems = [];
-for (let i=0;i<10;i++) {
- newItems.push({
- json: {
- id: i
- }
- });
-return newItems;
-#### Method: $item(index: number, runIndex?: number)
-With `$item` it is possible to access the data of parent nodes. That can be the item data but also
-the parameters. It expects as input an index of the item the data should be returned for. This is
-needed because for each item the data returned can be different. This is probably obvious for the
-item data itself but maybe less for data like parameters. The reason why it is also needed, is
-that they may contain an expression. Expressions get always executed of the context for an item.
-If that would not be the case, for example, the Email Send node not would be able to send multiple
-emails at once to different people. Instead, the same person would receive multiple emails.
-The index is 0 based. So `$item(0)` will return the first item, `$item(1)` the second one, ...
-By default the item of the last run of the node will be returned. So if the referenced node ran
-3x (its last runIndex is 2) and the current node runs the first time (its runIndex is 0) the
-data of runIndex 2 of the referenced node will be returned.
-For more information about what data can be accessed via $node, check [here](#variable-node).
-// Returns the value of the JSON data property "myNumber" of Node "Set" (first item)
-const myNumber = $item(0).$node["Set"].json["myNumber"];
-// Like above but data of the 6th item
-const myNumber = $item(5).$node["Set"].json["myNumber"];
-// Returns the value of the parameter "channel" of Node "Slack".
-// If it contains an expression the value will be resolved with the
-// data of the first item.
-const channel = $item(0).$node["Slack"].parameter["channel"];
-// Like above but resolved with the value of the 10th item.
-const channel = $item(9).$node["Slack"].parameter["channel"];
-#### Method: $items(nodeName?: string, outputIndex?: number, runIndex?: number)
-Gives access to all the items of current or parent nodes. If no parameters get supplied,
-it returns all the items of the current node.
-If a node-name is given, it returns the items the node output on its first output
-(index: 0, most nodes only have one output, exceptions are IF and Switch-Node) on
-its last run.
-// Returns all the items of the current node and current run
-const allItems = $items();
-// Returns all items the node "IF" outputs (index: 0 which is Output "true" of its most recent run)
-const allItems = $items("IF");
-// Returns all items the node "IF" outputs (index: 0 which is Output "true" of the same run as current node)
-const allItems = $items("IF", 0, $runIndex);
-// Returns all items the node "IF" outputs (index: 1 which is Output "false" of run 0 which is the first run)
-const allItems = $items("IF", 1, 0);
-#### Variable: $node
-Works exactly like `$item` with the difference that it will always return the data of the first item and
-the last run of the node.
-// Returns the fileName of binary property "data" of Node "HTTP Request"
-const fileName = $node["HTTP Request"].binary["data"]["fileName"]}}
-// Returns the context data "noItemsLeft" of Node "SplitInBatches"
-const noItemsLeft = $node["SplitInBatches"].context["noItemsLeft"];
-// Returns the value of the JSON data property "myNumber" of Node "Set"
-const myNumber = $node["Set"].json['myNumber'];
-// Returns the value of the parameter "channel" of Node "Slack"
-const channel = $node["Slack"].parameter["channel"];
-// Returns the index of the last run of Node "HTTP Request"
-const runIndex = $node["HTTP Request"].runIndex}}
-#### Variable: $runIndex
-Contains the index of the current run of the node.
-// Returns all items the node "IF" outputs (index: 0 which is Output "true" of the same run as current node)
-const allItems = $items("IF", 0, $runIndex);
-#### Variable: $workflow
-Gives information about the current workflow.
-const isActive = $workflow.active;
-const workflowId = $workflow.id;
-const workflowName = $workflow.name;
-#### Method: $evaluateExpression(expression: string, itemIndex: number)
-Evaluates a given string as expression.
-If no `itemIndex` is provided it uses by default in the Function-Node the data of item 0 and
-in the Function Item-Node the data of the current item.
-items[0].json.variable1 = $evaluateExpression('{{1+2}}');
-items[0].json.variable2 = $evaluateExpression($node["Set"].json["myExpression"], 1);
-return items;
-#### Method: getWorkflowStaticData(type)
-Gives access to the static workflow data.
-It is possible to save data directly with the workflow. This data should, however, be very small.
-A common use case is to for example to save a timestamp of the last item that got processed from
-an RSS-Feed or database. It will always return an object. Properties can then read, delete or
-set on that object. When the workflow execution succeeds, n8n will check automatically if the data
-has changed and will save it, if necessary.
-There are two types of static data. The "global" and the "node" one. Global static data is the
-same in the whole workflow. And every node in the workflow can access it. The node static data
-, however, is different for every node and only the node which set it can retrieve it again.
-// Get the global workflow static data
-const staticData = getWorkflowStaticData('global');
-// Get the static data of the node
-const staticData = getWorkflowStaticData('node');
-// Access its data
-const lastExecution = staticData.lastExecution;
-// Update its data
-staticData.lastExecution = new Date().getTime();
-// Delete data
-delete staticData.lastExecution;
-It is important to know that the static data can not be read and written when testing via the UI.
-The data there will always be empty and the changes will not persist. Only when a workflow
-is active and it gets called by a Trigger or Webhook, the static data will be saved.
-### Function Item-Node
-#### Variable: item
-It contains the "json" data of the currently processed item.
-The data can be accessed and manipulated like this:
-// Uses the data of an already existing key to create a new additional one
-item.newIncrementedCounter = item.existingCounter + 1;
-return item;
-#### Method: getBinaryData()
-Returns all the binary data (all keys) of the item which gets currently processed.
-#### Method: setBinaryData(binaryData)
-Sets all the binary data (all keys) of the item which gets currently processed.
-#### Method: getWorkflowStaticData(type)
-As described above for Function node.
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-# Quick Start
-## Give n8n a spin
-To spin up n8n, you can run:
-npx n8n
-It will download everything that is needed to start n8n.
-You can then access n8n by opening:
-## Start with docker
-To play around with n8n, you can also start it using docker:
-docker run -it --rm \
- --name n8n \
- -p 5678:5678 \
- n8nio/n8n
-Be aware that all the data will be lost once the docker container gets removed. To
-persist the data mount the `~/.n8n` folder:
-docker run -it --rm \
- --name n8n \
- -p 5678:5678 \
- -v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
- n8nio/n8n
-More information about the Docker setup can be found in the README file of the
-[Docker Image](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/blob/master/docker/images/n8n/README.md).
-In case you run into issues, check out the [troubleshooting](troubleshooting.md) page or ask for help in the community [forum](https://community.n8n.io/).
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-# Security
-By default, n8n can be accessed by everybody. This is okay if you only have it running
-locally but if you deploy it on a server which is accessible from the web, you have
-to make sure that n8n is protected.
-Right now we have very basic protection in place using basic-auth. It can be activated
-by setting the following environment variables:
-export N8N_BASIC_AUTH_ACTIVE=true
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-# Sensitive Data via File
-To avoid passing sensitive information via environment variables, "_FILE" may be
-appended to some environment variables. It will then load the data from a file
-with the given name. That makes it possible to load data easily from
-Docker and Kubernetes secrets.
-The following environment variables support file input:
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-# Server Setup
-!> ***Important***: Make sure that you secure your n8n instance as described under [Security](security.md).
-## Example setup with docker-compose
-If you have already installed docker and docker-compose, then you can directly start with step 4.
