import Container from 'typedi'; import { generateSshKeyPair, getRepoType, getTrackingInformationFromPostPushResult, getTrackingInformationFromPrePushResult, getTrackingInformationFromPullResult, sourceControlFoldersExistCheck, } from '@/environments/sourceControl/'; import { License } from '@/License'; import { SourceControlPreferencesService } from '@/environments/sourceControl/'; import { InstanceSettings } from 'n8n-core'; import path from 'path'; import { SOURCE_CONTROL_SSH_FOLDER, SOURCE_CONTROL_GIT_FOLDER, } from '@/environments/sourceControl/constants'; import { constants as fsConstants, accessSync } from 'fs'; import type { SourceControlledFile } from '@/environments/sourceControl/types/sourceControlledFile'; import type { SourceControlPreferences } from '@/environments/sourceControl/types/sourceControlPreferences'; import { mockInstance } from '../shared/mocking'; const pushResult: SourceControlledFile[] = [ { file: 'credential_stubs/kkookWGIeey9K4Kt.json', id: 'kkookWGIeey9K4Kt', name: '(deleted)', type: 'credential', status: 'deleted', location: 'local', conflict: false, updatedAt: '', pushed: true, }, { file: 'variable_stubs.json', id: 'variables', name: 'variables', type: 'variables', status: 'modified', location: 'local', conflict: false, updatedAt: '', pushed: true, }, { file: 'workflows/BpFS26gViuGqrIVP.json', id: 'BpFS26gViuGqrIVP', name: 'My workflow 5', type: 'workflow', status: 'modified', location: 'remote', conflict: true, pushed: true, updatedAt: '2023-07-10T10:10:59.000Z', }, { file: 'workflows/BpFS26gViuGqrIVP.json', id: 'BpFS26gViuGqrIVP', name: 'My workflow 5', type: 'workflow', status: 'modified', location: 'local', conflict: true, updatedAt: '2023-07-10T10:10:59.000Z', }, { file: 'workflows/dAU6dNthm4TR3gXx.json', id: 'dAU6dNthm4TR3gXx', name: 'My workflow 7', type: 'workflow', status: 'created', location: 'local', conflict: false, pushed: true, updatedAt: '2023-07-10T10:02:45.186Z', }, { file: 'workflows/haQetoXq9GxHSkft.json', id: 'haQetoXq9GxHSkft', name: 'My workflow 6', type: 'workflow', status: 'created', location: 'local', conflict: false, updatedAt: '2023-07-10T10:02:39.276Z', }, ]; const pullResult: SourceControlledFile[] = [ { file: 'credential_stubs/kkookWGIeey9K4Kt.json', id: 'kkookWGIeey9K4Kt', name: '(deleted)', type: 'credential', status: 'deleted', location: 'local', conflict: false, updatedAt: '', }, { file: 'credential_stubs/abcdeWGIeey9K4aa.json', id: 'abcdeWGIeey9K4aa', name: 'modfied credential', type: 'credential', status: 'modified', location: 'local', conflict: false, updatedAt: '', }, { file: 'workflows/BpFS26gViuGqrIVP.json', id: 'BpFS26gViuGqrIVP', name: '(deleted)', type: 'workflow', status: 'deleted', location: 'local', conflict: false, updatedAt: '', }, { file: 'variable_stubs.json', id: 'variables', name: 'variables', type: 'variables', status: 'modified', location: 'local', conflict: false, updatedAt: '', }, { file: 'workflows/dAU6dNthm4TR3gXx.json', id: 'dAU6dNthm4TR3gXx', name: 'My workflow 7', type: 'workflow', status: 'created', location: 'local', conflict: false, updatedAt: '2023-07-10T10:02:45.186Z', }, { file: 'workflows/haQetoXq9GxHSkft.json', id: 'haQetoXq9GxHSkft', name: 'My workflow 6', type: 'workflow', status: 'modified', location: 'local', conflict: false, updatedAt: '2023-07-10T10:02:39.276Z', }, ]; const license = mockInstance(License); beforeAll(async () => { jest.resetAllMocks(); license.isSourceControlLicensed.mockReturnValue(true); Container.get(SourceControlPreferencesService).getPreferences = () => ({ branchName: 'main', connected: true, repositoryUrl: '', branchReadOnly: false, branchColor: '#5296D6', publicKey: 'ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIDBSz2nMZAiUBWe6n89aWd5x9QMcIOaznVW3fpuCYC4L n8n deploy key', }); }); describe('Source Control', () => { it('should generate an SSH key pair', async () => { const keyPair = await generateSshKeyPair('ed25519'); expect(keyPair.privateKey).toBeTruthy(); expect(keyPair.privateKey).toContain('BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY'); expect(keyPair.publicKey).toBeTruthy(); expect(keyPair.publicKey).toContain('ssh-ed25519'); }); it('should generate an RSA key pair', async () => { const keyPair = await generateSshKeyPair('rsa'); expect(keyPair.privateKey).toBeTruthy(); expect(keyPair.privateKey).toContain('BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY'); expect(keyPair.publicKey).toBeTruthy(); expect(keyPair.publicKey).toContain('ssh-rsa'); }); it('should check for git and ssh folders and create them if required', async () => { const { n8nFolder } = Container.get(InstanceSettings); const sshFolder = path.join(n8nFolder, SOURCE_CONTROL_SSH_FOLDER); const gitFolder = path.join(n8nFolder, SOURCE_CONTROL_GIT_FOLDER); let hasThrown = false; try { accessSync(sshFolder, fsConstants.F_OK); } catch (error) { hasThrown = true; } expect(hasThrown).toBeTruthy(); hasThrown = false; try { accessSync(gitFolder, fsConstants.F_OK); } catch (error) { hasThrown = true; } expect(hasThrown).toBeTruthy(); // create missing folders expect(sourceControlFoldersExistCheck([gitFolder, sshFolder], true)).toBe(false); // find folders this time expect(sourceControlFoldersExistCheck([gitFolder, sshFolder], true)).toBe(true); expect(accessSync(sshFolder, fsConstants.F_OK)).toBeUndefined(); expect(accessSync(gitFolder, fsConstants.F_OK)).toBeUndefined(); }); it('should get repo type from url', async () => { expect(getRepoType('')).toBe('github'); expect(getRepoType('')).toBe('gitlab'); expect(getRepoType('')).toBe('other'); }); it('should get tracking information from pre-push results', () => { const trackingResult = getTrackingInformationFromPrePushResult(pushResult); expect(trackingResult).toEqual({ workflows_eligible: 3, workflows_eligible_with_conflicts: 1, creds_eligible: 1, creds_eligible_with_conflicts: 0, variables_eligible: 1, }); }); it('should get tracking information from post-push results', () => { const trackingResult = getTrackingInformationFromPostPushResult(pushResult); expect(trackingResult).toEqual({ workflows_pushed: 2, workflows_eligible: 3, creds_pushed: 1, variables_pushed: 1, }); }); it('should get tracking information from pull results', () => { const trackingResult = getTrackingInformationFromPullResult(pullResult); expect(trackingResult).toEqual({ cred_conflicts: 1, workflow_conflicts: 1, workflow_updates: 3, }); }); it('should class validate correct preferences', async () => { const validPreferences: Partial<SourceControlPreferences> = { branchName: 'main', repositoryUrl: '', branchReadOnly: false, branchColor: '#5296D6', }; const validationResult = await Container.get( SourceControlPreferencesService, ).validateSourceControlPreferences(validPreferences); expect(validationResult).toBeTruthy(); }); });