import get from 'lodash.get'; import type { CredentialInformation, IAdditionalCredentialOptions, IAllExecuteFunctions, IContextObject, ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, ICredentialsEncrypted, IDataObject, IExecuteData, IExecuteFunctions, IExecuteResponsePromiseData, IExecuteSingleFunctions, IExecuteWorkflowInfo, IHttpRequestHelper, IHttpRequestOptions, IN8nHttpFullResponse, IN8nHttpResponse, INode, INodeCredentialsDetails, INodeExecutionData, INodeParameters, INodeType, INodeTypeData, INodeTypes, IVersionedNodeType, IRunExecutionData, ITaskDataConnections, IWorkflowBase, IWorkflowDataProxyAdditionalKeys, IWorkflowDataProxyData, IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, NodeParameterValue, WorkflowExecuteMode, } from '@/Interfaces'; import { ICredentials, ICredentialsHelper } from '@/Interfaces'; import type { Workflow } from '@/Workflow'; import { WorkflowDataProxy } from '@/WorkflowDataProxy'; import { WorkflowHooks } from '@/WorkflowHooks'; import * as NodeHelpers from '@/NodeHelpers'; export interface INodeTypesObject { [key: string]: INodeType; } export class Credentials extends ICredentials { hasNodeAccess(nodeType: string): boolean { return true; } setData(data: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, encryptionKey: string): void { = JSON.stringify(data); } setDataKey(key: string, data: CredentialInformation, encryptionKey: string): void { let fullData; try { fullData = this.getData(encryptionKey); } catch (e) { fullData = {}; } fullData[key] = data; return this.setData(fullData, encryptionKey); } getData(encryptionKey: string, nodeType?: string): ICredentialDataDecryptedObject { if ( === undefined) { throw new Error('No data is set so nothing can be returned.'); } return JSON.parse(; } getDataKey(key: string, encryptionKey: string, nodeType?: string): CredentialInformation { const fullData = this.getData(encryptionKey, nodeType); if (fullData === null) { throw new Error('No data was set.'); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins if (!fullData.hasOwnProperty(key)) { throw new Error(`No data for key "${key}" exists.`); } return fullData[key]; } getDataToSave(): ICredentialsEncrypted { if ( === undefined) { throw new Error('No credentials were set to save.'); } return { id:, name:, type: this.type, data:, nodesAccess: this.nodesAccess, }; } } export class CredentialsHelper extends ICredentialsHelper { async authenticate( credentials: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, typeName: string, requestParams: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> { return requestParams; } async preAuthentication( helpers: IHttpRequestHelper, credentials: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, typeName: string, node: INode, credentialsExpired: boolean, ): Promise<{ updatedCredentials: boolean; data: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject }> { return { updatedCredentials: false, data: {} }; } getParentTypes(name: string): string[] { return []; } async getDecrypted( nodeCredentials: INodeCredentialsDetails, type: string, ): Promise<ICredentialDataDecryptedObject> { return {}; } async getCredentials( nodeCredentials: INodeCredentialsDetails, type: string, ): Promise<ICredentials> { return new Credentials({ id: null, name: '' }, '', [], ''); } async updateCredentials( nodeCredentials: INodeCredentialsDetails, type: string, data: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, ): Promise<void> {} } export function getNodeParameter( workflow: Workflow, runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData | null, runIndex: number, connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[], node: INode, parameterName: string, itemIndex: number, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, timezone: string, additionalKeys: IWorkflowDataProxyAdditionalKeys, executeData: IExecuteData, fallbackValue?: any, ): NodeParameterValue | INodeParameters | NodeParameterValue[] | INodeParameters[] | object { const nodeType = workflow.nodeTypes.getByNameAndVersion(node.type, node.typeVersion); if (nodeType === undefined) { throw new Error(`Node type "${node.type}" is not known so can not return parameter value!`); } const value = get(node.parameters, parameterName, fallbackValue); if (value === undefined) { throw new Error(`Could not get parameter "${parameterName}"!`); } let returnData; try { returnData = workflow.expression.getParameterValue( value, runExecutionData, runIndex, itemIndex,, connectionInputData, mode, timezone, additionalKeys, ); } catch (e) { e.message += ` [Error in parameter: "${parameterName}"]`; throw e; } return returnData; } export function getExecuteFunctions( workflow: Workflow, runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData, runIndex: number, connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[], inputData: ITaskDataConnections, node: INode, itemIndex: number, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, executeData: IExecuteData, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, ): IExecuteFunctions { return ((workflow, runExecutionData, connectionInputData, inputData, node) => { return { continueOnFail: () => { return false; }, evaluateExpression: (expression: string, itemIndex: number) => { return expression; }, async executeWorkflow( workflowInfo: IExecuteWorkflowInfo, inputData?: INodeExecutionData[], ): Promise<any> { return additionalData.executeWorkflow(workflowInfo, additionalData, { inputData }); }, getContext(type: string): IContextObject { return NodeHelpers.getContext(runExecutionData, type, node); }, async getCredentials( type: string, itemIndex?: number, ): Promise<ICredentialDataDecryptedObject> { return { apiKey: '12345', }; }, getExecutionId: (): string => { return additionalData.executionId!; }, getInputData: (inputIndex = 0, inputName = 'main') => { if (!inputData.hasOwnProperty(inputName)) { // Return empty array because else it would throw error when nothing is connected to input return []; } if (inputData[inputName].length < inputIndex) { throw new Error(`Could not get input index "${inputIndex}" of input "${inputName}"!`); } if (inputData[inputName][inputIndex] === null) { // return []; throw new Error(`Value "${inputIndex}" of input "${inputName}" did not get set!`); } return inputData[inputName][inputIndex] as INodeExecutionData[]; }, getNodeParameter: ( parameterName: string, itemIndex: number, fallbackValue?: any, ): | NodeParameterValue | INodeParameters | NodeParameterValue[] | INodeParameters[] | object => { return getNodeParameter( workflow, runExecutionData, runIndex, connectionInputData, node, parameterName, itemIndex, mode, additionalData.timezone, {}, fallbackValue, ); }, getMode: (): WorkflowExecuteMode => { return mode; }, getNode: () => { return deepCopy(node); }, getRestApiUrl: (): string => { return additionalData.restApiUrl; }, getTimezone: (): string => { return additionalData.timezone; }, getExecuteData: (): IExecuteData => { return executeData; }, getWorkflow: () => { return { id:, name:, active:, }; }, getWorkflowDataProxy: (itemIndex: number): IWorkflowDataProxyData => { const dataProxy = new WorkflowDataProxy( workflow, runExecutionData, runIndex, itemIndex,, connectionInputData, {}, mode, additionalData.timezone, {}, executeData, ); return dataProxy.getDataProxy(); }, getWorkflowStaticData(type: string): IDataObject { return workflow.getStaticData(type, node); }, prepareOutputData: NodeHelpers.prepareOutputData, async putExecutionToWait(waitTill: Date): Promise<void> { runExecutionData.waitTill = waitTill; }, sendMessageToUI(...args: any[]): void { if (mode !== 'manual') { return; } try { if (additionalData.sendMessageToUI) { additionalData.sendMessageToUI(, args); } } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions console.error(`There was a problem sending message to UI: ${error.message}`); } }, async sendResponse(response: IExecuteResponsePromiseData): Promise<void> { await additionalData.hooks?.executeHookFunctions('sendResponse', [response]); }, helpers: { async httpRequest( requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise<IN8nHttpFullResponse | IN8nHttpResponse> { return { body: { headers: {}, statusCode: 200, requestOptions, }, }; }, async requestWithAuthentication( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, additionalCredentialOptions?: IAdditionalCredentialOptions, ): Promise<any> { return { body: { headers: {}, statusCode: 200, credentialsType, requestOptions, additionalCredentialOptions, }, }; }, async httpRequestWithAuthentication( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, additionalCredentialOptions?: IAdditionalCredentialOptions, ): Promise<any> { return { body: { headers: {}, statusCode: 200, credentialsType, requestOptions, additionalCredentialOptions, }, }; }, }, }; })(workflow, runExecutionData, connectionInputData, inputData, node); } export function getExecuteSingleFunctions( workflow: Workflow, runExecutionData: IRunExecutionData, runIndex: number, connectionInputData: INodeExecutionData[], inputData: ITaskDataConnections, node: INode, itemIndex: number, additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, executeData: IExecuteData, mode: WorkflowExecuteMode, ): IExecuteSingleFunctions { return ((workflow, runExecutionData, connectionInputData, inputData, node, itemIndex) => { return { continueOnFail: () => { return false; }, evaluateExpression: (expression: string, evaluateItemIndex: number | undefined) => { return expression; }, getContext(type: string): IContextObject { return NodeHelpers.getContext(runExecutionData, type, node); }, async getCredentials(type: string): Promise<ICredentialDataDecryptedObject> { return { apiKey: '12345', }; }, getInputData: (inputIndex = 0, inputName = 'main') => { if (!inputData.hasOwnProperty(inputName)) { // Return empty array because else it would throw error when nothing is connected to input return { json: {} }; } if (inputData[inputName].length < inputIndex) { throw new Error(`Could not get input index "${inputIndex}" of input "${inputName}"!`); } const allItems = inputData[inputName][inputIndex]; if (allItems === null) { // return []; throw new Error(`Value "${inputIndex}" of input "${inputName}" did not get set!