import type { IDataObject, IExecuteFunctions, IHookFunctions, ILoadOptionsFunctions, IWebhookFunctions, INodeProperties, INodePropertyOptions, JsonObject, IHttpRequestMethods, IRequestOptions, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { ApplicationError, NodeApiError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { Filter, Address, Search, FilterGroup, ProductAttribute } from './types'; export async function magentoApiRequest( this: IWebhookFunctions | IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, method: IHttpRequestMethods, resource: string, body: any = {}, qs: IDataObject = {}, uri?: string, _headers: IDataObject = {}, option: IDataObject = {}, ): Promise<any> { const credentials = await this.getCredentials('magento2Api'); let options: IRequestOptions = { method, body, qs, uri: uri || `${}${resource}`, json: true, }; try { options = Object.assign({}, options, option); if (Object.keys(body as IDataObject).length === 0) { delete options.body; } return await, 'magento2Api', options); } catch (error) { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error as JsonObject); } } export async function magentoApiRequestAllItems( this: IHookFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions | IExecuteFunctions, propertyName: string, method: IHttpRequestMethods, resource: string, body: any = {}, query: IDataObject = {}, ): Promise<any> { const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; let responseData; do { responseData = await, method, resource, body, query); returnData.push.apply(returnData, responseData[propertyName] as IDataObject[]); query.current_page = query.current_page ? (query.current_page as number)++ : 1; } while (returnData.length < responseData.total_count); return returnData; } export function getAddressesUi(): INodeProperties { return { displayName: 'Addresses', name: 'addresses', placeholder: 'Add Address', type: 'fixedCollection', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, }, default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Address', name: 'address', values: [ { displayName: 'Street', name: 'street', type: 'string', required: true, default: '', }, { displayName: 'City', name: 'city', type: 'string', required: true, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Region', name: 'region', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Postal Code', name: 'postcode', type: 'string', required: true, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Country Name or ID', name: 'country_id', type: 'options', description: 'Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an <a href="">expression</a>', typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getCountries', }, required: true, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Company', name: 'company', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Fax', name: 'fax', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'First Name', name: 'firstname', type: 'string', required: true, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Last Name', name: 'lastname', type: 'string', required: true, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Middle Name', name: 'middlename', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Prefix', name: 'prefix', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Suffix', name: 'suffix', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Telephone', name: 'telephone', type: 'string', required: true, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Default Billing', name: 'default_billing', type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'Whether this address is default billing address', }, { displayName: 'Default Shipping', name: 'default_shipping', type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'Whether this address is default shipping address', }, ], }, ], }; } export function adjustAddresses(addresses: [{ street: string; [key: string]: string }]): Address[] { const _addresses: Address[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) { if (addresses[i]?.region === '') { delete addresses[i].region; } _addresses.push({ ...addresses[i], street: [addresses[i].street], }); } return _addresses; } function getConditionTypeFields(): INodeProperties { return { displayName: 'Condition Type', name: 'condition_type', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Equals', value: 'eq', }, { name: 'Greater than', value: 'gt', }, { name: 'Greater than or equal', value: 'gteq', }, { name: 'In', value: 'in', description: 'The value can contain a comma-separated list of values', }, { name: 'Less Than', value: 'lt', }, { name: 'Less Than or Equal', value: 'lte', }, { name: 'Like', value: 'like', description: 'The value can contain the SQL wildcard characters when like is specified', }, { name: 'More or Equal', value: 'moreq', }, { name: 'Not Equal', value: 'neq', }, { name: 'Not In', value: 'nin', description: 'The value can contain a comma-separated list of values', }, { name: 'Not Null', value: 'notnull', }, { name: 'Null', value: 'null', }, ], default: 'eq', }; } function getConditions(attributeFunction: string): INodeProperties[] { return [ { displayName: 'Field', name: 'field', type: 'options', typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: attributeFunction, }, default: '', }, getConditionTypeFields(), { displayName: 'Value', name: 'value', type: 'string', displayOptions: { hide: { condition_type: ['null', 'notnull'], }, }, default: '', }, ]; } export function getSearchFilters( resource: string, filterableAttributeFunction: string, sortableAttributeFunction: string, ): INodeProperties[] { return [ { displayName: 'Filter', name: 'filterType', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'None', value: 'none', }, { name: 'Build Manually', value: 'manual', }, { name: 'JSON', value: 'json', }, ], displayOptions: { show: { resource: [resource], operation: ['getAll'], }, }, default: 'none', }, { displayName: 'Must Match', name: 'matchType', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Any filter', value: 'anyFilter', }, { name: 'All