import get from 'lodash/get'; import set from 'lodash/set'; import unset from 'lodash/unset'; import { ApplicationError, NodeOperationError, deepCopy, getValueDescription, jsonParse, validateFieldType, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { FieldType, IDataObject, IExecuteFunctions, INode, INodeExecutionData, ISupplyDataFunctions, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { SetNodeOptions } from './interfaces'; import { INCLUDE } from './interfaces'; import { getResolvables, sanitizeDataPathKey } from '../../../../utils/utilities'; const configureFieldHelper = (dotNotation?: boolean) => { if (dotNotation !== false) { return { set: (item: IDataObject, key: string, value: IDataObject) => { set(item, key, value); }, get: (item: IDataObject, key: string) => { return get(item, key); }, unset: (item: IDataObject, key: string) => { unset(item, key); }, }; } else { return { set: (item: IDataObject, key: string, value: IDataObject) => { item[sanitizeDataPathKey(item, key)] = value; }, get: (item: IDataObject, key: string) => { return item[sanitizeDataPathKey(item, key)]; }, unset: (item: IDataObject, key: string) => { delete item[sanitizeDataPathKey(item, key)]; }, }; } }; export function composeReturnItem( this: IExecuteFunctions | ISupplyDataFunctions, itemIndex: number, inputItem: INodeExecutionData, newFields: IDataObject, options: SetNodeOptions, nodeVersion: number, ) { const newItem: INodeExecutionData = { json: {}, pairedItem: { item: itemIndex }, }; const includeBinary = (nodeVersion >= 3.4 && !options.stripBinary && options.include !== 'none') || (nodeVersion < 3.4 && !!options.includeBinary); if (includeBinary && inputItem.binary !== undefined) { // Create a shallow copy of the binary data so that the old // data references which do not get changed still stay behind // but the incoming data does not get changed. newItem.binary = {}; Object.assign(newItem.binary, inputItem.binary); } const fieldHelper = configureFieldHelper(options.dotNotation); switch (options.include) { case INCLUDE.ALL: newItem.json = deepCopy(inputItem.json); break; case INCLUDE.SELECTED: const includeFields = (this.getNodeParameter('includeFields', itemIndex) as string) .split(',') .map((item) => item.trim()) .filter((item) => item); for (const key of includeFields) { const fieldValue = fieldHelper.get(inputItem.json, key) as IDataObject; let keyToSet = key; if (options.dotNotation !== false && key.includes('.')) { keyToSet = key.split('.').pop() as string; } fieldHelper.set(newItem.json, keyToSet, fieldValue); } break; case INCLUDE.EXCEPT: const excludeFields = (this.getNodeParameter('excludeFields', itemIndex) as string) .split(',') .map((item) => item.trim()) .filter((item) => item); const inputData = deepCopy(inputItem.json); for (const key of excludeFields) { fieldHelper.unset(inputData, key); } newItem.json = inputData; break; case INCLUDE.NONE: break; default: throw new ApplicationError(`The include option "${options.include}" is not known!`, { level: 'warning', }); } for (const key of Object.keys(newFields)) { fieldHelper.set(newItem.json, key, newFields[key] as IDataObject); } return newItem; } export const parseJsonParameter = ( jsonData: string | IDataObject, node: INode, i: number, entryName?: string, ) => { let returnData: IDataObject; const location = entryName ? `entry "${entryName}" inside 'Fields to Set'` : "'JSON Output'"; if (typeof jsonData === 'string') { try { returnData = jsonParse(jsonData); } catch (error) { let recoveredData = ''; try { recoveredData = jsonData .replace(/'/g, '"') // Replace single quotes with double quotes .replace(/(['"])?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(['"])?:/g, '"$2":') // Wrap keys in double quotes .replace(/,\s*([\]}])/g, '$1') // Remove trailing commas from objects .replace(/,+$/, ''); // Remove trailing comma returnData = jsonParse(recoveredData); } catch (err) { const description = recoveredData === jsonData ? jsonData : `${recoveredData};\n Original input: ${jsonData}`; throw new NodeOperationError(node, `The ${location} in item ${i} contains invalid JSON`, { description, }); } } } else { returnData = jsonData; } if (returnData === undefined || typeof returnData !== 'object' || Array.isArray(returnData)) { throw new NodeOperationError( node, `The ${location} in item ${i} does not contain a valid JSON object`, ); } return returnData; }; export const validateEntry = ( name: string, type: FieldType, value: unknown, node: INode, itemIndex: number, ignoreErrors = false, nodeVersion?: number, ) => { if (nodeVersion && nodeVersion >= 3.2 && (value === undefined || value === null)) { return { name, value: null }; } const description = `To fix the error try to change the type for the field "${name}" or activate the option “Ignore Type Conversion Errors” to apply a less strict type validation`; if (type === 'string') { if (nodeVersion && nodeVersion > 3 && (value === undefined || value === null)) { if (ignoreErrors) { return { name, value: null }; } else { throw new NodeOperationError( node, `'${name}' expects a ${type} but we got ${getValueDescription(value)} [item ${itemIndex}]`, { description }, ); } } else if (typeof value === 'object') { value = JSON.stringify(value); } else { value = String(value); } } const validationResult = validateFieldType(name, value, type); if (!validationResult.valid) { if (ignoreErrors) { return { name, value: value ?? null }; } else { const message = `${validationResult.errorMessage} [item ${itemIndex}]`; throw new NodeOperationError(node, message, { itemIndex, description, }); } } return { name, value: validationResult.newValue ?? null, }; }; export function resolveRawData( this: IExecuteFunctions | ISupplyDataFunctions, rawData: string, i: number, ) { const resolvables = getResolvables(rawData); let returnData: string = rawData; if (resolvables.length) { for (const resolvable of resolvables) { const resolvedValue = this.evaluateExpression(`${resolvable}`, i); if (typeof resolvedValue === 'object' && resolvedValue !== null) { returnData = returnData.replace(resolvable, JSON.stringify(resolvedValue)); } else { returnData = returnData.replace(resolvable, resolvedValue as string); } } } return returnData; }