-### 1. Install Docker
-This can vary depending on the Linux distribution used. Example bellow is for Ubuntu:
-sudo apt update
-sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
-curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
-sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu bionic stable"
-sudo apt update
-sudo apt install docker-ce -y
-### 2. Optional: If it should run as not root user
-Run when logged in as the user that should also be allowed to run docker:
-sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
-su - ${USER}
-### 3. Install Docker-compose
-This can vary depending on the Linux distribution used. Example bellow is for Ubuntu:
-Check before what version the latestand replace "1.24.1" with that version accordingly.
-sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.24.1/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
-sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
-### 4. Setup DNS
-Add A record to route the subdomain accordingly.
-Type: A
-Name: n8n (or whatever the subdomain should be)
-IP address:
-### 5. Create docker-compose file
-Save this file as `docker-compose.yml`
-Normally no changes should be needed.
-version: "3"
- traefik:
- image: "traefik"
- command:
- - "--api=true"
- - "--api.insecure=true"
- - "--providers.docker=true"
- - "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false"
- - "--entrypoints.websecure.address=:443"
- - "--certificatesresolvers.mytlschallenge.acme.tlschallenge=true"
- - "--certificatesresolvers.mytlschallenge.acme.email=${SSL_EMAIL}"
- - "--certificatesresolvers.mytlschallenge.acme.storage=/letsencrypt/acme.json"
- ports:
- - "443:443"
- volumes:
- - ${DATA_FOLDER}/letsencrypt:/letsencrypt
- - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
- n8n:
- image: n8nio/n8n
- ports:
- - ""
- labels:
- - traefik.enable=true
- - traefik.http.routers.n8n.rule=Host(`${SUBDOMAIN}.${DOMAIN_NAME}`)
- - traefik.http.routers.n8n.tls=true
- - traefik.http.routers.n8n.entrypoints=websecure
- - traefik.http.routers.n8n.tls.certresolver=mytlschallenge
- - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.SSLRedirect=true
- - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.STSSeconds=315360000
- - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.browserXSSFilter=true
- - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.contentTypeNosniff=true
- - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.forceSTSHeader=true
- - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.SSLHost=${DOMAIN_NAME}
- - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.STSIncludeSubdomains=true
- - traefik.http.middlewares.n8n.headers.STSPreload=true
- environment:
- - N8N_PORT=5678
- - N8N_PROTOCOL=https
- - NODE_ENV=production
- volumes:
- - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
- - ${DATA_FOLDER}/.n8n:/root/.n8n
-### 6. Create `.env` file
-Create `.env` file and change it accordingly.
-# Folder where data should be saved
-# The top level domain to serve from
-# The subdomain to serve from
-# DOMAIN_NAME and SUBDOMAIN combined decide where n8n will be reachable from
-# above example would result in: https://n8n.example.com
-# The user name to use for autentication - IMPORTANT ALWAYS CHANGE!
-# The password to use for autentication - IMPORTANT ALWAYS CHANGE!
-# Optional timezone to set which gets used by Cron-Node by default
-# If not set New York time will be used
-# The email address to use for the SSL certificate creation
-### 7. Create data folder
-Create the folder which is defined as `DATA_FOLDER`. In the example
-above, it is `/root/n8n/`.
-In that folder, the database file from SQLite as well as the encryption key will be saved.
-The folder can be created like this:
-mkdir /root/n8n/
-### 8. Start docker-compose setup
-n8n can now be started via:
-sudo docker-compose up -d
-In case it should ever be stopped that can be done with this command:
-sudo docker-compose stop
-### 9. Done
-n8n will now be reachable via the above defined subdomain + domain combination.
-The above example would result in: https://n8n.example.com
-n8n will only be reachable via https and not via http.
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-# Setup
-## Installation
-To install n8n globally:
-npm install n8n -g
-## Start
-After the installation n8n can be started by simply typing in:
-# or
-n8n start
-## Start with tunnel
-!> **WARNING**: This is only meant for local development and testing. It should not be used in production!
-To be able to use webhooks for trigger nodes of external services like GitHub, n8n has to be reachable from the web. To make that easy, n8n has a special tunnel service, which redirects requests from our servers to your local n8n instance (uses this code: [https://github.com/localtunnel/localtunnel](https://github.com/localtunnel/localtunnel)).
-To use it, simply start n8n with `--tunnel`
-n8n start --tunnel
-In case you run into issues, check out the [troubleshooting](troubleshooting.md) page or ask for help in the community [forum](https://community.n8n.io/).
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-# Start Workflows via CLI
-Workflows cannot be only started by triggers, webhooks or manually via the
-Editor. It is also possible to start them directly via the CLI.
-Execute a saved workflow by its ID:
-n8n execute --id
-Execute a workflow from a workflow file:
-n8n execute --file
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-# This is a simple test
-with some text
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-# Troubleshooting
-## Windows
-If you are experiencing issues running n8n with the typical flow of:
-npx n8n
-### Requirements
-Please ensure that you have the following requirements fulfilled:
-- Install latest version of [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
-- Install [Python 2.7](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2717/) (It is okay to have multiple versions installed on the machine)
-- Windows SDK
-- C++ Desktop Development Tools
-- Windows Build Tools
-#### Install build tools
-If you haven't satisfied the above, follow this procedure through your PowerShell (run with administrative privileges).
-This command installs the build tools, windows SDK and the C++ development tools in one package.
-npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
-#### Configure npm to use Python version 2.7
-npm config set python python2.7
-#### Configure npm to use correct msvs version
-npm config set msvs_version 2017 --global
-### Lesser known issues:
-#### mmmagic npm package when using MSbuild tools with Visual Studio
-While installing this package, `node-gyp` is run and it might fail to install it with an error appearing in the ballpark of:
-gyp ERR! stack Error: spawn C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\**Enterprise**\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe ENOENT
-It is seeking the `MSBuild.exe` in a directory that does not exist. If you are using Visual Studio Community or vice versa, you can change the path of MSBuild with command:
-npm config set msbuild_path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\**Community**\MSBuild\Current\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
-Attempt to install package again after running the command above.
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-# Tutorials
-## Examples
-Example workflows which show what can be done with n8n can be found here:
-If you want to know how a node can get used in context, you can search for it here:
-[https://n8n.io/nodes](https://n8n.io/nodes). There it shows in which workflows the
-node got used.
-## Videos
- - [Slack Notification on Github Star](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w7xIMKLVAg)
- - [Typeform to Google Sheet and Slack or Email](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn3-d4IiW44)
-### Community Tutorials
- - [n8n basics 1/3 - Getting Started](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIaxjH2CyFc)
- - [n8n basics 2/3 - Simple Workflow](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovlxledZfM4)
- - [n8n basics 3/3 - Transforming JSON](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGAEAcfwV8w)
- - [n8n Google Integration - Using Google Sheets and Google Api nodes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFqx8OmkqVE)
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-# Workflow
-## Activate
-Activating a workflow means that the Trigger and Webhook nodes get activated and can trigger a workflow to run. By default all the newly created workflows are deactivated. That means that even if a Trigger node like the Cron node should start a workflow because a predefined time is reached, it will not unless the workflow gets activated. It is only possible to activate a workflow which contains a Trigger or a Webhook node.
-## Data Flow
-Nodes do not only process one "item", they process multiple ones. So if the Trello node is set to "Create-Card" and it has an expression set for "Name" to be set depending on "name" property, it will create a card for each item, always choosing the name-property-value of the current one.
