import { IExecuteFunctions, IHookFunctions, ILoadOptionsFunctions, } from 'n8n-core'; import { OptionsWithUri, } from 'request'; import { IDataObject, INodePropertyOptions, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { get, } from 'lodash'; /** * Make an API request to Asana * * @param {IHookFunctions} this * @param {string} method * @param {string} url * @param {object} body * @returns {Promise} */ export async function asanaApiRequest(this: IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, method: string, endpoint: string, body: object, query?: object, uri?: string | undefined): Promise { // tslint:disable-line:no-any const authenticationMethod = this.getNodeParameter('authentication', 0); const options: OptionsWithUri = { headers: {}, method, body: { data: body }, qs: query, uri: uri || `${endpoint}`, json: true, }; try { if (authenticationMethod === 'accessToken') { const credentials = this.getCredentials('asanaApi'); if (credentials === undefined) { throw new Error('No credentials got returned!'); } options.headers!['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${credentials.accessToken}`; return await this.helpers.request!(options); } else { //@ts-ignore return await, 'asanaOAuth2Api', options); } } catch (error) { if (error.statusCode === 401) { // Return a clear error throw new Error('The Asana credentials are not valid!'); } if (error.statusCode === 403) { throw error; } if (error.response && error.response.body && error.response.body.errors) { // Try to return the error prettier const errorMessages = { message: string }) => { return errorData.message; }); throw new Error(`Asana error response [${error.statusCode}]: ${errorMessages.join(' | ')}`); } // If that data does not exist for some reason return the actual error throw error; } } export async function asanaApiRequestAllItems(this: IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, method: string, endpoint: string, body: any = {}, query: IDataObject = {}): Promise { // tslint:disable-line:no-any const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; let responseData; let uri: string | undefined; query.limit = 100; do { responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, query, uri); uri = get(responseData, 'next_page.uri'); returnData.push.apply(returnData, responseData['data']); } while ( responseData['next_page'] !== null ); return returnData; } export async function getWorkspaces(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise { const endpoint = '/workspaces'; const responseData = await, 'GET', endpoint, {}); const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; for (const workspaceData of responseData) { if (workspaceData.resource_type !== 'workspace') { // Not sure if for some reason also ever other resources // get returned but just in case filter them out continue; } returnData.push({ name:, value: workspaceData.gid, }); } returnData.sort((a, b) => { if ( < { return -1; } if ( > { return 1; } return 0; }); return returnData; } export function getTaskFields() { return [ '*', 'GID', 'Resource Type', 'name', 'Approval Status', 'Assignee Status', 'Completed', 'Completed At', 'Completed By', 'Created At', 'Dependencies', 'Dependents', 'Due At', 'Due On', 'External', 'HTML Notes', 'Liked', 'Likes', 'Memberships', 'Modified At', 'Notes', 'Num Likes', 'Resource Subtype', 'Start On', 'Assignee', 'Custom Fields', 'Followers', 'Parent', 'Permalink URL', 'Projects', 'Tags', 'Workspace', ]; }