* ⚡ enabled array-type
* ⚡ await-thenable on
* ⚡ ban-types on
* ⚡ default-param-last on
* ⚡ dot-notation on
* ⚡ member-delimiter-style on
* ⚡ no-duplicate-imports on
* ⚡ no-empty-interface on
* ⚡ no-floating-promises on
* ⚡ no-for-in-array on
* ⚡ no-invalid-void-type on
* ⚡ no-loop-func on
* ⚡ no-shadow on
* ⚡ ban-ts-comment re enabled
* ⚡ @typescript-eslint/lines-between-class-members on
* address my own comment
* @typescript-eslint/return-await on
* @typescript-eslint/promise-function-async on
* @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare on
* @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion on
* prefer-const on
* @typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain on
Co-authored-by: कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ <aditya@netroy.in>
* SIGTERM/SIGINT should only be handled once
* move error-handling initialization to commands
* create a new `sleep` function in workflow utils
* detect crashes and report them to Sentry
* http node headers and query JSON parameter options added
* Query and Header added to option processing
* remove old set headers.
* ⚡ Small improvements
Co-authored-by: ricardo <ricardoespinoza105@gmail.com>
* 🐛 Fix bug when response doesn't include content type
* ⚡ Improve autodetect response format
* ⚡ Make content-type match more specific
* ⚡ Improve list of content-types to download