-This data would, for example, create two boards. One named "test1" the other one named "test2":
- {
- name: "test1"
- },
- {
- name: "test2"
- }
-## Error Workflows
-For each workflow, an optional "Error Workflow" can be set. It gets executed in case the execution of the workflow fails. That makes it possible to, for instance, inform the user via Email or Slack if something goes wrong. The same "Error Workflow" can be set on multiple workflows.
-The only difference between a regular workflow and an "Error Workflow" is that it contains an "Error Trigger" node. So it is important to make sure that this node gets created before setting a workflow as "Error Workflow".
-The "Error Trigger" node will trigger in case the execution fails and receives information about it. The data looks like this:
- {
- "execution": {
- "id": "231",
- "url": "https://n8n.example.com/execution/231",
- "retryOf": "34",
- "error": {
- "message": "Example Error Message",
- "stack": "Stacktrace"
- },
- "lastNodeExecuted": "Node With Error",
- "mode": "manual"
- },
- "workflow": {
- "id": "1",
- "name": "Example Workflow"
- }
- }
-All information is always present except:
-- **execution.id**: Only present when the execution gets saved in the database
-- **execution.url**: Only present when the execution gets saved in the database
-- **execution.retryOf**: Only present when the execution is a retry of a previously failed execution
-### Setting Error Workflow
-An "Error Workflow" can be set in the Workflow Settings which can be accessed by pressing the "Workflow" button in the menu on the on the left side. The last option is "Settings". In the window that appears, the "Error Workflow" can be selected via the Dropdown "Error Workflow".
-## Share Workflows
-All workflows are JSON and can be shared very easily.
-There are multiple ways to download a workflow as JSON to then share it with other people via Email, Slack, Skype, Dropbox, …
- 1. Press the "Download" button under the Workflow menu in the sidebar on the left. It then downloads the workflow as a JSON file.
- 1. Select the nodes in the editor which should be exported and then copy them (Ctrl + c). The nodes then get saved as JSON in the clipboard and can be pasted wherever desired (Ctrl + v).
-Importing that JSON representation again into n8n is as easy and can also be done in different ways:
- 1. Press "Import from File" or "Import from URL" under the Workflow menu in the sidebar on the left.
- 1. Copy the JSON workflow to the clipboard (Ctrl + c) and then simply pasting it directly into the editor (Ctrl + v).
-## Workflow Settings
-On each workflow, it is possible to set some custom settings and overwrite some of the global default settings. Currently, the following settings can be set:
-### Error Workflow
-Workflow to run in case the execution of the current workflow fails. More information in section [Error Workflows](#error-workflows).
-### Timezone
-The timezone to use in the current workflow. If not set, the global Timezone (by default "New York" gets used). For instance, this is important for the Cron Trigger node.
-### Save Data Error Execution
-If the Execution data of the workflow should be saved when it fails.
-### Save Data Success Execution
-If the Execution data of the workflow should be saved when it succeeds.
-### Save Manual Executions
-If executions started from the Editor UI should be saved.
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"start:default": "cd packages/cli/bin && ./n8n",
"start:windows": "cd packages/cli/bin && n8n",
"test": "lerna run test",
+ "tslint": "lerna exec npm run tslint",
"watch": "lerna run --parallel watch"
"devDependencies": {
diff --git a/packages/cli/LICENSE.md b/packages/cli/LICENSE.md
index aac54547eb..24a7d38fc9 100644
--- a/packages/cli/LICENSE.md
+++ b/packages/cli/LICENSE.md
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ Licensor: n8n GmbH
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
- Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+ Copyright 2020 n8n GmbH
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
diff --git a/packages/cli/README.md b/packages/cli/README.md
index be5f42ae8b..5ae03ffa41 100644
--- a/packages/cli/README.md
+++ b/packages/cli/README.md
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# n8n - Workflow Automation Tool
-![n8n.io - Workflow Automation](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/n8n-io/n8n/master/docs/images/n8n-logo.png)
+![n8n.io - Workflow Automation](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/n8n-io/n8n/master/assets/n8n-logo.png)
n8n is a free and open [fair-code](http://faircode.io) licensed node based Workflow Automation Tool. It can be self-hosted, easily extended, and so also used with internal tools.
## Contents
diff --git a/packages/cli/config/index.ts b/packages/cli/config/index.ts
index ce79ca5221..2759c6d794 100644
--- a/packages/cli/config/index.ts
+++ b/packages/cli/config/index.ts
@@ -63,6 +63,34 @@ const config = convict({
default: 'public',
+ ssl: {
+ ca: {
+ doc: 'SSL certificate authority',
+ format: String,
+ default: '',
+ },
+ cert: {
+ doc: 'SSL certificate',
+ format: String,
+ default: '',
+ },
+ key: {
+ doc: 'SSL key',
+ format: String,
+ default: '',
+ },
+ rejectUnauthorized: {
+ doc: 'If unauthorized SSL connections should be rejected',
+ format: 'Boolean',
+ default: true,
+ },
+ }
mysqldb: {
database: {
@@ -100,15 +128,23 @@ const config = convict({
credentials: {
overwrite: {
- // Allows to set default values for credentials which
- // get automatically prefilled and the user does not get
- // displayed and can not change.
- doc: 'Overwrites for credentials',
- format: '*',
- default: '{}',
- }
+ data: {
+ // Allows to set default values for credentials which
+ // get automatically prefilled and the user does not get
+ // displayed and can not change.
+ doc: 'Overwrites for credentials',
+ format: '*',
+ default: '{}',
+ },
+ endpoint: {
+ doc: 'Fetch credentials from API',
+ format: String,
+ default: '',
+ },
+ },
executions: {
@@ -125,8 +161,8 @@ const config = convict({
// If a workflow executes all the data gets saved by default. This
// could be a problem when a workflow gets executed a lot and processes
- // a lot of data. To not write the database full it is possible to
- // not save the execution at all.
+ // a lot of data. To not exceed the database's capacity it is possible to
+ // prune the database regularly or to not save the execution at all.
// Depending on if the execution did succeed or error a different
// save behaviour can be set.
saveDataOnError: {
@@ -149,9 +185,34 @@ const config = convict({
// in the editor.
saveDataManualExecutions: {
doc: 'Save data of executions when started manually via editor',
+ format: 'Boolean',
default: false,
+ // To not exceed the database's capacity and keep its size moderate
+ // the execution data gets pruned regularly (default: 1 hour interval).
+ // All saved execution data older than the max age will be deleted.
+ // Pruning is currently not activated by default, which will change in
+ // a future version.
