* ⚡ enabled array-type
* ⚡ await-thenable on
* ⚡ ban-types on
* ⚡ default-param-last on
* ⚡ dot-notation on
* ⚡ member-delimiter-style on
* ⚡ no-duplicate-imports on
* ⚡ no-empty-interface on
* ⚡ no-floating-promises on
* ⚡ no-for-in-array on
* ⚡ no-invalid-void-type on
* ⚡ no-loop-func on
* ⚡ no-shadow on
* ⚡ ban-ts-comment re enabled
* ⚡ @typescript-eslint/lines-between-class-members on
* address my own comment
* @typescript-eslint/return-await on
* @typescript-eslint/promise-function-async on
* @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare on
* @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion on
* prefer-const on
* @typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain on
Co-authored-by: कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ <aditya@netroy.in>
Given a domain (the base-URI) in credentials terminated by a slash "/"
is a common user-error when entering such data.
Pass through userBaseUri() to trim slashes from the end of the string.
* Add SeaTable node
Node for SeaTable, initial credentials, trigger- and standard-node.
Contribution-by: SeaTable GmbH <https://seatable.io>
Signed-off-by: Tom Klingenberg <tkl@seatable.io>
* ⚡ Improvements
* ⚡ Improvements
* ⚡ Fix node and method names and table parameter
* ⚡ Change display name for now again
Co-authored-by: Tom Klingenberg <tkl@seatable.io>
Co-authored-by: Jan Oberhauser <jan.oberhauser@gmail.com>