mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:50:17 -08:00
Schema view variables initial implementation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1179,7 +1179,8 @@ export type SchemaType =
| 'object'
| 'function'
| 'null'
| 'undefined';
| 'undefined'
| 'notice';
export interface ILdapSyncData {
id: number;
@ -2,11 +2,13 @@ import { isObject } from 'lodash-es';
import type { AssignmentValue, IDataObject } from 'n8n-workflow';
import { resolveParameter } from '@/composables/useWorkflowHelpers';
import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
export function inferAssignmentType(value: unknown): string {
if (typeof value === 'boolean') return 'boolean';
if (typeof value === 'number') return 'number';
if (typeof value === 'string') return 'string';
if (typeof value === 'string' || DateTime.isDateTime(value) || value instanceof Date)
return 'string';
if (Array.isArray(value)) return 'array';
if (isObject(value)) return 'object';
return 'string';
@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed, ref, watch } from 'vue';
import { snakeCase } from 'lodash-es';
import type { INodeUi, Schema } from '@/Interface';
import RunDataSchemaItem from '@/components/RunDataSchemaItem.vue';
import NodeIcon from '@/components/NodeIcon.vue';
import Draggable from '@/components/Draggable.vue';
import { useDataSchema } from '@/composables/useDataSchema';
import { useExternalHooks } from '@/composables/useExternalHooks';
import { useNodeHelpers } from '@/composables/useNodeHelpers';
import { useTelemetry } from '@/composables/useTelemetry';
import { resolveParameter } from '@/composables/useWorkflowHelpers';
import { i18n } from '@/plugins/i18n';
import useEnvironmentsStore from '@/stores/environments.ee.store';
import { useNDVStore } from '@/stores/ndv.store';
import { telemetry } from '@/plugins/telemetry';
import { useNodeTypesStore } from '@/stores/nodeTypes.store';
import { useSettingsStore } from '@/stores/settings.store';
import { useWorkflowsStore } from '@/stores/workflows.store';
import { escapeMappingString, generatePath } from '@/utils/mappingUtils';
import { executionDataToJson } from '@/utils/nodeTypesUtils';
import {
type ITelemetryTrackProperties,
type IConnectedNode,
type IDataObject,
type INodeTypeDescription,
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import { useExternalHooks } from '@/composables/useExternalHooks';
import { i18n } from '@/plugins/i18n';
import MappingPill from './MappingPill.vue';
import { useDataSchema } from '@/composables/useDataSchema';
import { useNodeTypesStore } from '@/stores/nodeTypes.store';
import { useWorkflowsStore } from '@/stores/workflows.store';
import { executionDataToJson } from '@/utils/nodeTypesUtils';
import { useNodeHelpers } from '@/composables/useNodeHelpers';
import { useDebounce } from '@/composables/useDebounce';
import { computed, ref, watch } from 'vue';
type Props = {
nodes?: IConnectedNode[];
@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ type Props = {
type SchemaNode = {
node: INodeUi;
subtitle: string;
baseExpression: string;
nodeType: INodeTypeDescription;
depth: number;
loading: boolean;
@ -62,7 +64,6 @@ const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
context: 'ndv',
const draggingPath = ref<string>('');
const nodesOpen = ref<Partial<Record<string, boolean>>>({});
const nodesData = ref<Partial<Record<string, { schema: Schema; itemsCount: number }>>>({});
const nodesLoading = ref<Partial<Record<string, boolean>>>({});
@ -71,9 +72,12 @@ const disableScrollInView = ref(false);
const ndvStore = useNDVStore();
const nodeTypesStore = useNodeTypesStore();
const workflowsStore = useWorkflowsStore();
const { getSchemaForExecutionData, filterSchema } = useDataSchema();
const settingsStore = useSettingsStore();
const environmentsStore = useEnvironmentsStore();
const { getSchemaForExecutionData, getSchema, filterSchema, isSchemaEmpty } = useDataSchema();
const { getNodeInputData } = useNodeHelpers();
const { debounce } = useDebounce();
const telemetry = useTelemetry();
const emit = defineEmits<{
'clear:search': [];
@ -97,6 +101,11 @@ const nodes = computed(() => {
return {
node: fullNode,
subtitle: nodeAdditionalInfo(fullNode),
node.depth === 1
? '$json'
: generatePath(`$('${escapeMappingString(node.name)}')`, ['item', 'json']),
connectedOutputIndexes: node.indicies.length > 0 ? node.indicies : [0],
depth: node.depth,
@ -110,7 +119,7 @@ const nodes = computed(() => {
const filteredNodes = computed(() =>
nodes.value.filter((node) => !props.search || !isDataEmpty(node.schema)),
nodes.value.filter((node) => !props.search || !isSchemaEmpty(node.schema)),
const nodeAdditionalInfo = (node: INodeUi) => {
@ -131,19 +140,20 @@ const nodeAdditionalInfo = (node: INodeUi) => {
return returnData.length ? `(${returnData.join(' | ')})` : '';
const isDataEmpty = (schema: Schema | null) => {
if (!schema) return true;
// Utilize the generated schema instead of looping over the entire data again
// The schema for empty data is { type: 'object' | 'array', value: [] }
const isObjectOrArray = schema.type === 'object' || schema.type === 'array';
const isEmpty = Array.isArray(schema.value) && schema.value.length === 0;
return isObjectOrArray && isEmpty;
const highlight = computed(() => ndvStore.highlightDraggables);
const allNodesOpen = computed(() => nodes.value.every((node) => node.open));
const noNodesOpen = computed(() => nodes.value.every((node) => !node.open));
const variablesSchema = computed<Schema>(() => {
const schema = getSchema({
$now: resolveParameter('={{$now.toISO()}}'),
$today: resolveParameter('={{$today.toISO()}}'),
$vars: environmentsStore.variablesAsObject,
$execution: resolveParameter('={{$execution}}'),
$workflow: resolveParameter('={{$workflow}}'),
return schema;
const loadNodeData = async ({ node, connectedOutputIndexes }: SchemaNode) => {
const pinData = workflowsStore.pinDataByNodeName(node.name);
@ -190,23 +200,15 @@ const openAllNodes = async () => {
nodesOpen.value = Object.fromEntries(nodes.value.map(({ node }) => [node.name, true]));
const onDragStart = (el: HTMLElement) => {
if (el?.dataset?.path) {
draggingPath.value = el.dataset.path;
const onDragStart = () => {
const onDragEnd = (el: HTMLElement, node: INodeUi, depth: number) => {
draggingPath.value = '';
const onDragEnd = (el: HTMLElement, node?: SchemaNode) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const mappingTelemetry = ndvStore.mappingTelemetry;
const telemetryPayload = {
src_node_type: node.type,
const telemetryPayload: ITelemetryTrackProperties = {
src_field_name: el.dataset.name ?? '',
src_nodes_back: depth,
src_run_index: props.runIndex,
src_runs_total: props.totalRuns,
src_field_nest_level: el.dataset.depth ?? 0,
@ -216,29 +218,17 @@ const onDragEnd = (el: HTMLElement, node: INodeUi, depth: number) => {
if (node) {
telemetryPayload.src_node_type = node.node.type;
telemetryPayload.src_nodes_back = node.depth;
void useExternalHooks().run('runDataJson.onDragEnd', telemetryPayload);
telemetry.track('User dragged data for mapping', telemetryPayload, { withPostHog: true });
}, 1000); // ensure dest data gets set if drop
const onTransitionStart = debounce(
(event: TransitionEvent, nodeName: string) => {
if (
nodesOpen.value[nodeName] &&
event.target instanceof HTMLElement &&
) {
behavior: 'smooth',
block: 'nearest',
inline: 'nearest',
{ debounceTime: 100, trailing: true },
() => props.nodes,
() => {
@ -285,120 +275,46 @@ watch(
v-for="currentNode in filteredNodes"
:class="[$style.node, { [$style.open]: currentNode.open }]"
@drag-end="(el) => onDragEnd(el, currentNode)"
@toggle-open="(exclusive) => toggleOpenNode(currentNode, exclusive)"
[$style.trigger]: currentNode.nodeType.group.includes('trigger'),
<div :class="$style.expand" @click="toggleOpenNode(currentNode)">
<font-awesome-icon icon="angle-right" :class="$style.expandIcon" />
<template #icon>
<NodeIcon :node-type="currentNode.nodeType" :size="12" />
@click="toggleOpenNode(currentNode, true)"
<div :class="$style.nodeIcon">
<NodeIcon :node-type="currentNode.nodeType" :size="12" />
<div :class="$style.title">
{{ currentNode.node.name }}
<span v-if="nodeAdditionalInfo(currentNode.node)" :class="$style.subtitle">{{
<Transition name="items">
v-if="currentNode.itemsCount && currentNode.open"
i18n.baseText('ndv.output.items', {
interpolate: { count: currentNode.itemsCount },
@dragend="(el: HTMLElement) => onDragEnd(el, currentNode.node, currentNode.depth)"