+ pruneData: {
+ doc: 'Delete data of past executions on a rolling basis',
+ format: 'Boolean',
+ default: false,
+ },
+ pruneDataMaxAge: {
+ doc: 'How old (hours) the execution data has to be to get deleted',
+ format: Number,
+ default: 336,
+ },
+ pruneDataTimeout: {
+ doc: 'Timeout (seconds) after execution data has been pruned',
+ format: Number,
+ default: 3600,
+ },
generic: {
@@ -168,6 +229,13 @@ const config = convict({
// How n8n can be reached (Editor & REST-API)
+ path: {
+ format: String,
+ default: '/',
+ arg: 'path',
+ env: 'N8N_PATH',
+ doc: 'Path n8n is deployed to'
+ },
host: {
format: String,
default: 'localhost',
diff --git a/packages/cli/migrations/ormconfig.ts b/packages/cli/migrations/ormconfig.ts
index 2a0cda0d9c..1ea583beb4 100644
--- a/packages/cli/migrations/ormconfig.ts
+++ b/packages/cli/migrations/ormconfig.ts
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ module.exports = [
"logging": false,
"host": "localhost",
"username": "postgres",
- "password": "docker",
+ "password": "",
"port": 5432,
- "database": "postgres",
+ "database": "n8n",
"schema": "public",
"entities": Object.values(PostgresDb),
"migrations": [
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ module.exports = [
"username": "root",
"password": "password",
"host": "localhost",
- "port": "3308",
+ "port": "3306",
"logging": false,
"entities": Object.values(MySQLDb),
"migrations": [
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ module.exports = [
"username": "root",
"password": "password",
"host": "localhost",
- "port": "3308",
+ "port": "3306",
"logging": false,
"entities": Object.values(MySQLDb),
"migrations": [
@@ -105,4 +105,4 @@ module.exports = [
"subscribersDir": "./src/databases/mysqldb/Subscribers"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/cli/package.json b/packages/cli/package.json
index 1628a80b82..4749a2ed0d 100644
--- a/packages/cli/package.json
+++ b/packages/cli/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "n8n",
- "version": "0.70.0",
+ "version": "0.74.0",
"description": "n8n Workflow Automation Tool",
"license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE.md",
"homepage": "https://n8n.io",
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@
"lodash.get": "^4.4.2",
"mongodb": "^3.5.5",
"mysql2": "^2.0.1",
- "n8n-core": "~0.36.0",
- "n8n-editor-ui": "~0.47.0",
- "n8n-nodes-base": "~0.65.0",
- "n8n-workflow": "~0.33.0",
+ "n8n-core": "~0.39.0",
+ "n8n-editor-ui": "~0.50.0",
+ "n8n-nodes-base": "~0.69.0",
+ "n8n-workflow": "~0.35.0",
"oauth-1.0a": "^2.2.6",
"open": "^7.0.0",
"pg": "^7.11.0",
diff --git a/packages/cli/src/ActiveWorkflowRunner.ts b/packages/cli/src/ActiveWorkflowRunner.ts
index 9fef6ed243..c7f7ea1d69 100644
--- a/packages/cli/src/ActiveWorkflowRunner.ts
+++ b/packages/cli/src/ActiveWorkflowRunner.ts
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ import {
+ IWebhookDb,
} from './';
import {
- ActiveWebhooks,
} from 'n8n-core';
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import {
- IWebhookData,
+ NodeHelpers,
IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData as IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow,
@@ -35,22 +35,23 @@ import {
import * as express from 'express';
export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
private activeWorkflows: ActiveWorkflows | null = null;
- private activeWebhooks: ActiveWebhooks | null = null;
private activationErrors: {
[key: string]: IActivationError;
} = {};
async init() {
// Get the active workflows from database
+ // NOTE
+ // Here I guess we can have a flag on the workflow table like hasTrigger
+ // so intead of pulling all the active wehhooks just pull the actives that have a trigger
const workflowsData: IWorkflowDb[] = await Db.collections.Workflow!.find({ active: true }) as IWorkflowDb[];
- this.activeWebhooks = new ActiveWebhooks();
- // Add them as active workflows
this.activeWorkflows = new ActiveWorkflows();
if (workflowsData.length !== 0) {
@@ -58,20 +59,27 @@ export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
console.log(' Start Active Workflows:');
console.log(' ================================');
+ const nodeTypes = NodeTypes();
for (const workflowData of workflowsData) {
- console.log(` - ${workflowData.name}`);
- try {
- await this.add(workflowData.id.toString(), workflowData);
- console.log(` => Started`);
- } catch (error) {
- console.log(` => ERROR: Workflow could not be activated:`);
- console.log(` ${error.message}`);
+ const workflow = new Workflow({ id: workflowData.id.toString(), name: workflowData.name, nodes: workflowData.nodes, connections: workflowData.connections, active: workflowData.active, nodeTypes, staticData: workflowData.staticData, settings: workflowData.settings});
+ if (workflow.getTriggerNodes().length !== 0
+ || workflow.getPollNodes().length !== 0) {
+ console.log(` - ${workflowData.name}`);
+ try {
+ await this.add(workflowData.id.toString(), workflowData);
+ console.log(` => Started`);
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.log(` => ERROR: Workflow could not be activated:`);
+ console.log(` ${error.message}`);
+ }
* Removes all the currently active workflows
@@ -94,7 +102,6 @@ export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
* Checks if a webhook for the given method and path exists and executes the workflow.
@@ -110,30 +117,41 @@ export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError('The "activeWorkflows" instance did not get initialized yet.', 404, 404);
- const webhookData: IWebhookData | undefined = this.activeWebhooks!.get(httpMethod, path);
+ const webhook = await Db.collections.Webhook?.findOne({ webhookPath: path, method: httpMethod }) as IWebhookDb;
- if (webhookData === undefined) {
+ // check if something exist
+ if (webhook === undefined) {
// The requested webhook is not registered
throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError(`The requested webhook "${httpMethod} ${path}" is not registered.`, 404, 404);
- const workflowData = await Db.collections.Workflow!.findOne(webhookData.workflowId);
+ const workflowData = await Db.collections.Workflow!.findOne(webhook.workflowId);
if (workflowData === undefined) {
- throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError(`Could not find workflow with id "${webhookData.workflowId}"`, 404, 404);
+ throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError(`Could not find workflow with id "${webhook.workflowId}"`, 404, 404);
const nodeTypes = NodeTypes();
- const workflow = new Workflow({ id: webhookData.workflowId, name: workflowData.name, nodes: workflowData.nodes, connections: workflowData.connections, active: workflowData.active, nodeTypes, staticData: workflowData.staticData, settings: workflowData.settings});
+ const workflow = new Workflow({ id: webhook.workflowId.toString(), name: workflowData.name, nodes: workflowData.nodes, connections: workflowData.connections, active: workflowData.active, nodeTypes, staticData: workflowData.staticData, settings: workflowData.settings});
+ const credentials = await WorkflowCredentials([workflow.getNode(webhook.node as string) as INode]);
+ const additionalData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getBase(credentials);
+ const webhookData = NodeHelpers.getNodeWebhooks(workflow, workflow.getNode(webhook.node as string) as INode, additionalData).filter((webhook) => {
+ return (webhook.httpMethod === httpMethod && webhook.path === path);
+ })[0];
// Get the node which has the webhook defined to know where to start from and to
// get additional data
const workflowStartNode = workflow.getNode(webhookData.node);
if (workflowStartNode === null) {
throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError('Could not find node to process webhook.', 404, 404);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const executionMode = 'webhook';
+ //@ts-ignore
WebhookHelpers.executeWebhook(workflow, webhookData, workflowData, workflowStartNode, executionMode, undefined, req, res, (error: Error | null, data: object) => {
if (error !== null) {
return reject(error);
@@ -143,19 +161,14 @@ export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
* Returns the ids of the currently active workflows
* @returns {string[]}
* @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner
- getActiveWorkflows(): string[] {
- if (this.activeWorkflows === null) {
- return [];
- }
- return this.activeWorkflows.allActiveWorkflows();
+ getActiveWorkflows(): Promise {
+ return Db.collections.Workflow?.find({ select: ['id'] }) as Promise;
@@ -166,15 +179,11 @@ export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
* @returns {boolean}
* @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner
- isActive(id: string): boolean {
- if (this.activeWorkflows !== null) {
- return this.activeWorkflows.isActive(id);
- }
- return false;
+ async isActive(id: string): Promise {
+ const workflow = await Db.collections.Workflow?.findOne({ id }) as IWorkflowDb;
+ return workflow?.active as boolean;
* Return error if there was a problem activating the workflow
@@ -190,7 +199,6 @@ export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
return this.activationErrors[id];
* Adds all the webhooks of the workflow
@@ -202,12 +210,69 @@ export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
async addWorkflowWebhooks(workflow: Workflow, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalDataWorkflow, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode): Promise {
const webhooks = WebhookHelpers.getWorkflowWebhooks(workflow, additionalData);
+ let path = '' as string | undefined;
for (const webhookData of webhooks) {
- await this.activeWebhooks!.add(workflow, webhookData, mode);
- // Save static data!
