Iván Ovejero
test: Fix license tests when tenantId
is not default (no-changelog) ( #6977 )
License tests fail if the env has a non-default `tenantId`:
<summary>Stack trace</summary>
nt -- license
> n8n@1.3.0 test /Users/ivov/Development/n8n/packages/cli
> pnpm test:sqlite "--" "license"
> n8n@1.3.0 test:sqlite /Users/ivov/Development/n8n/packages/cli
> N8N_LOG_LEVEL=silent DB_TYPE=sqlite jest "--" "license"
FAIL test/unit/License.test.ts
✕ initializes license manager (8 ms)
✓ attempts to activate license with provided key
✓ renews license (1 ms)
✓ check if feature is enabled (2 ms)
✓ check if sharing feature is enabled (1 ms)
✓ check fetching entitlements
✓ check fetching feature values (1 ms)
✓ check management jwt
✓ getMainPlan() returns the right entitlement (3 ms)
✓ getMainPlan() returns undefined if there is no main plan
● License › initializes license manager
- Expected
+ Received
Object {
"autoRenewEnabled": true,
"autoRenewOffset": 259200,
- "deviceFingerprint": Any<Function>,
- "loadCertStr": Any<Function>,
- "logger": Anything,
+ "deviceFingerprint": [Function deviceFingerprint],
+ "loadCertStr": [Function loadCertStr],
+ "logger": Logger {
+ "logger": DerivedLogger {
+ "_events": Object {
+ "data": [Function ondata],
+ "end": [Function bound onceWrapper],
+ "prefinish": [Function prefinish],
+ },
+ "_eventsCount": 3,
+ "_maxListeners": undefined,
+ "_readableState": ReadableState {
+ "autoDestroy": false,
+ "awaitDrain": 0,
+ "buffer": BufferList {
+ "head": null,
+ "length": 0,
+ "tail": null,
+ },
+ "decoder": null,
+ "defaultEncoding": "utf8",
+ "destroyed": false,
+ "emitClose": true,
+ "emittedReadable": false,
+ "encoding": null,
+ "endEmitted": false,
+ "ended": false,
+ "flowing": true,
+ "highWaterMark": 16,
+ "length": 0,
+ "needReadable": true,
+ "objectMode": true,
+ "paused": false,
+ "pipes": Console {
+ "__winstonerror": [Function bound transportEvent],
+ "__winstonwarn": [Function bound transportEvent],
+ "_events": Object {
+ "close": [Function bound onceWrapper],
+ "drain": [Function pipeOnDrainFunctionResult],
+ "error": Array [
+ [Function onerror],
+ [Function bound transportEvent],
+ ],
+ "finish": [Function bound onceWrapper],
+ "unpipe": Array [
+ [Function bound onceWrapper],
+ [Function onunpipe],
+ ],
+ "warn": [Function bound transportEvent],
+ },
+ "_eventsCount": 6,
+ "_maxListeners": 30,
+ "_writableState": WritableState {
+ "autoDestroy": false,
+ "bufferProcessing": false,
+ "bufferedRequest": null,
+ "bufferedRequestCount": 0,
+ "corked": 0,
+ "corkedRequestsFree": CorkedRequest {
+ "entry": null,
+ "finish": [Function anonymous],
+ "next": null,
+ },
+ "decodeStrings": true,
+ "defaultEncoding": "utf8",
+ "destroyed": false,
+ "emitClose": true,
+ "ended": false,
+ "ending": false,
+ "errorEmitted": false,
+ "finalCalled": false,
+ "finished": false,
+ "highWaterMark": 16,
+ "lastBufferedRequest": null,
+ "length": 0,
+ "needDrain": false,
+ "objectMode": true,
+ "onwrite": [Function anonymous],
+ "pendingcb": 0,
+ "prefinished": false,
+ "sync": true,
+ "writecb": null,
+ "writelen": 0,
+ "writing": false,
+ },
+ "consoleWarnLevels": Object {},
+ "eol": "
+ ",
+ "format": Printf {
+ "template": [Function anonymous],
+ },
+ "handleExceptions": undefined,
+ "handleRejections": undefined,
+ "level": undefined,
+ "levels": Object {
+ "debug": 5,
+ "error": 0,
+ "http": 3,
+ "info": 2,
+ "silly": 6,
+ "verbose": 4,
+ "warn": 1,
+ },
+ "name": "console",
+ "parent": [Circular],
+ "silent": undefined,
+ "stderrLevels": Object {},
+ "writable": true,
+ Symbol(kCapture): false,
+ },
+ "pipesCount": 1,
+ "readableListening": false,
+ "reading": false,
+ "readingMore": false,
+ "resumeScheduled": true,
+ "sync": false,
+ },
+ "_transformState": Object {
+ "afterTransform": [Function bound afterTransform],
+ "needTransform": false,
+ "transforming": false,
+ "writecb": null,
+ "writechunk": null,
+ "writeencoding": null,
+ },
+ "_writableState": WritableState {
+ "autoDestroy": false,
+ "bufferProcessing": false,
+ "bufferedRequest": null,
+ "bufferedRequestCount": 0,
+ "corked": 0,
+ "corkedRequestsFree": CorkedRequest {
+ "entry": null,
+ "finish": [Function anonymous],
+ "next": null,
+ },
+ "decodeStrings": true,
+ "defaultEncoding": "utf8",
+ "destroyed": false,
+ "emitClose": true,
+ "ended": false,
+ "ending": false,
+ "errorEmitted": false,
+ "finalCalled": false,
+ "finished": false,
+ "highWaterMark": 16,
+ "lastBufferedRequest": null,
+ "length": 0,
+ "needDrain": false,
+ "objectMode": true,
+ "onwrite": [Function anonymous],
+ "pendingcb": 0,
+ "prefinished": false,
+ "sync": true,
+ "writecb": null,
+ "writelen": 0,
+ "writing": false,
+ },
+ "allowHalfOpen": true,
+ "defaultMeta": null,
+ "exceptions": ExceptionHandler {
+ "handlers": Map {},
+ "logger": [Circular],
+ },
+ "exitOnError": true,
+ "format": Format {
+ "options": Object {},
+ },
+ "level": "silent",
+ "levels": Object {
+ "debug": 5,
+ "error": 0,
+ "http": 3,
+ "info": 2,
+ "silly": 6,
+ "verbose": 4,
+ "warn": 1,
+ },
+ "profilers": Object {},
+ "readable": true,
+ "rejections": RejectionHandler {
+ "handlers": Map {},
+ "logger": [Circular],
+ },
+ "silent": true,
+ "writable": true,
+ Symbol(kCapture): false,
+ },
+ },
"productIdentifier": "n8n-1.3.0",
- "saveCertStr": Any<Function>,
+ "saveCertStr": [Function saveCertStr],
"server": "https://server.com/v1 ",
- "tenantId": 1,
+ "tenantId": 1001,
Number of calls: 1
29 |
30 | test('initializes license manager', async () => {
> 31 | expect(LicenseManager).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
| ^
32 | autoRenewEnabled: true,
33 | autoRenewOffset: MOCK_RENEW_OFFSET,
34 | deviceFingerprint: expect.any(Function),
at Object.<anonymous> (test/unit/License.test.ts:31:26)
RUNS test/integration/license.api.test.ts
Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 of 2 total
Tests: 1 failed, 9 passed, 10 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 2 s, estimated 4 s
████████████████████████████████████████^C ELIFECYCLE Command failed.
ELIFECYCLE Test failed. See above for more details.
2023-08-21 10:29:21 +02:00