* ⚡ enabled array-type
* ⚡ await-thenable on
* ⚡ ban-types on
* ⚡ default-param-last on
* ⚡ dot-notation on
* ⚡ member-delimiter-style on
* ⚡ no-duplicate-imports on
* ⚡ no-empty-interface on
* ⚡ no-floating-promises on
* ⚡ no-for-in-array on
* ⚡ no-invalid-void-type on
* ⚡ no-loop-func on
* ⚡ no-shadow on
* ⚡ ban-ts-comment re enabled
* ⚡ @typescript-eslint/lines-between-class-members on
* address my own comment
* @typescript-eslint/return-await on
* @typescript-eslint/promise-function-async on
* @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare on
* @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion on
* prefer-const on
* @typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain on
Co-authored-by: कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ <aditya@netroy.in>
* Centralized error throwing for encryption key
* Unifying the error message used by cli and core packages
* Improvements to error messages to make it more DRY
* Removed unnecessary throw
* Throwing error when credential does not exist to simplify node behavior (#3112)
Co-authored-by: Iván Ovejero <ivov.src@gmail.com>
* Changes to types so that credentials can be always loaded from DB
This first commit changes all return types from the execute functions
and calls to get credentials to be async so we can use await.
This is a first step as previously credentials were loaded in memory and
always available. We will now be loading them from the DB which requires
turning the whole call chain async.
* Fix updated files
* Removed unnecessary credential loading to improve performance
* Fix typo
* ⚡ Fix issue
* Updated new nodes to load credentials async
* ⚡ Remove not needed comment
Co-authored-by: Jan Oberhauser <jan.oberhauser@gmail.com>
* 🚧 Resource descriptions
* 🚧 Node logic / Genericfunctions setup
* 🚧 Tests / changes
* 🚧 Changes
- Added loadOptions to Payments / Coupon properties for easier item selection
- Added exemptions for how data is returned due to inconsistent data return object from API
- Other small fixes in main node
* 🚧 Simplified HTTPS error response
* 🚧 Added RAW Data options
* 🔥 Removed order resource
- Cannot fetch order without a checkout ID, which can only be obtained via a custom implementation which involves a callback function when a user goes through their checkout process.
* ⚡ Improvement to Paddle-Node
* ⚡ Improvements
* ⚡ Added all currencies, discount grouped properties to coupon update
Co-authored-by: ricardo <ricardoespinoza105@gmail.com>