import type { CookieOptions, Response } from 'express'; import { anyObject, captor, mock } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import type { ILogger } from 'n8n-workflow'; import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'; import type { IInternalHooksClass } from '@/Interfaces'; import type { User } from '@db/entities/User'; import type { CredentialsRepository, SettingsRepository, UserRepository, WorkflowRepository, } from '@db/repositories'; import type { Config } from '@/config'; import { BadRequestError } from '@/ResponseHelper'; import type { OwnerRequest } from '@/requests'; import { OwnerController } from '@/controllers'; import { badPasswords } from '../shared/testData'; import { AUTH_COOKIE_NAME } from '@/constants'; describe('OwnerController', () => { const config = mock(); const logger = mock(); const internalHooks = mock(); const userRepository = mock(); const settingsRepository = mock(); const credentialsRepository = mock(); const workflowsRepository = mock(); const controller = new OwnerController({ config, logger, internalHooks, repositories: { User: userRepository, Settings: settingsRepository, Credentials: credentialsRepository, Workflow: workflowsRepository, }, }); describe('preSetup', () => { it('should throw a BadRequestError if the instance owner is already setup', async () => { config.getEnv.calledWith('userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp').mockReturnValue(true); await expect(controller.preSetup()).rejects.toThrowError( new BadRequestError('Instance owner already setup'), ); }); it('should a return credential and workflow count', async () => { config.getEnv.calledWith('userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp').mockReturnValue(false); credentialsRepository.countBy.mockResolvedValue(7); workflowsRepository.countBy.mockResolvedValue(31); const { credentials, workflows } = await controller.preSetup(); expect(credentials).toBe(7); expect(workflows).toBe(31); }); }); describe('setupOwner', () => { it('should throw a BadRequestError if the instance owner is already setup', async () => { config.getEnv.calledWith('userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp').mockReturnValue(true); await expect(controller.setupOwner(mock(), mock())).rejects.toThrowError( new BadRequestError('Instance owner already setup'), ); }); it('should throw a BadRequestError if the email is invalid', async () => { config.getEnv.calledWith('userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp').mockReturnValue(false); const req = mock({ body: { email: 'invalid email' } }); await expect(controller.setupOwner(req, mock())).rejects.toThrowError( new BadRequestError('Invalid email address'), ); }); describe('should throw if the password is invalid', () => { Object.entries(badPasswords).forEach(([password, errorMessage]) => { it(password, async () => { config.getEnv.calledWith('userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp').mockReturnValue(false); const req = mock({ body: { email: '', password } }); await expect(controller.setupOwner(req, mock())).rejects.toThrowError( new BadRequestError(errorMessage), ); }); }); }); it('should throw a BadRequestError if firstName & lastName are missing ', async () => { config.getEnv.calledWith('userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp').mockReturnValue(false); const req = mock({ body: { email: '', password: 'NewPassword123', firstName: '', lastName: '' }, }); await expect(controller.setupOwner(req, mock())).rejects.toThrowError( new BadRequestError('First and last names are mandatory'), ); }); it('should setup the instance owner successfully', async () => { const user = mock({ id: 'userId', globalRole: { scope: 'global', name: 'owner' }, authIdentities: [], }); const req = mock({ body: { email: '', password: 'NewPassword123', firstName: 'Jane', lastName: 'Doe', }, user, }); const res = mock(); config.getEnv.calledWith('userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp').mockReturnValue(false);; jest.spyOn(jwt, 'sign').mockImplementation(() => 'signed-token'); await controller.setupOwner(req, res); expect(; const cookieOptions = captor(); expect(res.cookie).toHaveBeenCalledWith(AUTH_COOKIE_NAME, 'signed-token', cookieOptions); expect(cookieOptions.value.httpOnly).toBe(true); expect(cookieOptions.value.sameSite).toBe('lax'); }); }); describe('skipSetup', () => { it('should skip setting up the instance owner', async () => { await controller.skipSetup(); expect(settingsRepository.update).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { key: 'userManagement.skipInstanceOwnerSetup' }, { value: JSON.stringify(true) }, ); expect(config.set).toHaveBeenCalledWith('userManagement.skipInstanceOwnerSetup', true); }); }); });