* 🚧 Resource descriptions
* 🚧 Node logic / Genericfunctions setup
* 🚧 Tests / changes
* 🚧 Changes
- Added loadOptions to Payments / Coupon properties for easier item selection
- Added exemptions for how data is returned due to inconsistent data return object from API
- Other small fixes in main node
* 🚧 Simplified HTTPS error response
* 🚧 Added RAW Data options
* 🔥 Removed order resource
- Cannot fetch order without a checkout ID, which can only be obtained via a custom implementation which involves a callback function when a user goes through their checkout process.
* ⚡ Improvement to Paddle-Node
* ⚡ Improvements
* ⚡ Added all currencies, discount grouped properties to coupon update
Co-authored-by: ricardo <[email protected]>