import { OptionsWithUri } from 'request'; import { BINARY_ENCODING, IExecuteFunctions, IExecuteSingleFunctions, IHookFunctions, ILoadOptionsFunctions, IWebhookFunctions, } from 'n8n-core'; import { IDataObject, } from 'n8n-workflow'; export async function payPalApiRequest(this: IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | IExecuteSingleFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions | IWebhookFunctions, endpoint: string, method: string, body: any = {}, query?: IDataObject, uri?: string): Promise<any> { // tslint:disable-line:no-any const credentials = this.getCredentials('payPalApi'); const env = getEnviroment(credentials!.env as string); const tokenInfo = await; const headerWithAuthentication = Object.assign({ }, { Authorization: `Bearer ${tokenInfo.access_token}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }); const options = { headers: headerWithAuthentication, method, qs: query || {}, uri: uri || `${env}/v1${endpoint}`, body, json: true, }; try { return await this.helpers.request!(options); } catch (error) { if (error.response.body) { let errorMessage = error.response.body.message; if (error.response.body.details) { errorMessage += ` - Details: ${JSON.stringify(error.response.body.details)}`; } throw new Error(errorMessage); } throw error; } } function getEnviroment(env: string): string { // @ts-ignore return { 'sanbox': '', 'live': '', }[env]; } async function getAccessToken(this: IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | IExecuteSingleFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions | IWebhookFunctions): Promise<any> { // tslint:disable-line:no-any const credentials = this.getCredentials('payPalApi'); if (credentials === undefined) { throw new Error('No credentials got returned!'); } const env = getEnviroment(credentials!.env as string); const data = Buffer.from(`${credentials!.clientId}:${credentials!.secret}`).toString(BINARY_ENCODING); const headerWithAuthentication = Object.assign({}, { Authorization: `Basic ${data}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }); const options: OptionsWithUri = { headers: headerWithAuthentication, method: 'POST', form: { grant_type: 'client_credentials', }, uri: `${env}/v1/oauth2/token`, json: true, }; try { return await this.helpers.request!(options); } catch (error) { const errorMessage = error.response.body.message || error.response.body.Message; if (errorMessage !== undefined) { throw new Error(errorMessage); } throw new Error(error.response.body); } } /** * Make an API request to paginated paypal endpoint * and return all results */ export async function payPalApiRequestAllItems(this: IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | IExecuteSingleFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, propertyName: string, endpoint: string, method: string, body: any = {}, query?: IDataObject, uri?: string): Promise<any> { // tslint:disable-line:no-any const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; let responseData; query!.page_size = 1000; do { responseData = await, endpoint, method, body, query, uri); uri = getNext(responseData.links); returnData.push.apply(returnData, responseData[propertyName]); } while ( getNext(responseData.links) !== undefined ); return returnData; } function getNext(links: IDataObject[]): string | undefined { for (const link of links) { if (link.rel === 'next') { return link.href as string; } } return undefined; } export function validateJSON(json: string | undefined): any { // tslint:disable-line:no-any let result; try { result = JSON.parse(json!); } catch (exception) { result = ''; } return result; } export function upperFist(s: string): string { return s.split('.').map(e => { return e.toLowerCase().charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.toLowerCase().slice(1); }).join(' '); }