- await WorkflowHelpers.saveStaticData(workflow);
+ const node = workflow.getNode(webhookData.node) as INode;
+ node.name = webhookData.node;
+ path = node.parameters.path as string;
+ if (node.parameters.path === undefined) {
+ path = workflow.getSimpleParameterValue(node, webhookData.webhookDescription['path']) as string | undefined;
+ if (path === undefined) {
+ // TODO: Use a proper logger
+ console.error(`No webhook path could be found for node "${node.name}" in workflow "${workflow.id}".`);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ const isFullPath: boolean = workflow.getSimpleParameterValue(node, webhookData.webhookDescription['isFullPath'], false) as boolean;
+ const webhook = {
+ workflowId: webhookData.workflowId,
+ webhookPath: NodeHelpers.getNodeWebhookPath(workflow.id as string, node, path, isFullPath),
+ node: node.name,
+ method: webhookData.httpMethod,
+ } as IWebhookDb;
+ try {
+ await Db.collections.Webhook?.insert(webhook);
+ const webhookExists = await workflow.runWebhookMethod('checkExists', webhookData, NodeExecuteFunctions, mode, false);
+ if (webhookExists === false) {
+ // If webhook does not exist yet create it
+ await workflow.runWebhookMethod('create', webhookData, NodeExecuteFunctions, mode, false);
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ let errorMessage = '';
+ await Db.collections.Webhook?.delete({ workflowId: workflow.id });
+ // if it's a workflow from the the insert
+ // TODO check if there is standard error code for deplicate key violation that works
+ // with all databases
+ if (error.name === 'MongoError' || error.name === 'QueryFailedError') {
+ errorMessage = `The webhook path [${webhook.webhookPath}] and method [${webhook.method}] already exist.`;
+ } else if (error.detail) {
+ // it's a error runnig the webhook methods (checkExists, create)
+ errorMessage = error.detail;
+ } else {
+ errorMessage = error.message;
+ }
+ throw new Error(errorMessage);
+ }
+ // Save static data!
+ await WorkflowHelpers.saveStaticData(workflow);
@@ -227,13 +292,29 @@ export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
const nodeTypes = NodeTypes();
const workflow = new Workflow({ id: workflowId, name: workflowData.name, nodes: workflowData.nodes, connections: workflowData.connections, active: workflowData.active, nodeTypes, staticData: workflowData.staticData, settings: workflowData.settings });
- await this.activeWebhooks!.removeWorkflow(workflow);
+ const mode = 'internal';
- // Save the static workflow data if needed
- await WorkflowHelpers.saveStaticData(workflow);
+ const credentials = await WorkflowCredentials(workflowData.nodes);
+ const additionalData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getBase(credentials);
+ const webhooks = WebhookHelpers.getWorkflowWebhooks(workflow, additionalData);
+ for (const webhookData of webhooks) {
+ await workflow.runWebhookMethod('delete', webhookData, NodeExecuteFunctions, mode, false);
+ }
+ // if it's a mongo objectId convert it to string
+ if (typeof workflowData.id === 'object') {
+ workflowData.id = workflowData.id.toString();
+ }
+ const webhook = {
+ workflowId: workflowData.id,
+ } as IWebhookDb;
+ await Db.collections.Webhook?.delete(webhook);
* Runs the given workflow
@@ -322,7 +403,6 @@ export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
* Makes a workflow active
@@ -361,7 +441,11 @@ export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
// Add the workflows which have webhooks defined
await this.addWorkflowWebhooks(workflowInstance, additionalData, mode);
- await this.activeWorkflows.add(workflowId, workflowInstance, additionalData, getTriggerFunctions, getPollFunctions);
+ if (workflowInstance.getTriggerNodes().length !== 0
+ || workflowInstance.getPollNodes().length !== 0) {
+ await this.activeWorkflows.add(workflowId, workflowInstance, additionalData, getTriggerFunctions, getPollFunctions);
+ }
if (this.activationErrors[workflowId] !== undefined) {
// If there were activation errors delete them
@@ -386,7 +470,6 @@ export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
await WorkflowHelpers.saveStaticData(workflowInstance!);
* Makes a workflow inactive
@@ -395,6 +478,7 @@ export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
* @memberof ActiveWorkflowRunner
async remove(workflowId: string): Promise {
if (this.activeWorkflows !== null) {
// Remove all the webhooks of the workflow
await this.removeWorkflowWebhooks(workflowId);
@@ -404,8 +488,13 @@ export class ActiveWorkflowRunner {
delete this.activationErrors[workflowId];
- // Remove the workflow from the "list" of active workflows
- return this.activeWorkflows.remove(workflowId);
+ // if it's active in memory then it's a trigger
+ // so remove from list of actives workflows
+ if (this.activeWorkflows.isActive(workflowId)) {
+ this.activeWorkflows.remove(workflowId);
+ }
+ return;
throw new Error(`The "activeWorkflows" instance did not get initialized yet.`);
diff --git a/packages/cli/src/CredentialsOverwrites.ts b/packages/cli/src/CredentialsOverwrites.ts
index a6e115100e..ca09b87626 100644
--- a/packages/cli/src/CredentialsOverwrites.ts
+++ b/packages/cli/src/CredentialsOverwrites.ts
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class CredentialsOverwritesClass {
- const data = await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('credentials.overwrite') as string;
+ const data = await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('credentials.overwrite.data') as string;
try {
this.overwriteData = JSON.parse(data);
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class CredentialsOverwritesClass {
applyOverwrite(type: string, data: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject) {
const overwrites = this.get(type);
if (overwrites === undefined) {
diff --git a/packages/cli/src/Db.ts b/packages/cli/src/Db.ts
index 54633adb13..06eeca7976 100644
--- a/packages/cli/src/Db.ts
+++ b/packages/cli/src/Db.ts
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import {
} from 'typeorm';
+import { TlsOptions } from 'tls';
import * as config from '../config';
import {
@@ -27,22 +29,31 @@ export let collections: IDatabaseCollections = {
Credentials: null,
Execution: null,
Workflow: null,
+ Webhook: null,
import {
- InitialMigration1587669153312
+ InitialMigration1587669153312,
+ WebhookModel1589476000887,
+ CreateIndexStoppedAt1594828256133,
} from './databases/postgresdb/migrations';
import {
- InitialMigration1587563438936
+ InitialMigration1587563438936,
+ WebhookModel1592679094242,
+ CreateIndexStoppedAt1594910478695,
} from './databases/mongodb/migrations';
import {
- InitialMigration1588157391238
+ InitialMigration1588157391238,
+ WebhookModel1592447867632,
+ CreateIndexStoppedAt1594902918301,
} from './databases/mysqldb/migrations';
import {
- InitialMigration1588102412422
+ InitialMigration1588102412422,
+ WebhookModel1592445003908,
+ CreateIndexStoppedAt1594825041918,
} from './databases/sqlite/migrations';
import * as path from 'path';
@@ -64,7 +75,11 @@ export async function init(): Promise {
url: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.mongodb.connectionUrl') as string,
useNewUrlParser: true,
- migrations: [InitialMigration1587563438936],
+ migrations: [
+ InitialMigration1587563438936,
+ WebhookModel1592679094242,
+ CreateIndexStoppedAt1594910478695,
+ ],
migrationsRun: true,
migrationsTableName: `${entityPrefix}migrations`,
@@ -72,6 +87,22 @@ export async function init(): Promise {
case 'postgresdb':
entities = PostgresDb;
+ const sslCa = await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.postgresdb.ssl.ca') as string;
+ const sslCert = await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.postgresdb.ssl.cert') as string;
+ const sslKey = await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.postgresdb.ssl.key') as string;
