import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'; import merge from 'lodash/merge'; import { settings } from './commands'; before(() => { cy.resetDatabase(); Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (error) => { return !error.message.includes('ResizeObserver'); }); }); beforeEach(() => { if (!cy.config('disableAutoLogin')) { cy.signinAsOwner(); } cy.window().then((win): void => { win.localStorage.setItem('N8N_THEME', 'light'); win.localStorage.setItem('N8N_AUTOCOMPLETE_ONBOARDED', 'true'); win.localStorage.setItem('N8N_MAPPING_ONBOARDED', 'true'); }); cy.intercept('GET', '/rest/settings', (req) => { // Disable cache delete req.headers['if-none-match']; req.on('response', (res) => { const defaultSettings =; res.send({ data: merge(cloneDeep(defaultSettings), settings) }); }); }).as('loadSettings'); cy.intercept('GET', '/types/nodes.json').as('loadNodeTypes'); // Always intercept the request to test credentials and return a success cy.intercept('POST', '/rest/credentials/test', { data: { status: 'success', message: 'Tested successfully' }, }).as('credentialTest'); cy.intercept('POST', '/rest/license/renew', { data: { usage: { activeWorkflowTriggers: { limit: -1, value: 0, warningThreshold: 0.8, }, }, license: { planId: '', planName: 'Community', }, }, }); cy.intercept({ pathname: '/api/health' }, { status: 'OK' }).as('healthCheck'); cy.intercept({ pathname: '/api/versions/*' }, [ { name: '1.45.1', createdAt: '2023-08-18T11:53:12.857Z', hasSecurityIssue: null, hasSecurityFix: null, securityIssueFixVersion: null, hasBreakingChange: null, documentationUrl: '', nodes: [], description: 'Includes bug fixes', }, { name: '1.0.5', createdAt: '2023-07-24T10:54:56.097Z', hasSecurityIssue: false, hasSecurityFix: null, securityIssueFixVersion: null, hasBreakingChange: true, documentationUrl: '', nodes: [], description: 'Includes core functionality and bug fixes', }, ]).as('getVersions'); });