* ⚡ enabled array-type
* ⚡ await-thenable on
* ⚡ ban-types on
* ⚡ default-param-last on
* ⚡ dot-notation on
* ⚡ member-delimiter-style on
* ⚡ no-duplicate-imports on
* ⚡ no-empty-interface on
* ⚡ no-floating-promises on
* ⚡ no-for-in-array on
* ⚡ no-invalid-void-type on
* ⚡ no-loop-func on
* ⚡ no-shadow on
* ⚡ ban-ts-comment re enabled
* ⚡ @typescript-eslint/lines-between-class-members on
* address my own comment
* @typescript-eslint/return-await on
* @typescript-eslint/promise-function-async on
* @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare on
* @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion on
* prefer-const on
* @typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain on
Co-authored-by: कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ <aditya@netroy.in>
* use resource locator component for database -> get (Notion V1/V2)
* getDatabases search function for V1/V2 with url
* updated database get list placeholder
* get database RLC by url - regex support optional workspace domain names
* fixed linting error
* listSearch getDatabases support filter query
* support extractValue in getCurrentNodeParameter for RLC
* RLC for database page create/getAll operation
* RLC for database get operation support "By ID" with optional v param.
* use RLC in append blocks operation
* use RLC in NotionTrigger.nodes.ts
* removed unused loadOptions getDatabases
* support database RLC in createPage/createDbPage operation
* page create operation use RLC for parent page param
* page archive operation use RLC for page param
* removed unused imports
* fixed missing extractPageId in NotionV1.node.ts
* database page get operation use RLC for page param
* database page update operation use RLC for page param
* block getAll children operation use RLC for page param
* block append operation use RLC for block param
* support databaseId with optional '-' characters
* support blockId with optional '-' characters
* support pageId with optional '-' characters
* improved RLC descriptions and hints
* NotionTrigger node support databseId with optional '-' characters
* stricter RLC by ID regex rules for uuids
* stricter RLC by URL regex rules for uuids
* stricter RLC by ID regex rules for uuids (support max length)
* RLC regex from URL allow both http and https
* RLC by ID only allow uuid v4 with optional dash
* removed RLC from URL hint "Use Notion's copy link..."
* RLC from URL only allow uuid v4
* DB Status Column: Support Simplify Properties
* Notion Credentials: Support custom Notion-Version header
Use latest Notion-Version 2022-02-22 if not set
* DB Status Column: Support DB Page Create/Update
* DB Status Column: Support DB Page GetMany Filters
* removed unused paginationToken args
* Database Get: RLC by URL improve validation error message
* Allows to ignore Notion URL properties if empty
* Fixes linting
* Fixes another linting error that was not caught locally
* Reorders options alphabetically
* Centralized error throwing for encryption key
* Unifying the error message used by cli and core packages
* Improvements to error messages to make it more DRY
* Removed unnecessary throw
* Throwing error when credential does not exist to simplify node behavior (#3112)
Co-authored-by: Iván Ovejero <ivov.src@gmail.com>
* 🐛 Fix bug when filtering columns type number
* 🐛 Fix issue with date filtering
* ⚡ Enable file support in v2
* ⚡ Remvoe spaces when using comma-seperated relation ids
* 🐛 Fix issue that removes url and id when downloading data
* ⚡ Filter out bots when loading users
* Changes to types so that credentials can be always loaded from DB
This first commit changes all return types from the execute functions
and calls to get credentials to be async so we can use await.
This is a first step as previously credentials were loaded in memory and
always available. We will now be loading them from the DB which requires
turning the whole call chain async.
* Fix updated files
* Removed unnecessary credential loading to improve performance
* Fix typo
* ⚡ Fix issue
* Updated new nodes to load credentials async
* ⚡ Remove not needed comment
Co-authored-by: Jan Oberhauser <jan.oberhauser@gmail.com>
* Add timezone in date property on Notion
Signed-off-by: 5pecia1 <pdpxpd@gmail.com>
* ⚡ Improvements to #2036
* ⚡ Minor improvements
Co-authored-by: 5pecia1 <pdpxpd@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jan Oberhauser <jan.oberhauser@gmail.com>
* ⚡ Add the posiblity to set multi-select fields with the names
* 🐛 Fix issue with expressions
Co-authored-by: Jan Oberhauser <jan.oberhauser@gmail.com>
Also, it adds a change to how the links are handled. Before, if a link were left blank, the node would error. Now, if the link is left blank, it gets ignored.