+ const sslRejectUnauthorized = await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.postgresdb.ssl.rejectUnauthorized') as boolean;
+ let ssl: TlsOptions | undefined = undefined;
+ if (sslCa !== '' || sslCert !== '' || sslKey !== '' || sslRejectUnauthorized !== true) {
+ ssl = {
+ ca: sslCa || undefined,
+ cert: sslCert || undefined,
+ key: sslKey || undefined,
+ rejectUnauthorized: sslRejectUnauthorized,
+ };
+ }
connectionOptions = {
type: 'postgres',
@@ -81,10 +112,16 @@ export async function init(): Promise {
port: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.postgresdb.port') as number,
username: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.postgresdb.user') as string,
schema: config.get('database.postgresdb.schema'),
- migrations: [InitialMigration1587669153312],
+ migrations: [
+ InitialMigration1587669153312,
+ WebhookModel1589476000887,
+ CreateIndexStoppedAt1594828256133,
+ ],
migrationsRun: true,
migrationsTableName: `${entityPrefix}migrations`,
+ ssl,
case 'mariadb':
@@ -98,7 +135,11 @@ export async function init(): Promise {
password: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.mysqldb.password') as string,
port: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.mysqldb.port') as number,
username: await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('database.mysqldb.user') as string,
- migrations: [InitialMigration1588157391238],
+ migrations: [
+ InitialMigration1588157391238,
+ WebhookModel1592447867632,
+ CreateIndexStoppedAt1594902918301,
+ ],
migrationsRun: true,
migrationsTableName: `${entityPrefix}migrations`,
@@ -110,7 +151,11 @@ export async function init(): Promise {
type: 'sqlite',
database: path.join(n8nFolder, 'database.sqlite'),
- migrations: [InitialMigration1588102412422],
+ migrations: [
+ InitialMigration1588102412422,
+ WebhookModel1592445003908,
+ CreateIndexStoppedAt1594825041918
+ ],
migrationsRun: true,
migrationsTableName: `${entityPrefix}migrations`,
@@ -135,6 +180,7 @@ export async function init(): Promise {
collections.Credentials = getRepository(entities.CredentialsEntity);
collections.Execution = getRepository(entities.ExecutionEntity);
collections.Workflow = getRepository(entities.WorkflowEntity);
+ collections.Webhook = getRepository(entities.WebhookEntity);
return collections;
diff --git a/packages/cli/src/GenericHelpers.ts b/packages/cli/src/GenericHelpers.ts
index 8b02b73e8e..cab67f7bce 100644
--- a/packages/cli/src/GenericHelpers.ts
+++ b/packages/cli/src/GenericHelpers.ts
@@ -40,11 +40,12 @@ export function getBaseUrl(): string {
const protocol = config.get('protocol') as string;
const host = config.get('host') as string;
const port = config.get('port') as number;
+ const path = config.get('path') as string;
if (protocol === 'http' && port === 80 || protocol === 'https' && port === 443) {
- return `${protocol}://${host}/`;
+ return `${protocol}://${host}${path}`;
- return `${protocol}://${host}:${port}/`;
+ return `${protocol}://${host}:${port}${path}`;
diff --git a/packages/cli/src/Interfaces.ts b/packages/cli/src/Interfaces.ts
index b9f7144bf4..2aecd27466 100644
--- a/packages/cli/src/Interfaces.ts
+++ b/packages/cli/src/Interfaces.ts
@@ -49,8 +49,15 @@ export interface IDatabaseCollections {
Credentials: Repository | null;
Execution: Repository | null;
Workflow: Repository | null;
+ Webhook: Repository | null;
+export interface IWebhookDb {
+ workflowId: number | string | ObjectID;
+ webhookPath: string;
+ method: string;
+ node: string;
export interface IWorkflowBase extends IWorkflowBaseWorkflow {
id?: number | string | ObjectID;
diff --git a/packages/cli/src/Server.ts b/packages/cli/src/Server.ts
index 5a9099bd63..09ef7e18a6 100644
--- a/packages/cli/src/Server.ts
+++ b/packages/cli/src/Server.ts
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import * as clientOAuth2 from 'client-oauth2';
import * as clientOAuth1 from 'oauth-1.0a';
import { RequestOptions } from 'oauth-1.0a';
import * as csrf from 'csrf';
-import * as requestPromise from 'request-promise-native';
+import * as requestPromise from 'request-promise-native';
import { createHmac } from 'crypto';
import {
@@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ import {
+ CredentialsOverwrites,
+ ICredentialsOverwrite,
+ LoadNodesAndCredentials,
} from './';
import {
@@ -105,6 +108,7 @@ class App {
testWebhooks: TestWebhooks.TestWebhooks;
endpointWebhook: string;
endpointWebhookTest: string;
+ endpointPresetCredentials: string;
externalHooks: IExternalHooksClass;
saveDataErrorExecution: string;
saveDataSuccessExecution: string;
@@ -113,11 +117,14 @@ class App {
activeExecutionsInstance: ActiveExecutions.ActiveExecutions;
push: Push.Push;
versions: IPackageVersions | undefined;
+ restEndpoint: string;
protocol: string;
- sslKey: string;
+ sslKey: string;
sslCert: string;
+ presetCredentialsLoaded: boolean;
constructor() {
this.app = express();
@@ -127,6 +134,7 @@ class App {
this.saveDataSuccessExecution = config.get('executions.saveDataOnSuccess') as string;
this.saveManualExecutions = config.get('executions.saveDataManualExecutions') as boolean;
this.timezone = config.get('generic.timezone') as string;
+ this.restEndpoint = config.get('endpoints.rest') as string;
this.activeWorkflowRunner = ActiveWorkflowRunner.getInstance();
this.testWebhooks = TestWebhooks.getInstance();
@@ -135,10 +143,13 @@ class App {
this.activeExecutionsInstance = ActiveExecutions.getInstance();
this.protocol = config.get('protocol');
- this.sslKey = config.get('ssl_key');
+ this.sslKey = config.get('ssl_key');
this.sslCert = config.get('ssl_cert');
this.externalHooks = ExternalHooks();
+ this.presetCredentialsLoaded = false;
+ this.endpointPresetCredentials = config.get('credentials.overwrite.endpoint') as string;
@@ -193,7 +204,7 @@ class App {
// Check for and validate JWT if configured
- const jwtAuthActive = config.get('security.jwtAuth.active') as boolean;
+ const jwtAuthActive = config.get('security.jwtAuth.active') as boolean;
if (jwtAuthActive === true) {
const jwtAuthHeader = await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('security.jwtAuth.jwtHeader') as string;
if (jwtAuthHeader === '') {
@@ -235,7 +246,7 @@ class App {
// Get push connections
this.app.use((req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
- if (req.url.indexOf('/rest/push') === 0) {
+ if (req.url.indexOf(`/${this.restEndpoint}/push`) === 0) {
// TODO: Later also has to add some kind of authentication token
if (req.query.sessionId === undefined) {
next(new Error('The query parameter "sessionId" is missing!'));
@@ -271,7 +282,7 @@ class App {
normalize: true, // Trim whitespace inside text nodes
normalizeTags: true, // Transform tags to lowercase
explicitArray: false, // Only put properties in array if length > 1
- } }));
+ } }));
limit: '16mb', verify: (req, res, buf) => {
@@ -284,7 +295,7 @@ class App {
rewrites: [
- from: new RegExp(`^\/(rest|healthz|css|js|${this.endpointWebhook}|${this.endpointWebhookTest})\/?.*$`),
+ from: new RegExp(`^\/(${this.restEndpoint}|healthz|css|js|${this.endpointWebhook}|${this.endpointWebhookTest})\/?.*$`),
to: (context) => {
return context.parsedUrl!.pathname!.toString();
@@ -354,7 +365,7 @@ class App {
// Creates a new workflow
- this.app.post('/rest/workflows', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.post(`/${this.restEndpoint}/workflows`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const newWorkflowData = req.body as IWorkflowBase;
@@ -377,7 +388,7 @@ class App {
// Reads and returns workflow data from an URL
- this.app.get('/rest/workflows/from-url', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/workflows/from-url`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
if (req.query.url === undefined) {
throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError(`The parameter "url" is missing!`, undefined, 400);
@@ -405,7 +416,7 @@ class App {
// Returns workflows
- this.app.get('/rest/workflows', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/workflows`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const findQuery = {} as FindManyOptions;
if (req.query.filter) {
findQuery.where = JSON.parse(req.query.filter as string);
@@ -425,7 +436,7 @@ class App {
// Returns a specific workflow
- this.app.get('/rest/workflows/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/workflows/:id`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const result = await Db.collections.Workflow!.findOne(req.params.id);
if (result === undefined) {
@@ -439,14 +450,16 @@ class App {
// Updates an existing workflow
- this.app.patch('/rest/workflows/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.patch(`/${this.restEndpoint}/workflows/:id`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const newWorkflowData = req.body as IWorkflowBase;
const id = req.params.id;
await this.externalHooks.run('workflow.update', [newWorkflowData]);
- if (this.activeWorkflowRunner.isActive(id)) {
+ const isActive = await this.activeWorkflowRunner.isActive(id);
+ if (isActive) {
// When workflow gets saved always remove it as the triggers could have been
// changed and so the changes would not take effect
await this.activeWorkflowRunner.remove(id);
@@ -510,12 +523,14 @@ class App {
// Deletes a specific workflow
- this.app.delete('/rest/workflows/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.delete(`/${this.restEndpoint}/workflows/:id`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const id = req.params.id;
await this.externalHooks.run('workflow.delete', [id]);
- if (this.activeWorkflowRunner.isActive(id)) {
+ const isActive = await this.activeWorkflowRunner.isActive(id);
+ if (isActive) {
// Before deleting a workflow deactivate it
await this.activeWorkflowRunner.remove(id);
@@ -526,7 +541,7 @@ class App {
- this.app.post('/rest/workflows/run', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.post(`/${this.restEndpoint}/workflows/run`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const workflowData = req.body.workflowData;
const runData: IRunData | undefined = req.body.runData;
const startNodes: string[] | undefined = req.body.startNodes;
@@ -575,7 +590,7 @@ class App {
// Returns parameter values which normally get loaded from an external API or
// get generated dynamically
- this.app.get('/rest/node-parameter-options', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/node-parameter-options`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const nodeType = req.query.nodeType as string;
let credentials: INodeCredentials | undefined = undefined;
const currentNodeParameters = JSON.parse('' + req.query.currentNodeParameters) as INodeParameters;
@@ -597,7 +612,7 @@ class App {
// Returns all the node-types
- this.app.get('/rest/node-types', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/node-types`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const returnData: INodeTypeDescription[] = [];
@@ -620,7 +635,7 @@ class App {
// Returns the node icon
- this.app.get(['/rest/node-icon/:nodeType', '/rest/node-icon/:scope/:nodeType'], async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get([`/${this.restEndpoint}/node-icon/:nodeType`, `/${this.restEndpoint}/node-icon/:scope/:nodeType`], async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const nodeTypeName = `${req.params.scope ? `${req.params.scope}/` : ''}${req.params.nodeType}`;
const nodeTypes = NodeTypes();
@@ -654,13 +669,14 @@ class App {
// Returns the active workflow ids
- this.app.get('/rest/active', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
- return this.activeWorkflowRunner.getActiveWorkflows();
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/active`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ const activeWorkflows = await this.activeWorkflowRunner.getActiveWorkflows();
+ return activeWorkflows.map(workflow => workflow.id.toString()) as string[];
// Returns if the workflow with the given id had any activation errors
- this.app.get('/rest/active/error/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/active/error/:id`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const id = req.params.id;
return this.activeWorkflowRunner.getActivationError(id);
@@ -673,7 +689,7 @@ class App {
// Deletes a specific credential
- this.app.delete('/rest/credentials/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.delete(`/${this.restEndpoint}/credentials/:id`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const id = req.params.id;
await this.externalHooks.run('credentials.delete', [id]);
@@ -684,7 +700,7 @@ class App {
// Creates new credentials
- this.app.post('/rest/credentials', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.post(`/${this.restEndpoint}/credentials`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const incomingData = req.body;
if (!incomingData.name || incomingData.name.length < 3) {
@@ -742,7 +758,7 @@ class App {
// Updates existing credentials
- this.app.patch('/rest/credentials/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.patch(`/${this.restEndpoint}/credentials/:id`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const incomingData = req.body;
const id = req.params.id;
@@ -823,7 +839,7 @@ class App {
// Returns specific credentials
- this.app.get('/rest/credentials/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/credentials/:id`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const findQuery = {} as FindManyOptions;
// Make sure the variable has an expected value
@@ -858,7 +874,7 @@ class App {
// Returns all the saved credentials
- this.app.get('/rest/credentials', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/credentials`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const findQuery = {} as FindManyOptions;
if (req.query.filter) {
findQuery.where = JSON.parse(req.query.filter as string);
@@ -900,7 +916,7 @@ class App {
// Returns all the credential types which are defined in the loaded n8n-modules
- this.app.get('/rest/credential-types', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/credential-types`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const returnData: ICredentialType[] = [];
@@ -918,9 +934,10 @@ class App {
// ----------------------------------------
// Authorize OAuth Data
- this.app.get('/rest/oauth1-credential/auth', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/oauth1-credential/auth`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
if (req.query.id === undefined) {
- throw new Error('Required credential id is missing!');
+ res.status(500).send('Required credential id is missing!');
+ return '';
const result = await Db.collections.Credentials!.findOne(req.query.id as string);
@@ -932,7 +949,8 @@ class App {
let encryptionKey = undefined;
encryptionKey = await UserSettings.getEncryptionKey();
if (encryptionKey === undefined) {
- throw new Error('No encryption key got found to decrypt the credentials!');
+ res.status(500).send('No encryption key got found to decrypt the credentials!');
+ return '';
// Decrypt the currently saved credentials
@@ -961,9 +979,9 @@ class App {
- const callback = `${WebhookHelpers.getWebhookBaseUrl()}rest/oauth1-credential/callback?cid=${req.query.id}`;
+ const callback = `${WebhookHelpers.getWebhookBaseUrl()}${this.restEndpoint}/oauth1-credential/callback?cid=${req.query.id}`;
- const options: RequestOptions = {
+ const options: RequestOptions = {
method: 'POST',
url: (_.get(oauthCredentials, 'requestTokenUrl') as string),
data: {
@@ -1000,11 +1018,12 @@ class App {
// Verify and store app code. Generate access tokens and store for respective credential.
