/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call */ import { Service } from 'typedi'; import { Credentials, NodeExecuteFunctions } from 'n8n-core'; import get from 'lodash/get'; import type { ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, ICredentialsDecrypted, ICredentialsExpressionResolveValues, ICredentialTestFunction, ICredentialTestRequestData, IHttpRequestOptions, INode, INodeCredentialsDetails, INodeCredentialTestResult, INodeExecutionData, INodeParameters, INodeProperties, INodeType, IVersionedNodeType, IRequestOptionsSimplified, IRunExecutionData, IWorkflowDataProxyAdditionalKeys, WorkflowExecuteMode, ITaskDataConnections, IHttpRequestHelper, INodeTypeData, INodeTypes, IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, ICredentialTestFunctions, Severity, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { ICredentialsHelper, VersionedNodeType, NodeHelpers, RoutingNode, Workflow, ErrorReporterProxy as ErrorReporter, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { ICredentialsDb } from '@/Interfaces'; import * as WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData from '@/WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData'; import type { User } from '@db/entities/User'; import type { CredentialsEntity } from '@db/entities/CredentialsEntity'; import { NodeTypes } from '@/NodeTypes'; import { CredentialTypes } from '@/CredentialTypes'; import { CredentialsOverwrites } from '@/CredentialsOverwrites'; import { RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES } from './constants'; import { isObjectLiteral } from './utils'; import { Logger } from '@/Logger'; import { CredentialsRepository } from '@db/repositories/credentials.repository'; import { SharedCredentialsRepository } from '@db/repositories/sharedCredentials.repository'; const { OAUTH2_CREDENTIAL_TEST_SUCCEEDED, OAUTH2_CREDENTIAL_TEST_FAILED } = RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES; const mockNode = { name: '', typeVersion: 1, type: 'mock', position: [0, 0], parameters: {} as INodeParameters, } as INode; const mockNodesData: INodeTypeData = { mock: { sourcePath: '', type: { description: { properties: [] as INodeProperties[] }, } as INodeType, }, }; const mockNodeTypes: INodeTypes = { getByName(nodeType: string): INodeType | IVersionedNodeType { return mockNodesData[nodeType]?.type; }, getByNameAndVersion(nodeType: string, version?: number): INodeType { if (!mockNodesData[nodeType]) { throw new Error(`${RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES.NO_NODE}: ${nodeType}`); } return NodeHelpers.getVersionedNodeType(mockNodesData[nodeType].type, version); }, }; class CredentialNotFoundError extends Error { severity: Severity; constructor(credentialId: string, credentialType: string) { super(`Credential with ID "${credentialId}" does not exist for type "${credentialType}".`); this.severity = 'warning'; } } @Service() export class CredentialsHelper extends ICredentialsHelper { constructor( private readonly logger: Logger, private readonly credentialTypes: CredentialTypes, private readonly nodeTypes: NodeTypes, private readonly credentialsOverwrites: CredentialsOverwrites, private readonly credentialsRepository: CredentialsRepository, private readonly sharedCredentialsRepository: SharedCredentialsRepository, ) { super(); } /** * Add the required authentication information to the request */ async authenticate( credentials: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, typeName: string, incomingRequestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions | IRequestOptionsSimplified, workflow: Workflow, node: INode, ): Promise { const requestOptions = incomingRequestOptions; const credentialType = this.credentialTypes.getByName(typeName); if (credentialType.authenticate) { if (typeof credentialType.authenticate === 'function') { // Special authentication function is defined return credentialType.authenticate(credentials, requestOptions as IHttpRequestOptions); } if (typeof credentialType.authenticate === 'object') { // Predefined authentication method let keyResolved: string; let valueResolved: string; const { authenticate } = credentialType; if (requestOptions.headers === undefined) { requestOptions.headers = {}; } if (authenticate.type === 'generic') { Object.entries(authenticate.properties).forEach(([outerKey, outerValue]) => { Object.entries(outerValue).forEach(([key, value]) => { keyResolved = this.resolveValue(key, { $credentials: credentials }, workflow, node); valueResolved = this.resolveValue( value as string, { $credentials: credentials }, workflow, node, ); // @ts-ignore if (!requestOptions[outerKey]) { // @ts-ignore requestOptions[outerKey] = {}; } // @ts-ignore requestOptions[outerKey][keyResolved] = valueResolved; }); }); } } } return requestOptions as IHttpRequestOptions; } async preAuthentication( helpers: IHttpRequestHelper, credentials: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, typeName: string, node: INode, credentialsExpired: boolean, ): Promise { const credentialType = this.credentialTypes.getByName(typeName); const expirableProperty = credentialType.properties.find( (property) => property.type === 