`); } if (allItems[itemIndex] === null) { // return []; throw new Error( `Value "${inputIndex}" of input "${inputName}" with itemIndex "${itemIndex}" did not get set!`, ); } return allItems[itemIndex]; }, getItemIndex: () => { return itemIndex; }, getMode: (): WorkflowExecuteMode => { return mode; }, getNode: () => { return deepCopy(node); }, getRestApiUrl: (): string => { return additionalData.restApiUrl; }, getTimezone: (): string => { return additionalData.timezone; }, getExecuteData: (): IExecuteData => { return executeData; }, getNodeParameter: ( parameterName: string, fallbackValue?: any, ): | NodeParameterValue | INodeParameters | NodeParameterValue[] | INodeParameters[] | object => { return getNodeParameter( workflow, runExecutionData, runIndex, connectionInputData, node, parameterName, itemIndex, mode, additionalData.timezone, {}, fallbackValue, ); }, getWorkflow: () => { return { id:, name:, active:, }; }, getWorkflowDataProxy: (): IWorkflowDataProxyData => { const dataProxy = new WorkflowDataProxy( workflow, runExecutionData, runIndex, itemIndex,, connectionInputData, {}, mode, additionalData.timezone, {}, executeData, ); return dataProxy.getDataProxy(); }, getWorkflowStaticData(type: string): IDataObject { return workflow.getStaticData(type, node); }, helpers: { async httpRequest( requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise<IN8nHttpFullResponse | IN8nHttpResponse> { return { body: { headers: {}, statusCode: 200, requestOptions, }, }; }, async requestWithAuthentication( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, additionalCredentialOptions?: IAdditionalCredentialOptions, ): Promise<any> { return { body: { headers: {}, statusCode: 200, credentialsType, requestOptions, additionalCredentialOptions, }, }; }, async httpRequestWithAuthentication( this: IAllExecuteFunctions, credentialsType: string, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, additionalCredentialOptions?: IAdditionalCredentialOptions, ): Promise<any> { return { body: { headers: {}, statusCode: 200, credentialsType, requestOptions, additionalCredentialOptions, }, }; }, }, }; })(workflow, runExecutionData, connectionInputData, inputData, node, itemIndex); } class NodeTypesClass implements INodeTypes { nodeTypes: INodeTypeData = { 'test.set': { sourcePath: '', type: { description: { displayName: 'Set', name: 'set', group: ['input'], version: 1, description: 'Sets a value', defaults: { name: 'Set', color: '#0000FF', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], properties: [ { displayName: 'Value1', name: 'value1', type: 'string', default: 'default-value1', }, { displayName: 'Value2', name: 'value2', type: 'string', default: 'default-value2', }, ], }, }, }, 'test.setMulti': { sourcePath: '', type: { description: { displayName: 'Set Multi', name: 'setMulti', group: ['input'], version: 1, description: 'Sets multiple values', defaults: { name: 'Set Multi', color: '#0000FF', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], properties: [ { displayName: 'Values', name: 'values', type: 'fixedCollection', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, }, default: {}, options: [ { name: 'string', displayName: 'String', values: [ { displayName: 'Name', name: 'name', type: 'string', default: 'propertyName', placeholder: 'Name of the property to write data to.', }, { displayName: 'Value', name: 'value', type: 'string', default: '', placeholder: 'The string value to write in the property.', }, ], }, ], }, ], }, }, }, 'test.switch': { sourcePath: '', type: { description: { displayName: 'Set', name: 'set', group: ['input'], version: 1, description: 'Switches', defaults: { name: 'Switch', color: '#0000FF', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main', 'main', 'main', 'main'], outputNames: ['0', '1', '2', '3'], properties: [ { displayName: 'Value1', name: 'value1', type: 'string', default: 'default-value1', }, { displayName: 'Value2', name: 'value2', type: 'string', default: 'default-value2', }, ], }, }, }, }; getByName(nodeType: string): INodeType | IVersionedNodeType { return this.nodeTypes[nodeType].type; } getByNameAndVersion(nodeType: string, version?: number): INodeType { return NodeHelpers.getVersionedNodeType(this.nodeTypes[nodeType].type, version); } } let nodeTypesInstance: NodeTypesClass | undefined; export function NodeTypes(): NodeTypesClass { if (nodeTypesInstance === undefined) { nodeTypesInstance = new NodeTypesClass(); } return nodeTypesInstance; } export function WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData(): IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData { const workflowData: IWorkflowBase = { name: '', createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), active: true, nodes: [], connections: {}, }; return { credentialsHelper: new CredentialsHelper(''), hooks: new WorkflowHooks({}, 'trigger', '1', workflowData), executeWorkflow: async (workflowInfo: IExecuteWorkflowInfo): Promise<any> => {}, sendMessageToUI: (message: string) => {}, restApiUrl: '', encryptionKey: 'test', timezone: 'America/New_York', webhookBaseUrl: 'webhook', webhookWaitingBaseUrl: 'webhook-waiting', webhookTestBaseUrl: 'webhook-test', userId: '123', }; }