Filters', value: 'allFilters', }, ], displayOptions: { show: { resource: [resource], operation: ['getAll'], filterType: ['manual'], }, }, default: 'anyFilter', }, { displayName: 'Filters', name: 'filters', type: 'fixedCollection', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, }, displayOptions: { show: { resource: [resource], operation: ['getAll'], filterType: ['manual'], }, }, default: {}, placeholder: 'Add Condition', options: [ { displayName: 'Conditions', name: 'conditions', values: [...getConditions(filterableAttributeFunction)], }, ], }, { displayName: 'See <a href="" target="_blank">Magento guide</a> to creating filters', name: 'jsonNotice', type: 'notice', displayOptions: { show: { resource: [resource], operation: ['getAll'], filterType: ['json'], }, }, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Filters (JSON)', name: 'filterJson', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { resource: [resource], operation: ['getAll'], filterType: ['json'], }, }, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Options', name: 'options', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add option', default: {}, displayOptions: { show: { resource: [resource], operation: ['getAll'], }, }, options: [ // { // displayName: 'Properties', // name: 'properties', // type: 'multiOptions', // typeOptions: { // loadOptionsMethod: attributeFunction, // }, // default: ['*'], // description: 'Properties the response will return. By default all properties are returned', // }, { displayName: 'Sort', name: 'sort', type: 'fixedCollection', placeholder: 'Add Sort', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, }, default: [], options: [ { displayName: 'Sort', name: 'sort', values: [ { displayName: 'Direction', name: 'direction', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Ascending', value: 'ASC', }, { name: 'Descending', value: 'DESC', }, ], default: 'ASC', description: 'The sorting direction', }, { displayName: 'Field', name: 'field', type: 'options', typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: sortableAttributeFunction, }, default: '', description: 'The sorting field', }, ], }, ], }, ], }, ]; } export function getFilterQuery(data: { conditions?: Filter[]; matchType: string; sort: [{ direction: string; field: string }]; }): Search { if (!data.hasOwnProperty('conditions') || data.conditions?.length === 0) { throw new ApplicationError('At least one filter has to be set', { level: 'warning' }); } if (data.matchType === 'anyFilter') { return { search_criteria: { filter_groups: [ { filters: data?.conditions, }, ], sort_orders: data.sort, }, }; } else if (data.conditions?.length !== 0) { return { search_criteria: { filter_groups: data?.conditions?.map((filter: Filter) => { return { filters: [filter], }; }) as FilterGroup[], sort_orders: data.sort, }, }; } return { search_criteria: {}, }; } export function validateJSON(json: string | undefined): any { let result; try { result = JSON.parse(json!); } catch (exception) { result = undefined; } return result; } export function getCustomerOptionalFields(): INodeProperties[] { return [ getAddressesUi(), { displayName: 'Amazon ID', name: 'amazon_id', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Confirmation', name: 'confirmation', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Custom Attributes', name: 'customAttributes', type: 'fixedCollection', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, }, default: {}, placeholder: 'Add Custom Attribute', options: [ { displayName: 'Custom Attribute', name: 'customAttribute', values: [ { displayName: 'Attribute Code Name or ID', name: 'attribute_code', type: 'options', description: 'Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an <a href="">expression</a>', typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getCustomAttributes', }, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Value', name: 'value', type: 'string', default: '', }, ], }, ], }, { displayName: 'Date of Birth', name: 'dob', type: 'dateTime', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Default Billing Address ID', name: 'default_billing', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Default Shipping Address ID', name: 'default_shipping', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Gender', name: 'gender', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Male', value: 1, }, { name: 'Female', value: 2, }, { name: 'Not Specified', value: 3, }, ], default: '', }, { displayName: 'Group Name or ID', name: 'group_id', type: 'options', description: 'Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an <a href="">expression</a>', typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getGroups', }, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Is Subscribed', name: 'is_subscribed', type: 'boolean', default: false, }, { displayName: 'Middle Name', name: 'middlename', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Password', name: 'password', type: 'string', typeOptions: { password: true }, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Prefix', name: 'prefix', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Store Name or ID', name: 'store_id', type: 'options', description: 'Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an <a href="">expression</a>', typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getStores', }, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Suffix', name: 'suffix', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Vertex Customer Code', name: 'vertex_customer_code', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Vertex Customer Country', name: 'vertex_customer_country', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Website Name or ID', name: 'website_id', type: 'options', description: 'Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an <a href="">expression</a>', displayOptions: { show: { '/operation': ['create'], }, }, typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getWebsites', }, default: '', }, ]; } export function getProductOptionalFields(): INodeProperties[] { return [ { displayName: 'Attribute Set Name or ID', name: 'attribute_set_id', type: 'options', description: 'Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an <a href="">expression</a>', displayOptions: { show: { '/operation': ['update'], }, }, typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getAttributeSets', }, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Name', name: 'name', type: 'string', displayOptions: { show: { '/operation': ['update'], }, }, default: '', }, // { // displayName: 'Custom Attributes', // name: 'customAttributes', // type: 'fixedCollection', // typeOptions: { // multipleValues: true, // }, // default: '', // placeholder: 'Add Custom Attribute', // options: [ // { // displayName: 'Custom Attribute', // name: 'customAttribute', // values: [ // { // displayName: 'Attribute Code', // name: 'attribute_code', // type: 'options', // typeOptions: { // loadOptionsMethod: 'getProductAttributes', // }, // default: '', // }, // { // displayName: 'Value', // name: 'value', // type: 'string', // default: '', // }, // ], // }, // ], // }, // { // displayName: 'Parent Category ID', // name: 'category', // type: 'options', // typeOptions: { // loadOptionsMethod: 'getCategories', // }, // default: '', // }, { displayName: 'Price', name: 'price', type: 'number', displayOptions: { show: { '/operation': ['update'], }, }, default: 0, }, { displayName: 'Status', name: 'status', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Enabled', value: 1, }, { name: 'Disabled', value: 2, }, ], default: 1, }, { displayName: 'Type Name or ID', name: 'type_id', type: 'options', description: 'Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an <a href="">expression</a>', typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getProductTypes', }, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Visibility', name: 'visibility', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Not Visible', value: 1, }, { name: 'Catalog', value: 2, }, { name: 'Search', value: 3, }, { name: 'Catalog & Search', value: 4, }, ], default: 4, }, { displayName: 'Weight (LBS)', name: 'weight', type: 'number', default: 0, }, ]; } export function getOrderFields() { return [ 'adjustment_negative', 'adjustment_positive', 'applied_rule_ids', 'base_adjustment_negative', 'base_adjustment_positive', 'base_currency_code', 'base_discount_amount', 'base_discount_canceled', 'base_discount_invoiced', 'base_discount_refunded', 'base_grand_total', 'base_discount_tax_compensation_amount', 'base_discount_tax_compensation_invoiced', 'base_discount_tax_compensation_refunded', 'base_shipping_amount', 'base_shipping_canceled', 'base_shipping_discount_amount', 'base_shipping_discount_tax_compensation_amnt', 'base_shipping_incl_tax', 'base_shipping_invoiced', 'base_shipping_refunded', 'base_shipping_tax_amount', 'base_shipping_tax_refunded', 'base_subtotal', 'base_subtotal_canceled', 'base_subtotal_incl_tax', 'base_subtotal_invoiced', 'base_subtotal_refunded', 'base_tax_amount', 'base_tax_canceled', 'base_tax_invoiced', 'base_tax_refunded', 'base_total_canceled', 'base_total_due', 'base_total_invoiced', 'base_total_invoiced_cost', 'base_total_offline_refunded', 'base_total_online_refunded', 'base_total_paid', 'base_total_qty_ordered', 'base_total_refunded', 'base_to_global_rate', 'base_to_order_rate', 'billing_address_id', 'can_ship_partially', 'can_ship_partially_item', 'coupon_code', 'created_at', 'customer_dob', 'customer_email', 'customer_firstname', 'customer_gender', 'customer_group_id', 'customer_id', 'customer_is_guest', 'customer_lastname', 'customer_middlename', 'customer_note', 'customer_note_notify', 'customer_prefix', 'customer_suffix', 'customer_taxvat', 'discount_amount', 'discount_canceled', 'discount_description', 'discount_invoiced', 'discount_refunded', 'edit_increment', 'email_sent', 'entity_id', 'ext_customer_id', 'ext_order_id', 'forced_shipment_with_invoice', 'global_currency_code', 'grand_total', 'discount_tax_compensation_amount', 'discount_tax_compensation_invoiced', 'discount_tax_compensation_refunded', 'hold_before_state', 'hold_before_status', 'increment_id', 'is_virtual', 'order_currency_code', 'original_increment_id', 'payment_authorization_amount', 'payment_auth_expiration', 'protect_code', 'quote_address_id', 'quote_id', 'relation_child_id', 'relation_child_real_id', 'relation_parent_id', 'relation_parent_real_id', 'remote_ip', 'shipping_amount', 'shipping_canceled', 'shipping_description', 'shipping_discount_amount', 'shipping_discount_tax_compensation_amount', 'shipping_incl_tax', 'shipping_invoiced', 'shipping_refunded', 'shipping_tax_amount', 'shipping_tax_refunded', 'state', 'status', 'store_currency_code', 'store_id', 'store_name', 'store_to_base_rate', 'store_to_order_rate', 'subtotal', 'subtotal_canceled', 'subtotal_incl_tax', 'subtotal_invoiced', 'subtotal_refunded', 'tax_amount', 'tax_canceled', 'tax_invoiced', 'tax_refunded', 'total_canceled', 'total_due', 'total_invoiced', 'total_item_count', 'total_offline_refunded', 'total_online_refunded', 'total_paid', 'total_qty_ordered', 'total_refunded', 'updated_at', 'weight', ]; } export const sort = (a: { name: string }, b: { name: string }) => { if ( < { return -1; } if ( > { return 1; } return 0; }; export async function getProductAttributes( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions, filter?: (attribute: ProductAttribute) => any, extraValue?: { name: string; value: string }, ): Promise<INodePropertyOptions[]> { // let attributes: ProductAttribute[] = await this, 'items', 'GET', '/rest/default/V1/products/attributes', {}, { search_criteria: 0, }, ); attributes = attributes.filter( (attribute) => attribute.default_frontend_label !== undefined && attribute.default_frontend_label !== '', ); if (filter) { attributes = attributes.filter(filter); } const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; for (const attribute of attributes) { returnData.push({ name: attribute.default_frontend_label, value: attribute.attribute_code, }); } if (extraValue) { returnData.unshift(extraValue); } return returnData.sort(sort); }