- this.app.get('/rest/oauth1-credential/callback', async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/oauth1-credential/callback`, async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => {
const { oauth_verifier, oauth_token, cid } = req.query;
if (oauth_verifier === undefined || oauth_token === undefined) {
- throw new Error('Insufficient parameters for OAuth1 callback');
+ const errorResponse = new ResponseHelper.ResponseError('Insufficient parameters for OAuth1 callback. Received following query parameters: ' + JSON.stringify(req.query), undefined, 503);
+ return ResponseHelper.sendErrorResponse(res, errorResponse);
const result = await Db.collections.Credentials!.findOne(cid as any); // tslint:disable-line:no-any
@@ -1030,7 +1049,7 @@ class App {
const decryptedDataOriginal = credentialsHelper.getDecrypted(result.name, result.type, true);
const oauthCredentials = credentialsHelper.applyDefaultsAndOverwrites(decryptedDataOriginal, result.type);
- const options: OptionsWithUrl = {
+ const options: OptionsWithUrl = {
method: 'POST',
url: _.get(oauthCredentials, 'accessTokenUrl') as string,
qs: {
@@ -1072,9 +1091,10 @@ class App {
// Authorize OAuth Data
- this.app.get('/rest/oauth2-credential/auth', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/oauth2-credential/auth`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
if (req.query.id === undefined) {
- throw new Error('Required credential id is missing!');
+ res.status(500).send('Required credential id is missing.');
+ return '';
const result = await Db.collections.Credentials!.findOne(req.query.id as string);
@@ -1086,7 +1106,8 @@ class App {
let encryptionKey = undefined;
encryptionKey = await UserSettings.getEncryptionKey();
if (encryptionKey === undefined) {
- throw new Error('No encryption key got found to decrypt the credentials!');
+ res.status(500).send('No encryption key got found to decrypt the credentials!');
+ return '';
// Decrypt the currently saved credentials
@@ -1113,7 +1134,7 @@ class App {
clientSecret: _.get(oauthCredentials, 'clientSecret', '') as string,
accessTokenUri: _.get(oauthCredentials, 'accessTokenUrl', '') as string,
authorizationUri: _.get(oauthCredentials, 'authUrl', '') as string,
- redirectUri: `${WebhookHelpers.getWebhookBaseUrl()}rest/oauth2-credential/callback`,
+ redirectUri: `${WebhookHelpers.getWebhookBaseUrl()}${this.restEndpoint}/oauth2-credential/callback`,
scopes: _.split(_.get(oauthCredentials, 'scope', 'openid,') as string, ','),
state: stateEncodedStr,
@@ -1146,11 +1167,12 @@ class App {
// ----------------------------------------
// Verify and store app code. Generate access tokens and store for respective credential.
- this.app.get('/rest/oauth2-credential/callback', async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/oauth2-credential/callback`, async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => {
const {code, state: stateEncoded } = req.query;
if (code === undefined || stateEncoded === undefined) {
- throw new Error('Insufficient parameters for OAuth2 callback');
+ const errorResponse = new ResponseHelper.ResponseError('Insufficient parameters for OAuth2 callback. Received following query parameters: ' + JSON.stringify(req.query), undefined, 503);
+ return ResponseHelper.sendErrorResponse(res, errorResponse);
let state;
@@ -1200,17 +1222,20 @@ class App {
+ const redirectUri = `${WebhookHelpers.getWebhookBaseUrl()}${this.restEndpoint}/oauth2-credential/callback`;
const oAuthObj = new clientOAuth2({
clientId: _.get(oauthCredentials, 'clientId') as string,
clientSecret: _.get(oauthCredentials, 'clientSecret', '') as string,
accessTokenUri: _.get(oauthCredentials, 'accessTokenUrl', '') as string,
authorizationUri: _.get(oauthCredentials, 'authUrl', '') as string,
- redirectUri: `${WebhookHelpers.getWebhookBaseUrl()}rest/oauth2-credential/callback`,
+ redirectUri,
scopes: _.split(_.get(oauthCredentials, 'scope', 'openid,') as string, ',')
- const oauthToken = await oAuthObj.code.getToken(req.originalUrl, options);
+ const queryParameters = req.originalUrl.split('?').splice(1, 1).join('');
+ const oauthToken = await oAuthObj.code.getToken(`${redirectUri}?${queryParameters}`, options);
if (oauthToken === undefined) {
const errorResponse = new ResponseHelper.ResponseError('Unable to get access tokens!', undefined, 404);
@@ -1246,7 +1271,7 @@ class App {
// Returns all finished executions
- this.app.get('/rest/executions', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/executions`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
let filter: any = {}; // tslint:disable-line:no-any
if (req.query.filter) {
@@ -1311,7 +1336,7 @@ class App {
// Returns a specific execution
- this.app.get('/rest/executions/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/executions/:id`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const result = await Db.collections.Execution!.findOne(req.params.id);
if (result === undefined) {
@@ -1325,7 +1350,7 @@ class App {
// Retries a failed execution
- this.app.post('/rest/executions/:id/retry', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.post(`/${this.restEndpoint}/executions/:id/retry`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
// Get the data to execute
const fullExecutionDataFlatted = await Db.collections.Execution!.findOne(req.params.id);
@@ -1399,7 +1424,7 @@ class App {
// Delete Executions
// INFORMATION: We use POST instead of DELETE to not run into any issues
// with the query data getting to long
- this.app.post('/rest/executions/delete', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.post(`/${this.restEndpoint}/executions/delete`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const deleteData = req.body as IExecutionDeleteFilter;
if (deleteData.deleteBefore !== undefined) {
@@ -1426,7 +1451,7 @@ class App {
// Returns all the currently working executions
- this.app.get('/rest/executions-current', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.get(`/${this.restEndpoint}/executions-current`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const executingWorkflows = this.activeExecutionsInstance.getActiveExecutions();
const returnData: IExecutionsSummary[] = [];
@@ -1455,7 +1480,7 @@ class App {
// Forces the execution to stop
- this.app.post('/rest/executions-current/:id/stop', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.post(`/${this.restEndpoint}/executions-current/:id/stop`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const executionId = req.params.id;
// Stopt he execution and wait till it is done and we got the data
@@ -1477,7 +1502,7 @@ class App {
// Removes a test webhook
- this.app.delete('/rest/test-webhook/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
+ this.app.delete(`/${this.restEndpoint}/test-webhook/:id`, ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => {
const workflowId = req.params.id;
return this.testWebhooks.cancelTestWebhook(workflowId);
@@ -1489,7 +1514,7 @@ class App {
// ----------------------------------------
// Returns all the available timezones
- this.app.get('/rest/options/timezones', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise