* ⚡ Changed rest api endpoint to omit node properties by default.
⚡ Created another endpoint to return all node information based on a list of names
* refactor: changed endpoint to POST instead of GET
* Changed properties to be optional for node description
* Removed eager loading for node properties.
All nodes will have their properties fetched when used in a workflow.
Works when opening an already saved workflow, creating a new one from
scratch or pasting JSON / URLs.
* Removing unnecessary dependency
Changed width of Credentials modal from 55% to 75%. Result is the "Nodes with Access" UI now only collapses in a UX-unfriendly manner on viewport widths under 1108px (previously was 1506px)
Essentially scrubbed through .vue files in packages/editor-ui/src/components and copy edited labels/ tooltips etc.
Tried to prevent opinionated editing, simply rewriting existing meaning for clarity. I did however make an opinionated decision on changing a node's "Notes" to "Note" (only labels, nothing code related) because it feels more like a singluar note - especially when used as a subtitle in the workflow. Singular form also futureproofs functionality like showing a list of all node notes across a workflow (or versioning/ collaborative notes features).
So far, have gotten up to PageContentWrapper.vue (when sorted alphabetically). In a followup, will review ParameterInput.vue and onwards in /components folder
* ✅ Added title changes based on workflow execution
* ⚡ Title changes on workflow open, reset on workflow delete, fixed not showing when page refreshed
* ⚡ Title icons