<template #preview="{ canDrop, el }">
<MappingPill v-if="el" :html="el.outerHTML" :can-drop="canDrop" />
<Transition name="schema">
v-if="currentNode.schema || search"
:class="[$style.schema, $style.animated]"
@transitionstart="(event) => onTransitionStart(event, currentNode.node.name)"
<div :class="$style.innerSchema" @transitionstart.stop>
{{ i18n.baseText('dataMapping.schemaView.disabled') }}
{{ i18n.baseText('dataMapping.schemaView.emptyData') }}
v-if="filteredNodes.length > 0 && !search"
<div v-else :class="[$style.schemaWrapper, { highlightSchema: highlight }]">
<div v-if="isDataEmpty(nodeSchema) && search" :class="$style.noMatch">
<div v-if="isSchemaEmpty(nodeSchema) && search" :class="$style.noMatch">
<n8n-text tag="h3" size="large">{{
@ -416,7 +332,7 @@ watch(
<div v-else :class="$style.schema" data-test-id="run-data-schema-node-schema">
@ -431,7 +347,6 @@ watch(
@ -440,8 +355,6 @@ watch(
<style lang="scss" module>
@import '@/styles/variables';
.schemaWrapper {
--header-height: 38px;
--title-spacing-left: 38px;
@ -454,194 +367,4 @@ watch(
height: 100%;
.node {
.schema {
padding-left: var(--title-spacing-left);
scroll-margin-top: var(--header-height);
.notice {
padding-left: var(--spacing-l);
.schema {
display: grid;
grid-template-rows: 1fr;
&.animated {
grid-template-rows: 0fr;
transform: translateX(-8px);
opacity: 0;
grid-template-rows 0.2s $ease-out-expo,
opacity 0.2s $ease-out-expo 0s,
transform 0.2s $ease-out-expo 0s;
.notice {
font-size: var(--font-size-2xs);
color: var(--color-text-light);
.innerSchema {
min-height: 0;
min-width: 0;
> div {
margin-bottom: var(--spacing-xs);
.titleContainer {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
gap: var(--spacing-2xs);
flex-basis: 100%;
cursor: pointer;
.subtitle {
margin-left: auto;
padding-left: var(--spacing-2xs);
color: var(--color-text-light);
font-weight: var(--font-weight-regular);
.header {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
position: sticky;
top: 0;
z-index: 1;
padding-bottom: var(--spacing-2xs);
background: var(--color-run-data-background);
.expand {
--expand-toggle-size: 30px;
width: var(--expand-toggle-size);
height: var(--expand-toggle-size);
flex-shrink: 0;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
cursor: pointer;
&:active {
color: var(--color-text-dark);
.expandIcon {
transition: transform 0.2s $ease-out-expo;
.open {
.expandIcon {
transform: rotate(90deg);
.schema {
grid-template-rows 0.2s $ease-out-expo,
opacity 0.2s $ease-out-expo,
transform 0.2s $ease-out-expo;
grid-template-rows: 1fr;
opacity: 1;
transform: translateX(0);
.nodeIcon {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: var(--spacing-3xs);
border: 1px solid var(--color-foreground-light);
border-radius: var(--border-radius-base);
background-color: var(--color-background-xlight);
.noMatch {
display: flex;
flex-grow: 1;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: var(--spacing-s) var(--spacing-s) var(--spacing-xl) var(--spacing-s);
text-align: center;
> * {
max-width: 316px;
margin-bottom: var(--spacing-2xs);
.title {
font-size: var(--font-size-2xs);
color: var(--color-text-dark);
.items {
flex-shrink: 0;
font-size: var(--font-size-2xs);
color: var(--color-text-light);
margin-left: var(--spacing-2xs);
opacity 0.2s $ease-out-expo,
transform 0.2s $ease-out-expo;
.triggerIcon {
margin-left: var(--spacing-2xs);
color: var(--color-primary);
.trigger {
.nodeIcon {
border-radius: 16px 4px 4px 16px;
@container schema (max-width: 24em) {
.depth {
display: none;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import '@/styles/variables';
.items-leave-to {
transform: translateX(-4px);
opacity: 0;
.items-leave-from {
transform: translateX(0);
opacity: 1;
.schema-leave-to {
grid-template-rows: 0fr;
transform: translateX(-8px);
opacity: 0;
.schema-leave-from {
transform: translateX(0);
grid-template-rows: 1fr;
opacity: 1;
@ -1,26 +1,24 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed } from 'vue';
import type { INodeUi, Schema } from '@/Interface';
import type { Schema } from '@/Interface';
import { checkExhaustive } from '@/utils/typeGuards';
import { shorten } from '@/utils/typesUtils';
import { getMappedExpression } from '@/utils/mappingUtils';
import TextWithHighlights from './TextWithHighlights.vue';
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome';
import { computed } from 'vue';
import TextWithHighlights from './TextWithHighlights.vue';
import { generatePath } from '@/utils/mappingUtils';
type Props = {
schema: Schema;
level: number;
parent: Schema | null;
subKey: string;
paneType: 'input' | 'output';
mappingEnabled: boolean;
draggingPath: string;
distanceFromActive?: number;
node: INodeUi | null;
search: string;
baseExpression?: string;
mappingEnabled?: boolean;
draggingPath?: string;
search?: string;
const props = defineProps<Props>();
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), { baseExpression: '' });
const isSchemaValueArray = computed(() => Array.isArray(props.schema.value));
const schemaArray = computed(
@ -42,11 +40,8 @@ const text = computed(() =>
const dragged = computed(() => props.draggingPath === props.schema.path);
const getJsonParameterPath = (path: string): string =>
nodeName: props.node!.name,
distanceFromActive: props.distanceFromActive ?? 1,
console.log(path.split('.').filter(Boolean)) ||
`{{ ${generatePath(props.baseExpression, path.split('.').filter(Boolean))} }}`;
const getIconBySchemaType = (type: Schema['type']): string => {
switch (type) {
@ -132,12 +127,10 @@ const getIconBySchemaType = (type: Schema['type']): string => {
:level="level + 1"
:sub-key="`${subKey}-${s.key ?? s.type}`"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useDataSchema } from '@/composables/useDataSchema';
import { useDebounce } from '@/composables/useDebounce';
import { useI18n } from '@/composables/useI18n';
import type { Schema } from '@/Interface';
import { snakeCase } from 'lodash-es';
import { computed, ref } from 'vue';
type Props = {
title: string;
schema: Schema | null;
baseExpression?: string;
subtitle?: string;
itemsCount?: number | null;
search?: string;
context?: 'ndv' | 'modal';
open?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
isTrigger?: boolean;
mappingEnabled?: boolean;
disableScrollInView?: boolean;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
context: 'ndv',
open: undefined,
disabled: false,
isTrigger: false,
mappingEnabled: false,
disableScrollInView: false,
baseExpression: '',
const emit = defineEmits<{
toggleOpen: [exclusive?: boolean];
dragStart: [el: HTMLElement];
dragEnd: [el: HTMLElement];
const i18n = useI18n();
const { debounce } = useDebounce();
const { isSchemaEmpty } = useDataSchema();
const draggingPath = ref('');
const localOpen = ref(false);
const isOpen = computed(() => props.open ?? localOpen.value);
function toggleOpen(exclusive = false) {
console.log(localOpen.value, isOpen.value, props.open);
localOpen.value = !localOpen.value;
emit('toggleOpen', exclusive);
function onDragStart(el: HTMLElement) {
draggingPath.value = el.dataset.value as string;
emit('dragStart', el);
function onDragEnd(el: HTMLElement) {
draggingPath.value = '';
emit('dragEnd', el);
const onTransitionStart = debounce(
(event: TransitionEvent) => {
if (isOpen.value && event.target instanceof HTMLElement && !props.disableScrollInView) {
behavior: 'smooth',
block: 'nearest',
inline: 'nearest',
{ debounceTime: 100, trailing: true },
defineSlots<{ icon?(): never }>();
<div data-test-id="run-data-schema-node" :class="[$style.node, { [$style.open]: isOpen }]">
[$style.trigger]: isTrigger,
<div :class="$style.expand" @click="toggleOpen()">
<font-awesome-icon icon="angle-right" :class="$style.expandIcon" />
<div v-if="$slots.icon" :class="$style.nodeIcon">
<slot name="icon" />
<div :class="$style.title">
{{ title }}
<span v-if="subtitle" :class="$style.subtitle">{{ subtitle }}</span>
<font-awesome-icon v-if="isTrigger" :class="$style.triggerIcon" icon="bolt" size="xs" />
<Transition name="items">
v-if="itemsCount && isOpen"
i18n.baseText('ndv.output.items', {
interpolate: { count: itemsCount },
<template #preview="{ canDrop, el }">
<MappingPill v-if="el" :html="el.outerHTML" :can-drop="canDrop" />
<Transition name="schema">
v-if="schema || search"
:class="[$style.schema, $style.animated]"
<div :class="$style.innerSchema" @transitionstart.stop>
<div v-if="disabled" :class="$style.notice" data-test-id="run-data-schema-disabled">