'hidden' && property?.typeOptions?.expirable === true, ); if (expirableProperty?.name === undefined) { return undefined; } // check if the node is the mockup node used for testing // if so, it means this is a credential test and not normal node execution const isTestingCredentials = node?.parameters?.temp === '' && node?.type === 'n8n-nodes-base.noOp'; if (credentialType.preAuthentication) { if (typeof credentialType.preAuthentication === 'function') { // if the expirable property is empty in the credentials // or are expired, call pre authentication method // or the credentials are being tested if ( credentials[expirableProperty?.name] === '' || credentialsExpired || isTestingCredentials ) { const output = await credentialType.preAuthentication.call(helpers, credentials); // if there is data in the output, make sure the returned // property is the expirable property // else the database will not get updated if (output[expirableProperty.name] === undefined) { return undefined; } if (node.credentials) { await this.updateCredentials( node.credentials[credentialType.name], credentialType.name, Object.assign(credentials, output), ); return Object.assign(credentials, output); } } } } return undefined; } /** * Resolves the given value in case it is an expression */ private resolveValue( parameterValue: string, additionalKeys: IWorkflowDataProxyAdditionalKeys, workflow: Workflow, node: INode, ): string { if (typeof parameterValue !== 'string' || parameterValue.charAt(0) !== '=') { return parameterValue; } const returnValue = workflow.expression.getSimpleParameterValue( node, parameterValue, 'internal', additionalKeys, undefined, '', ); if (!returnValue) { return ''; } return returnValue.toString(); } /** * Returns all parent types of the given credential type */ getParentTypes(typeName: string): string[] { return this.credentialTypes.getParentTypes(typeName); } /** * Returns the credentials instance */ async getCredentials( nodeCredential: INodeCredentialsDetails, type: string, userId?: string, ): Promise { if (!nodeCredential.id) { throw new Error(`Credential "${nodeCredential.name}" of type "${type}" has no ID.`); } let credential: CredentialsEntity; try { credential = userId ? await this.sharedCredentialsRepository .findOneOrFail({ relations: ['credentials'], where: { credentials: { id: nodeCredential.id, type }, userId }, }) .then((shared) => shared.credentials) : await this.credentialsRepository.findOneByOrFail({ id: nodeCredential.id, type }); } catch (error) { throw new CredentialNotFoundError(nodeCredential.id, type); } return new Credentials( { id: credential.id, name: credential.name }, credential.type, credential.nodesAccess, credential.data, ); } /** * Returns all the properties of the credentials with the given name */ getCredentialsProperties(type: string): INodeProperties[] { const credentialTypeData = this.credentialTypes.getByName(type); if (credentialTypeData === undefined) { throw new Error(`The credentials of type "${type}" are not known.`); } if (credentialTypeData.extends === undefined) { // Manually add the special OAuth parameter which stores // data like access- and refresh-token if (['oAuth1Api', 'oAuth2Api'].includes(type)) { return [ ...credentialTypeData.properties, { displayName: 'oauthTokenData', name: 'oauthTokenData', type: 'json', required: false, default: {}, }, ]; } return credentialTypeData.properties; } const combineProperties = [] as INodeProperties[]; for (const credentialsTypeName of credentialTypeData.extends) { const mergeCredentialProperties = this.getCredentialsProperties(credentialsTypeName); NodeHelpers.mergeNodeProperties(combineProperties, mergeCredentialProperties); } // The properties defined on the parent credentials take precedence NodeHelpers.mergeNodeProperties(combineProperties, credentialTypeData.properties); return combineProperties; } /** * Returns the decrypted credential data with applied overwrites */ async getDecrypted( additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, nodeCredentials: INodeCredentialsDetails, type: string, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, raw?: boolean, expressionResolveValues?: ICredentialsExpressionResolveValues, ): Promise { const credentials = await this.getCredentials(nodeCredentials, type); const decryptedDataOriginal = credentials.getData(); if (raw === true) { return decryptedDataOriginal; } await additionalData?.secretsHelpers?.waitForInit(); const canUseSecrets = await this.credentialOwnedByOwner(nodeCredentials); return this.applyDefaultsAndOverwrites( additionalData, decryptedDataOriginal, type, mode, expressionResolveValues, canUseSecrets, ); } /** * Applies credential default data and overwrites */ applyDefaultsAndOverwrites( additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, decryptedDataOriginal: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, type: string, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, expressionResolveValues?: ICredentialsExpressionResolveValues, canUseSecrets?: boolean, ): ICredentialDataDecryptedObject { const credentialsProperties = this.getCredentialsProperties(type); // Load and apply the credentials overwrites if any exist const dataWithOverwrites = this.credentialsOverwrites.applyOverwrite( type, decryptedDataOriginal, ); // Add the default credential values let decryptedData = NodeHelpers.getNodeParameters( credentialsProperties, dataWithOverwrites as INodeParameters, true, false, null, ) as ICredentialDataDecryptedObject; if (decryptedDataOriginal.oauthTokenData !