{{ i18n.baseText('dataMapping.schemaView.disabled') }}
{{ i18n.baseText('dataMapping.schemaView.emptyData') }}
<style lang="scss" module>
@import '@/styles/variables';
.node {
.schema {
padding-left: var(--title-spacing-left);
scroll-margin-top: var(--header-height);
.notice {
padding-left: var(--spacing-l);
.schema {
display: grid;
grid-template-rows: 1fr;
&.animated {
grid-template-rows: 0fr;
transform: translateX(-8px);
opacity: 0;
grid-template-rows 0.2s $ease-out-expo,
opacity 0.2s $ease-out-expo 0s,
transform 0.2s $ease-out-expo 0s;
.notice {
font-size: var(--font-size-2xs);
color: var(--color-text-light);
.innerSchema {
min-height: 0;
min-width: 0;
> div {
margin-bottom: var(--spacing-xs);
.titleContainer {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
gap: var(--spacing-2xs);
flex-basis: 100%;
cursor: pointer;
.subtitle {
margin-left: auto;
padding-left: var(--spacing-2xs);
color: var(--color-text-light);
font-weight: var(--font-weight-regular);
.header {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
position: sticky;
top: 0;
z-index: 1;
padding-bottom: var(--spacing-2xs);
background: var(--color-run-data-background);
.expand {
--expand-toggle-size: 30px;
width: var(--expand-toggle-size);
height: var(--expand-toggle-size);
flex-shrink: 0;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
cursor: pointer;
&:active {
color: var(--color-text-dark);
.expandIcon {
transition: transform 0.2s $ease-out-expo;
.open {
.expandIcon {
transform: rotate(90deg);
.schema {
grid-template-rows 0.2s $ease-out-expo,
opacity 0.2s $ease-out-expo,
transform 0.2s $ease-out-expo;
grid-template-rows: 1fr;
opacity: 1;
transform: translateX(0);
.nodeIcon {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: var(--spacing-3xs);
border: 1px solid var(--color-foreground-light);
border-radius: var(--border-radius-base);
background-color: var(--color-background-xlight);
.noMatch {
display: flex;
flex-grow: 1;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
padding: var(--spacing-s) var(--spacing-s) var(--spacing-xl) var(--spacing-s);
text-align: center;
> * {
max-width: 316px;
margin-bottom: var(--spacing-2xs);
.title {
font-size: var(--font-size-2xs);
color: var(--color-text-dark);
.items {
flex-shrink: 0;
font-size: var(--font-size-2xs);
color: var(--color-text-light);
margin-left: var(--spacing-2xs);
opacity 0.2s $ease-out-expo,
transform 0.2s $ease-out-expo;
.triggerIcon {
margin-left: var(--spacing-2xs);
color: var(--color-primary);
.trigger {
.nodeIcon {
border-radius: 16px 4px 4px 16px;
@container schema (max-width: 24em) {
.depth {
display: none;
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import '@/styles/variables';
.items-leave-to {
transform: translateX(-4px);
opacity: 0;
.items-leave-from {
transform: translateX(0);
opacity: 1;
.schema-leave-to {
grid-template-rows: 0fr;
transform: translateX(-8px);
opacity: 0;
.schema-leave-from {
transform: translateX(0);
grid-template-rows: 1fr;
opacity: 1;
@ -156,11 +156,22 @@ export function useDataSchema() {
return schemaMatches(schema, search) ? schema : null;
function isSchemaEmpty(schema: Schema | null) {
if (!schema) return true;
// Utilize the generated schema instead of looping over the entire data again
// The schema for empty data is { type: 'object' | 'array', value: [] }
const isObjectOrArray = schema.type === 'object' || schema.type === 'array';
const isEmpty = Array.isArray(schema.value) && schema.value.length === 0;
return isObjectOrArray && isEmpty;
return {
@ -641,6 +641,7 @@
"dataMapping.schemaView.emptyData": "No fields - item(s) exist, but they're empty",
"dataMapping.schemaView.disabled": "This node is disabled and will just pass data through",
"dataMapping.schemaView.noMatches": "No results for '{search}'",
"dataMapping.schemaView.variables": "Variables and context",
"displayWithChange.cancelEdit": "Cancel Edit",
"displayWithChange.clickToChange": "Click to Change",
"displayWithChange.setValue": "Set Value",
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export function generatePath(root: string, path: Array<string | number>): string
return `${accu}['${escapeMappingString(part)}']`;
return `${accu}.${part}`;
return accu ? `${accu}.${part}` : part;
}, root);
Reference in a new issue