== undefined) { // The OAuth data gets removed as it is not defined specifically as a parameter // on the credentials so add it back in case it was set decryptedData.oauthTokenData = decryptedDataOriginal.oauthTokenData; } const additionalKeys = NodeExecuteFunctions.getAdditionalKeys(additionalData, mode, null, { secretsEnabled: canUseSecrets, }); if (expressionResolveValues) { try { decryptedData = expressionResolveValues.workflow.expression.getParameterValue( decryptedData as INodeParameters, expressionResolveValues.runExecutionData, expressionResolveValues.runIndex, expressionResolveValues.itemIndex, expressionResolveValues.node.name, expressionResolveValues.connectionInputData, mode, additionalKeys, undefined, false, decryptedData, ) as ICredentialDataDecryptedObject; } catch (e) { e.message += ' [Error resolving credentials]'; throw e; } } else { const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [mockNode], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes: mockNodeTypes, }); // Resolve expressions if any are set decryptedData = workflow.expression.getComplexParameterValue( mockNode, decryptedData as INodeParameters, mode, additionalKeys, undefined, undefined, decryptedData, ) as ICredentialDataDecryptedObject; } return decryptedData; } /** * Updates credentials in the database */ async updateCredentials( nodeCredentials: INodeCredentialsDetails, type: string, data: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, ): Promise { const credentials = await this.getCredentials(nodeCredentials, type); credentials.setData(data); const newCredentialsData = credentials.getDataToSave() as ICredentialsDb; // Add special database related data newCredentialsData.updatedAt = new Date(); // Save the credentials in DB const findQuery = { id: credentials.id, type, }; await this.credentialsRepository.update(findQuery, newCredentialsData); } private static hasAccessToken(credentialsDecrypted: ICredentialsDecrypted) { const oauthTokenData = credentialsDecrypted?.data?.oauthTokenData; if (!isObjectLiteral(oauthTokenData)) return false; return 'access_token' in oauthTokenData; } private getCredentialTestFunction( credentialType: string, ): ICredentialTestFunction | ICredentialTestRequestData | undefined { // Check if test is defined on credentials const type = this.credentialTypes.getByName(credentialType); if (type.test) { return { testRequest: type.test, }; } const nodeTypesToTestWith = this.credentialTypes.getNodeTypesToTestWith(credentialType); for (const nodeName of nodeTypesToTestWith) { const node = this.nodeTypes.getByName(nodeName); // Always set to an array even if node is not versioned to not having // to duplicate the logic const allNodeTypes: INodeType[] = []; if (node instanceof VersionedNodeType) { // Node is versioned allNodeTypes.push(...Object.values(node.nodeVersions)); } else { // Node is not versioned allNodeTypes.push(node as INodeType); } // Check each of the node versions for credential tests for (const nodeType of allNodeTypes) { // Check each of teh credentials for (const { name, testedBy } of nodeType.description.credentials ?? []) { if ( name === credentialType && this.credentialTypes.getParentTypes(name).includes('oAuth2Api') ) { return async function oauth2CredTest( this: ICredentialTestFunctions, cred: ICredentialsDecrypted, ): Promise { return CredentialsHelper.hasAccessToken(cred) ? { status: 'OK', message: OAUTH2_CREDENTIAL_TEST_SUCCEEDED, } : { status: 'Error', message: OAUTH2_CREDENTIAL_TEST_FAILED, }; }; } if (name === credentialType && !!testedBy) { if (typeof testedBy === 'string') { if (node instanceof VersionedNodeType) { // The node is versioned. So check all versions for test function // starting with the latest const versions = Object.keys(node.nodeVersions).sort().reverse(); for (const version of versions) { const versionedNode = node.nodeVersions[parseInt(version, 10)]; const credentialTest = versionedNode.methods?.credentialTest; if (credentialTest && testedBy in credentialTest) { return credentialTest[testedBy]; } } } // Test is defined as string which links to a function return (node as unknown as INodeType).methods?.credentialTest![testedBy]; } // Test is defined as JSON with a definition for the request to make return { nodeType, testRequest: testedBy, }; } } } } return undefined; } async testCredentials( user: User, credentialType: string, credentialsDecrypted: ICredentialsDecrypted, ): Promise { const credentialTestFunction = this.getCredentialTestFunction(credentialType); if (credentialTestFunction === undefined) { return { status: 'Error', message: 'No testing function found for this credential.', }; } if (credentialsDecrypted.data) { try { const additionalData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getBase(user.id); credentialsDecrypted.data = this.applyDefaultsAndOverwrites( additionalData, credentialsDecrypted.data, credentialType, 'internal' as WorkflowExecuteMode, undefined, user.isOwner, ); } catch (error) { this.logger.debug('Credential test failed', error); return { status: 'Error', message: error.message.toString(), }; } } if (typeof credentialTestFunction === 'function') { // The credentials get tested via a function that is defined on the node const credentialTestFunctions = NodeExecuteFunctions.getCredentialTestFunctions(); return credentialTestFunction.call(credentialTestFunctions, credentialsDecrypted); } // Credentials get tested via request instructions // TODO: Temp workflows get created at multiple locations (for example also LoadNodeParameterOptions), // check if some of them are identical enough that it can be combined let nodeType: INodeType; if (credentialTestFunction.nodeType) { nodeType = credentialTestFunction.nodeType; } else { nodeType = this.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion('n8n-nodes-base.noOp'); } const node: INode = { id: 'temp', parameters: {}, name: 'Temp-Node', type: nodeType.description.name, typeVersion: Array.isArray(nodeType.description.version) ? nodeType.description.version.slice(-1)[0] : nodeType.description.version, position: [0, 0], credentials: { [credentialType]: { id: credentialsDecrypted.id, name: credentialsDecrypted.name, }, }, }; const workflowData = { nodes: [node], connections: {}, }; const nodeTypeCopy: INodeType = { description: { ...nodeType.description, credentials: [ { name: credentialType, required: true, }, ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Temp', name: 'temp', type: 'string', routing: { request: credentialTestFunction.testRequest.request, }, default: '', }, ], }, }; mockNodesData[nodeTypeCopy.description.name] = { sourcePath: '', type: nodeTypeCopy, }; const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: workflowData.nodes, connections: workflowData.connections, active: false, nodeTypes: mockNodeTypes, }); const mode = 'internal'; const runIndex = 0; const inputData: ITaskDataConnections = { main: [[{ json: {} }]], }; const connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; const runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData = { resultData: { runData: {}, }, }; const additionalData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getBase(user.id, node.parameters); const routingNode = new RoutingNode( workflow, node, connectionInputData, runExecutionData ?? null, additionalData, mode, ); let response: INodeExecutionData[][] | null | undefined; try { response = await routingNode.runNode( inputData, runIndex, nodeTypeCopy, { node, data: {}, source: null }, NodeExecuteFunctions, credentialsDecrypted, ); } catch (error) { ErrorReporter.error(error); // Do not fail any requests to allow custom error messages and // make logic easier if (error.cause?.response) { const errorResponseData = { statusCode: error.cause.response.status, statusMessage: error.cause.response.statusText, }; if (credentialTestFunction.testRequest.rules) { // Special testing rules are defined so check all in order for (const rule of credentialTestFunction.testRequest.rules) { if (rule.type === 'responseCode') { if (errorResponseData.statusCode === rule.properties.value) { return { status: 'Error', message: rule.properties.message, }; } } } } if (errorResponseData.statusCode < 199 || errorResponseData.statusCode > 299) { // All requests with response codes that are not 2xx are treated by default as failed return { status: 'Error', message: errorResponseData.statusMessage || `Received HTTP status code: ${errorResponseData.statusCode}`, }; } } else if (error.cause?.code) { return { status: 'Error', message: error.cause.code, }; } this.logger.debug('Credential test failed', error); return { status: 'Error', message: error.message.toString(), }; } finally { delete mockNodesData[nodeTypeCopy.description.name]; } if ( credentialTestFunction.testRequest.rules && Array.isArray(credentialTestFunction.testRequest.rules) ) { // Special testing rules are defined so check all in order for (const rule of credentialTestFunction.testRequest.rules) { if (rule.type === 'responseSuccessBody') { const responseData = response![0][0].json; if (get(responseData, rule.properties.key) === rule.properties.value) { return { status: 'Error', message: rule.properties.message, }; } } } } return { status: 'OK', message: 'Connection successful!', }; } async credentialOwnedByOwner(nodeCredential: INodeCredentialsDetails): Promise { if (!nodeCredential.id) { return false; } const credential = await this.sharedCredentialsRepository.findOne({ where: { role: { scope: 'credential', name: 'owner', }, user: { globalRole: { scope: 'global', name: 'owner', }, }, credentials: { id: nodeCredential.id, }, }, }); if (!credential) { return false; } return true; } } export function createCredentialsFromCredentialsEntity( credential: CredentialsEntity, encrypt = false, ): Credentials { const { id, name, type, nodesAccess, data } = credential; if (encrypt) { return new Credentials({ id: null, name }, type, nodesAccess); } return new Credentials({ id, name }, type, nodesAccess, data); }